2 minute read
On August 19 we said farewell to Police Number 1403, Senior Sergeant Darrell Scott Kerr. His 36-year police career included front line General Duties service almost entirely served in Alice Springs. It will be very difficult to find somebody with equal knowledge and experience to carry on the work Darrell has done around here. He has been consistent and reliable throughout his tenure. I only hope he can be replaced with someone with half as much to offer. On behalf of the NTPA congratulations on a wonderful career and best wishes for a long, happy and healthy retirement.

Kerry Hoskins joined the NT Police in January of 1997 and rose to the rank of Superintendent during her career. Having served in various sections and locations, including as Superintendent Tennant Creek, Kerry said farewell recently before some close friends and colleagues, where it was a pleasure to present her with the NTPA wall hanging, in recognition of a long and distinguished career. Congratulations Kerry on your career and all the best for the future!

Stephen joined the Northern Territory Police Force on 13 July 1987 and retired this year on 2 July, having served 34 years. As a long serving member with experience across the Territory, Stephen has undoubtably left a positive mark on the careers of many sworn officers throughout his career, having mentored and educated so many along the way. He was enormously proud of the work he achieved during this journey including assisting our New Zealand colleagues following the devastating Christchurch earthquake in 2011. At a recent farewell dinner with close family, friends, and colleagues, it was a terrific honour presenting Stephen with the NTPA wall hanging that shows just a snapshot of his accomplishments during his time in the NT Police, including his valued time as an Executive Member of the NT Police Association. Congratulations and I wish you all the very best in retirement.

David Proctor joined the Northern Territory Police Force in January 1987 going on to serve the Territory community for over 34 years. He served across the Territory including Katherine, Tennant Creek, Alice Springs, and Darwin in both uniform and Detective positions. In recognition of his fine service to policing, he was awarded the Australian Police Medal (APM) in 2020. David also volunteered his time for several years as representative for the Commissioned Officers Region for the Police Association, further demonstrating his commitment to his colleagues. Recently, it was my pleasure to present him with his NTPA wall hanging in front of many friends, family, and colleagues as he entered retirement. Congratulations David, and all the best for retirement.