6 minute read
President’s Forward
Mr. Paul Archer
Season 2008 marks a grand occasion for Rugby League – the ‘Centenary Year’, a year full of celebrations of this great game. Although this Association’s own centenary is still over a decade away we will celebrate this year’s milestone with an Association function scheduled for Friday 7 March 2008. The ‘Canterbury Referees’ Cocktail Party shall be held at the League Club and all members, their partners and invited guests should join us for the celebrations.
But before we get carried away with 2008 let us recall the achievements of season 2007. Prior to a whistle being blown we lost 3 of our most senior district referees. Jimmy Oliveira was graded at the conclusion of the 2006 season with Adam Gee being elevated to the graded ranks in early 2007 and Hilton Wood decided to take a break from the whistle. Most Associations would have been devastated by the loss of such senior and experienced referees. However, in true Canterbury fashion the active members accepted the challenge and we were able to provide quality officials during the season. Congratulations to Brad Zarb who received the ‘ClubbJohnson’ trophy after controlling the ‘A’ grade grand final. Also, Mark Zada was selected by the Director of Referees and his assistants to receive the ‘Farrelly-Dick’ trophy as the most improved district referee. Of behalf of the Association I offer these members our congratulations on achieving these milestones. My friend and dedicated Life Member, Peter Longhurst was recognised by the Committee for his continuing outstanding contribution to the Association by being the recipient of the ‘Leo Randle’ Award for 2008. I should also take this opportunity of congratulating Adam Gee on his promotion to grade and we look forward to more achievements in Adam’s refereeing career.
Season 2007 was non controversial on the district scene, perhaps due to the fact that we had a season interrupted by several weekends of wet weather. All this in the worst drought in Australia’s record! Our members performed well and we were well represented in the Interdistrict Rep Panel with Chris Cafarelli, Shane Merry and Hussain Iskander all having opportunities to show their wares. Our graded members performed well and I trust their hard work and ability will receive the proper recognition in 2008. I would also like to congratulate Scott Butler on being the 2007 recipient of the Junior League Referees’ Appreciation Award. Well done.
On the social front we again lead the way. What an outstanding evening the ‘Blue & White’ Cabaret was. The Association was able to heavily subsidise the event from funds provided by the Leo Randle Trust and this enabled members and friends to enjoy our premier social event at a minimal cost. Thank you to Glenn & Elayne Jeffcoat for their outstanding assistance to the social events. As is tradition, Life Membership is bestowed at this function and Chris Bettiol received his blazer in front of a record crowd of members and visitors. Well done Chris, your efforts to the Association have been recognised with this honour.
The Leo Randle Trust provided funding to enable two members to participate in an interstate exchange programme during 2007. Chris Cafarelli and I headed to Western Australia and Secretary; Mario Cafarelli accompanied Graham Hinds to the Sunshine Coast. Both members performed on and off the field in a manner one would expect of a member of this Association. The exchange shall continue in 2008 and it should be noted that this programme is not restricted to young members but also members who have made a significant contribution to the Association.
I wish to acknowledge the retirement of the Junior League CEO, Paul Tycehurst during 2007. Paul contributed greatly to the Bulldogs and his services and assistance will be greatly missed.
I would like to offer the Association’s appreciation to the Executive of the District Club headed by Chairman Dr. George Peponis, CEO Malcolm Noad and Football Manager Brad Clyde I offer our thanks for assistance during 2007. Also, to the Executive of the Junior League, President Roger Harborne and new Secretary Kevin Shanahan, thank you for your support.
This Association has been most fortunate over the years to have a very sound sponsorship base. The funds provided assist with the development and retention of members, training, provision of gear and social activities. Once again ‘Canterbury League’ Club continue to be our major sponsor. To Chairman, Peter Winchester, CEO John Ballesty and all of the Directors and staff of the Club I thank you for the generous continued support of the Referees. I offer the Association’s appreciation to Yvette & Paul Hassarati and Craig Homans of Ronnies Environmental Services (‘RES’) who have been our sleeve sponsors for the 2006-07 seasons. In 2008 this sponsorship will be taken over by ‘Ronnies Demolition & Excavation’ also owned by the Hassarati family. Our Shorts sponsorship with ‘As Clean As A Whistle’ has also been in operation for the 2006-07 seasons and I am extremely pleased that this sponsorship has been extended for season 2008. Thank you to Andrew Taylor for his ongoing support. To Head Body in particular President, Denis Spagarino and CEO, Les Matthews I extend the members’ appreciation for your assistance both financially and with administrative matters during 2007. Also, John Dumesny CEO of Harold Park assisted the Association with our printing requirements for our Annual Report & Calendar. I offer the members appreciation for the ongoing support offered by John and Harold Park.
On the financial front you will note when you peruse the Financial Statements that the Association incurred a substantial loss in season 2007. This was not unexpected; rest assured the Committee keep a very close eye on the Association’s financial position. The reasons for the loss are explained in the Treasurer’s report. You will note that due to the profits generated from investments of the funds associated with the ‘Leo Randle’ Trust that we have maintained a more than healthy overall balance which will enable more items/events to be subsidised in 2008. We have also established a ‘Centenary Fund’ with an initial deposit of $5,000 to be increased each year for the sole purpose of celebrating the Association’s Centenary Year in 2021.
In conclusion, again it is a pleasure to serve as your President, the dedicated work of the team of ‘Office Bearers’ makes this Association what it is today. We are a team, all with one purpose to maintain an Association that has integrity, ability and knows how to enjoy itself. Particular mention to Treasurer John McCormack who has advised that he is standing down from the Executive. John has been a most valuable asset to the Executive and I will miss his assistance and guidance. To our hard working Secretary, Mario Cafarelli, I express my own and the members’ appreciation for your continued efforts. To both Mario’s wife Anne-Maree and my wife Kim I thank you both for your support, which enables us both to continue to contribute to this Association.
Finally, to the members, ‘thank you’ for all your efforts during 2007. Season 2008 the ‘Centenary’ of our great game should be one to remember. Enjoy your Association and the friendships, opportunities and challenges it offers.
See you at the AGM.