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Traing & Development Report
Mr. Richard Daizli
The past year would have to be the wettest I have encountered since I started refereeing and a lot of the plans we had were unfortunately washed away. Perry Tzamouranis took the referees through their Tuesday training sessions when the weather allowed but no fitness tests were conducted as there were not sufficient training sessions to conduct valuable results. Perry varied his exercises and conducted activities that simulated refereeing actions on the field so it was disappointing to see the numbers at most training sessions less than ten. Not sure what the answer here is but if you want to progress not only at district level, but at the elite level, its time to take training seriously. I would like to thank Perry for his efforts this year and Mario for his assistance at training and taking attendance.
The wet weather also prevented our NRL representative, Tony Archer, in conducting skills sessions although he did conduct a talk at one of our meetings as well as attending our end of year BBQ. He must have received some good tips on refereeing as he went on to referee the NRL Grand Final. Congratulations Tony on a good season. Hopefully in 2008, the weather will be kinder.
The coaching and development committee held a few development programs during the year to help improve refereeing performances. These included: - Seminar presented by John McCormack and David Abood - Video reviews of referee performances during matches with feedback given on how to improve performance. I encourage all referees to have their games taped so members of the coaching committee or appointments board can review and provide feedback on areas to improve. - Video sessions on rulings and interpretations. - Skills sessions covering touch judging and use of the new vocab.
Later in the season, we did make use of some wet nights by having some indoor sessions and this flexibility in 2008 will allow more programs to be conducted.
I would like to thank Mario Cafarelli, John McCormack, David Abood, Warren Gee and Shane Merry for their assistance during a difficult year.
Enjoy your time off and be prepared to reach greater heights in 2008.