1 minute read
Mr. Paul Archer
Current Trustees:
Paul Archer (Chair)
Nathan Loveday, Daniel Gardner, Peter Longhurst, Warren Gee
The pandemic which confronted Australia and the world in 2020 had both a health and financial burden, millions of lives lost, millions more ill and the finances of all countries impacted. In Australia we were more fortunate than most, as an island we isolated early which reduced the health impact. The Governments acted quickly on both the health front and economically to assist to lessen the burden on its citizens.
The funds of the Trust were affected but not to any major degree and we are still in a sound position, thanks to a sensible investment strategy recommended by our advisor, Ian Butler and endorsed by the Trustees.
Mid-year the General Committee requested funding due to the impact on the Association’s revenue stream and the Trustees following obtaining legal advice granted a request for $10,000 for development and administrative support.
Therefore, during 2020 the following funds have been withdrawn from the Trust:
27th February 2020 $1954.45 CBRA – Annual Storage Rental Facility 19th March 2020 $1500.00 South Coast Bushfire Appeal 22nd March 2020 $908.99 CBRA – New Laptop 26th March 2020 $1240.00 ASIC – Annual Fees 17th April 2020 $825.00 Walker Wayland – Professional services 15th July 2020 $10,000.00 CBRA – Development and Administration 15th July 2020 $10,000.00 CBRA – Printing of Association History Book 15th July 2020 $110.00 ASIC – Registration Fee
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A total of $26,538.44 was utilised from Trust funds in 2020 which included a one-off payment of the costs incurred in printing our Centenary history publication.
I offer my appreciation to my fellow Trustees and to Ian Butler for his valued assistance.
Paul Archer Leo Randle Trust

The 2020 Annual General Meeting – prior to the COVID-19 shutdown
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