2 minute read
Mrs. Kim Archer
Social Committee: Kane Thorburn, Nathan Mairleitner & Matthew Gomes
At the commencement of the year, we had scheduled our traditional functions including the Blue and White Cabaret, Life Member’s Lunch and Christmas get together. Also, we planned to have our Annual Trot Night and Sunday Feasts.
However, due to COVID-19 all these functions were cancelled. The General Committee decided to attempt to conduct some form of function late in the year to enable our important presentations to be undertaken.
Therefore, in October we planned a Pre-Centenary Dinner, initially to be held at our Major Sponsor, Canterbury League CLub but at the last minute a change in venue was required and we relocated to the Menangle Park Country Club.
We decided to arrange a bus to transport those members who wished not to drive and more than 20 took advantage of that opportunity. A total of 80 guests attended the function, which proved a great success.
Life Membership was presented to Ian Butler, a representation of Life Membership blazer to Peter Longhurst and Gavin Beecroft received the Leo Randle Award. All these members have made significant contributions to our Association and deserve this recognition.
Further, Honorary Membership for Life was presented to Yvette and Paul Hassarati for their lengthy support of CBDRLRA.
The Pre-Centenary dinner was heavily subsidised by the Association and I offer the thanks of all members to the Committee for this initiative.
Also, many thanks to the staff of the Country Club who assisted at short notice to accommodate our requirements. I am sure all who attended would agree it was a first-class venue.
Although it was a quiet year for the Social Committee, my role as a member of the Centenary Committee has kept me busy. Several meetings with our venue,
22 CBDRLRA Inc. 99th Annual Report & Financial Statement – Season 2020
the William Inglis Hotel, booking entertainment, arranging gifts for guests has taken many hours of planning. I appreciate the support of my Social Committee and fellow members of the Centenary Committee for their input and support.
COVID-19 had a significant impact on our social calendar in Season 2020 but in 2021, we will ensure that it is a wonderful social year to reflect the Association’s achievements over 100 years and celebrate in true CBDRLRA fashion!
Thanks to all members for your support, again I have enjoyed my role.
Kim Archer Social Secretary

Members and guests at our Pre-Centenary Dinner at Menangle Country Club
23 CBDRLRA Inc. 99th Annual Report & Financial Statement – Season 2020