Design and layout Carmen Díaz Ramírez Title Phobias or other illusions that do not exist Kiel, Germany July 2014 Handmade Edition Muthesius Kunsthochschule Legienstraße 35, 24103 Kiel, Germany Carmen Díaz 2014 Illustrations Supervision of Markus Huber Teacher of Muthesius Kunsthochshule Kiel, Germany
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Phobias or other illusions that do not exist Illustrations by Carmen DĂaz RamĂrez Kiel, Germany 2014
Phobias or other illusions that do not exist
Acrophobia From Greek ákron height, summit, edge and φόβος fear. The acrophobia is the irrational, exaggerated and irrepressible fear of the heights. This phobia, as the others, generates a high anxiety load to the persons who suffer it. The acrophobia is related to the dizziness of the height, which is a sensation of insecurity accompanied by a fear to rush to the gap.
Agoraphobia From Greek άγορά open space and φόβος fear. In accordance with the etymology of the word, the agoraphobia is especially related to the intense fear of the open or public spaces where can appear agglomerations. Also it is related with the fear in front of the nature, with the anxiety sensation after take conscience of the small thing that one is compared to the universe.
Apeirophobia From Greek άπειρο without limits, without definition and φόβος fear. The Apeirophobia is the feeling of fear of the immense or countless things like the numbers for example. This illness stems from the inability to understand or to penetrate the infinite term. This pathology abounds especially in the mathematical ambience where the investigators can not penetrate the limits.
Batophobia From Greek bathýs deep and φόβος fear. It is defined as a persistent and unjustified fear of the depth. Those who experience this phobia suffer it although they realize that there does not exist real danger of falling down to the deep place. The fear one can detonate when you are in front a long and dark corridor, as well, a deep lagoon or a lake.
Claustrophobia From Latin claustro cloister and φόβος fear. Claustrophobia is one of the most common phobias anxiety. It is an irrational fear to stay in a small closed spaces like an elevator, a cave, tunnels or metro. Who suffers this sickness is not afraid of the space itself, but the potential negative consequences for being in this place. For example, afraid of being locked up forever or die asphyxiated because they believe that there isn´t enough air this space.
Entomophobia From Latin entomo insect and φόβος fear. It is the most common phobia, and probably the most widespread phobia to animals. Inside the fear of the insects in general there are more specific phobias, like the aracnofobia (fear of the spiders) or apifobia (fear of the bees). The entomofobia can go so far as to determine the place where the phobic one wants to live, or the place where it will come for its holidays, amen of limiting its activities in the free time like sports.
Filophobia From Greek φίλος Friendship, love, inclination towards something or someone and φόβος fear. It is the fear of falling in love or to begin in a romantic relationship. Nevertheless, in sharper cases it can include up to the fear of feeling love of relatives and friends. Those who suffer filophobia when they start in a relationship usually try to boycott it until that it ends, for example trying to find all the small defects in the couple to don´t stay together.
Gamophobia From Greek γάμο union and φόβος fear. People who have this illness feel a terrible fear of the marriage, although also it refers to the fear to being in a relation or in a commitment. The symptoms are similar to those of an attack of panic and generally appear when the idea of the marriage begins to appear.
Ginecophobia From Greek: gynaikós woman, female or feminine and φόβος fear. It is a fear exaggerated towards the women and anything related to them. This type of phobia affects, almost exclusively, the men, since these experience anxiety although they realize that the object of its fear does not constitute a real threat for its person.
Catoptrophobia From Greek: καθρέπτης mirror and φόβος fear. It also known as eisoptrofobia, it is a special of fear in which the people are afraid to look at the mirrors. They are afraid to look at the eyes in the big mirrors, especially the full-length ones or the biggest mirrors. The persons who suffer of catoptrophobia avoid to go on ahead from the mirrors. Also they avoid to look at themselves in the mirrors. It is still investigated if the fear is to the mirrors in itself or to the image of the phobic person on having been reflected in them.
Nictophobia From Greek νύχτα night and φόβος fear. This phobia is characterized by an irrational fear of the night or to the darkness. The illness appears commonly in children, but it can continue in the adult life. The nictophobic ones are not afraid to the darkness, although the problem is the bad things that they imagine inside the dark area. All the sounds and shades can be causers of a big stress for this kind of patients.