Direct Booking Solutions For Hotels
The Metasearch Opportunity in 2016 Jacopo Rita
Metasearch Manager, Bookassist
Jacopo Rita • Metasearch Manager at Bookassist • Managing CPC Campaigns for 100+ hotels across Europe on: - Tripadvisor TripConnect CPC - Trivago - Google Hotel Ads • Based in Rome, Italy
 Fact Metasearch has been
Traffic to Hotel-related Sites % Traffic Increaase / Decrease
OTAs Alternate Accommodation Metasearch
Online Traffic to Hotel-related Websites by Category - YY Comparison (source: PhosCusWright)
Revenues from Metasearch Metasearch Revenues to Bookassist Hotels
Hotels’ Revenues from Trivago, TripConnect and Google Hotel Ads (source: Internal Bookassist Data)
Metasearch is by now a consistent part of travel research and planning online [‌] then it represents a real and solid go-to-market opportunity for all independent hotels.
Metasearch is here to stay!
…but not all that glitters is gold.
Metasearch brings in some complexity, too
Rate Parity Issue
â‚Ź35 less on BAR???
re? a s y u g e s e h t who
•price-driven visualisation
•“top deal” ranking
•where’s hotel USPs?
Cost of Sale
hig h CPC = hig h CPA?
if you’re “only” investing €200 per month, how much can you get back fro m that?
Metasearch has its own complexity, too ? x i f e w n a c
Rate parity issue becomes even bigger issue in Metasearch Metasearch is helping direct booking, but how it’s also helping direct brand?
What’s the cost involved in Metasearch, really?
Metasearch needs careful management! Technology Expertise Know-how.
? g n i t e k r a Dig ital M Revenue ? t n e m e g a Man Technical?
The Metasearch Guy Device targeting
Landing Page
Markets Strategy
Revenue Manageme nt Pick-up Booking Windows Forecasts
ation CPC Optimis
cation o ll a t e g d Bu
Digital g n i t e k r Ma
Technical HTML, CSS BE integrations XML connectivity
Optimisation of Metasearch
Campaign Management CPC Optimisation, Targeting, ROI focus
Discount on BAR
for Metasearch only
Minimum Stay Restriction for Metasearch only
Minimum Stay Restriction for Metasearch only
Stay dates
Week-days VS Weekend dates
I want to sell this
Stay dates
Week-days VS Weekend dates
Stay dates #2
High Season VS Low Season
Stay dates #3
by Occupancy Rate %
% Occupancy Rate
100% 75% 50%
lot of ro o ms to sell here, e dates more es th sh pu to t an w I be ay m
0% W1
W5 Pick-up
Lead-in Time
Clicks to look VS Clicks to book
Lead-in Time
Clicks to look VS Clicks to book Clicks
Bookings Curve + Clicks Curve
Prior to Arrival (Lead-in Days)
Clicks to BOOK
Clicks to LOOK
Booking Window
Bid-adjustments by Booking Window
Booking Window
Bid-adjustments by Booking Window
Hotel Profile Optimisation Content, images, description, amenities
Hotel Profile Optimisation Content, images, description, amenities
Bottom Line
Metasearch is part of
 travel planning today. Make sure it’s also part of your 2016 Digital Marketing Mix.
Metasearch is hybrid
 model. You need your Digital Marketing Specialist
 know-how combined with Revenue approach.
Metasearch is here to stay. Don’t miss out the Metasearch opportunity.
Direct Booking Solutions For Hotels