Questions and Answers about Rational Culture

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Universe in Disentchantment – Rational Culture Questions and Answers 1 - Where did we come? The rational world and so is the cause of our Background source, provided that animal and that animal was called home Rational. 2 - Where do we go? With the RATIONAL, is developing the reasoning phase of nature that is crossed Phase Rational. And with the development of reasoning, the Rational Energy, which is represented by the knowledge RATIONAL, following the reasoning, it connects to the World of Origin, which is the rational world and back to the eternal life in his real world, RATIONAL WORLD. And with its reasoning, we went to the rational world and without reasoning, get off class because we are linked to classes in transformation, deformation that we become bodies of different life and lower classes. 3 - Why are you so? As we left the world our true Source of our true nature and so, so we are degenerated and deformed than we were, the RATIONAL WORLD. 4 - What are we? Apparently all are, but appearances are not true and we are truly nothing, because we come from the most insignificant thing: a fluid called semen. And this drop of water, this liquid appeared to be one that apparently seems to be everything, actually came out of nowhere, a drop of water. 5 - What is the energy source? Is ENERGY BACKGROUND. 6 - What is the Rational Energy? It is a pure energy, clean and perfect, the true rational being. 7 - How can we feel the Rational Energy? How had a wild sense, as another civilized way and how Rational

other direction and the other balance and another form and another phase and this phase will feel what is Rational Energy. 8 - Why this world? For the will to be free. 9 - The cause and origin of the world? It is the RATIONAL WORLD. 10 - Why the mystery? Due to the changes that everyone has experienced, because everything changes. It's over apparently a way of life and turns into another, in different body, downgrading due to degeneration, pollution and own imperfection. 11 - The cause of Rational Energy? It is the RATIONAL WORLD. 12 - What do you mean spell? Human enigmatic and mysterious, of unknown origin. 13 - What do you mean disenchantment? Solving puzzles, mysteries and definitions of life and everything from beginning to end, and based on logic, evidence and proofs. 14 - Where is the RATIONAL? It is the RATIONAL WORLD. 15 - Who is the RATIONAL SUPERIOR? It is an inhabitant of the RATIONAL WORLD, so it is a superior reasoning to all reasoning and rational world and the world the true origin of the animal origin of Rational. 16 - The life before that, how was it? Rational, pure, clean and perfect. 17 - How did the woman and the man was and how water and land? Rational that came lose and that his virtues were gathered and turned into a little focus, this focus over time, increasing and gradually warming and leading to the sun.

And these bodies came lose their virtue, over time, completely lost and many are extinct upon the plain, and as many upon the plain resin, that spotlight has been heating up, and this plain, began to get out of it resin and this resin roasting and turning gray, the origin of the earth and the plain was softening over time, and after gummy gummy turned liquid: water source. And the bodies that have gone extinct over the plain turned gum originated males and those who have become extinct over the resin, originated in the female and therefore the woman is the germ of the earth, was to produce as the earth produces and man to plant the seed. Is there as was the woman and man. 18 - before we are what we are, what we? Were rational, pure, clean and perfect. 19 - The origin of the sun? In plain that deal with the RATIONAL WORLD, there was one part that was not ready for progress and a few Racionais entered by that party, by the will be free, started to make progress on their own and this part started to move from the plains. With some time, as would be deforming, the plain downloading more and they lost the virtues, as anything that turns into another, the lost virtues began meeting and after all satisfied generated over time, the formation of a dim light, silver and the more progressed, the more that part was going down, more deformed, losing more and more the virtues of this focus and increased with time, this focus began to heat up, there is the origin of the sun. 20 - The origin of the moon? It is derived from the lost virtues of resin and gum. 21 - The origin of the stars? Also lost virtues of resin and gum. 22 - The origin of the planets? The origin is Rational virtues that had been losing, they were gathered in various classes and provided training to these bodies of life itself. 23 - What are virtues? Virtues are lives that are transformed into other lives, in different

bodies of life, of various classes and categories, due to the weakening amendments. Today is stronger, the virtues are stronger, there arose a body of life over time is already weaker, generates another body of different life and more time even weaker, generates other bodies of different life and so on , the changes that were going on and forming different bodies each other. Virtues are lives that are transformed into bodies of different lives. Is there because of the differences. Everything degenerates, for degenerate weakens, diminishes and disappears with time. 24 - The source of water? The plain. 25 - How did the land animals and plants? Due to turn plain water and that water came in gray, with time mofou, festered, rotted and gave rise to the multitude of different microbes. These microbes, being transformed into energy microbes and viruses were the cause of generation of plants and animals, all different, all be derived from a deformation and degeneration in bodies of living in the processing of the lower classes. It was the land being a screwworm, producing animals, plants of all shapes, all the way, of all kinds and all sizes and for all be a twist is that everything in this area is therefore no beginning and no end. And all this, it moved into different eons, because all this training was done in twenty-one and each eternities eternity formation of a different beings. 26-And the true origin of humanity? Is rational. It's all answered in a synthesis, in detail, and based on logic, evidence and infinite number of checks in all the work of RATIONAL. Questions and answers unpublished RATIONAL because there are no mysteries. Mysteries and puzzles exist in the culture made by the human mind. 27-Why is the thought? Has been formed so that all understand and understood as the principle to be well and truly aware of its end.

28-What is the reasoning? The reasoning is the source of the RATIONAL WORLD. Is the perfect balance of human being, be of pure, conscious and positive. The encounter with the true individuality that he was lost within this deformation Rational. It became a charm, always seeking the meeting with the individuality that was considered unknown. It is a body that was paralyzed because it was time for their function. 29-How did the farm? The mind, imagination and thought of man, who felt the need to organize, to perceive and understand more or less. 30 - But there was no agreement before the creation of this farm? The understanding was very vague, all were illiterate and therefore they were all wild, and the steps prior to this, the customs and ways of life were different. 31 - Because nothing is over and everything changes? Because nature is so, because it is deformed. For example, semen is an energy transformed into liquid, which becomes visible and invisible virus, to generate, increase growth, create and flourish. The human body turns into what, after death? It turns into microbes. These microbes then become what? In viruses visible. These viruses become visible in what? In invisible viruses. These viruses become invisible in what? Energy. This energy is transformed into what? In new generations of mortal life in the lower classes. 32 - What is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION? It is to be immunized for Rational Energy of the real world of origin, being immune to brute power, the electric and magnetic energy, the energy of animal origin is the Rational Rational Energy, be the true nature of Rational.

And the electric and magnetic energy is the brute, to which the animal of origin was on Rational and was bound to be short, for being disconnected from the power of your true nature. 33 - The why of two classes: Rational and irrational? Because the category is one of Rational animal, divided into two classes: Rational and irrational. 34 - Who determined these categories? The deformation of the transformation of life in different bodies. 35 - What is energy? The generative force that is developed by his mighty strength, coming from the RATIONAL WORLD. 36 - What is electric and magnetic? Two deformed energies belonging to the lower class of brute, is the generator and creator of the brute, to which humanity was on and so all mankind was living in short, and short, one of the causes of suffering of humanity. 37 - What is the Rational Energy Mediator? It lies between the energy of the RATIONAL WORLD and electric and magnetic energy, which feeds the planets, which are beings of life itself. 38 - What was the cause of nature? Were their own people and therefore the world is driven by its own inhabitants, who went into the piece of plain he was not ready for progress, making use of the will, the will to be free and the first steps towards the formation this world were these. 39 - What is life like in the rational world? This is a question that is meaningless, because the human being, imperfect, flawed, do not know what is pure and not knowing what is purity, is a question that has no meaning. Be a matter, that matter is a set of ruins met and therefore by itself is destroyed and who is a set of ruins, not in a position to know what is purity. So this question is meaningless because no one can feel that you do not know that your feeling you can not feel, because their state of imperfection of matter, which itself is destroyed.

40 - What are the classes of deformation and transformation? Some many have become extinct over the resin and the plain and many others were transformed into other bodies, so there was a plethora of changes in the bodies of living in different classes different from each other. 41 - And all and all were born where? The ground. All this, for natural formation of different lives by his own transformation from one life to another. Thus, humans are the cause of all this change in deformation of bodies of living in different lower classes. 42 - How were made the spirits? Before they were here, were coming Racionais losing its virtues until they were to extinction and a few have become so. Virtue is life and they lost their lives Rational, by losing their virtues. It was the body, which is the bond, transformed into other beings, who are the inhabitants of the area, gaining new life, are tied to electric and magnetic fields, the bond of Rational pure, clean and perfect they were, before Racionais in deformation. It is there, as the spirits were made, they put the names of guides, guards and deities and that here, incorporating the mediums, identify how they want. 43 - What is Spiritualism for RATIONAL? It is the first step to find our true World of Origin, the RATIONAL WORLD. It is the first step to meeting with the individuality that was lost in this world, no one could tell him why. So that spiritualism was something more grandiose and in principle, even if there had their faults, because no one knew set from beginning to end what were the spirits, everything is in dense mysteries, which then gave rise to a multitude of different ways to practice spiritualism. Each played his own way. The educated people have interpreted their own way and people without culture, interpreted according to its state of being and hence the plethora of differences in the spiritual world of a practice for the scientific and philosophical and others to black magic.

The bad guys have taken the bad part and adopted a good part of the well and that spiritualism was divided under these conditions: good and evil, good and bad, the perfect and defective, thereby creating confusion that gave rise to a multitude lines and means and modes of practice, thus creating this divergence. The good people acting in spiritualism only do good, and the practice of charity. And people more or less, only with the aim of exploring the commercial spirit. And so it was divided: the only good people acting spiritualism to charities and others acting only to commercially exploit the unwary. And so, as with other religion, and others as a sect, others using the doctrine, and others having knowledge of oneself and others and, by their own creations, forged at will, ways and means to suggest and impress and cabalistic means to be able to live in the practice of deception, suggestion and auto-suggestion, to impress the weak and carry on your way. What if the spirit had the power that many are weak and fans think they have, the world would be governed by the spirit. Spiritualists put themselves in high places with its powerful forces. But in the absence of which many are weak and fanatics think they have, is that the spirit is always in that condition that: -It is an ordeal you are going ..."". As something that the Redeemer was pleased to see their children suffer and penarem with bitter feathers. As well, which is the parent who is happy to see your child suffer? None. But spiritualism says it's a trial that the person is going with this or that suffering. It means that the patron of spiritualism is happy to see their children suffer? There is no place. And so, the books of the philosopher Alan Kardec reads: ¨ What they all have in mind and body that we are spirits of Montes and reincarnations since the beginning of the world are all born and dying and embodying the spirits and Discarnating for his cleansing. Now the world is and veteran eras long centuries, since the world began, and embodying the spirits Discarnating for purification, since it was to much, by reincarnation, born wise and pure and not late, we depend on to learn all know. Thus, there is one concept that proves the invalidity of

reincarnation. The lack of reincarnation. The lack of such parts in the body of anyone. And even if there were parts that the body of someone, anyone would take the life of another, for fear of reprisal from the spirit that would, in the case, do justice to the spirit to have free will to do good and evil. And so there are evil spirits and good spirits. Thus, the spirit would be disgusted by losing the life of the body that is red. And were it not for the spirit is embodied in the medium, the closest one, to denounce the criminal, to perform the required justice. You see, you will see a multitude of people dead over the world and has no spirit to do justice incorporating the mediums in spiritualist centers, denouncing the criminals. And besides, if there were parts that somebody's body, the spirit of a householder, after the deceased, the spirit would guide his wife and children and thus would be found immortality. They are present, spirits within, that there are people between the sun and earth, than to be received by people on the earth and seen, they appear as if they were spirits of the deceased to give all attention to incorporating the mediums as spirits of the saints who came from heaven, as spirits of relatives known and unknown people and accepting, because they believe what is not. In past times, there was no incorporation of saints and only sent the spirits of the saints, saying that humans, being matter, could not receive the spirit of a saint by the saint to be neat, clean and perfect and being in kingdom of heaven, so he sent his envoys to all land and receive only sent saints. After the assets began to be invaded by cunning, hence the rising part of preparing the body to receive holy, which gave rise to the commercial. The greedy and ambitious, began to make spiritualism a way of life. Such preparations with such foods and the holy such expensive clothes and costumes of saints, coming to the drumming sound of the drums and dancing in the terraces, with expensive clothes and luxury. All this, up to commercial exploitation of spiritualism. Just part of the left. The right part only charity and the spirits are identified with names created on earth, to be received as if they were here and have

never been here because there is that the body of anyone. The phase of spiritualism ended in 1935, ending a spiritual mission for entering in nature, Phase Rational. The phase of spiritualism was a phase of thought, intuition, imagination, inspiration and Phase Rational is the phase of the development of reasoning. We are at the stage of reasoning. And completing the phase of thought, the thought began to fade, so weakened, that there is the evidence that they are the follies and crimes of all sorts that is its weakness, is the cause of violence and imbalance . Since this is weakening the cause of violence. That back in 1935, thought it worked and thought work, all lived more or less well. There was order and respect and all were free to walk at ease, no one needed a bodyguard. All were more or less balanced by the thought. But mankind forgets that all the matter has a beginning and no end, because everything in this area is so. And the thought had its beginning and had to take your order, because the world into another golden age, the Golden Rationale for a phase of nature have changed, the stage of animal, for Phase Rational, and thus ended the golden age of thought and entered the Golden Background. For the propaganda of the inhabitants of the area, who are the spirits, began to materialize in a multitude of different ways. Materializing as a relative of the person, or friend, or known or unknown, like an animal, like animals. All of this, the spirits used to prove that the area was inhabited and that they were well received here on earth, incorporating the mediums. This was a very important work they did because it opened the cosmic, to meet the ultimate goal, which is our true source of world, the RATIONAL WORLD. And so, spiritualism was the first step in the encounter with the lost individuality which is your World of Origin - the RATIONAL WORLD. And so the spirits, guides and guards worked hard to put us on the right road, the Via Rational. And so, we owe our salvation to the spiritual world, which was the first step to meet the ultimate goal, the RATIONAL WORLD, the world's real origin of the animal origin of Rational. And so, we praise the spiritual world, which were divine forces, for

the stoning of the animal origin Rational. Thus, all are grateful to the spiritual world. Because we owe our salvation to this field of light and cosmic force of the Lower Astral and we here on earth, even lower, for being materialized. Thus, praise forever this field of light and strength, the spirit world. Menosprezar spiritualism never, ever, but eternal gratitude to this great world that both worked for the stoning of the people and their salvation. RATIONAL That was a spiritual center, in Meier and his name was Francis of Assisi. RATIONAL is the continuation of spiritualism and all that exists in this world. Thus, the spiritual world created here on earth for his teaching with his ministers, in these seven parts of why we are so. So the teaching is as follows: Crossroads - is so Matas - is of Dick Water - is cicrano Sea - is of Dick Waterfall - is cicrano Rio - is so Quarries and rock - the cicrano. And these seven kingdoms are terminated in 21 lines each with his name from the water line of the sun from the moon, the stars line, line of thunder, the lightning line, line of fire line of thought, line the sea and many others and all that, in the cutting of the people, calling their representatives to the horse and making the terraces, as tame horses that leap, jump, roll and dancing their drumming. As the yard, a proper place to tame horses and other means have different names, like mediums and so on. So, coming offerings, gifts, orders, jobs, which is a means of propaganda to justify the existence of the inhabitants of the invisible world. Since all this done, each in its appropriate place. All this was very good for polishing their supporters, the stoning of people, that was known and recognized the existence of the inhabitants of the area. So, coming good and evil, thus creating the right and left and it was all so beautiful and so good for the stoning of people. And all these means, the intention was only one: to polish all for the salvation of all.

And so there is a real culture of them, RATIONAL, which is the culture for the people, for the salvation of the people, that is about all for your true World of Origin. And so, all this was necessary and required to show the ultimate goal, the world our true origin, the RATIONAL WORLD. 44 - What is the golden age of thought? The electric and magnetic aura. 45 - What do you say about the bodies of light that appear in space? Those are inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD, announcing the phase existing in nature, Rational Stage, appearing in all sizes, in every way and every way, every way, turning several times and in various colors, including even as flying saucers, to draw the attention of mankind. And as saucers, identifying the existence of another world that is our true source of world, the RATIONAL WORLD. And that, to know who they are and come into contact with them, is to know their culture, the RATIONAL, that this phase of nature came in 1935. 46 - Who was Christ, what the Lord tells me to Christ and how RATIONAL see Christ? Christ was a philosopher of his time, like a multitude of philosophies that existed in our world, as Buddha, as Allah, and Muhammad, as the Lord and many others. Each one has its philosophy, different from each other. He served for a time it was created. By the time all were guided by fear. At that time the people had no education. 47 - Who is the apparatus of the RATIONAL SUPERIOR? It is the Lord Manoel Jacintho Coelho, who was born with this gift of nature, to connect to the rational world and then getting those messages from our real world of origin, by being connected to the RATIONAL SUPERIOR, a Supreme Being of the RATIONAL WORLD, which is the antimundo, the world before that, which gave this result. 48 - Where was the RATIONAL?

Born in the Federal District in 1935, in Meier, Rua Lopes da Cruz n ยบ 89, in a spiritual center that was called "Tent Spiritist Francis of Assisi, the President of this organization is the apparatus of the RATIONAL SUPERIOR. 49 - And the goal of RATIONAL? You link all of humanity to its true source of world, the RATIONAL WORLD, the development of reasoning, which is the true origin Rational. Thus: Reasoning: Rational. Rationale: Reasoning. And there receive all the necessary guidance for its balance and good behavior in the life of the field and then connected to the RATIONAL WORLD, back there, is this the real world of origin, thus not born over here in this world of matter . This is what is the purpose of RATIONAL: In the back of all your World of Origin. 50 - Why the suffering of humanity? One cause is the desire to be free and have no limits for the human being full of wills. And will that ruin the thought. And the thought is the cause of all suffering and suffering is the stoning of the body. And the cutting of the body is the suffering of life. 51 - Is there life after death? Yes, because everything becomes a living body in the lower classes. 52 - Who made this world? The world is a consequence of their own people and so it is a deformation Rational transformations of the lower classes. 53 - What are the causes of differences in the languages of the universe? They let the real real alphabet of nature and natural life of all the astrological alphabet, which is in the palms of hands by creating a new alphabet to give vent to their desires, which is the artificial alphabet. An alphabet without limits, because the astrological alphabet did not satisfy the desire for having limit.

54 - The RATIONAL, as regards religion? The will is free and everyone follows the religion you want, no one has the right to criticize the other. And RATIONAL is in favor of all religions because RATIONAL is the continuation of all of them. 55 - Why RATIONAL is the continuation of all religions? It is a knowledge that transcends human knowledge, defining its position here on earth, where they came from and where they go. RATIONAL is not against anyone, is in favor of everyone and everything. 56 - What is Diplomacy Rational? We know how to address the people, diplomatically, with words that will appeal to awaken and find the interest of those who do not know RATIONAL. We have to be true diplomats Racionais to match the purity that we present, which is a knowledge of peace, love and universal brotherhood. Fraternity is a very beautiful thing. We need to do a major overhaul under shocking, shocking people who do not know RATIONAL. We must use words that not only please and displease. We can not use words that shock and frighten away. Representatives from RATIONAL diplomats should be true to match the name. Rational is purity and perfection. Our interpretation, which we know is one thing and the interpretation of those who do not know is another thing; leads to another field malicious, abusive and aggressive. We now learn to speak RATIONAL for those who do not know. RATIONAL clarify or make a call, it's a diplomatic mission at the highest level of culture and can not depreciate with inappropriate words to Rational Diplomacy. 57 - Is there any obligation on RATIONAL? There is, because who does not want the good of yourself? Who wants to come back here in this world, knowing that it is not here? Who does not want to save? Who would not want to return to eternal life, which is the true source of world, knowing how to return to the RATIONAL WORLD?

Who does not want to immunize yourself by knowing what is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, reaching a peak of universal life, life Rational? Who would not want to be immune to the negative influences of electric and magnetic energies, after seeing what is Energy Rational? Then the desire is to read to assert, defend, save yourself, getting interested in their own recovery, to have the happiness of knowing what is and RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION BACKGROUND. 58 - Right now, many people live in sorrow and agony, could say something in a message to these people who live a pain? Yes First mentalizer the RATIONAL SUPERIOR, ask Him the strength to overcome the moment of pain and then read and reread the books UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, to connect to still life to eternity, and thus end all the sufferings and agonies. What matters is to ask who, with knowledge and may ease the pain and save them grief and agony that desperate. There is only One able to resolve this situation, which is the RATIONAL SUPERIOR, because the RATIONAL SUPERIOR is the True God. God is a rational being, our true source of world, because we are home and Rational True God is a being of our origin, ie, the RATIONAL SUPERIOR. For only the true God is that you can solve any situation satisfactorily. The mean TOP BACKGROUND: A Reasoning Exceeding all reasoning - the Supreme God true. I ask you: Ask who? The true God, the world of our origin, Rational. 59 - Who conceived, created and formed all this architecture, mysterious and enigmatic? Beings who were deformed in the lower classes, by turning all come up to deform as it is. And it continues to strain in transformation of mortal life in the lower classes. It is the energy transformed into virus, for the formation of bodies of life, all different, because they are deformed.

60 - Who made the mold from the floor? It was formulated by the very nature deformed, as everything is done by the energy that turned into humans. Energy is a body of generative force, creativity and develops growing at its natural state of strength in processing, all formed by itself. 61 - An uninformed person asked me if this Green admitted the existence of God? Of course, so much so, that this book gives us a plethora of evidence and proofs, with perfect logic and base, which is the True God. Yes, that is a RATIONAL SUPERIOR Reasoning Exceeding all reasoning and supremacy that is, of course, true God. Since the logic in mathematics confirms the high life, which we source Rational, it is because the True God is Rational, a Supreme Being of our origin of Rational. Our existence is proof of the existence of God if God did not exist we would not exist. And we, readers of books UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, we go far beyond the belief in God, we are convinced of the existence of God, which is rational and that is purity, perfection, infinite goodness, love of a sweet paradise, blessed and fruitful source, all is God. 62 - Who is God and as defined in RATIONAL or how it is defined this be? God is the power of powers. The background is the power that is life. And therefore, the strength of the balance of life in its true origin of Rational. So everything is Rational, Rational is because the existing source. If there is the origin, it emanates from the power source for the solution of what belongs to the source. What belongs to the origin is Rational. So for the person to find balance and reason for being is to know their true origin of Rational. So, go find or connect to the power that made him, which is its true origin Rational. So look to know why you are a rational animal, and learn what knowledge is rational and what is animal. The most powerful force in the universe is the strength of their true

origin, the strength Rational. If you have the strength to do so, you generate the well also has the power to settle their balance in life matter, since it connects to its origin, the RATIONAL WORLD. 63 - Why do humans have never discovered his World of Origin? Why not know the RATIONAL. Because he was under lock and key, the electrical and magnetic influences and magnetism developed in such a way, because we are the product of matter. Before, the only human being was aware of two energy: electric and magnetic. These energies allowed the development of thought and imagination. Once done, the man was always free thinker, as guided by thought and imagination not always get it right, they do not know the first power, which is the Rational Energy, their origins, their world of origin, their true nature . The mind is a variant, because human beings have disowned the world of his origin and therefore, the field variation in which he lives, only the cell has developed in its category, the brain, or rather, only developed the electric and magnetic part which is why the man never discovered the world of their true origin, remaining stuck in the brain, the cell or Rational. However, today, through the explanations provided by knowledge of RATIONAL, the messages of the RATIONAL SUPERIOR in Books UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, humans will develop cell Rational, binding, still life, eternity, the inhabitants of RATIONAL WORLD, our brothers, one of our upper world and so are pure, clean and perfect and all of them receiving clear guidance for our lives in balance of matter. This Guidance, Rational, our real world of Origin, we are hoping when we leave the matter. From there we went out there and come back some day. 64 - Where is the right way, the right course of the Origin of Humanity? The real solution of the life of everyone and everything is on Background Knowledge - the right reason of all, the reason conscious, rational. Rational is the major factor of life and therefore, Rational is the origin of life.

And Background The origin of life, as is the entire solution can be found in what is Rational. If Rational is the origin of life, then, the strength of the solutions of life is the origin of life, the origin of life is Rational. 65 - Why is everything changes? Because we are not here but the RATIONAL WORLD. Everything had to come up becoming humanity to know their true origin and how to return to their world of origin. 66 - Why the sun is the originator, creator and destroyer? As the first body of life to be made, a graduate of the virtues that the first humans in deformation, were missing. It gave rise to all the existing strain, remained the Astro - King's first and only deformation. 67 - Before the sun, what was it? They were inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD that went into the piece was not ready for progress and came lose their virtue, until they became extinct upon the plain and resin. These virtues are transformed into other lives, which together, have become a light body and that body of light, becoming over time at an energy of fire, which for us was called the sun. 68 - As it turns out the virus cosmic? Lost virtues of the inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD who were progressing on their own and these virtues, turning into bodies of mass cosmic life, because they are beings of cosmic energy, which turned into bodies different life. The viruses were completely different, being more pure energy. The primitive virus strain bodies, with the evolution of deformation, they came degenerated, taking the appropriate steps to eternity that came through. 69 - How is this fertilizing power of the cosmos? Are energies that are transformed into higher beings to the party that was deformed. Because everything is transformed into energy beings. For example, semen, energy is transformed into a liquid and the liquid turns into a body of a human machine. And everything is so, because everything is energy transformed into beings of life, an infinity of the upper classes, the beings of

cosmic life and intermediaries, humans and lower deformation, the energy transformed into matter and bodies of a multitude of life class matter. 70 - What composition was made that cosmic mass? Energy converted into mass or cosmic matter. Because everything is energy transformed bodies in different life. After they have the reasoning, will be Voyance Rational and the Rational Clairvoyance will see what is energy and feel like she is here on visible matter and clear: the transformation of energy transformed into liquid, generating a body mass of electric and imaging. 71 - What's the matter? First is the energy transformed into beings and therefore creates, develops, grows, blooms and fades, turning into other lives, for the world to be a twist is that everything changes. Secondly, the matter is a body of rubble that collected itself is destroyed and destroy itself, is transformed into other different lives in the lower classes. 72 - Why is this knowledge did not come for the longest time? Because everything is determined by the changing phases of nature. Because each phase has a life and behavior in previous rounds, were steps towards humanity so that when we come to Rational everyone was prepared and culturally prepared to accept, understand and comprehend and thus everything in its time, in its time and phase. Because each phase has a behavior of life. The phase behavior of Rational animal was a religious behavior, in which religion is the only one who could save everyone. Over time, emerging unbelievers, unbelievers and materialists, atheists, then came the weakening of all that existed, then there entering Phase Rational for all to be ready for development, to understand and comprehend, everybody lived looking the meeting himself, which is the encounter with the world of their true origin, the RATIONAL WORLD. 73 - What is the human body? A body of energy transformed into a being.

And because the body of energy, it has the locomotive movements and endless thoughts, extraordinary, being a body generates energy bodies. 74 - What is nature? Energy deformed and degenerate, transformed into beings. Energy is transformed into land, water, animals, plants and energy to be transformed into everything in this universe and beyond, that everything is energy transformed into all these things, that everything is energy, that creates everything. Energy is power generation, creation, development and growth. 75 - How and by whom he created the costumes or clothes? The wild, which started as a joke, to make clothes of skins of animals, of beautiful feathers and fur beautiful. And these games with over the years, always in tabulations, with the years, became a reality. It started as a joke, with the passage of time has become reality, because it started to emerge and trade began to emerge values. Then, a wet animal skin such as cost. A machine of penalty animal as it cost so much. Began to emerge values, trade and the thing caught on, because each one wanted to make the most beautiful, skins of animals most beautiful, to have more value and sell well sold, and so was the beginning, the business interest of that time. The smarter prepared the most beautiful and expensive, hence, over time, giving rise to fiber clothes, then clothes with straw, then clothes of wool and then cotton, silk and so always refining and polishing and always progressing ever come to that, came the principle that point where they are. And so was born that the costumes, the costumes, play the wild. Then clothes steel, armor steel, iron armor (it was a giant people, a lot of power) and where ever polishing and refining, have reached the beginning of the costumes that are there. 76 - How is the connection with the RATIONAL WORLD? In the human brain a part that was paralyzed by being linked to energy distorted electric and magnetic. With the development of reasoning by careful reading of the Rational Knowledge, that field that he was paralyzed, is being taken by the natural energy, Rational, until the field is fully taken by the Rational Energy, then when the reasoning is all developed and is

made then the connection with the RATIONAL WORLD. 77 - How to shorten the connection of all its real World of Origin, the RATIONAL WORLD? With the elucidation of reasoning. Clarity Rational. The progress of the development of reasoning. Release the magnetic embryo that the reasoning was arrested, checked the work, for not having yet reached its time, its time, their stage. To unstick the embryo of the magnetic field is necessary to persist in reading, because the reasoning is the magnetic embryonated and it takes persistence to get it by diluting the magnetic and he begins to develop just and right. Then, with the constancy in the Rational Energy, through the illustration to develop the cultural reasoning, with little time there is a satisfactory solution. So should be to shorten the connection of all its real World of Origin, the RATIONAL WORLD. 78 - What is the Residence of the Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD? The Residence is a symbolic milestone of Phase Rational. It is a symbolism that represents the inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD on earth is the RATIONAL WORLD, announcing the Stage Director. It is the reference phase, a proof of Phase Rational, because the residence is to call attention to the humanity of the stage of nature, is the title representative. And so it is to see that everything has a reason to be necessary to develop the mindset needs and point of supremacy, to call attention to, is simply a landmark Phase Rationale for having a reference phase. Not that the inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD will live there, no! Because the inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD are everywhere, are all over the world, in every home in every corner, because there is so much Background on Housing and everywhere. 79 - How everyone can achieve this state of balance everything? With the evolution and time, everything will be found because everything evolves, everything progresses, everything passes.

Everything evolves and the more mature, more perfecting everything. Because evolution is stoning. The more polished, more mature. The more mature, more balanced, more refined by the development and progress of all, then come the certification of all, common sense acquired through maturation. Maturation brings common sense. And the evolution of common sense, makes perfect sense of balance in everything. 80 - What is the cause of violence? The weakening of thought because the phase of thought ended in 1935 for entering the changing nature of its natural evolution, Stage Director. The nature of animal has to Rational Rational. Currently the natural state of nature. Just as everything has its changes in life, nature also changes its natural evolution, that everything is an energy distorted. It is the cause of the changes and transformations. And so we're in the middle phase in which all Rational longer, at an earlier stage of animal origin Rational, Rational Apparatus for passing. 81 - What is the natural state? To reach the true natural state, it is necessary to understand the two natures that are the distorted nature of that world in which they live, raw and true nature of the state's legitimate rational being. This is the natural state, the body of Rational Energy, pure, clean and perfect and deformed nature, the body of matter, life provisional and temporary. 82 - The reasons behind the wave of suicide around the world and a large number, more and more addicted to toxic? A live without logic and no purpose is a life empty of everything, not knowing why they live. This desperate and discourages all, because there is a goal, a reason to live. Because there is no incentive to live, because living with that emptiness is horrible live. Living on dreams, fantasies and illusions, this is a live without logic.

Those who do not have the temperament to live well, live and discourage rather die than live in such conditions. That is why the world is this wave of suicides, because they do not find motivation or encouragement in life, to live, not knowing why you are living. Other so discouraged to live, who are disgusted, angry and sad, not knowing why they are living and throw themselves to drugs, are under the control of toxic, to destroy more quickly to liquidate quickly, for life does not represent anything, not knowing the why of life. In discouraging to live out of balance, not to find the cause of life, because they seek the truth, not reached; destabilize and discourage. This is a major cause of the imbalance of puberty, youth and the imbalance of all, are all empty. Not admit appearances. Want is the truth, the reality is they want and not finding, are dismayed to live, they lose the incentive, they lose the taste of everything and get lost like crazy. It is evil appearances, the fantasies and illusions have done to humanity. 83 - And how to avoid or recover from this situation? The changed nature of phase. Phase Rational is to recover the animal origin Rational, so this stage, the discouraged find courage to live their life, because what they are looking for. The ultimate solution of life and the world. The living are discouraged from strength to live, the definition of their being, are just cause and right of life, because there is no effect without cause. And it's real cause of why we live in this world and all done. The RATIONAL is the only remedy for the recovery of all addicts toxic, there are already thousands of recovered by the RATIONAL and each one provides his explanation of the benefits received and receives the RATIONAL. Only in this way is that we can solve the disgraced by vice, that human knowledge could not balance the youth. And so, there is the toxic disgraced precious lives, not to find support, safety, security and balance human knowledge, that has not been able to provide a healthy balance of all they needed, especially at puberty, the youth is in a empty, because there is

what could save them. Now, to the surprise of all, comes the Culture of the Cosmos, the RATIONAL for the salvation of all mankind. And only she, with her divine powers and that can save humanity as are saving. As well there are already thousands of people recovered from the damn toxic. 84 - What is the duty to advertise? Readers have already convinced of the culture of Divine Providence, for the recovery of all, all of which have the conviction RATIONAL, which is the duty? Advertising for all that all are in need and who come begging for long. So it is the duty of all who have belief in the culture of Divine Providence, take action, because it is considered a representative of the RATIONAL WORLD. It is considered a savior, to save others, advertising in all ways and forms, so that all are aware of the arrangements of Divine Providence. And so our duty to preach what you know the benefit of all and everyone is begging, demanding and need to recover all. The cry all day and night is asking for help to Divine Providence. Because the hours that the world is experiencing are sad times, the lack of control, despair and agony, the global imbalances. No wonder the calls for help day and night to Divine Providence. So, who already know and already know that there are arrangements for the recovery and relief of all, the duty of the representative of the rational world and announce to all who know the remedy for repairing everything and everyone that is there. 85 - There is the "you" and "I", so what is the relationship of the body of Rational Energy and "I" of the person? The "I" belongs to the invisible electric and magnetic and "you" to the matter. The body of Rational Energy is the cause of the person. It is linked to self. Is separated from the body, is the cause and it is in space. 86 - Who are the bodies of energy that are in mission, to cause the animal Rational?

Those were many who followed the strain to identify the animal source Rational. The condition of their lives is different from ours, so followed the deformation and alteration, to identify the origin. To not lose the source, the bond Rational. 87 - A body of Rational Energy can give birth to many human beings or just one? One. 88 - If the body of Rational Energy is only one, because the world population grows ever more? Because there are more bodies of Rational Energy in space than on earth inhabitants and residents in the area. Because this deformation is a deformation Rational and Rational be a strain belongs to the inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD. 89 - How were the changes over the course of eons and eons as many have already gone to the formation of this world? The origin of humanity appeared in the first phase of the early formation of this world, it was a cosmic stage. In the course of changes in eternity, they came from changing, becoming, degenerating in accordance with the changes in the eternities. Each eternity was a form and a change of nature, to that over the eons deformation and degeneration reached this point. They went through all these trances, in twenty-one aeons. 90 - When they created the first animals Rational? When we say that we came down from classes and have been inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD, after the Superior Astral, after Lower Astral, each class was being formed as the deformation has progressed. Before the fourth eternity were rational that had been losing the virtues and have come to creating these worlds: Astral Superior after deforming, forming the Lower Astral, twisting it until they are in terms of matter. Some many have become extinct over the resin and the plain, and as many were in the Superior Astral, as many were in the Lower Astral, which became extinct in the electric and magnetic bodies that are inhabitants of the Lower Astral.

91 - What is eternity? It is a time duration of the deformation. 92 - What is divination, the prophecies and how they can cure people through prayer, spiritual means, hypnotics and parapsychology? All this is through spiritual, who goes by certain representations. Because everything has an owner to meet a spiritual master, a resident of the area. 93 - There is possibility of a person in the life of matter, be aware of your entire life and previous incarnations? The high spirits are able to tell the past in other lives, the stage of rational animal. As in Phase Rational is a critical step because it is the way to extinction, the progress that was the subject, which is a set of ruins together, which in itself will be destroyed until its total extinction by the changes going through. Phase Rational is the decisive phase, or up to the RATIONAL WORLD, or descends from class to the lower classes. In Phase Rational, when the person is connected to the RATIONAL WORLD, will be guided rationally and know everything that is necessary and needed. 94 - What are the map, the compass plant and of humanity? Rational is the guidance. After the person connected to the RATIONAL WORLD, you have the map, and compass plant. 95 - How to guide people who have guides, guards and deities, because they are always afraid of any reaction of Umbanda's primary school, the Lower Astral? With persistence in reading, you get way to save and save the deities. They will move into the line just and right, the Line Director. If they were good, they would be satisfied to see the Light of Rational and could see their salvation, but because they are bad is living disturbing because evil does not want to know the good and bad does not recognize. But with the continued persistence in reading, they will instruct and pass naturally to the right line, the Line Director. The reign of the good.

You are able to save them because it will connect with the inhabitants of the kingdom of Umbanda Superior Astral, high school and college, you will connect with the inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD, our brothers and one sister. Then you, acquiring powerful forces to dominate them, because it was linked to the inhabitants of a world than this. You can read without fear and without any fear, because they can do nothing against you because you are linking to the most powerful force in the world, which is the Rational Force. So do not be afraid or fear of some kind, which are the true path of salvation and the salvation of them who have always lived here in the darkness, the Lower Astral. Confidence in reading, for their redemption, to improve the life of your situation and get all the protection. 96 - Why is everything so repeated in the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT? The reader reads and sees little of the psychological sense of reading between the lines and, by weakening the mind and that is why you need the repetitions and explanations in various ways, shapes and forms, but sometimes not even then. 97 - Why is used simple language? To achieve the most humble in reading. 98 - What do you mean "MANOEL? Manoel in Hebrew means: GOD IS ON EARTH. And in other languages to say: THE SAVIOR. 99 - Why is everything changes and how are these changes? The natural deformation is the multiplication of transformations in the lower classes because everything is degenerating. Such is the nature, progress is always the same, processing and lower classes always, always down due to degeneration, pollution, weakened by decay, by age, pollution, even to the point of total elimination, the weakening everything. Everything always changes everything. And so today is new becomes old, is completely different. After old becomes what? In deceased. After the deceased is transformed into what? In microbes. After microbes becomes what?

In viruses visible. After the virus becomes visible in what? In invisible viruses. After the virus becomes invisible Why? Energy. After energy is transformed into what? In new generations of different bodies in the lower classes. Nothing ends of time. Apparently ends a body and turns into another. The law of cause and effect of changes in deformation. 100 - What is semen? Energy is transformed into a liquid, which then becomes, grows, grows until the end of their growth and maturation, after mature, shuts down, starts to fade, until your total weakening and transforming them into another life downgrading. 101 - What is the cause of the gift of human? Is born with the virus in his time, people born in the thought and image to discover this or that. It is the cause of genius and super intelligence, each blessed by nature with your gift. 102 - What is the chronology of the hierarchy of descent through which we come to the evolution of life matter? After the Rational entered the piece was not ready for progress, made use of will by the will be free, this was the first step. They came down, by the piece not be up and losing the virtues, in time became extinct upon the plain gummy and many others have become extinct over the resin and then began to rise from the ground, the principle of deformation. In the beginning were monstrosities, then monsters after monsters, after monstrondontes after monstroo. They walked on all fours, because no one could walk upright. Over time and with the development that they began to stand. All were of a different kind of future for now, the food was made by nature, the understanding between them was squeaks and howls, then they could walk on foot, began with the waves, which understood by nodding and then began to her voice and began to understand very loosely. Were developed, turning to mark things and reaching towards a more or less.

Always evolving to reach wild. From wild always improving, always turning, until the changes that have made the changes and development, arrived at the beginning of civilization. From primitive savages with the development, became wild and earlier until they all evolved to where civilization began trade values, inventions, discoveries and all progressing ever invented letters, form words, numbers and name goals and thus began the polls, evolving into what is there. 103 - What are the transformations that we have to go through to get to our World of Origin? They move from animal origin Rationale for Phase Rational. From rational animal moving into the recovery phase Background. In the recovery phase, is in treatment, is The Agent AWARE. Aware of Mediator is to RECORDING BACKGROUND, the class of apparatus Rational passes BACKGROUND. Class Rational for LEVEL LEADERSHIP BACKGROUND Supremacy and the degree of Rational Rational for pure, clean and perfect in its true World of Origin, the RATIONAL WORLD. 104 - Why do before we speak, we stutter? Because we had thought developed to word formation and all spoke singing, to learn the words. 105 - Why in a world of perfection, there was a piece (or part) that was not ready? Perfect World also has development and progress, and that is perfection and had a perfect piece, but was not ready for progress and a few using the will, the will to be free, entered by this piece. 106 - Why is Racionais pure, clean and perfect that went into the piece was not ready? By reason of the will. Is that the world of pure, there is no coercion of freedom, the will is free. 107 - Some came by both rational piece that was not ready and the other party was in progress. This means that in the rational world is there evolution of each individual be? Yes Inside Line Background.

Within the line of purity, which are pure, clean and perfect. Each owns his will, by the will to be free. 108 - Being a living instrument "controlled" between cause and effect, so where is free will? Free will is the cause of human nature itself and by itself be the cause of nature itself, the person will use or how you can use, because it is a cause of itself and so the matter is a set of remains satisfied that in itself is destroyed. 109 - What do you mean natural overflow? It is what is the limit. Example: a full glass of water, overflowed naturally, has its limit of capacity. 110 - The natural overflow is the same free will? No. The natural overflow is what is the limit. And free will is only the overflow even when there is abuse of discretion. Now free will to use what is useful and necessary for the progress of Phase Rational is natural and not harmful. But all that is the limit is harmful. 111 - There is reason to Superior called free will? No. Because free will is already a top reason. 112 - The bodies of the inhabitants of the Lower Astral, are formed of electric and magnetic energy? And why is the part of the well? Yes They are made of electric and magnetic energy. Part of the apparent good is the electric and magnetic. Apparent because everything is over. And part of the evil is the essence of switch, because everything is a strain.

113 - If the animal Rational continue abusing free will, down to the class of the irrational. What will be the result of the abuse of free will of an inhabitant of the Lower Astral?

They do not know the nature deformed. Are unconscious because they do not know why they are so. And in their state of deformation, they suffer the effects of cutting, because people here are human charm. All that is the charm is polished to disenchantment and the form of stoning them is different from the materialized, going to fade into magnetic energy and transformed into other beings different life, because evil itself is destroyed. Thus everything becomes, for bodies of lower life. The essence of evil is weak, and for being evil, evil itself is destroyed. They extinguished the magnetic energy and magnetic energy will create new bodies of living in the lower classes. 114 - And the inhabitants of the Superior Astral, abuse of free will? No. It is pure good, only good, and pure. Therefore, they are a World Superior deformation. They are of a different galaxy from ours. Our sun is down and is theirs up the sun. 115 - Why do not mention the extraterrestrial RATIONAL when they appear and communicate with earthly beings? Because the earthly beings have to develop and prepare to understand them, so there is extra-culture and the inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD. How can you understand a resident of a different world, of life different from yours, that is inhabitant of the underworld? It's the same thing: you speaking Portuguese, to understand English, you will have to prepare and develop the training of English to understand it. Their mission is to make advertising the existence of the RATIONAL WORLD, will speak later, after the worldwide recognition of their culture. It is the beginning preparation for the world to connect all of them, which is ours as well. 116 - How is the return of being to run the hierarchy of the lower classes? Shall bear the cost of electric and magnetic energy. It remains the evolution of the body of electric and magnetic energy and then to run the entire hierarchy back to its pure, clean and perfect for the transformation of this strain, for further

processing. 117 - The power of the will is the nature? Is. Because the nature of human beings is full of wills. 118 - Nature is, with its development, forming a new rational being, called Rational immunized? Yes The natural evolution of human nature, which are incubated in the Rational Energy will be born and linked to the RATIONAL WORLD, aware of all the natural phase transformations of nature. Then it makes all natural, according to the stage. In Phase Rational, Rational Energy Works, which goes with its development, preparing all of course, until everything and everyone to be rational. As the phase of monsters, was all ready to move to the phase of savages. After all was preparing the stage of wild to go to the stage of civilization. In the civilized, preparing all to move to Phase Rational. After all prepared in Phase Rational, will all to the RATIONAL WORLD, of course. The RATIONAL is the beginning of the preparation of the ancients, to be fully aware of the change of nature, which changed from one phase to another: the stage of animal for Phase Rational. And he has recovered from the stage, which is the beginning of the entry phase. 119 - The suffering individual interests to nature as enrichment of their wisdom? No. Nobody is born knowing and all have to work for their survival is at work and sacrifice, is the effort and suffering, and the body of matter is a set of ruins together, suffer the consequences of their training to be natural, as a body of rubble, suffer the consequences of their state of being, becoming thus a sufferer, by its very nature of being, to be out of your true natural state, which is the RATIONAL WORLD. And to be out of the real world is the cause of life is transient, being in a world that does not belong. If you belong would be eternal.

120 - And the illiterate, the blind, the feebleminded, the savages, who are unable to read and those who are disadvantaged? The phase of nature is Phase Rational. The stage itself is naturally the development of all. Because they are under the guidance of a conscious, positive phase, this phase of a pure energy, clean and perfect that is the Rational Power. Because everyone wants to be left as they are: suffering and deaths. Nobody wants to be born over there in the lower classes to languishing and suffering. All they want is up to his true World of Origin - the RATIONAL WORLD. 121 - Why are we so? Matter is not eternal and of itself is destroyed. But the true individuality is eternal. So, life goes on, the body of matter itself is destroyed, but life goes on, because in Phase Rational nobody dies, to find the lost individuality. Who continue with the individuality lost, down to the lower classes, by the inadequacy of individuality and well being, is connected to the lower classes, down to the lower class. 122 - Why are mortal? Because we are not of this world but the RATIONAL WORLD 123 - Why is there night and day? For the rest of mankind. Because the animal tires the machine and it takes the rest and the rest is at night with the paralysis of the senses, for the animal to recover their energy. By night stay quiet and silence is the rest of the body. As the sun in its turn, will illuminate other lands, other people. Thus a certain part of the world is day and the other is night. And so, the sleep of the night meets the day and sleep little satisfies. The night is cold, it's cool, is conciliatory and the day is hot and so the rest does not satisfy. 124 - What are questions?

The questions are who knows nothing and the course of book-all doubts vanish, because what is Rational is complete, no doubt, have no mysteries, puzzles, or charm. Unveil all the truth. So the essence of the pages of the book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, whose contents no one ever thought that came into the hands of all, there is no reason to doubt. 125 - All the reach IMMUNIZATION BACKGROUND? Yes Because the nature of all is already done to achieve it. 126 - Why never reached? Why only now appeared that the instructions to acquire it. 127 - How to reach the state of immunized Rationally? There are living with the guts of both weak and think when they read, the thought is so bruised, they have just read and nothing can explain to the satisfaction, need to go read constantly remaking the health, strengthening the mind and keeping what they have read to you in the know and know to clarify others. 128 - What is the human being? There is much that man was found by studies such as the most monstrous parasite that exists on earth, because of the heinous crimes committed against the laws of nature. The man is a vague destination without being born on this earth without knowing why or for what. In RATIONAL will know why. 129 - Who are the culprits of life and well being of all this? They are the very creatures that are there, because the world is a consequence of their own inhabitants. 130 - What is a deluded? It is a lost and so is being pursued by the suffering and deluded as everyone lives, everyone suffers. Where there is illusion, there is no true knowledge. 131 - How did the spiritualism on earth? In the early stages of distant times, the ways of life were different. The alphabet that prevailed was the alphabet of true natural, the

astrological alphabet, they all have in palms. With this alphabet all lived very well, being conducted right and aware of life by bringing all the trajectory (or palms) of the person's life, for he was born, what should be, where he was living, the letter finally map detailing all that one had to do and all that one had to be in life. But over time, changes have very large, not all were in compliance with the natural life, with the limit of the natural alphabet. And rising discontent of a few, which were the cause they invented a new alphabet, which is the one that is there to give vent to their desires. For example, a son of a nobleman, brought the palms of their hands the fate of being a lumberjack. Then the father, not satisfied and increased dissatisfaction with the alphabet true. Then treated to create and invent another to expand and like the will of parents who wanted their children to be large and not small. And the change of the alphabet, which was the beginning of this that there is revolted residents of the stars or space (whatever you want to interpret), turned the natural field of astrology. So, the inhabitants of the area began to come into contact with humans, being born there, the first step of spiritualism in the land. The cause: a change of the alphabet by an astrological alphabet artificial and the inhabitants of the astrological world came to the rescue of humanity, to guide mankind. Initially there was great difficulty in accepting, as it is in principle, it is always difficult to accept. They started the inhabitants of the area to incorporate the people, one to break everything in the house, others were knocked out for several days, others began to speak differently and no one knew what the disease and it took a great figure at the time. This time (the wise), said it was a strange disease, were being treated, taking drugs and no avail. So the wise men began meeting to find out the remedy to cure this disease which left all alarmed, these attacks were weird, people were hard, immobile, in the incorporation of the inhabitants of the area. They learned of countless meetings to resolve this situation and one day, came an idea: "" Who knows, that souls are not of this world, who are chasing people. " And so all admitted the idea.

They invited people with this strange disease, sat in on a table and the disease had been discovered: they were souls that were chasing and wanted to talk about anything. And one thing they all have incorporated other words, the one time only. And to be well received, the people said: "-I am the soul of a deceased uncle, I am the soul of his grandfather and so on. The inhabitants of the area were forced to lie to be well received. So it was that spiritualism appeared on Earth, hence its increasingly polished, its progress, its evolution, each working his way as he did, of their way to a multitude of different ways, they created names, created everything, created a teaching, the progress each in its way more convenient. So the inhabitants of the area, to be received by people here on earth, identified themselves as if they were living that were incarnated here. Thus was born the spiritualism in the land and why it exists that no one ever knew the reason for their existence. 132 - Why no one ever knew how spiritualism was born? Because nobody knew the time of the astrological alphabet. And the inhabitants of the vacuum, the spirits could not tell because he always brought the deluded people, performing in ways that are not to be accepted and received here on earth. 133 - What do you mean UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT? It is there, a universal definition. The definition of disappointment. Each one in his corner, each one in its place. The matter in his corner in his place and the body of Rational Energy in its place - the RATIONAL WORLD. The solution of the life of matter. The solution to everything and everyone. Each is in his corner and so is there UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT. Unite all in its true place, the body of matter in its place - the world of matter and the body of Rational Energy in its real place - the RATIONAL WORLD. Then he says UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT: each one in his corner, each one in its place. Attach each one in his corner, in his world.

Versar each in its place. See each his corner, join in their own world. The definition of all that no one expected, no one ever imagined that the eternal solution of all would be done in a rational and conscious positive, with basic explanations and endless tests and checks. No one ever expected it to be this way the salvation of humanity as smooth, quietly, that the simplest way that may exist. The truth of the definition of the universe with the simplest words that may exist, for all to understand and comprehend. They are the vibratory movements of the greatest satisfaction and glorification of all mankind to know why here and why not born to be born here for more languishing and suffering. The sharing of two lives and each in his world. Each with life in their world. Each versa in your corner, every one sees your corner, then the UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT - why the name of the book: in their own world. The return of all his World of Origin - what is up, goes up, what is the matter, underneath, because it is low. The joy of joys, the great satisfaction of all, because they have real conscious awareness that will be born into the world of pure, clean and perfect - the RATIONAL WORLD. 134 - In the Book UNIVERSE IN DESENCATO, talks a lot about natural. What is natural? It is what it is and may be subject to no one, governed by the line of nature, which is Rational. The natural is the essence, is all that is in favor of nature. The natural is what everyone needs, and living naturally is supported and protected by nature and it provides the means and ways for natural good behavior of all. 136 - What is Rational? Rational is the Supreme Source, where did this deformed horizon. It is the taproot of fertilization of all this universe and its creation. 137 - The gift of a person is determined or the use of fireworks is distorted, is changed? No. It is good already born, not made and the gift has already been done by nature.

138 - The RATIONAL reveals some customs of the distant past? Yes, the time when the world was ruled by the wise, then said the wise: "The woman represents the moon in the earth and therefore governs with her. The man represents the sun. So if guided by the nature and said the wise: "-The sun has four women and a man as representative of the sun on earth, had to have four women. "The new moon, the moon, the waning and waxing. Even more said: "For the man-well-ordered life is to live the same nature." But then, as always there are abused, they began to appear exaggerated. The exaggerated did not conform with the laws which the wise and had started to abuse it. The have six, has eight, to have ten, which was the birth of the sultan. And the sultans had then, how many wanted. Thus, there was an imbalance in the way of living that time, over time other emerging ways of life, until the beginning of life today. 139 - In the same stage of the sages there time of the goddesses? Yes, where the wise man said it was weaker than the woman and so it was generated and made the woman's womb, the remains of the woman. So why the man was made for the remains of the woman, the wise men saw the woman stronger than man, the woman is the factory of men. They said the wise: "The woman is stronger than a man and woman is that has to rule the world." Then there came the time of the goddesses, the woman who is ruled. But over time, women patients, abusing the freedom they had, this procedure has ended and emerging modes and means of life. At that time, the man was considered weaker than a woman to be done within the womb, the remains of the woman. This phase too remote, that the world has passed a plethora of times, the manners and customs different from each other, according to the progress and evolution.

140 - As the healing process in RATIONAL? For the inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD. The inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD operate both people, how to heal your energy, pure, clean and perfect, the Rational Energy. And to come into contact with the inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD is necessary to know their culture, the RATIONAL to contact them, inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD and thus, there are thousands of readers healed, restored and balanced, the most right of recovery in all the senses, the human being. 141 - Why the arts? The electric and magnetic energy are two deformed energy is energy that causes the inspiration to do this or that, intuition, to do this or that, of the imagination to do this or that, where did all the existing art of the human mind. And by being deformed is all that is appropriate to deformed that created and invented all that exists. All this is linked to the evolution of deformation that are the transformations that everything passes, as well as our life. Today is a body of life, ends tomorrow and this turns into another, different start and end on the lower class. And so will all turning for the worse ever, because everything changes and nothing ends of time. Ends and apparently this is a cause of increased suffering for this world to be a strain on transformation by the degeneration and pollution changing always been weakening all the time and come to extermination. But now avoided by having all your real World of Origin, the rational world and to go up there and not fall over because they are linked to classes in the deformation processing. 142 - What are the known courses created by the human mind that are developed in the work UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT? 1. COURSE COSMOGONY ................ Origin and evolution of the universe. 2. COURSE MECHANICS CELESTE ... Movement of the stars. 3. COURSE OF COSMOLOGY ................. The structure of the universe. 4. ASTROPHYSICS ...................................... The constitution of the stars. 5. Astrogeny ....................................... Creation and evolution of celestial bodies.

6. ASTROBOTĂ‚NICA ............................... The possibilities of animal and plant life on other planets. 7. ASTROCLIMA ....................................... Climatic conditions and their influence on human beings. 8. ASTROBIOLOGY ................................ Existence of life on other planets. 9. ASTROLOGY ....................................... Influence of the stars and signs in the behavior and fate of men. 10. PHYSICS COURSE ............................ Properties of fields, forces, structures and energy systems. 11. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL ................................ Constitution of the properties of beings and objects. 12. PHYSIOLOGY ......................................... Research bodily functions, life, growth, nutrition, etc ... 13. THERAPY .................................... Treatment of disease by physical agents - Rational Energy processing cures. 14. GEOPHYSICS .......................................... Physical phenomena that affect the land, training, division of continents, solar system, water, earth, animals and plants. 15. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM The ....... Study of their actions in the human body, the movements of life and the universe. 16. ENERGY .................................. Study of energy exchange, home, domestic, free, potential, and radiant heat. 17. ECOLOGY ....................................... Living beings and the environment. 18. BIOLOGY COURSES ................. The living and the laws of life. 19. AGE STUDY ............................ The behavior of human beings on the age groups. 20. ETHICAL STUDIES .......................... Qualification on the views of good and evil. 21. ANTHROPOLOGY ............................. Classification of physical characteristics of human groups. 22. ANTROPOSSOCIOLOGIA .............. Study of man in social life. 23. ANTROPAGOGIA ............................. Extending education beyond school and family. 24. COURSE ETNOLOGIA ................. Study of the culture and natural and primitive peoples. 25. ANTROPOMAGNETISMO ................ Study of animal magnetism and other bodies. 26. Humanism logic and ethics ..... Logical humanism - the true knowledge of human actions. Ethical humanism - the claims that man is the creator of the moral values that are defined from the

specific requirements, psychological, historical, economic and social condition of human life. 27. STUDY OF LOGIC ...................... Rational Determination of categories, valid for apprehension of reality conceived as an allshifting - the forms and laws of thought. Science of pure understanding and rational knowledge. 28. STUDY OF REASONING ............. Deduction of reasons and development. 29. COURSE etymology ................ The origin of words. 30. ETIOLOGY ....................................... Study of the origin of things. 31. THEOLOGY ........................................ Issues related to knowledge of the deities, attributes and ralações with the world and men Rational Study of the texts, dogmas and traditions. 32. ESPIRITUALISMO ........................... Study of those natural phenomena, moral, psychic forces, vital forces, the Higher, natural power and eternity. 33. STUDY OF HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS. 34. PSYCHOLOGY ........................ Psychic phenomena and behavior. 35. PSYCHOLOGY ....................... Study and treatment of mental illness. 36. LANGUAGE ....................... Communication language Rational. 37. SOCIOLOGY ....................... Study of the relationship man, a social group. 38. STUDY OF THE MYSTIC ROOTS, dogmatic AND TRADITIONS OF GENERALLY. 39. JUSTICE AND THE REASON. 40. METAPHYSICS ..................... Science supersensible - part of philosophy that studies the essence of beings - complete list of all the knowledge from pure reason. 41. PARAPSYCHOLOGY .......... Study of certain psychic phenomena of a special nature and sayings hidden (telepathy, prediction, etc. ...). 143 - What are the courses unknown to mankind that are developed within the RATIONAL, with logic based, with evidence and proofs, set out from beginning to end? 1. Study of the rational world and its inhabitants. 2. Study of the Superior Astral and its inhabitants. 3. Study of the Lower Astral and its inhabitants. 4. Course of the true origin of humanity. 5. Course description in every detail the stages through which

mankind has passed: before being thugs, known to man and all subsequent phases: wild and civilized Phase Rational present and future. 6. Knowledge of the alphabets: Natural, Artificial and Astrology. 7. Rationalization universal - as is made. 8. Sets all before so to be what was the cause of all the achievements in the world and the world. 9. Definition of where they all came from and where everyone will like and how they came. 10. What was the cause and origin of ceasing to be what we were, to be what we are. 11. The first man to be what it was, the first woman to be what it was. 12. Sets the spiritualization material and spiritual. 13. Knowledge of the natural real all natural and all apparent. 14. Study of recovery of individuals - physical and moral. 15. Study real rulers of energy in the universe - electric and magnetic. 16. Study of unknown energies of being human: Mediator Rational and Rational Energy. 17. Knowledge of the plant, the map and compass in the world of origin of mankind, the world and its creation. 18. IMMUNIZATION BACKGROUND. 19. The Hierarchy of the world, space and the lower classes. 20. The 21 eternities. 21. Disenchantment. 22. The transformations of nature. 23. The cause of the transformation of semen in a body of life. 24. Knowledge of two classes: Rational and irrational animal. 25. Identification of class Rational. 26. Answers to all questions that have always been made and there was never any that answered. 27. Training and just right of the true genesis of the existence of all because there is no effect without cause. 28. This knowledge of RATIONAL is the world that gave this result, because if there is this world is because there is another that gave this result. The PROCEEDINGS OF ALL THESE COURSES ARE SETTLED IN RATIONAL. 144 - Who is the Lord Manoel Jacintho RABBIT? It is illuminated by the RATIONAL WORLD, representative of the

RATIONAL WORLD, connected to the RATIONAL WORLD night and day, to be connected to the Rational Energy and therefore receive messages transmitted from the RATIONAL WORLD that is the culture of disenchantment, the RATIONAL. And so the Lord liveth MANDEL, linked to the inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD as everyone else with knowledge of RATIONAL are related to the inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD, the real world of Rational deformation. The people of the earth is illuminated by electric and magnetic energy and who is connected to the RATIONAL WORLD is illuminated by the Rational Energy. 145 - As you MANOEL sees and interprets the spirit world? The spiritual world is the first step to achieve the Superior Astral and final goal is the RATIONAL WORLD. The spiritual world is the first step to all around the world to its true source is the RATIONAL WORLD, because everyone and everything is above and not below. Because spiritualism first rung of the ladder to reach the final goal, the RATIONAL WORLD. As this warped world, the Astral Lower, lower because it is there, in the fire, the electric and magnetic energy, the electricity is fire. That reach the Lower Astral Astral Superior with its inhabitants up the sun. And much more than the Superior Astral, the RATIONAL WORLD with its inhabitants, the real world of Source Rational animal origin. 146 - The Lord MANOEL spirit already? What was the form of spiritualism that he practiced and used? Now, the way he used was linked to the inhabitants of the Astral and Higher Astral these inhabitants of Superior, are Rational Energy Mediator. They are conscious and positive, to be of a higher world than ours, the Superior Astral. Thus, Mr. Manoel was seen as spirit but spirit was not because he was not connected to the people around the space between the sun and the earth, which is the spiritual world but went through spirit to be connected to the inhabitants of the Superior Astral. And there, at the center of the inhabitants of the Superior Astral is born as a RATIONAL and Rational Energy Mediator called immediately to the inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD. 147 - Who is the Lord MANOEL toward life and the cosmos as

defined? Lord MANOEL for being a human being, it seems like everyone, but it is not. Why is the golden Him RATIONAL WORLD aureus and the human being is different, is the electric and magnetic aura. His is the golden age of Supremacy Rational to be attached to the RATIONAL SUPERIOR two in one. And so, they are all different from each other. 148 - How is the life of Lord MANOEL? It is a humble man of the humblest, simplest of the simplest and most tolerant of the tolerant. Without vanity, without ambition, thinks the matter as it is. Just think of the good of all and only work days night for the salvation of all, as there is knowledge proving and proving logically defined, based on evidence and evidence from which all came from, where and how everyone will go. This is the life of Lord MANOEL. Rational Life. Goodness extreme. Supreme Goodness for being attached to the Supreme - the RATIONAL SUPERIOR. 149 - Where was the Lord MANOEL? In the Federal District, on Barao de Mall in Matoso, on December 30, 1903 and on that day, told by parents and residents of this street, there are still many living who have dropped a big star on this street at the time that the Lord MANOEL born. Try the old ones, this time to count this fact, which scared people who have seen and there was a comment about this case. One of the former is Dr. Alvaro Porto Barroso, who is based in Meier, Rua Arquias Lamb, 259, this is a connoisseur of this and more. 150 - And the interpretations of the Lord MANOEL? Who does not know Him, speaking without knowing it had no knowledge. So, this was interpreted as spirit, for greedy in their own way, for ambitious, in its way; by scammers in their own way, by resentful in their own way, free of enemies in his own way, for the poor in their own way and the good, the fair way of being. Who does not know, do the trial in accordance with the versions

presented and so that only those who know what is RATIONAL is that it is able to tell who is the Lord MANOEL and judge the personality of the Lord MANOEL. And so, the bronze was the judge of the color confusion. 151 - Where is now the Lord Manoel Jacintho RABBIT? Today, the Lord MANOEL lives in a town that was once extinct civilization, whose name at that location was: Jesus comes. At the foot of a mountain by name: Serra dos Caboclos and there are ruins of an ancient civilization, with churches and farms, where there is also a volcano that is dead. In an ancient book of history of Rio, describes all the ancient history of Rio, where to the date of eruption of this volcano. And this city is situated Residence Symbols of Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD. It is a landmark of RATIONAL. Note: There may be some errors in translation from the original Portuguese into English by reason of having used the Google translator. In this case, consider the original located in or send e-mail to Thanks!

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