1 minute read
Living To Tell Your Story
by Mikey Graham
Mikey Graham was born on August 10, 1956, at Orange Memorial Hospital in Orlando, the middle child out of five children. He and his wife Tina have two children, a boy and a girl. He grew up in Orlando and its surrounding communities, briefly spending some times in other states but always coming back to Orlando. He attended several schools in the area, graduated at Jones High in Orlando. He studied ecology at Jones High, had no interest in writing until he began therapy for PTSD in 2006.
The Ups and Downs of Aging Beyond Seventy Years
by Viola B. Mecke, Ph.D., ABPP
The Ups and Downs of Aging is written to present the complexities of life encountered by aging such as problems of where to live, of changes in health, of physical or mental abilities, and of alterations in family and social relationships, all are taking place. The surrender of independence and control of life, brings a deepened sense aloneness and isolation, increased anxiety, or depression. Yet, there comes a positivity, a deepened sense of contentment, and enjoyment of life that brightens the pathway.
Viola B. Mecke, Ph.D., ABPP
E-Book | ISBN: 9781669877974 | $3.99
Also available in Paperback and Hardback