2 minute read
from Generic 17
Dear Reader,
Welcome, and thank you for picking up the 17th issue of Generic Magazine! We are Emerson’s only biannual literary magazine exclusively dedicated to publishing genre fiction. Our magazine is completely written, edited, designed, produced, marketed, and managed by students who put a lot of time and effort into making Generic the best it can be. Inside this issue, you’ll discover stories told from a variety of perspectives, in worlds both familiar and alien.
This issue, of course, cannot be separated from the real-world events co-occurring with its publication process. Because of COVID-19, this will be the first electronic-only issue of Generic, the latter half of the publication process being conducted remotely and electronically. Times like these, in my opinion, are when we need genre fiction most. The stories we publish can offer an escape from the worries of reality, as well as provide a window through which to see our real-life experiences. That’s what’s so important about fiction and story-telling: In times of crisis, we can always find solace in the written word, in the various worlds of fiction. This collection contains six amazing short stories that demonstrate the breadth of creativity that genre fiction can contain, as well as its ability to relate to real-world situations. Each piece offers a new world for us to explore, new characters to journey with, and new themes to grapple with and analyze.
The magazine you’re holding wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work and dedication of our talented authors and staff. I want to thank every reader, copyeditor, designer, cover artist, marketer, editor, and proofreader who contributed to producing this magazine. I appreciate all the time and enthusiasm put into this issue, even when classes, jobs, organizations, internships, and other commitments were all vying for your attention. Of course, many thanks to Undergraduate Students for Publishing for their constant support of this magazine. A special thank you to my amazing Managing Editor Allison Sambucini. Without her, this magazine would simply not exist!
Over the time I’ve worked with this beautiful little magazine, I’ve learned so much about editing, cooperation, and the entire publishing process. I’m so excited to share our staff’s labor of love with our readers, and I’m graduating knowing the magazine will be in good hands once I leave. Thank you again to my wonderful staff for taking me on this amazing adventure. I wish you all luck and love with the issues going forward, and with any other publishing ventures you all end up in.