Does my life reflect God's glory?

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health reflect that Jesus took my sickness and bore all my


Does my car look like it represents the king of heaven?Isthisthe

vehicle an ambassador for Christ would be seen in? Do my finances reflect his overabundance of wealth toDoesme?my

These are just some of the questions the Holy Spirit placed in my mind to ask myself as I was walking around the block praying, ‘does my car look to non Christians like someone who represents the king of heaven,’ ‘does it look to Christians that God prospers me,’ and I had to answer, ‘no lord it does not;’ ‘It gets me to places where I want to go from A to B. But it is not a car a wealthy person would be seen in, someone who represents the worldly wealthy people. Now the car I have is a Ford Fiesta 1998 it drives very well, is economical and gets me to where I have wanted to go, it is immaculate in looks but it cost me £500-00, not very expensive is it?

Brendan Mc Crossan Copyright@2-08-2012


Primark clothes which I do, then I will not look the part of a representative an ambassador for God; someone who has been supplied abundantly by his king. An ambassador must look the part, what would world leaders think if the ambassador from England came wearing a Primark suit and cheap shirt, and shoes, what would that say about the country he represents to others.

And I have been content driving it about until, I was driving past a local church when a car passed me, and the Holy Spirit placed a word of knowledge in me and said, ‘this is the car for you,’ and I knew instantly that this is what God desires that I drive, and I drove after it to see the kind of car it was and saw that it was a Nissan Pathfinder and was red in colour, it looked a beautiful car, but way out of my league I thought, until that word of knowledge pressed in, that God wants me to have this car. My mind exploded in delight, God wants me to have a Nissan Pathfinder car.

Do my finances reflect his overabundance of wealth to me? Does my health reflect that Jesus took my sickness and bore all my diseases?

What will non Christians perceive me like, as I preach prosperity through God’s love and tender care for us, and I am wearing Primark clothes, which I am by the way at this minute; there is nothing wrong with Primark, but as God says to me, ‘I represent him and his kingdom?’ I also have Dolce & Gabbana and other designer clothes which I wear when preaching or going to church, but I run around in Primark in my every day activities. I know that everything I wear should represent his glory now as I write this because I don’t know when I am going to run into someone who is not prospering either as a Christian or non Christian, and when they

Does my car look like it represents the king of heaven? Is this the vehicle an ambassador for Christ would be seen in?

Up until I wrote my book “The Extravagant love of God,” I would have believed that God wanted me to drive my Ford Fiesta, as it gets me where I am going; but now as I talk with him about prosperity and a word he gave to me in my kitchen years ago saying, ‘he was giving me a lottery’ my mind has been renewed, by his word. I see now, that it is his prerogative to bless me with what he wants to bless me with; before I limited him in his love for me, because of false humility, thinking as long as I have a car I am ok, but I know now that is not the way that God thinks, he sent me to represent him in this world and he wants me looking the part of a Ifrepresentative.Idressincheap

look at my car or my clothes they will think your are hardly a representative of a wealthy king whom you say supplies your every need.

The need was met for those seven thousand people and the five thousand but God supplied an abundance extravagance love that is wasteful, over supplied. In both cases gives God the greater glory. The emphasis has always been on the seven baskets left over not on the great miracle itself, and the twelve baskets left over and not on the people being fed. God wanted people to focus on the abundance left over in each case not just on the miracles, but we were never taught that.

Here is a question to ask yourself again, which of the two gives God the most glory, you having your need supplied or your need being supplied with abundance left over just like the loaves and fishes with seven and twelve baskets left over?

Christians think because Jesus was born in that stable that they also should be poor and they also get mixed up in the scripture that says ‘blessed is the poor in spirit for they shall inherit the earth’- Matthew-5-3. They think this scripture is saying they should be poor, but it does not say that at all, it says ‘the whole wide world will be given to them,’ think about that for a moment, ‘the whole wide world shall be given be given,’ to them! That means that ‘the world and everything in it belongs to them’ and is confirmed in 1-corinthians -4-21- ‘he has given you the whole world to use.’

To get back to what I was saying, bad teachings and wrong doctrine has left the Christian with the impression that poverty or just getting by with your need supplied is great and gives great glory to God, it does not give great glory to God at all, extravagances in overabundance is what gives God glory.

Wrong thinking has kept me bound in inferior things, I don’t think like Jesus would think. People think that Jesus would think with a poverty mentality after all he was born in a stable; but he was only born in a stable because there was no room at the inn, and you don’t go to an Inn first unless you have money to pay for your room and board; when the three wise men came to visit him by following the star they saw three years before they came to his ‘house’ where he lived with Mary and Joseph; Matthew-2-11. They brought him gold, frankincense and myrrh, expensive presents fit for a king. Remember they knew they were going to visit a king, and they probably thought they would find him in a palace, but when the star appeared to them again over Bethlehem over a house, I am sure that at first they were surprised but soon got over it and scripture says they joy knew no bounds-Matthew-2-10. Also if you come to pay homage to a new king and a king of all the world, you bring with you as much gold and frankincense and Myrrh as possible, people don’t realise that it would be an insult to a king to come with a handful of gold and stuff, they came bearing abundant gifts of gold frankincense and Myrrh, and they gave this to his parents to hold for him, to look after him. God provided for Mary and Joseph and Jesus, they werenot poor folk, religion has madethem seem likepoor poverty stricken people and Jesus was wrapped in swaddling clothes, ‘soft clothes’ is what swaddling means, not rags as the impression seems to be given to us Christians. Soft baby clothes, Mary had come prepared for Jesus arrival with nice soft swaddling clothes. Isn’t it amazing that religion has portrayed Mary and Joseph as poor folk who couldn’t afford a room to have the baby Jesus in, and that the clothes he was wrapped in were rough stable cloths; Jesus was wrapped in a nice soft cosy blanket, snug as a bug in a rug, no rough cloths against his little tiny soft body. Christians wake up to reality Jesus was well provided for, Not only did his parents havethegold and stuff but Joseph was also acarpenter agood tradeto havein those days, there were no computer experts in Nazareth or car mechanics.

Luke 12-16-New International Version (NIV)

What glorifies God more the healing of a sore toe or the healing of someone with terminal cancer or HIV?

Man is a fool if he thinks everything is his, just like the rich farmer said, ‘I will build bigger barns to store all my grain and wheat in,’ and that night he died. Or others who stored up wealth and they died and left it to others who squandered it.

I have a little Ford Fiesta car, costing me £500-00. Which of the two cars I mentioned before would give God the greatest glory, when I told people that God gave me a car, the Ford Fiesta car or a Nissan Pathfinder which costs in the region of £55,000-00?

16 And he told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. 17 He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’18 “Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. 19 And I’ll say to me, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”’

Surly you should know which of the two will have people talking about the miracle, the healing of cancer and HIV is the greater miracle but both are the same to God; it is just to us that cancer or HIV is more, God desires to heal cancer and HIV as well as sore toes, and he desires to keep doing them through us and he does not limit the size of miracle that he can do through us it is us who limits his Holy Spirit.

Is this the vehicle an ambassador for Christ would be seen in?

Your father is God if you are a Christian, and your father owns everything, no one owns anything, wealthy people have had their wealth ripped off them in a day, from being millionaires to bankrupt. I see this right now on TV news an Irish man who was a multi millionaire has been jailed for fraud and his son is in hiding, all their wealth gone in an instant, and I am sure you also see on your own TV News others in this recession being bankrupt, I see shops closing every day, wealthy shop owners now claiming the dole, {government support}.


Does God wish to be glorified? Yes he does, and do miracles glorify him? Yes, the bigger the more he is glorified, does prospering us bring God glory? Yes it does and the more prosperous he makes us the more he is glorified through us, especially when we tell others he wishes to do the same for them.

Obviously it would be the Nissan Pathfinder it is of the greater value, well you and I are of greater value to God also, we are his own sons and his owns daughters, his children his kids, and he owns everything in heaven and on earth, no human being owns anything, they have it on temporary loan, for each will die and leave behind their great wealth, all they thought they Whichowned.will glorify God the person with the need met, or the person whose need was met in abundance overflowing to extremes?

Only a fool would say the one with the need just met, but I am sure many reading this will think this way.

1-Peter -2-24- he personally carried ‘our sins’ {first} in his own body when he died on that cross, so that we could be finished with sin, and live a good life from now on. For his wounds have healed ours!

20 “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’ 21 “This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves” but is “not rich toward God.”

Does my car give God glory compared to a Nisan Pathfinder and my answer is no, it does not! So I wait on God to release my car and prosperity to me, to glorify him. I am telling you the reader I am getting this car from my father in heaven because he wants me to look good for him, to look like a representative of his, his ambassador! I am telling you to have the same attitude to things of this earth that God wishes to give to his children, hewants thenon Christian to seehis children as theones who areprosperous theones in good health the ones who cause a blessing to those around them. Do you think that non Christians look at you and think that ‘he really shows that God in heaven looks after him in super abundance?’ Or do you think they look at you and laugh when you tell them God wants them to be healthy wealthy and most of all happy.

The wealth that God wants to give us is to be thought of as,‘it’s my father’s wealth’ and he has given it to me while I am on this earth to represent him and his status and his generosity to us. Wealth should mean nothing to us in reality, but as a source in which to give glory to God on high, it is all his anyway. We must use what God gives to build his kingdom up, look at Solomon look at the wealth God gave him and he used it to help the people and to give glory to GodGod.wants


us wealthy using his wealth to bring him glory and remembering we may have it today and it may be gone in an instant the very moment we think it belongs to us alone and become selfish with it.

1-John-1-The Way Bible I pray that all is well with you, and that your body is as healthy as your soul is. This scripture lets us know that God wants us healthy because our sickness does not reflect what Jesus did for us on Calvary, being sick and in pain is not reflecting the glory of God it reflects that the enemy has you in bondage to sickness and disease. How can I stand and tell every non Christian and Christian that God is the great healer and healed us through the cross of Calvary where his first born son Jesus took our sickness and bore all our diseases, and yet my body is in pain and sick.

Does my health reflect that Jesus took my sickness and bore all my diseases?

I have allowed the enemy to inflict my body with disease all my life even though God uses me to heal others through. I thought at one time it was God who done these things on me or allowed them to be on me, because I was born sick and had every childhood disease before I was even two years old, I was paralysed when I was just seven and later when I was thirteen, both times lasted a year but left me with a weak heart and weakened system, and when I first came to God I thought that he did all this on me to test me for something or other, but I have long ago discovered that this was a lie, that it actually was the enemy who placed sickness and disease on me and I accepted it because I thought that God allowed it to happen to me.

I have never accepted that Jesus took all ‘my’ sickness and bore all ‘my’ diseases, I believed the word of God, the Bible, but I never thought that he would do it all ‘for me’ personally. I had faith and belief but I didn’t have expectancy and that is the basis of miracle working power. I didn’t have that expectant belief and faith that it was all for ‘me’ that he took our sickness and disease, it was for all, he took our, but not “my.” I have always felt that he took ‘our’ but not he took ‘my’ sickness and bore “my” disease. I personally have withheld the healing power of God away from me because I did not expect him to mean me, God couldn’t get near me to deliver my healing to me and I didn’t expect him to anyway because who am I that he would do this for “me.” but now after writing about “The Extravagant Love of God,” and seeing the depth of love that God has for me has changed my perspective. Seeing the extravagant love that God has for me in wanting to make me wealthy and have a new expensive car so that I can reflect his glory and to represent his kingdom as his ambassador, I also know now that he wants me to be in total health so that “I can boast on him,” so that others needing extreme healing from terrible diseases can be assured by my testimony of divine healing, after years of ill health. As scriptures says “how can I praise you from beyond the grave,” If my illness killed me how can I give glory to my Father God and testify of his awesome healing power inside me, his Holy Spirit residing in me, and be an encouragement to others. Now I know I am going to receive his healing in my own body for the first time in my life; because I now can see the Extravagant Love he has for me personally.


I believe that I have been called to be a preacher, teacher, prophet, evangelist, healer, and leader, to operate in the five fold ministry gifting, how can I believe if I am downtrodden, sick all the time and drive a 1998 Ford Fiesta car, how can I believe that I am an ambassador for Christ Jesus and for God’s kingdom if this is all I am, it is not a good representation is it? So does my car look like it is driven by an ambassador, does it reflect my abundance of wealth; does my health reflect the healing ministry I have been called to serve God in?

His wounds have healed ours, but still sickness and disease inflict us in different places in our bodies and we think well we all have to die and it has to be sickness that does it or some accident or other.

Now I know I am going to receive his healing love because I finally realised he loves me extravagantly, he doesn’t just love me but loves me extravagantly with passion.

An example of the generosity of God In the following scripture you can see Jesus describing God as a generous farmer.

8 “When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, starting with the last ones hired and ending with the first.’ 9 The workers who came an hour before sunset each received a denarius, 10 so the workerswhocamefirstexpectedtheywouldgetmore,buteachofthemalsoreceivedjust a denarius. 11 On receiving their wages, they began grumbling to the farmer,12 ‘These latecomers have worked only one hour, while we have borne the brunt of the day’s work in the hot sun, yet you have put them on an equal footing with us!’ 13 But he answered oneofthem,‘Look,friend,I’mnotbeingunfairwithyou.Didn’tyouagreetoworktoday for a denarius? 14 Now take your pay and go! I choose to give the last worker as much as I’m giving you.15 Haven’t I the right to do what I want with what belongs to me? Or do you begrudge my generosity?’16 thus the last ones will be first and the first last.”

Matthew Complete20Jewish Bible (CJB)

20 “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a farmer who went out at daybreak to hire workers for his vineyard.2 After agreeing with the workers on a wage of one denarius, [the standard daily wage,] he sent them off to his vineyard. 3 Then, on going out at about nine in the morning, he saw more men standing around in the market-square doing nothing,4 and said to them, ‘You go to the vineyard too — I’ll pay you a fair wage.’ So they went. 5 At noon, and again around three in the afternoon, he did the same thing.6 About an hour before sundown, he went out, found still others standing around, and asked them, ‘Why have you been standing here all day, doing nothing?” 7 They said to him, ‘Because no one hired us.’ ‘You too,’ he told them, ‘go to the vineyard.’

Jesus gave this example to show that God does what he wants to do with his wealth and is overgenerous, giving to the last the same as the first, thereby making no distinction between the first and last. He tells them ‘‘it is my money to give as I please,’’ and that is how God is, he gives as he pleases, to those who expect him to be generous. We are given wealth and wealth in abundance so that we could be a blessing to others not just to ourselves, we can use the wealth that God gives us to bless ourselves with things, but the things are not the blessing, it is in being generous as God directs us, whom to be generous to, that is the blessing. Wealth is given to people so they can use it for the glory of God, to bless others less fortunate than themselves, so they in turn will break out in praises to God, and reach out and touch others also, all giving glory back to God, for his generous nature.

This is something few Christians believe; that God is overgenerous in his outpourings. Do we begrudge God’s generosity to others wishing he would do the same for us?

Healing gifts are given so that you can lay hands on the sick; the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not litterly for your own use, except the gift of tongues that is your own personal gift of prayer,

Not at this moment in time, but soon very soon, and I give God glory now for what I am about to receive may I be truly grateful in Jesus name. You also can apply everything I have written in this little book to you as it applies to you as well as it does to me, and to God be the glory, the honour and the praise forever and ever Amen

Is this the vehicle an ambassador for Christ would be seen in?

gives me his lottery and his car, I will be ecstatic for a while as everyone who has been blessed with wealth does but then I will settle down and get on with the business of still taking my time out with God in my coal bunker, {that’s where I minister to God each morning} it is eight foot wide by twelve foot long and seven foot high. And I will still worship him in the ways I always have, probably with a lot more enthusiasm for a while. But then I would be just as enthusiastic when I minister to others in a very large healing centre and out in the field ministering healing and teaching the word of God.

wants them to do will not be beaten so hard for doing wrong. If God has been generous with you, he will expect you to serve him well. But if he has been more than generous, he will expect you to serve him even better.

the rest of the gifts you have to wait on the Holy Spirit to operate through you; you can pray in tongues anytime!

If God has been generous to you he will expect you to serve him well, using what he gave to bring him glory, and if he has been more than generous then he expects that limit to rise even Whenhigher.God


God knows that getting a lottery is not the big issue with me but getting closer to him and feeling his abundant presence everywhere with me is worth a million lotteries and a million Nissan Pathfinder cars.

I know I am going to die when he calls me and tells me my work for him here on earth is finished, and I won’t die before that because I gave my death to the lord and he holds my death in his hands, the enemy does not hold my death in his hands though he has tried many times to kill me, only God holds my death, just like scripture says, ‘’he holds my very breath in his hand,’’ and as long as he holds my breath in his hand, no enemy can get to it to wipe it from me.

Does my car look like it represents the king of heaven?

Do my finances reflect his overabundance of wealth to me?

Does my health reflect that Jesus took my sickness and bore all my diseases?

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