3 minute read
The Miracle of Mental Health by Mary Rensberry



Mental health has become somewhat of a misnomer buried in a labyrinth of labels and pills that mask conditions of mental unhealthiness rather than making any reasonable attempts at fi nding a root cause in order to create a true condition of mental health. True mental health is a state whereby one would be free of labels and any sort of mind-altering substances such as the multitude of psychotropic drugs being prescribed and foisted upon millions and millions of unsuspecting people thus labelled. It would appear that psychiatrists are unable to actually cure anything related to the mind. You would think the natural order of life to be psychosis rather than a state of mental stability.
If one just took the time to observe life, mental health could be restored rather easily without introducing mind-altering drugs into the equation. As for one example, just take the contraption we call Tell-a-Vision. TV, being a made-up world of illusion and delusion, often creates those states in the people who regularly watch. They become illusional and/or delusional to one degree or another. This fact is proven by the billions of people who see and mimic these media created persona and delusions. The TV’s unreality manifests itself as forms of mental illness in the lives of the television spectators. These mimics do things a mentally healthy person would not do. This can be easily proven out by comparison. I live in a predominantly Amish community where there is a population of people who have never been exposed to the Television’s constant bombardment of illusions and delusions. The Amish by comparison are not prone to the many delusional infl uences propagated by TV programming and do not take
to mimicking its blatant promotion of promiscuity, violence, racism, perversion, drug abuse and other mentally destabilizing ills. I myself live this proof, I stopped watching TV many, many years ago. This simple act of ridding one’s life of such illusional and delusional infl uences can and will miraculously cure a wide range of mental problems. It is a stepping stone to a life of higher production and creativity which by most standards could be said to be a mental and spiritual cure-all.
Way back when in the words of a very witty musician by the name of John Prine:

So, if you want to get on the road to mental health, just turn off the insanity factory, and maybe, just maybe, after a while, you might discover the world is bright and beautiful as you make it.
About the author:

Mary Rensberry is an author, artist and founder at QuickTurtle Books. Mary wrote my award-winning book The Best of Me from a-z for the benefi t of kids everywhere. Before founding QuickTurtle Books, Mary taught in several Texas schools. The author most liked kindergarten through 2nd grade. She fell in love with the spirit of the child, their innocence and a keen interest in wanting to know about the world around them. They truly gave me so much more than I could give them. Teaching reading was her favorite subjects along with recess. She enjoyed playing with the kids just as much as they enjoyed their breaks with her. Reading and recess taught us many valuable lessons in social development, getting along with each other, and respecting our differences. The Best of Me is inherent in us all.
The Best of Me From a-z http://amzn. to/2DSSgvN