Your Secret Library - SciFi & Fantasy

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Fantasy reading magazine Executive Editor/Editor-in-Chief - Laurence O’Bryan Associate Editor - Tanja Slijepčević Production Mananger - Hannah Jenkins Assistant Editor - Elisabeth Schaffalitzky Assistant Editor - Natashia Thewes Graphic Designer - Mirna Gilman

Produced by BooksGoSocial 5 Dame Lane Dublin 2


Table of contents 04 Editor’s Letter 06


08 BGS Top Rated Sci-Fi and Fantasy Novels

11 11 16 22

Interview with Bonnie Milani “Literary” fiction or speculative fiction? That is the question. by Susan McDonough-Wachtman Fantasy gems you might not have heard of by Susi Wright Fantasy, Science Fiction, and the Power of Abstract Thinking by Fabia Scali-Warner


Poems: Beauty and the Beast & Campe by Adam and Christian Boustead


Furlasia Travel Brochure by Michael VanderLoon

38 Free Books


Editor’s letter Hi, You are very welcome to our Fantasy Reading magazine ‘17! I’m sure we have all been wondering the same thing: what will we do with our time until the new season of Game of Thrones comes out? Well, you’re in luck - we have just the thing for you! While Sci-Fi and Fantasy novels are a dime a dozen these days, it can be daunting to find the hidden gem among the all the stones. So, we here at BooksGoSocial have combed through our, luckily, never ending list of qualifying books. What better way to find new books to read than in a magazine that features excellent sci-fi & fantasy books.


And if you look around inside our magazine you’ll find links to 5 FREE ebooks, which you can download and read on your Kindle or other reading device straight away. Don’t miss them. Susan McDonough-Wachtman and Fabia Scali-Warner discuss why sci-fi and fantasy are not taken seriously as a genre, and what can we do to change it. Caitlin McKenna and Corben Duke give us recommendations on what to read next. Fantasy author Susi Wright gives her own favorite fantasy books you might not have heard of. All that, and lots more in our new Sci-fi & Fantasy Magazine. We hope you enjoy it. And if you have any ideas for articles or things you would like to see covered in our magazines, let me know. Happy reading! Laurence O’Bryan Editor in Chief Fantasy & Sci-Fi Reading Magazine


Revi The Bugs Boys by Stewart Hoffman Reviewed by Corben Duke Ever wondered what would happen if you were to eat a peanut butter sandwich ‘infected’ by alien nanobots? Me neither. But author Stewart Hoffman has, and the result is his fantastic debut novel The Bug Boys. Not only is it a highly imaginative and humorous book – certain to entertain the young audience it’s aimed at - but it goes further and explores difficult themes such as bullying, poverty and corruption. Set in a small coal-mining town in Yorkshire, the story follows two schoolboys who eat a packed lunch contaminated with nanobots – tiny alien machines that enhance the abilities of their hosts. After accidentally consuming a ladybug, the boys discover they temporarily take on the form of the insect, along with its strength and acute senses. It doesn’t take long before they master the technique of transforming themselves into a range of giant insects – ants, spiders, flies etc – and debate how to put their discovery to good use. The answer is obvious: they become local Superheroes and set about finding wrongs that need righting in their hometown. The Bug Boys is a splendid read. The author doesn’t dumb-down the story or writing style to suit younger readers and I think that makes the book all the more successful. It also has the added benefit of making the book appeal to a much wider readership than the audience it’s aimed at. I’m fifty-six and enjoyed it very much. Apart from the obvious appeal of superheroes, aliens and monster-bugs, the book is written with a great sense of humour and fun. Yet it does not shy away from more serious themes such as bullying, poverty and corruption. The author handles these topics sensitively and encourages the reader to consider the social issues that lie behind the bad behaviour. To cap it all the book is set in Yorkshire – God’s own English county! The author has just published the second book in the series – The Bug Boys vs. Professor Blake Blackhart – and I for one can’t wait to read it.

Buy Here 196 page paperback (ISBN-13: 978-1532003448) - Price $13.99 E-Book (ASIN: B01L4JBAO0) – Price $0.99 Corben Duke is a former architect, now living in Dorset with his wife and two dogs. His first book, co-written with Mark Roman, is called The Worst Man on Mars – a science fiction comedy telling of Britain’s first, and not entirely successful, attempt to colonize the Red Planet. 6

iews The Reality Thief by Paul AnLee Reviewed by Caitlin McKenna What if you could build a machine that could change the fundamental laws of nature? That’s the central premise of The Reality Thief, which weaves together theoretical physics, nanotechnology, virtual reality, and far-future space opera into an engaging story. This ambitious novel unfolds in two parallel timelines, one taking place in the mid-21st century, the other a hundred million years in the future. In the near-future arc, Darian Leigh, a physicist with nanotechnologically enhanced intelligence, lays the groundwork for a device that can change the laws of physics as we know them. In the far future we see the consequences of his work, as Alum, the self-proclaimed god of the universe, works to remake creation in his own image. If those changes in setting sound dizzying, they are -- some of the transitions between the two timelines were a bit jarring, though I got used to them as the novel unfolded. As this is definitely a novel of ideas, the characters also aren’t as fleshed out as they could be; however, the series promises that we’ll learn more about them in future installments. By far my favorite aspect of this novel was its evocation of a far-future society based on a rigorous extrapolation of advances in theoretical physics and artificially enhanced human intelligence. If you like books that stimulate your intellect as well as your imagination, The Reality Thief should be on your list. FTC disclosure: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Caitlin Demaris McKenna is a freelance editor and writes articles about technology, media, and society for Yellow Bear Media. She has visited three continents, and lived in Vancouver and New York. She blogs about books, writing, and science fiction at


BGS TOP RATED SCI-FI AND FANTASY NOVELS! While Sci-Fi and Fantasy novels are a dime a dozen these days, it can be daunting to find the hidden gem among the all the stones. So, we here at BooksGoSocial have combed through our, luckily, never ending list of qualifying books. Taking that list, we compared and contrasted each and every Amazon review rating. All that hard work paid off, and we now have a list of the seven Top Rated BooksGoSocial Sci-Fi and Fantasy novels. Each novel has an Amazon review rate of 4.5 or above, so be sure to check out the reviews…maybe even write your own.

THE ENEMY WITHIN by Scott Burn Seventeen-year-old Max has always felt like an outsider. When the agonizing apocalyptic visions begin, he decides suicide is his only escape. He soon finds himself in an institution under the guidance of a therapist who sees something exceptional in him. Just as he begins to leave the hallucinations behind, Max discovers the visions weren’t just in his head. There are three others who have shared those same thoughts and they’ve been searching for Max. Like him, they are something more than human. Each of them possesses certain abilities, which they’re going to need when a covert military group begins hunting them down. As the danger escalates, Max doesn’t know which side to trust. But in the end, his choice will decide the fate of both species.

The Land: Raiders: Chaos Seeds by Aleron Kong Welcome to the SIXTH vivacious installment of Aleron Kong’s, Chaos Seeds series. The time of hiding has passed. The Mist Village will make itself known. Goblins have invaded Richter’s lands. Though the first incursion has been defeated, the anger of Chaos Seed remains. Those who challenge Richter’s power will learn there is a reason all creatures fear the mist… it is the home of monsters. For the first time, Richter takes the battle to his enemies. He will live up to his name, and the very Land will shake with this power. With his allies, the Wood Sprites of Nadria, the army of the Mist Village marches to war. Richter has been a healer, an enchanter, a dungeon diver, and a killer. Now he becomes something more. He becomes a RAIDER! 8

Conscripts (The Off World Trilogy) by Patrick Locke Jacob Young thought he knew exactly what he wanted in life, down to the last detail. He had finished his education, found the right girl, and was now just waiting on that ideal job that would launch him towards his perfectly-planned-out future. Instead, he awakes to find himself forced onto a different path—as a human conscript in an alien war—far from everything he knows and loves. Propelled into danger, he soon realizes that his only choice— and that of his new comrades—is to rise to the occasion, to endure unimaginable difficulties and help each other make it home. Unbeknownst to Jacob, not only is he in a struggle for his life, but one that will impact humanity. Back on Earth, when a mass disappearance of people across the globe calls for governmental investigations it is quietly dismissed as an unsolved and strange coincidence, like the flocks of birds that drop dead from the sky. With so little information, even the 24-hour news cycle soon abandons its coverage. The only ones that appear unable to move on are the loved ones that the missing left behind. Luckily for Jacob, his family refuses to give up on him.

Talisman by S. E. Akers They say a diamond is a girl’s best friend . . . but sometimes, it’s her destiny. When strangers sweep in to save Shiloh Wallace’s rural West Virginia town, she soon realizes her humdrum “human” life will never be the same. The unnerving telepathic event rocks the suspicious high school senior with questions that leaves her desperately seeking the truth. With freak occurrences mounting at every turn, Shiloh finds herself barreling down an unimaginable path that ultimately leads to her destiny. She is a Talisman, an elemental supernatural being who can wield powers drawn from ancient stones that grant her abilities beyond her wildest dreams. Now, along with the aid of her newfound mentors, Shiloh must come to grips with accepting the illustrious Diamond Wand of Adamas as her fate, while saving her town and those she loves from an evil Talisman hell-bent on destroying everything that stands in his way of claiming her coveted diamond as his own. 9

Solaris Seeks (Solaris Saga) by Janet McNulty Regret is the bane of every heart. Following the tragic battle with Klanor, sorrow fills the crew aboard Solaris. Rynah locks herself in her quarters, refusing to speak with the others, but Solaris convinces her to put aside her grief and continue the mission Marlow had entrusted to her. During a meeting in the ship’s galley, Rynah and the crew resolve to pursue the next crystal. While on their way to a volcanic planet where the crystal is rumored to be, Rynah and her crew are almost killed by an ion storm and are forced to land on an outlying planet. While there, Rynah dreams she hears a familiar voice screaming her name, a voice with a startling message: Brie is still alive! But where is she?

Dark Star by Dennis Durfey After completing the mysterious test to become a Grand Magi with her shandar, Jerdone, Zandreena was looking forward to peaceful years of studying to perfect her magic. But fate and a prophecy of old made her leave her home and led her on an adventure and an eventful encounter with the fearless Ash’len, the spiritual Danica, and the proud thief Ren, all of whom will play a role in her journey to finding the Orb of the Magi. This immense duty placed in the hands of this young Grand Magi was not welcomed by everyone, and she had to protect not only her life and her friend’s lives, but also the very mission itself. With the land stripped of its grandeur and serenity due to wars and dark magic, these young men and women must stay together, fight for their lives, and believe that fate will lead them to save mankind.

Ascend Online by Luke Chmilenko Diving into a revolutionary new video game, Marcus and his friends escape a stagnant society, entering into a world that defies their wildest imaginations. But from the moment that he logs in, Marcus finds himself separated from his friends and thrown into remote village under attack by a horde of goblins. Forced into battle, Marcus rallies the beleaguered villagers and with their help, manages to drive off the invading creatures. With the village in ruins and their supplies spoiled, the survivors desperately turn to Marcus for help in rebuilding the village. Realizing that this game is nothing like he’s ever played before, Marcus is swept up into a whirlwind of adventure as he struggles to defend his new home, quickly finding that marauding goblins are the least of his problems. 10

INTERVIEW WITH BONNIE MILANI In this issue, we are talking with Bonnie Milani, a profilic sci-fi author of many exciting books.

Tell us something unexpected about yourself! What made you decide to become a writer?

I don’t think anyone DECIDES to become a writer. It’s a need you’re born with. If there’s anything writers have in common it’s that none of us can remember a time we WEREN’T telling stories. The question is simply a matter of learning how to make your stories work.

What are your top 3 books of all time?

Oy, that’s a hard one. ‘Pride & Prejudice’, definitely. Also ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ and…probably … maybe… ‘The Mote in God’s Eye’ or “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress’ or The Chanur series…

Do you have a favorite amongst your own books? Hehehhhh…it’s generally the one I wrote last!

Have you got any writing rituals?

No ritual – unless you count an addiction to computer solitaire - but I make a point of treating my writing time as my sacred time. So I maintain a consistent writing schedule. Since I work full time (Sniff! Snuffle!) my writing time is 5 unGodly:30 a.m. until 7:15 a.m. Weekends I sleep in until 6:30 and write until the other half gets up.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

Chafing because I’m not writing, generally. Also editing other writers’ work, ghost-writing for some of my Hollywood clients. Oh, and running a benefits insurance agency between times.

Do you read your book reviews?

With enthusiasm. And the occasional whimper.

What advice would you have for other writers?

The one thing that I’m truly passionate about is getting indie authors to understand that, if we’re going to call ourselves professional authors, then we must write to professional standards. Fiction writing is HARD. It’s a CRAFT & you have to put in the sweat and time to learn that craft. YES, structure matters. So does character, pacing, plot logic, you name it. But you have to struggle through. 11

You have to seek out and LISTEN to honest (aka painful) critiques. And then you have to try some more. The worst thing an indie author can do to himself is to build a successful marketing campaign for work that hasn’t been professionally edited/ proofread/ presented. I hear writers say time and again “I can’t afford an editor! It costs too much!” Believe me, it costs far MORE to convince readers to buy a book that doesn’t meet professional standards because that mistake burns off your future sales. Readers don’t just rememeber – they complain. Loudly.

Are you reading anything now?

I’m working through the Dresden Files series, re-reading some Gordon Dickson, and joyously discovering some fab indie authors here in BGS

Have you got any more books coming out in the near future?

Yes – working title is ‘Monkey’s Luck’. It’s hard-boiled military sci fi with a touch of heart. God & my concentration permitting it should be out by Thanksgiving. I’ll keep you posted!

Find out more about Bonnie on her Amazon Author page.


“LITERARY ” FICTION OR SPECULATIVE FICTION? THAT IS THE QUESTION. by Susan McDonough-Wachtman “When Dickens published A Christmas Carol nobody went, ‘Ah, this respectable social novelist has suddenly become a fantasy novelist: look, there are ghosts and magic.’” --Neil Gaiman, “Let’s talk about genre”: Neil Gaiman and Kazuo Ishiguro in conversation Genre is a fairly recent construct in the literary world, but since its inception, there has been vigorous debate over whether genre fiction can be “literary.” Sci-fi and fantasy, (often called speculative fiction or SF these days), has had a hard time overcoming its early years of comics and superheroes. “It’s this cartoon imagery of science fiction that least appeals to serious writers and readers. Or, as Margaret Atwood put it more bluntly and infamously: ‘Science fiction is rockets, chemicals, and talking squids in outer space.’” --David Barnett, Science fiction: the genre that dare not speak its name. Writers like Atwood don’t want their books classified as SF, because they, and many of their readers, don’t take the genre seriously. They see SF as a sort of vacation from the job of living. As Gaiman puts it, “You don’t want people who are too dreamy or who are imagining things: you want them to accept this is the nitty-gritty of real life, that they’ve just got to get on with it.” “Literary” fiction, on the other hand, is supposed to be about the nitty-gritty, and therefore it is expected that it will improve a person’s ability to deal with their everyday struggles. Reading SF is, in this view, akin to playing video games when you should be studying. 13

“The main reason for a person to read Genre Fiction is for entertainment, for a riveting story, an escape from reality. Literary Fiction separates itself from Genre because it is not about escaping from reality, instead, it provides a means to better understand the world and delivers real emotional responses.” -- Steven Petite, Literary Fiction vs. Genre Fiction The implication here is that standard SF does not deliver a “real” emotional response and does not help you understand the “real” world. The argument thus devolves into the elites versus the hoi polloi: I read literary fiction to be enlightened, while you merely read SF to escape. Or as Gaiman put it, “So we’re actually talking about reading for pleasure as opposed to reading for improvement... I’ve never had anything against escapist literature, because I figure that escape is a good thing: going to a different place, learning things, and coming back with tools you might not have known.” As an SF writer, I want readers to have an emotional response to my work. Of course I do. I write to entertain, but I also hope to make my readers think about some of the issues facing our world today. I want them to learn new things and think new thoughts when they read my books. I see SF as a vehicle for examining topics which we urgently need to talk about. “Supposedly, the advantage to having literary novelists take up stories once dismissed as the stuff of genre fiction is that readers can get exciting plots to go with the mainstays of literary work: nuanced characters and the kind of aestheticized writing conventionally referred to as beautiful.” -- Laura Miller in Dark Futures: What happens when literary novelists experiment with science fiction. I’m not really looking to write more “beautiful” books. I use figurative language and other elements of “beautiful” writing in an effort to get my ideas across. In my books, I am attempting to be more forward-thinking. Our world desperately needs people to read SF, because it challenges us to think about the choices we are making today. In fields from artificial intelligence to genetic engineering, the world is changing very fast, and we need to consider the intended and unintended consequences of what we are developing. SF is one of the best ways for us to do that as a society. When I was a teenager, I fondly imagined that I wrote in a “literary” way. I was full of deep thoughts, and I won prizes from Scholastic Magazine. I was also full of that self-confidence and self-importance that comes from being young, and a winner of prizes from Scholastic and the Pacific Northwest Writer’s Association. I was also the youngest member of a creative writing class taught by a Real Live Published Author (Zola Helen Ross, may she rest in peace.) Then I got married and paid bills and started teaching high school and had kids and got divorced and l no longer had time for deep thinking. I was deep in the nitty-gritty of life. I associated pretty much 24/7 with children, and so I wrote a lot of short stories in a straightforward, non-literary way I wouldn’t have to explain. I didn’t have time for anything else. 14

Now, as I’m coming out the other side of all that, with my children grown and a husband who understands (usually) when I use a metaphor, I find I have time to think deep thoughts, like the scarecrow. And like the scarecrow, I am delighted by this, but also scared. There are so many huge developments being made in science and technology. We are facing revolutionary changes in this world and our grandchildren will have to cope with the results of the changes we are making. So many of these developments are being made with little public discussion and only slight societal understanding of where we are headed. I am writing SF in a more literary way, because I am trying hard to express these deep problems that I see as clearly as I am able, but I find there is still this tendency to classify SF as gimmick-driven and not thoughtful. I want to be taken seriously, because these issues are so crucial. However, I also know that being taken more seriously will open me up to more serious criticism, and I quail at the thought. Is this what I really want? I’ve published five books and, as an introvert, I have done my best to sell them without actually talking to any real live people about them. Even as I crave readers, I avoid talking to anyone who might be one. I want the issues to be discussed, but I don’t want to be the one discussing them. How contrariwise is that? From one of the best literary SF writers ever: “‘Contrariwise,’ continued Tweedledee, ‘if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn’t, it ain’t. That’s logic.’” --Through the Looking Glass In my logic, I must do what scares me, because the future scares me. I need to write as eloquently as I possibly can, so my grandchildren (should I ever have any) will have a planet to live on. Susan McDonough-Wachtman boldly sends her heroines where they don’t want to go


The Force, by Alexandra and Joyce Swann Someone is murdering the world’s most beautiful women— over and over. When Jarrod and Joshua Sinclair are called in to consult with the FBI about the Hollywood Starlet murders, they immediately suspect their old nemesis, Josef Helmick, of creating clones for a visiting Saudi prince. Wasting no time, they hire retired detective Fred Kowalski to build a case against him. Soon Fred discovers that Helmick is harboring a secret much darker than human trafficking. Now he and the Sinclairs must stop Helmick before Josef resurrects an ancient, diabolical Force to bring the entire world under his control.


If you like books like the Left Behind series or things written by Frank Peretti, this is one you will want to add to your to read list! Just remember that I warned you- be ready to be creeped out! But to be challenged as well!

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Dark Genius, by H. Peter Alesso Would you like to be a genius? To the insatiably curious—science is the greatest adventure. So, when scientists announced the discovery of the ‘God’ particle in 2012, all the world wondered, “How did they find it?” Despite his past academic failures and egregious family circumstance, Andrew Lawrence embarked on a journey of discovery, competing against rival scientists to solve the greatest unsolved mystery of the universe—dark matter—and win the ultimate prize; the Nobel. Despite the ego of rivals, the threat of cyber-terrorists, and the complexities of nature, he persevered in the search for the ‘Holy Grail’ of physics.


He thought all was lost—now he had a second chance. With a profound sense of relief, Andrew Lawrence slide his tablet into his shoulder holster and walked briskly along the Boston sidewalk. His past academic failures were behind him. He was ready for a fresh start. Tall, slender, darkhaired Lawrence listened to the clicking and clacking of shuffling shoes on the pavement as students jostled alongside him. The hint of autumn from the cool morning air brought a frenzy of activity to the sprawling campuses of both MIT and Harvard, which nurtured a flourishing rivalry among their ambitious students.

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FANTASY GEMS YOU MIGHT NOT HAVE HEARD OF BY SUSI WRIGHT For as long as I can remember, I have been an avid reader of historical fiction and fantasy, and I also love a good romance. In epic fantasy, my ‘lodestar’ authors are Tolkien, Anne McAffrey, Robin Hobb, and Raymond Feist. I have always been an ardent fan of those literary classics, but, since taking up writing epic fantasy and being self-published, I have also taken great interest in what is a largely unrecognised wealth of talent: the world of ‘indies’. The more I read the more I learn about the craft of writing, while being thoroughly entertained. I am delighted to share a couple of recent discoveries – gems of fantasy – which are my current and all-time favourites so far. They claim this spot in my estimation for a great original plot and world-building, immersive detail, plenty of action, and well-developed characters, while being extremely readable. Firstly, I am delighted to introduce a young author by the name of Bryce O’Connor, who has had a meteoric rise to popularity in the last eighteen months, and deservedly so, with his three-part epic series, ‘Wings of War’. It is proof positive that indie authors can be successful. O’Connor has built a fascinating fantasy world in these books. This is a brilliant, unique story, following the perilous adventures of an artherian (reptilian character) named Raz I’Syul Arro, through his many personal trials, including, slavery, life as a mercenary and war on a grand scale. Raz is a most engaging character as he grows up through the series, interacting with a cast of interesting characters from diverse races, and learns important life lessons from his trials and travels. He is forced to question his purpose as he encounters abject cruelty, greed and duplicity, and the clash of religious beliefs around him. To find out whether he discovers any answers, I recommend fantasy fans read this for pure enjoyment, though I warn you it’s no fairy-tale. I could not finish this article without mentioning my second new discovery, ‘The Cloak of the Two Winds’ by Jack Massa. Again, this is a unique, exciting and extremely well-written tale, set in an ice world, where a fisherman-pirate clan, Iruks, find themselves drawn into a dangerous adventure to rescue one of their own. To have any chance of success, they must join forces with a mysterious witch and help her to retrieve the Cloak of the Two Winds, before it falls into the hands of an evil sorcerer and wreaks havoc on their world. This one was great fun to read. I would suggest that fantasy fans give themselves a real treat and read these books. Susi was born in London and educated in England with major interest in literature, languages, history and art. At twenty, she travelled to Australia and worked for many years as a free lance bird and animal artist while raising three children. Now retired, she lives in Queensland, enjoying the outdoors with her husband and family, and realising a new chapter in her life as an author.


More Than Human, by Alexandra Butcher Walk with these elves, imps, wizards, dryads, gods, and guardians as they subdue demons, free the enslaved, preserve the world, comfort the exiled, and cross swords with the dark. Read and revel in their triumphs and tribulations. Buy Here

Mo’ani’s Way, by D.L. Kramer Paki has little memory of his parents. Taken during his third summer, he’s sold into the slave ranks. During his tenth summer owned by a cruel trapper, he suddenly finds himself in the company of Kile, Captain of the Guard and dedicated to the prophecy of Nahtan--the warrior who will someday overthrow the Archbishop and free Herridon from his evil grip. Buy Here


Enlightened, by Billie Kowalewski Harmony is a student at the biggest, most famous school ever known ...and so are you! Earth. Yep, Earth is school, and Harmony has always been a very good student. All of that changes after she accepts a challenge from a boy in her class named Kaleb which starts an on going string of untimely deaths. This creates tension between them, because neither one is aware of the true underlying cause. Will Harmony and Kaleb discover the truth behind their accidental deaths?

Reviews: “Enlightened is exactly the sort of book that remains in your mind long after you’ve read it, for all the best reasons.” - “Enlightened is such a fascinating read and is not mindless by any stretch of the imagination.”

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Solaris Seethes (Solaris Saga book 1), by Janet McNulty After escaping the destruction of her home planet with the help of the mysterious Solaris, Rynah must put her faith in the ancient tales of her people: tales that also seem to predict her current situation. Forced to unite with four unlikely heroes from an unknown planet (the philosopher, the warrior, the lover, the inventor) in order to save her people, Rynah and Solaris embark on an adventure that will shatter everything Rynah once believed.

Review: “I enjoyed this book very much, and by the end, I wanted to read the next book. Solaris Seethes is very enjoyable and engaging from start to finish. The author does a good job creating interesting characters in all of them. The story leaves you with a cliffhanger, so be prepared when it happens. If you are a fan of science fiction novels and are looking for a unique book I recommend this book. Solaris Seethes brings many dynamics to the table that I’m sure many will enjoy.”

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The Colony, by R M Gilmour When Lydia is pulled into Jordan’s plane of existence, she finds her immersed in a world controlled by an artificial intelligence, whose sole purpose is to protect the power source that runs the planet. But it does so at the cost of all who live outside of its city. To survive in this new world, she must find courage and strength, and learn to face her fears. But to save her soulmate and the colonists, she would sacrifice all within her.

Review: “This is an excellent novel that captured my interest from the beginning, pulled me in, and never once let go! RM Gilmour is a hugely talented writer who knows how to grab and keep our attention! Each scene was riveting, imaginative, and flowed smoothly from one to the next… never a “dull part” where you get bored or want to skip ahead.”

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Ghost Warrior (Immortal Warriors book 2), by Denna Holm Amanda Cross survives one nightmare only to face another. She’d always thought of herself as a strong woman, but her many trials on the hostile planet Lavina almost break her. After her rescue, it should be an easy decision to return home to Earth, but she didn’t count on her attraction to the tall, handsome shapeshifter. Tallyn’s parents rule the most powerful werewolf pack on Laizahlia. As heir to the crown, they expect him to mate with a strong female, but he can’t deny his attraction to the short, curvy woman from Earth. To help keep her alive, Tallyn must call for help from an ancient tracker, but Calem’s unusual interest in Amanda has him worried. Buy Here 21


BY FABIA SCALI-WARNER I love literature. I also love genres like fantasy and science fiction, which seem to suffer from the stigma of being considered “paraliterature”, as if no true artistic relevance could be found outside the closed borders of realistic fiction. This prejudice against genre literature, which also includes mystery and crime novels, is pretty much absurd if we consider that throughout the ages recognized works of literature were full of fantastical elements: from the Iliad to Shakespeare to Kafka to Gabriel Garcia Marquez, illustrious writers have refused to limit their pen to everyday realism. One could argue that the entire difference between a simple text and literature is the ability to transcend mundane reality and expose something universal, through the language of imagination and fantasy if necessary. Why would the “magical realism” of Marquez or Murakami be more respectable and literary than Tolkien’s or Asimov’s extreme world-building efforts? And despite the stigma, why are these genres so popular with the younger generations? I believe I found an answer watching the video of a TED Talk by moral philosopher James Flynn, “Why our IQs are greater than our grandparents’” (you can watch the whole video here). His answer is very simple: abstract thought. Philosophy, science and the arts have helped the human mind and culture evolve by creating hypothetical playing grounds through the simple question: what if ? The ability to play around with the parameters of reality has consistently revealed new truths about the world we live in. So, returning to fantasy and science fiction, could it be that the bias is caused by an old mindset, too anchored to reality and less inclined to speculation? Could it be that these genres reflect in literature the same kind of abstraction researched by figurative arts in the last century? I confess, I do write science fiction (you can find my first novel, Julia Dream, here). And I don’t identify my work as “paraliterature”. Fabia Scali-Warner is a blogger and a writer. She has lived on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, loves both Europe and the US, and holds a degree in Publishing and Journalism. Her posts on books, communication and the arts can be found on her blog, Viral Storytelling. Her published works include non-fiction titles (literary monographies in Italian), and she is currently working on the Science Fiction trilogy Julia Dream. 22

Julia Dream, by Fabia Scali-Warner A nuclear war has decimated mankind. When her parents die in a fire, Julia is left to cope with a highly bureaucratic and regulated system. As her loyalty undergoes increasingly harsh tests, Julia draws attention to herself with her cold blood and fierce resolve in battle. Constantly on the edge between independent spirit and military discipline, Julia will have to decide how to use the power granted her. Buy Here

The Mind of Stefan DĂźrr: The SHIVA Syndrome Trilogy (Book 1), Alan Joshua A mind research experiment goes horrifyingly wrong. Thousands are killed when a Russian suburb is mysteriously destroyed, leaving a mile-deep crater in its place. Simultaneously, a U.S. space shuttle vaporizes in orbit and a Canadian mountaintop is ripped away. One thing lies behind it all: The mind of Stefan DĂźrr. Researcher Beau Walker must find the cause...or the fabric of reality will be torn apart. Buy Here

Detours in Time, by Pamela Schloesser Canepa Young, fiery Tabitha takes a whirlwind trip to the future with Milt, an awkward Science professor. Wonders and curiosities abound. However, their amazing journey soon becomes a race through a maze of challenges and difficult decisions. When an unplanned detour occurs, the two unwittingly set events into action that may have saved one life only to destroy another. Buy Here


BEAUTY AND THE BEAST They stand side, by side, the beast and his bride. One is beautiful, the other beastly. One with hair raven flowing, in night spun locks to their waist. The other with cap and mantel of crimson, lust curling locks. One with eyes, the colour of dawn. One with diamond eyes. Skin as fair and pale, as virgin snow. Scales like the lizard, in beautiful knight’s armoured row. A figure to die for. So thin, you would think that Death was standing there. A sketch of a woman. I like to eat my women, with plenty of flesh on them. Arms crossed below the breast, extending the mirror of the Ladies Mountains. Straight as a spear, daring you to touch her and die. The body of a Hercules. Broad shoulders, chest and stomach hard to the lustful touch. Huge arms bulging with muscles, opened wide to bear hug. Lover’s embrace is death. Long nails, blood painted. Long sharp claws, poisoned tainted. White a simple robe, that clings like smoke. A loin cloth that exaggerates, rather than conceals, what all long to see and touch. Look more closely into their eyes. ruby lips, with natures paint on them. The smile is not real. It was the beast that melted the ice diamond.


The door is open, but the windows are shut. Basilisks gaze, burning you with lust and love. If you cannot read his face, learn to read what his cats whiskers and monkeys tail say. A twitch from these, is worth a million words. Admit it we all wish we still had a tail. If we could sleep upside down, we would sleep like a certain princess. Large expressive lips, full of hooked fangs and a long prehensile, forked tongue. What can he do with that tongue? The Bards lied, as they are paid to do. Beauty was the villain of the peace. It was the beast that melted the ice diamond. His tears, turned beauty into a beast. Beast, to me you are the beauty. (C) Adam Boustead 2017

CAMPE Campe, Queen of Drakaina. You are woman, above and monster below. You are beauty, above and beast below. Campe, Queen of Drakaina. She who is Centaurine, is woman above the waist and a dragon below. Some say you are a monster, but you are still beautiful to me. Your skin silk soft, your scales glitter like diamonds in tartarus’s light. Campe, Queen of Drakaina. Guardian of monsters. Cronus appointed, Zeus slain. You were the jailer of Cyclops and Hecatonchires. (C) Christian Boustead 2017. 25


"Absolutely amazing, top of the list science fiction!" 26

Waypoint, by C.F. Waller When they find Malaysia Air flight MH370, it’s got a lot of company. A dozen other commercial jets, all intact, litter the sea floor. Is a hacked military spy drone somehow connected? Have video game designers developed the ultimate simulator, or stumbled across artificial intelligence without knowing it. To answer these questions Stacy will have to give the ultimate Turing test with the fate of humanity at stake. Buy Here

Beyond Yesterday (Beyond Saga #3), by Greg Spry When Captain Maya Davis takes command of the space-time vessel Yesterday, she must travel back in time to figure out how a piece of 23rd century technology ended up 200,000 years in the past. The assignment, however, is a one-way mission, for she and her crew can never return to the present. Trapped in the past, Maya must choose between condemning humankind to slavery or erasing another civilization from history. Buy Here

Only the Dead Don’t Die, by A.D. Popovich Scarlett doesn’t realize the U.S. is succumbing to a horrific pandemic. Travel with Scarlett on her perilous journey as she discovers the dark fate of humanity. With hope as her last weapon of defense, she must learn how to survive in this creeper-infested world without sacrificing her own humanity. Buy Here

Warpworld, by Kristene Perron & Joshua Simpson An ambitious explorer. A rebellious captain. Together, they’ll change the course of history. If you like lavish worlds, daring exploits, and a touch of romance, then you’ll love Kristene Perron and Joshua Simpson ’s action-packed tale! Buy Here


Cherry Pickers, by Bonnie Milani Growing up is never easy. Seventeen-year-old Nikki is about to find out that on the eat-or-be-eaten planet Sisyphus it can be deadly. Caught between convicts and warlords, she must choose between lives: her adopted brother’s life or her mother’s. And if she chooses wrong, she loses her own.

Reviews: “Alright now, this is a great Sci-fi novel!!!” “Can’t believe I read it cover to cover in 2 hours!!! ...There is a tiny, bit, smidge of sorta romance going on, BUT...You will just have to download this ebook from Amazon and find out for yourselves!”

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Milijun, by Clayton Graham The next phase of human evolution depends entirely on her… Laura is willing to do whatever it takes for her son. When aliens kidnap her child, it’s going to take a lot more than a mother’s love to get him back. After infiltrating a military research base, Laura discovers a terrifying secret: there are plans to impregnate women with alien DNA… Laura battles to save her son, the mothers-tobe, and herself. But she quickly realizes the aliens have their own mission for her too. She faces a choice: take a chance at an impossible escape or accept the aliens’ vision of a new humanity… If you like tales of first contact, secret military operations, and the people caught in the middle, then you’ll love Clayton Graham’s fast-paced sci-fi thrill ride. Buy Milijun to discover the future of evolution today!


Wow, what an amazing book from author Clayton Graham. It was excellent and genuinely captured my imagination. This is a prime example of how to write an outstanding debut novel - Lynne Barnes

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The Rite of Wands, by Mackenzie Flohr One boy…one Rite… And a world of deadly secrets that could change the course of history—forever. And so begins the tale of Mierta McKinnon. When a horrible fate reveals itself during his Rite of Wands ceremony, he must find a way to change not only his destiny but also the land of Iverna’s. Forbidden from revealing the future he foresees to anyone, he is granted a wand and his magical powers, but still must master the realm of magic in order to save himself and those he loves. But Mierta is not the only one with secrets…especially when it’s impossible to know who to trust.


Mackenzie Flohr has crafted a fantasy novel that is so believable the characters jump off the page. You are transported to different worlds where you are immersed in the tension and the drama of Mierta McKinnon’s quest to try and change destiny, and fellow teen, Orlynd O’Brien who has troubles of his own to deal with. Despite their paths being rocky and their goals are often thwarted, both teens grow and develop with admirable maturity to handle what life has thrown at them. This story will have you turning the pages wanting more, and it will stay with you long after you have finished. It is a well written novel and I am looking forward to reading more of this author’s work. Although it is aimed at young adults, this is a fantasy book that is suitable for adults who love to lose themselves in mythical, fantastical realms.

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Secrets of the Home Wood: The Sacrifice, by Julie Whitley A fast-paced fantasy adventure of a family separated and in danger. Only together can they stop a war and save themselves.

Reviews: “I truly enjoyed this adventure. It reminded me, in parts, of Narnia, Ocean at the End of the Lane, and Peter Pan. It was a great romp into a generational heroic tale...full of twists and surprises.” “Secrets of the Home Wood takes you into a realm of suspense with a story that has richly developed characters.”

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Forbidden Summit, by Kirk J Pocan A heart pounding page turner where galactic mountaineers challenge the highest peak in the Toribol System, a virgin summit where climbers perish routinely. Advancing towards the summit, the climbers must overcome ice worms, deadly parasites, carnivorous Alpine Muxphoy, arctic hurricanes, and the biggest obstacle of all...themsleves. Fear, hate, contempt, racial tension and nationalism breed a misdirected vanity to attain success. Each climber struggles with his own motivations, all directed to an astonishing discovery about the ominous unclimbed mountain looming over the Lochlon moon of Utha.

Review: “The action in this novel is quite intense. Pocan has come up with some extremely interesting and diverse characters...Are the emotions of fear, anger, jealousy, hatred, racism, love and loyalty the same as ours? It is absolutely fascinating the way the author has handled these situations”. “By far one of the better first novels I have read in several years” - D. Blankenship hall of fame top 50 reviewer

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Located in the eastern hemisphere of the planet Daulest, lies a region filled with spectacle, beautiful scenery, and of course a touch of the unusual. Furlasia is a region consisting of many different species. In the north of Furlasia there are the men, to the west of are Terrians, smack dab in the center are the Arnouts, to the far east, in the murky waters of Neveraus are the Akordans and north of that are the Delopars. Each of these unique species is desperate to make it’s presence known in the world, especially the Akordans. Akordans are very similar in appearance to alligators. They are muscularly built and stand typically over six feet tall. They are a unique race and due to their appearance and aggressive nature, they are not normally well accepted. Arnouts dwell in the city of Cristol. They are late descendants of the Goddess Pomari and traveled to Furlasia around a hundred years ago after their home land of Tandorne was covered in plague. They are truly special indeed, apart from being able to fly, they can also summon energy from The Echo, as well as travel in and out of it at will. They also have been known to be telekinetic and telepathic but not all Arnouts display this trait. 31

There’s not much to be said about the men and women of Morlay other than the fact that they are quite keen on industry and moving forward technologically. They are the sole pioneers of steam technology and have kept the unique tech pretty close to the chest. The same can be said of the Terrians. They too are quite proud of their technology and although in all other aspects they are living in the medieval age, they have constructed riffles that use energy to inflict maximum damage. Just as with the men of Morlay, this technology has been kept to themselves. Terrians are emotional beings with elongated, fine pointed ears and a natural inclination for drama, a trait which is quickly noticeable to outsiders. The Delopar are cat like creatures with brown spots. They are extremely agile and short tempered, as well as expert fighters. Their home has been left mostly in ruins after a harsh war with a necromancer, which has left them living a mostly nomadic existence. Furlasia has seen some fantastic moments, as well as some truly heinous ones. There have been attacks from giants, angry beasts and even a necromancer named Agavordis. Luckily for everyone, the wizards, led by Kunklestick, have been there to help in all of Furlasia’s most dire needs. Among Furlasia, the wizards are the peacekeepers and Kunklestick, although flawed and tortured by mental anguish, continues his quest to do the right thing. It is he who predicted that the war with the necromancer would return, and he who has decided that the wizard from his visions must be found and trained, so that when that darkness returns, Furlasia will stand a fighting chance. On the surface, one could be forgiven for seeing Furlasia as a hostile land filled with violence, but it’s in the quiet moments that it really shines. Take a stroll through the forest and listen to the birds and the primates playing under the beating sun. Go north a bit and you can climb mountains covered in beautiful green grass that produces a pleasant aroma when blown in the breeze. There are desert regions and even ice-covered ones. Furlasia really is an around the world experience. So, whether you’re interested in learning a bit of magic, watching the phoenix’s gracefully glide, swimming in the glistening waters of Cristol or surfing the waves of the Peridan Sea, there is something here for everyone. So, don’t delay, stop by Furlasia today!




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Broken Mirror, by Cody Sisco Someone killed Grandfather Jefferson. Victor is sure of it. But he’s the only one. Diagnosed with mirror resonance syndrome and shunned by Semiautonomous California society, Victor suffers from “blank outs,” hallucinations, and vivid nightmares. As he hunts for the truth behind his grandfather’s death, he struggles with questions of who he can trust… and what is real. Set in a skewed mirror universe, this unique sci-fi detective story will appeal to fans of Richard K. Morgan, Neal Stephenson, and Haruki Murakami.

Reviews: “A fantastic read. Great characters, a mysterious plot and cool technology kept me flipping pages. Highly recommended!” “The worldbuilding was extremely good and well-developed without info-dumping, and bits and piece of the world were woven in throughout the narrative”.

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Shadow on the Stars, by Robert B Marcus Jr As a telepath, Krison Camarch is despised by humanity. Haunted by a paralyzing alien force, he finds himself aboard the starship Birmingham. To his horror he learns he has been kidnapped from his time and place to play a role far in the future. Amid the mind-bending ruins of C’hah Lai, Camarch discovers that juggling the future has devastating ramifications for the past.

Review: “If you haven’t yet discovered this author, you’re in for a real treat. In this book, there’s everything you want in great sci-fi--a wonderful plot with unforeseen surprises, well-drawn characters, big and imaginative ideas, even marvelous character and place names created just for this novel. A highly enjoyable read” – PianoCat

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There Be Demons, by M. K. Theodoratus Demons invade Trebridge. Gillen, the leader of the Gargoyle Guardians, asks for reinforcements. His commanders send four untrained teens.Britt Kelly must not only adjust to living in the projects and a new high school but discovers demons threaten all she holds dear. There Be Demons from “One of the most inventive minds in fantasy”. Coming Late September!

Fall into Fantasy: 2017 Edition, by Andrew M. Ferrell & others Fall into Fantasy contains thirteen unique takes on the Fantasy genre from authors of all walks of life, from prolific authors, to newcomers. With everything from dwarves and magic, to zombies and a bookstore that can transport you to other worlds, there is something for everyone in these pages. Buy Here

The Flower Eater, by M. LaRose In a world of medieval magic, a young priestess is enthralled by a handsome blacksmith and breaks her sacred vows to experience forbidden love. A crisis of faith and passion launches her into an astral dimension where mysterious flowers beckon and an evil prince flexes his psychic powers.

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Rapier, by R.A. “Doc” Correa Rapier is a SciFi adventure novel in which a young woman, Kathy Masters, is abducted by privateers and called upon to help raise their adopted daughter, Cindy. They journey throughout human space raiding merchant ships, encountering fantastic creatures and battling pirates all under the watchful eyes of Commodore James Ulysses Black.

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Full of healers, action, adventure, new and old friends, survival, monsters, demons, enemies and war.


The Touch - A Supernatural Story - Part I, by Robert E Flynn III The old beast is up to something out of character here. Gabriel appears autistic because he hears a voice. The voice is real, but it is a supernatural presence. This voice gives him a power that he can transfer by touch. Gabriel does not trust this presence, though he finds that the wonder of what he is experiencing is far too great for him to resist. Living in an orphanage in Austin, Texas, all his life, the voice has shown him more attention and love than any other person. He befriends one other special young person in that orphanage, Joshua Fellows. Joshua also has experienced little love in his short life. The bond between these two young boys is the beginning of an amazing journey.


“This book is an intriguing fast pace read and quickly connects the primary characters together on one mission greater than themselves. Each has their own challenging life story and together represent several aspects of the human psyche...brought together by a mysterious voice. Do they trust the voice? Can children really change the world? What is evil? While introducing a new concept and maybe even a possible tactic of the “Other side,” Flynn starts to answer some of those questions. The other question is, how long do we need to wait for the next book? I’m anxiously waiting”- Rudy De La Luz

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Complicated Blue: The Extraordinary Adventures of the Good Witch Anaïs Blue, by P J Whittlesea An unconventional witch. A ghost with an identity crisis. A librarian with exuberant fashion sensibilities. A mysterious entity with the power to influence the weather. And a nanny...put simply, it’s complicated. Not all witches are created equal. Meet Anaïs Blue, a teenager trapped in the body of a five-year-old. Physical limitations are the least of her problems. Her job? Help the dead with their unfinished business. Join Anaïs Blue and her motley crew as they embark on an adventure into a world not unlike your very own.


“Do you like stories that have witches? Ghosts? Entities with powers? Books that make you feel a whole bunch of emotions? How about adventure? If so, I would like to invite you into the world of Anais! You will meet characters unlike any others you’ve ever come across. Is it a good book? It’s a great book!”

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Intense drama of twins begins in the womb.


The spirit of a murdered man avenges his own death!

“For lovers of a good mystery, this book really engaged my mind and entertained me as well. I have read ‘Head Trip’ and now ‘A Consequence of GreedÕ and I have to say I am ofÞcially a fan! Can’t wait to see what is next from Jack Eadon!”

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Letorian Descendants - Casey Blane Series (Book One), by Jodi Fahey Forced into an action-packed world of vampires, werewolves, and all things mystical, Casey Blane must quickly learn of the great power she possesses as she unlocks the mysteries of her nearly four-hundred-year-old royal family’s past in order to save herself and her coven as the next Letorian Descendant. Buy Here

Midnight on Mars, by M.C. Glan They thought they would be together forever...They broke up. They thought they would be safer on Mars...They were wrong. Now, they have to put aside their differences and fears, and find common ground on their spiritual and scientific beliefs in order to save the human race. Buy Here

The Blue Unicorn’s Journey to Osm Illustrated Book for Teens, by Sybrina Durant This unicorn story is a riveting adventure that explores the meanings of friendship, love, life and death. You will find yourself galloping along on the journey with one little unicorn as he tries to overcome his doubts, fears and lack of magic. He gives his all to save his tribe from certain extinction. He is the Blue Unicorn. Buy Here

The Worst Man on Mars, by Mark Roman & Corben Duke Hero. Legend. Role model. He’s none of those. Blunt Yorkshireman and reality TV show winner, Flint Dugdale, has used his burly frame and ‘persuasive personality’ to take charge of Britain’s first Mars mission. Little does he know there’s life on the Red Planet. And it might not be pleased to see him. Buy Here 40

30th Century: Escape (30th Century Trilogy Book 1), by Mark Kingston Levin


Which side will you be on? The side of the Syndos, genetically-altered humans, or the side of the Naturals. Captain Jennifer Hero is leading a task force from the thirtieth century on a one-way trip to the Diversion Point. Their goal is to plant a virus that will disrupt the genetic tendency toward sociopathy among the Syndos. After an intense attack on their remote South Pacific island base, Jennifer sends her colleagues back 300 years. But she does not go with them, opting instead to travel alone back to 2015 to grieve the loss of the love of her life, the time machine’s inventor, and to find herself.

“Main character experiences unique personal and innovative state of the art scientific situations that challenge her intellectual and emotional response so as a reader I am compelled by the author’s excellent creative style to eagerly learn how she copes with the scientific, educational and personal situations. Great novel that opens our minds on how future scientific and biological innovations could affect us”.

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Aranya, by Marc Secchia Chained to a rock and tossed off a cliff, Aranya is executed for high treason against the Sylakian Empire. Falling into the deadly Cloudlands is not a fate she ever envisioned. But what if she did not die? What if she could spread her wings and fly? Dragons. Aerial battles. Magic. Criminal Princesses. Experience an adventure that will send your heart soaring!


“Chained to a rock and tossed off a cliff, Aranya is executed for high treason against the Sylakian Empire. Falling into the deadly Cloudlands is not a fate she ever envisioned. But what if she did not die? What if she could spread her wings and fly?” “Dragons. Aerial battles. Magic. Criminal Princesses. Experience an adventure that will send your heart soaring!”

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The Fantastic Phantasmic Detective Agency and the Rebel Realm, by DL Dugger It’s just another summer day of hunting frogs for young Billy, Abby, and Toby, when they stumble upon a deserted lake cabin and run into a g-g-ghost (!), searching for her lost locket. The trio offer to help her find it and the Fantastic Phantasmic Detective Agency is launched. But when the youthful sleuths enlist the help of the grumpy medium, Mr. Monsento, to help them with their second case, locating a ghost’s missing ghost brother, a mysterious visitor from the UnderWorld appears...

Reviews: A rare skill among first time novelists, DL Dugger writes with a simple, direct style that is heavy on show, soft on tell, giving the story vivid imagery and a steady pace. I seldom read young adult books, but The Fantastic Phantasmic Detective Agency was an absolute pleasure and I’ll be looking for more from D.L. Dugger and her cast of ghost detectives - Lex Allen

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