Friendship flower choices with all their alluring charm and alacrity.

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The mysteriously attractive and fascinating zeal of friendship flower.  bookthecake |  July 25, 2018 |  Flowers |  No Comments Tweet

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Flowers are really meant for every occasion! You cannot fathom how they can fit into that minute air gap and do wonders. They just fall into the right place every time. Maybe that is the beauty they hold or have those magical powers for everybody to just fall for them. You could give flowers to your mom, dad, friend, wife…..the list could just go on. They are just meant for everybody. Well, this is us always trying to fill the voids with our own charm, so why don’t we try the natures wonderful option called “flowers”. They sound the best kind of presents for friends. Imagine a friendship flower! Naah…not just roses. Please upgrade your taste over the cliche rose flowers. Yeah, they are more on the cliche side according to me. Fine coming back to friendship flower. If I was ever given this choice of selecting a friendship flower, wonder what could that be! I would definitely pick tulips or maybe sunflowers. I think orchids could the best, yeah I’ll go with orchids. Okay, let’s brush my opinions aside, what according to you could be the perfect match for a friendship flower?

Flowers for Every Occasion! – The friendship flower

Flowers for friendship is hysterical in its own way. I cannot imagine how many ideas could have been popping up in your mind even when you just read that heading. So yeah, let’s find out about the various flowers for friendship day.

The ever purple daisies:

Daisy your friend’s day out this friendship day with lovely daisies. Looking for if they would fit your list? Okay, so I have plenty of reasons which are quite convincing for both of us. So the first reason is, they are very easily available. Secondly, you could make your own bouquet with help of these. Thirdly, they suit any occasion and are not seasonal which makes them available throughout the year. So this according to me is just the right friendship flower. And if in case you do not find daisies, then download a friendship flower image of daisy and write some thoughts on flowers or on friendship flowers and then just send it to them (:P). Let’s make a digital movement! Okay, that is stupid of me to think like that. But, yeah I love that idea of not leaving my cough and being a couch potato.

The rocher bouquet:

Now you must be wondering, this person here just mentioned about flower and now she is directly hopping onto chocolates. Yes, I said rocher bouquets but hear me out completely, I meant rocher bouquet that means it certainly has flowers; flowers of friendship. Yeah, there are many bouquets of such kind available. You know with such a kind of a bouquet, you could kill two birds with one stone. You are giving a gift at the same time you are presenting them with friendship flowers. If you would like, you can attach a small note to the bouquet and write beautiful quotes and thoughts on flowers.

The friendship rose: Here comes the category you all have been waiting for. Friendship rose for friendship day are generally the yellow ones. Generally, the white or the yellow ones are prefered. So, as usual, you can give a bouquet of as many roses as possible. You could also give a single flower. They will in many ways like it as they have been receiving the same flowers and this has now somehow become a tradition. So, yeah this could be another choice.

There is no hard and fast rule that you only need to cut a cake on a birthday or you should only tie a friendship band on friendship day. Sometimes you can mix and match things to get the best out of every combo and if the outcome was wonderful, then you could find an extremely new way to celebrate. Likewise, you can wish happy birthday wishes for friend with flowers, they could just seize the moment, you could send lovely friendship flower images if your friend stays at a place very far. It is all in the way we want and choose to celebrate. Like the above-mentioned thing was my idea and we live in a world with billion brains and imagine the number of ideas on an average these billion brains could produce if all they want to do is just give friendship flower.

About The Author Bookthecake

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