Boomerang DM Case Study - Agent Production

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Real estate transactions in the 5 County Denver metro area were significant in volume. Between 2020 and 2021, 20,334 agents were involved in at least one transaction over the 2-year period. $29.3 billion of real estate was sold in 2020 and there were 57,071 transactions. For 2021, the total sales volume was $35.3 billion, and 58,694 transactions.


Determine the impact of Boomerang DM’s marketing service on real estate agent production in the Denver area.


A total of 1,025 real estate agents who were active subscribers to Boomerang DM in 2020 and 2021 were identified. The study compared their performance with agents who were not Boomerang DM subscribers.

The performance metrics evaluated included sales volume, transactions and gross commission.

Average Sales Volume

$3.4M closed

$5.1M closed


It was found that real estate agents who were active with Boomerang DM closed 49% more transactions than those who were not. Over the 2-year period, agents who used Boomerang DM averaged selling 8.4 homes a year, compared to 5.6 homes for those who did not. The agents who used Boomerang DM also sold $5.1 million worth of real estate on average, while those who did not sold $3.4 million. Additionally, agents who used Boomerang DM earned $127,000 in gross commissions on average, compared to $85,000 for those who did not.

Transactions. Volume. Revenue.
How Boomerang DM significantly increased the production of Denver Real Estate Agents.
Boomerang DM Subscribers Non-Subscribers
2020 2021 Sales Volume $29.3B $35.3B Transactions 57,071 58,694 Denver Metro Area Totals


Boomerang DM

Subscriber Averages

$5.1M sales volume

+$1.7M MORE than non-subscribers

$127k gross commission income

+$42k MORE than non-subscribers

8.4 transaction sides

+2.8 MORE than non-subscribers

No Boomerang DM

Non-Subscriber Averages

$3.4M sales volume

$85k gross commission income

5.6 transaction sides


Subscriber Profile:

› Mailed 139 cards per month

› Spent $1,452 per year

› Sent a combined offer value $25,033

› Started 43 months ago

› 87% participated monthly

› Accounted for 5% of MLS participants

Top 10% of MLS Subscriber Profile:

› Mailed 304 cards per month

› Spent $3,178 per year

› Sent a combined offer value $50,220

› Started 58 months ago


The results of this study indicate that Denver area real estate agents who use Boomerang DM have significantly higher productivity. Subscribers had a higher transaction volume, sold more real estate, and earned more commissions than non-subscribers. Boomerang DM was not always the direct cause, but is a tool top producing agents use to do more business.


Boomerang DM subscribers in the Top 10% of the MLS sent out twice as many cards per month, yet their production was much higher. 7X the transactions and 8X the volume and gross commission income.

$1,062,402 gross commission income

61 transactions per year

$42 million real estate sold

About Boomerang DM

Boomerang DM was founded by a top producing real estate team in Denver in 2010. It is the best way for anyone in a referral-based business to generate more repeat and referral business. By sending high value offers to local restaurants and entertainment venues professionals stay top of mind with past clients, friends and family automatically every month.

Average Transaction Sides 8.4 5.6
Annual Commission Learn more at
$127,000 Average

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