(#1) B o o m e r M a g a z i n e
(#1) B o o m e r M a g a z i n e
Lyudmila Vodolagina
Corrupt_Vision is a UK based artist who works with the medi-
I am a sculptor. I graduated from the Moscow State Academic
um of Glitch, utilising various techniques and processors. They
Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov (workshop of Alexander
have exhibited in both online and physical exhibitions along
Rukavishnikov). I am a member of the Moscow Union of Art-
with being published in a number of art publications.
ists. I am a participant of Russian and international exhibitions.
Whilst currently in the process of gaining a PhD in Fine Art Corrupt_Vision continues to work towards the goal of destabilising the digital world that surrounds us, offering new perspectives to our cybernated vistas. In this modern age of 4K Ultra HD anything of lower quality
is more often than not immediately dismissed purely based on its aesthetic condition if it doesn’t fit into the accepted dream screen which has been forged. Our digital world can be more than a perfectly polished image, and its time is coming to an end.
//1846// Size: 18.5 x 13.5 cm
Size: 16 x 12 cm
Actinia. Size: 48 х 26 х 23 cm
Hair drying.
Size: 29 х 37 х 38 cm
Medium: Bronze Medium : glitch
Medium: glitch
Medium : Bronze, stone