(#1) B o o m e r M a g a z i n e
(#1) B o o m e r M a g a z i n e
Nastya (La Asparagus)
Taylor Frost
My name is Nastya, also known as La Asparagus and I’m artist
My name is Taylor Frost, a 19 year old painter who special-
based in Moscow. I’m huge fan of painting, drawing and eating
izes in colorful expressive art. I use my art as a tool for real
sirniki from cottage cheese. Right now I’m studying in Universi-
change that has the ability to impact lives. I am not content
ty of Gas and petrol on law faculty, working as key frame artist
with standing by and watching the world’s beauty dissipate,
and tutor of English for kids. Being inspired by an enormous
my quest is to immortalize it in a painted form while saving it
amount of different atmospheres and lives, that people lead,
for future generations to enjoy. I evoke feelings of wonder and
I’m trying to capture all the details and stories that regularly
awe while enhancing the beauty I see so quickly disappearing.
happen to me and people around. That’s why I love combining
I am passionate about conservation and donate percentages
different materials and techniques to apply freshness, weird-
of each sold piece to reputable wildlife charities. I hope to
ness and beauty to my works. Furthermore I adore adding
share my emotional investment with the viewer and, hopefully,
random or specific text about my worries and feelings at that
inspire in them a piece of my fire for wildlife conservation. I am
moment or in general.
on a quest to impact the art world in a big way, help me on my conservation journey so that I may save the animals I care for so deeply.
Running From the Past @frost_creative_spot
Deadly Sweetness
Size: 104 x 70 cm
Size: 32” x 48”
Size: 67 x 70 cm
Medium: mixed
Medium : mixed
Solemn Prayer Size: 32” x 48”
Medium : digital on fine art canvas Medium: digital on fine art canvas