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(#1) B o o m e r M a g a z i n e

(#1) B o o m e r M a g a z i n e

Olga Melekhina

Mari Kiroho

Born in Russia and based in Riga, Latvia, I am an artist and de-

Mari Kiroho (real name Maria Danilenko) was born in Omsk,

signer working primarily with clay. In the last three years I got

Russia in 1999. At the moment she lives and works in Mos-

a Master’s Degree in ceramics at the Latvian Academy of Arts

cow. Currently, she is a 4th year BA student at the sculpture

and began my studies towards MA in sculpture, concentrating

department of Moscow State Academic Art Institute named

on hand built clay objects.

after V. I. Surikov at the Russian Academy of Arts. Her inspira-

The focus of my current research falls on large-scale artistic

tion involves both the variable character of human’s individual

installations in natural environment along the lines of Green

plastiques and the intricacies of people’s emotional states. In

Art and Process Art.

her work she explores the depiction of one inner state through

As an artist, I am interested in the meeting point of the phil-

outer feature such as volume, shape and overall stylistic ex-

osophical and the aesthetic: the beauty and the horror of the


modern age, the frailty of human existence, the curse and the


blessing of time, and the imprints we leave on this ever-changing world.


Oxygen Dreams

The Beginning Size: 127 x 10 x 10 cm


Size: 40 x 12 x 7 cm

Size: 60 x 160 x 70 cm

Size: 60 x 46 x 24 cm

Medium : clay handbuild

Medium: porcelain


Medium : bronze

Medium: bronze


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