Selected Project
Selected Project
Selected Project
Selected Project
Selected Project
Selected Project
Selected Project Issue Concept Design Strategies
Framework For Campus Life
Masterplan Perspective
Detail Masterplan
Detail Perspective
Detail Section Perspective
University Putra Malaysia , Serdang , Selangor Landscape Architecture Bachelor Project - Final Year Project
UPM Serdang campus was established as school of agriculture back in 1931. Agricultural farms, pastures, orchards as well as artificial forests or arboretums became a large part of the dominant character of the campus landscape. However, the changes that have taken place in the direction of the university in the last three decades have changed the function of space, physical characteristics and the value of "sense of place". The application of landscape design of UPM campus doesn’t have clear goal is "ad-hoc" and "territorial" It causes negative impact on the relationship between green spaces , academic building and connecting routes that will affect student and staff campus experiences and learning or working environment. The intention of the site chosen is to reestablish legibility of green space to offer a different kind of “destination campus” experiences and better learning or working environment.
How often do people use or access outdoor spaces?
How are street level of walkability around outdoor spaces?
What is the common identifying characteristics of outdoor environment?
How is the visual & physical environment to influence the use of outdoor spaces?
What’s the physical element that has ‘point specific’ location at outdoor environment?
Indoor environment are mainly preferred
Segregation of social activities due to outdoor spaces provides little opportunity to stay or use
Poor sustainable transport system
Vehicle-dominant street
Undeveloped and empty outdoor spaces
Lacking of identity and character & share similar monotonous experiences
Undeveloped and empty outdoor spaces
There is no physical elements with unique visual features as a landmark
To reestablish legibility of existing outdoor spaces in the main campus by offering vibrant ‘learn, work, play’ campus setting
To recreate legible and comfortable outdoor spaces for users
To redefine the agriculture identity of UPM
To develop multimodal transportation system
To a campus with pedestrian friendly environment
To a campus with diverse spaces for user recreation , socialization & collaboration
To a campus with mixed use development to offer user services and needs
Campus life isnt all about learning or working, it’s also about making life long new friends, enjoying new experiences ,and learning about diverse cultures. When students think back on their university days, they often fondly recall traversing campus paths heading to and from class or work; lying in the grass relaxing; or escaping to beloved outdoor enclaves of campus with friends to break from frenetic schedules. Some of the most influential and cherished setting on UPM campuses are the outdoor spaces that stitch buildings together
To a campus with strong agricultural identity
is interaction of a series of new spaces, pedestrian friendly streets & inclusion of agricultural landscape that is characteristic of UPM to create a vibrant & inclusive setting. A comprehensive array of social, communal and recreational facilities form the armature of student and employee life on campus. Academic, working and social life are thought of as seamlessly integrated. A series of outdoor spaces and courtyards are created throughout the campus,to support informal learning, workplace and socializing
A busy and congested thoroughfare is transformed into pedestrian friendly promenade. It is a place for social gathering featuring agriculture theme of spaces and physically connects the academic core to offices
Agricultural elements have been heavily used across main campus featuring edible landscapes and agriculture element. The objective is to redefine agriculture identity of UPM
A tiered network of pedestrian paths connects main campus within a 10 minute walk, creating an integrated system that enhances environmental quality while providing students with varied spaces for movement, recreation, and congregation. Parking areas are located at the peripheries to create a completely pedestrian campus with buses providing access within the campus.
‘A place to celebrate the new agriculturism’
Campuus life and service functions are integrated into campus to ensure activities, a feeling of safety and an overall good campus experience for all users. The active programs support the dynamic life around the campus
Along the Putra Promenade, dense layers of fruit trees varied in size & species and paddy like shrubs are created to compose a agricultural- like landscapes. A path meandering through Putra Promenade allows a quiet strolling amidst natural setting. A series of vine room provide private gathering space among users.
Sunken Plaza, heart of main campus which located front of library is venue for public event such as fresh market, agricultural exhbition and education fair. Existing cafe expand its seating to outdoor which promote outdoor dining.
There is a reflective pond infront of Dewan Besar which reflect the image of Dewan Besar with seasonal trees and ornanmental shurbs. Reflective pond is surrounded by a group of trees and shurbs which gives users a sense of mystery.
View towards Aboretum
The Aboretum has transformed a neglected space into mini forest area with biodiversity, habitat of wildlife and a perfect learning centre for students who wanted to learn about forest and natural ecosystem. Control of the canopy and density of planting is crucial to create a forest of seclusion for people to escape from hectic environment and spend a few hours in the tree wilderness
Agricultural themed spaces such as Therapeutic Garden, Farm Terraces & Orchard Park can be found at secondary entrance of Putra Promeade. These spaces are designed as an outdoor room where users can studying or working outdoor and also interacting with nature. From that , it also provide educational and edutainment opportunities for the users
The landscape design of the area is crafted to reflect the agricultural pattern. Edible plants are placed with long lunch communal tables topped with trees to invite people to gather and share quality time amidst lush surrounding.
Therapeutic garden gathers a variety of softscapes with different colours, textures, and smells. Spending time in therapeutic garden can help enhance sense of wellbeing, reduce stress and calm mind by stimulating and engaging the five basic senses. Farm Terrace promotes ‘Farm to Table’ movement which encourage locals to produce own food or serving local food at school cafeteria. Answering to meet the issue of food security in society.
Cabbage Dill
Aromatic Garden
Touch of Nature + Light Scent
Edible Plant
Host Plant
Nectar Plant
Ornamental Flowers
Fragrant Plant
Murraya koenigii
Pandanus amaryllifolius Peppermint Cucurma longa Lemon grass
Ornamental Garden
White Noises From Nature
+ Bright Colour From Flowers
Asclepias Curassavica Hamelia patens Saraca Indica Gomphrena globosa ‘Fireworks’
Rotheca myricoides ‘Ugandense’
View towards Orchard Park
A student parking space has transformed into a locally grown productive orchard where you can find a variety of fruit trees around here. The concept is to provide recreational option and a new learning environment for the campus. It is both social and economically beneficial to the district and demonstate that local produce can be grown within anurban environment.
Dillenia indica
Ornamental Flowers
Nectar Plant
Bird Feeder Plant
Cinnamomum iners
Eugenia cumini Fagraea fragrans
Garcinia mangostana Artocarpus heterophyllus
Nephelium lappaceum aquea
Averrhoa belimbii
Fruit Tree ( Human Consume)
Fragrant Plant
Selected Project
Design Strategies
Functional Diagram
Preliminary Plan
Section Aeriel View
Site Plan
Section 52 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Landscape Urban Planning Studio
Petaling Jaya is located in Petaling District. Petaling Jaya is a satellite city of the Federal territory Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It has an area of approximately 97.2km which is arguably the largest town in Selangor state. The name of Petaling comes from the tree name Petaling Tree. As fo r Jaya. Jaya means “Success” in Malay Languge which hope for the place have rapid growth and wishing people good luck and being successful.`
Poor Walkability and Low Proximity
Imbalance Lifestyle within the communities
To improve Walkable Urban Experiences of people between spaces
To integrate Mix Usage of `spaces all day long
Revitalize the old town into a Multi-Modal Integrated living environment
Easy and convenient access to Live, Work and Play
To integrate Multiple Transportation Infrastructure
Built up the “Heart” ( Station )
The New Old - PJ City is an exciting and relaxing place to co-working and living with. The concept is all about the seamless merging of different mobility and social strategies to create a place in which people want to stay longer. The transit station plays as the “Heart” of the city that connects the people movement and access to range of social activities throughout the site just like the “Blood Vessels”. The green linkage is spread with hierarchy like the arteries in our body and people are like the “Oxygen” that are link to different “Organs” which is the public spaces that serve various functions such as food,play,meet,learn and work.
Strengthen the “Arteries”
Intergrate the “Veins”
Realign the “Aorta” Emphasis the “Organs”
The street is engaged with multi-modal system which include the ART train, local bus, cars, cycling and pedestrians. Shred bike stations are provided within 300m to provide carbonless and affordable travel. Active store frontage along the streets by food trucks and activities create safer and interesting path.
The Entrance Plaza connects Jaya Outlet Mall with Amcorp Mall Foodwalk Extension together to create a seamless relationship betweenboth spaces. Speed reduction facilities area applied to create slower streets that are safe for pedestrian when crossing. The intergration of skywalk is designed to seperate the pedestrian from the vehicles on road so that pedestrian could walk comfortably and safely to the LRT Station while indulging the scenery of PJ Seksyen 52.
The buildings in the government area is linked with a elevated connector to provide safe and convenient access for the employees to the Lrt Station. Within each small cluster of buildings, there will be a community space in the middle to encourage people to come together such as outdoor library, living green room and also the communities orchard.
The office park is linear park located between Federal Highway and business buildings. The underpass area is redesigned into an outdoor cinema space and it could be transformed to other purposes during othertime. People can also enjoy skateboarding at the skate park to release their stress after a whole day of work.
This area is located a minute distance away from the station. The information centre is located at the edges of the street to provide the sense of welcoming for the people when arrived.
Other than that, the streets are boost with interesting movement of artworks b y local graffiti artist on the right side. While on the other side, there will be street vendors selling local products and also cafe for chilling. The street is designed to be shared by all mobilities and curb extensions are created to slow down the cars
The Jaya Outlet Mall is an open air and natural ventilated space that provide different sets of experiences for the visitors when shopping. The outlet consist of a garden-like design in the middle for people to wander around and even play sports. This new development will be main attraction on the site which can help to boost economic and social engagement.
Introduction Selected Project Brochure
Taman Sri Serdang, Seri Kembangan, Selangor
Landscape Site Planning Studio
This Project is to Re - Imagine The Future of Sri Serdang Town into a Better Place for Everyone to Live, Work, Play and Thrive. Sri Serdang is a Small Town Located in Seri Kembangan, Selangor. It is Located Near the Northern End of the PLUS Expressway and University Putra Malaysia. The Town Consist of Residential, Business Area, Open Spaces and Schools Which are Closely Connected.
Competition Entries
Functional Diagram
Peruvian Region of Cusco
Non Architecture - Waterless World Competition
Are we running out of clean water? At the planetary scale, we can’t run out of water thanks to the water cycle. But most of the water is inaccessible to the people because 97% of it is saltwater, 2% are from the glaciers and only 1% left is shared among all the living creatures on earth. And among this precious 1% of water, 92% of it surprisingly consume by a single industry, which is agriculture. In this project, our team tried to use the most low-cost way to create blue opportunities for the people and at the same time feed the thirst of the agriculture. Mesh nets and bamboo stems are used to create fog catchers that harvest fresh waters from the fog. Although the water harvested is undrinkable, but it is crucial for agriculture and household usage in places where people can hardly get water in their daily life. With low constructing cost of the nets, it can collect up to 100 liters of water per day for irrigating the crops and also bring hopes to the outskirts communities.
750 Hartamas Height
Emerald West Park
Kiara Bay
Dato Douglas & Mae House
MK 31
Site Visit & Site Inspection