29th Big Game Awards

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Springfield, Missouri | July 13-16, 2016


America’s Wildlife Museum and Aquarium Public Display of Trophies | May 4-July 16, 2016

Sponsoring the 29th Big Game Awards “There can be no greater issue than that of conservation in this country.� August 6, 1912 - Theodore Roosevelt, Founder Boone and Crockett Club

WHAT DO BIG GAME TROPHIES HAVE TO DO WITH CONSERVATION? THE ANSWER IS, EVERYTHING. A trophy big game animal means different things to different people. In the greater context of wildlife conservation, a Boone and Crockett trophy is proof that the system that manages wildlife, as a public trust resource is working and continues to work. In simplest terms, mature male specimens old enough and large enough to make the record book would not be in existence today if this system were not working. All wildlife and their habitats today, and game species in particular, depend on the participation, and observation-based input provided by sportsmen, as well as the funding provided through their participation in traditional outdoor activities.

Measuring Successful Conservation Every three years the Boone and Crockett Club hosts an event reaffirming our hunting and conservation heritage by inviting the largest trophies taken in recent years to a triennial Awards Celebration and Banquet.

Welcoming a New Partner,

Bass Pro Shops

Johnny Morris’s Bass Pro Shops and the new America’s Wildlife Museum & Aquarium in Springfield, Missouri will be hosting the 29th Big Game Awards. Morris has created the greatest attraction for conservation, education, and advocacy of fish and wildlife of its kind in North America.

We at Bass Pro Shops and America’s Wildlife Museum and Aquarium are very excited and proud to welcome, host, and reaffirm the success of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation through the Boone & Crockett Club’s 29th Big Game Awards. Clearly, as Boone and Crockett’s tag line states, ‘When Hunting Happens, Conservation Happens.’ It is fitting to honor the outstanding trophies of the last three years that are a result of sustainable use conservation and fair chase sportsmen. These outstanding big game animals and sportsmen being recognized are proof that the North American Model is working and must continue if we are to ensure wildlife for the future. We welcome you to Springfield in 2016! - Johnny Morris

Exposure for the Event and your Business One half of the U.S. population is within a day’s drive of Springfield, Missouri. Between the Bass Pro headquarters store, which includes the NRA Sporting Arms Museum and the Archery Hall of Fame Museum, and the new adjacent 315,000 square foot America’s Wildlife Museum and Aquarium Springfield is now the ultimate destination for hunters, anglers, outdoor recreationalist and conservationists. Being a cosponsor of the Boone and Crockett Club’s 29th Big Game Awards is a unique opportunity to stand with the Boone and Crockett Club, Bass Pro, other conservation organizations, state and provincial wildlife agencies, and industry leaders in media and manufacturing in delivering a positive message about what is good and working with our systems of conservation and big game management. In addition, to being on an exclusive list of 29th Big Game Awards Sponsors your company or brand will benefit from significant exposure to the hunting community from a number of sources.

3:125,000 3 months: the time the 29th Big Game Awards Trophy Display will be open to the public. 125,000: projected number of visitors during this time.

Sponsor Levels and Benefits BRONZE - $5,000 

National press release announcing sponsorship

Logo, link, and listing on 29th BGA website

Sponsor recognition on all 29th BGA marketing materials and collateral produced from date of sponsorship Sponsor recognition in the 29th BGA sections of Fair Chase magazine in 2016 Sponsor recognition signage within 29th BGA trophy displays, Springfield, MO Sponsor recognition within the 29th BGA photo brochure and Awards Banquet program

Sponsor materials in registration packets

Awards banquet branded table favors (optional)

Sponsor logo within the Awards Banquet trophies PowerPoint presentation Recognition within the 29th Big Game Awards record book published October 2016 Product placement in raffles and 29th BGA Auction

Special 29th BGA sponsor plaque

Two free passed to all 29th events, meals and banquets

SILVER - $6,500

Presenting Sponsor of Trophy Displays Bronze sponsor benefits, plus: 

Special naming of a select trophy section by category within the 29th Big Game trophy display


North American Elk proudly sponsored by Remington Arms and Ammunition Logo placement on individual trophy readers/signs within the category section: Available trophy section naming opportunities (first come, first serve): 

North American Elk,

North American moose,

North American caribou,

Walrus and Musk ox,

Pronghorn antelope and Bison

Shared content for sponsor’s website and social media outlets

Where Hunting Happens, Conservation Happens™

29th Big Game Awards Sponsorship Agreement _________ BRONZE _________ SILVER _________ GOLD


$6,500 - Trophy Display Section sponsorship

$10,000 - Presenting Sponsor of Youth Awards and Banquet

_________ PLATINUM

$12,000 - Presenting Sponsor of the 29th Big Game Awards and Banquet

SLIVER, GOLD, OR PLATINUM SPONSORS (first and second choices for trophy display) ____ North American Elk SOLD ____ Whitetail SOLD ____ Mule

and Coues’ whitetail deer

deer, Columbia blacktail and Sitka blacktail deer

____ North American moose ____ North American caribou SOLD ____ Black,

Polar, Brown and Grizzly bear and cougar

____ Walrus and Musk ox SOLD ____ Mountain

game - North American wild sheep and Rocky Mountain goat

____ Pronghorn antelope and Bison

SPONSOR _________________________________________________________________________

REPRESENTING ___________________________________________________________________

SIGNATURE _______________________________________________________________________

FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT JEFF THRUSTON Jeff@Bernardandassociates.com Boone and Crockett Club

250 Station Drive, Missoula, MT 59801

775-323-6828 



Where Hunting Happens, Conservation Happens™

FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT JEFF THRUSTON Jeff@Bernardandassociates.com Boone and Crockett Club

250 Station Drive, Missoula, MT 59801

775-323-6828 



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