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Delaney Arkeilpane


Delaney Arkeilpane

business cards

delaney arkeilpane delaney arkeilpane

LEGEND YEARBOOK business manager

LEGEND YEARBOOK business manager

1018 S. Lake Davis Drive Orlando, FL 32806

1018 S. Lake Davis Drive Orlando, FL 32806



delaney arkeilpane delaney arkeilpane

LEGEND YEARBOOK business manager

LEGEND YEARBOOK business manager

1018 S. Lake Davis Drive Orlando, FL 32806

1018 S. Lake Davis Drive Orlando, FL 32806



delaney arkeilpane delaney arkeilpane

LEGEND YEARBOOK business manager

LEGEND YEARBOOK business manager

1018 S. Lake Davis Drive Orlando, FL 32806

1018 S. Lake Davis Drive Orlando, FL 32806



delaney arkeilpane delaney arkeilpane

LEGEND YEARBOOK business manager

LEGEND YEARBOOK business manager

1018 S. Lake Davis Drive Orlando, FL 32806

1018 S. Lake Davis Drive Orlando, FL 32806



delaney arkeilpane delaney arkeilpane

LEGEND YEARBOOK business manager

LEGEND YEARBOOK business manager

1018 S. Lake Davis Drive Orlando, FL 32806

1018 S. Lake Davis Drive Orlando, FL 32806



Delaney Arkeilpane

cover letter

delaney arkeilpane 1018 S. Lake Davis Drive Orlando, FL 32806 (407) 902-5540 April 24, 2012 Manager Panera Bread 296 East Michigan Street Orlando, FL 32806 To whom it may concern: If you are looking to hire a cashier with great organizational capability, dedication and strong people skills I think you should consider me for the position. I feel as though I would be a great asset to your staff because I am a very well rounded person, and I know I have what it takes to maintain this job. I have attached a resume, and I think that you will find that with an interview, my lack of real job experience will not hinder my performance. I currently hold the business manager position for my high school yearbook, and my experience in handling money qualifies me to work as a cashier. As a business manager I am constantly writing receipts and working with our financial accounts, so I can definitely be trusted, and I won’t need too much coaching in this area. I am also highly capable of multitasking, while still performing to my fullest. I always meet deadlines, and balance my work as a business manager, while staying on top of my other schoolwork. My background in yearbook has further developed my people skills. I’ve learned to interact well with others through interviews and shared deadlines. These experiences I have gained have led me to extend my request to you for the opening position as a cashier at Panera Bread. I feel that everything I have learned in the classroom will transfer well into this line of work. I am well aware of the morals Panera Bread stands upon, and I feel they match very closely to my own. I find the fact that your company gives so much back to the community through programs like DoughNation to be very refreshing. I can see myself being a part of a company like this, and I feel that my own extensive volunteer work through church organizations and National Honor Society reflects that. If given the opportunity I will fulfill all the standards the company stands upon. You will see that I have also attached a resume, but I feel that an interview would ensure you that I am a great fit for this job. I would appreciate your consideration, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Sincerely, Delaney Arkeilpane

Delaney Arkeilpane


delaney arkeilpane 1018 S. Lake Davis Drive Orlando, FL 32806 (407) 902-5540 Objective To bring energy and focus to the company, while achieving a higher knowledge of what it takes to work for a business, as well as to gain stronger managing and people skills. Education - Completed three years at William R. Boone High School. - Graduation date: June 2013. - G.P.A. 4.06. Top 17% of class. Experience Legend Yearbook, William R. Boone High School - Aug 2011- 2012. Business manager. Advertise sales, write receipts and deposits and organize sales reports. - Aug 2010- 2011. Staffer. Complete deadlines, conduct interviews, take pictures and write stories. Relevant High School Studies - Journalism I, II, and III - Web Design I and II - English I, II, and III Honors - Creative Photography I - Spanish I, II and III Honors Honors, Awards and Memberships - Member of the National Honor Society, 2012- present This is a highly recognized club dedicated to volunteer service and leadership around your community. - Member of National Society of High School Scholars 2011- present An award granted to high school students based upon outstanding grades and high academic achievement. - Active volleyball team member, 2006- present I started playing volleyball in middle school and continued to play in high school at the junior varsity, as well as the varsity level. I’ve also played club and beach volleyball at Top Select for the past two years. -Baby sitting, 2008- present I am capable of taking care of little kids and keeping them entertained. References -Renee Burke: yearbook advisor. (407) 443-8451 -Mayra Cuebras: volleyball coach. (786) 512-9509 -Justin Cox: youth group advisor. (407) 443-1312

Delaney Arkeilpane

personal essay

Journalism really caught my interest in high school. I enjoy the variety of aspects it engages me in. I like being part of a publication, taking pictures, writing stories and meeting deadlines. I feel as though journalism is a huge part of my life, and it’s hard for me to think about where I’d be without it. My interest in journalism sparked in middle school, as I was a part of the yearbook staff. I got my start into journalism freshman year beginning in Journalism I with Mrs. Burke. A lot of the reason I took these coursed was due to the influence of my peers, not realizing when I signed up that it would have so much weight on my life. In order to succeed in journalism I had to fail first. For instance, during my first year on staff I rarely met deadlines and struggled to thrive under the circumstances, but I returned this year with the right determination in order to meet every deadline. I don’t really feel like I’m strong in one particular area of journalism, but I consistently get my work done. I feel like I contributed to journalism because I was always on time to my editors and I made myself available to help other staffers if they needed it. As far as my future goes I can’t really say whether or not journalism will remain consistent throughout my life. Of course I plan on doing yearbook next year, but I’m not sure if its necessary a career I want to pursue. The skills I’ve learned in journalism will be applicable throughout my life, and in that matter journalism will always be a part of my life.

Delaney Arkeilpane

self-analytical essay

Throughout the course of this year I have gained a lot of actual production skills. The actual production skill that I valued learning the most was writing for a publication. In years past I really struggled with this, but this year I was able to develop my skills a lot more. This will defiantly benefit me in the future because I will be able to use these writing skills throughout the rest of my education and career path. Deadlines always seem to be a stressed, but for me they were definitely a strong point. I learned how to consistently meet deadlines and manage my time. I really feel like this is a great skill to have. I think it will be a great asset for me when I go to college because I know how to commit myself in order to succeed and meet deadlines. During deadline seven I worked on a layout with a partner. I feel like teamwork is a very important ability to have because it’s something that is always applicable to life. When it comes to working together it is vital to communicate, my

partner and I set these standards from the start, which is why we worked so well together. I definitely feel like I learned the most about sales and advertising this year. As the business manager I was in the position to manage and advertise the yearbook sales. It was a struggle this year, but had we not faced the hardships I wouldn’t have gained so much knowledge. In the future if I have to advertise something I will make sure to recognize my target audience prior to advertising. Journalism takes so much dedication. Sometimes I feel like it would be easier to just edit layouts or change quotes to my advantage, but journalism ethics are important. Without them we wouldn’t have a creditable publication. Although sometimes it would be easier to cheat yourself of doing the right thing, committing the time and the work is the way to go because in the end its worth it. I feel that I will carry on everything I’ve learned in this class. The things I’ve learned are more than just techinal, they’re life lessons.

Delaney Arkeilpane

reflection one

I feel that my best work this year was the Polyester Paradise spread I completed during deadline two. My main purpose for this page was simply to make sure that we had enough decent pictures in order to cover the dance in the yearbook. I was able to follow through with this by taking over a thousand pictures at the dance. From start to finish my layout changed a lot along with a few of the pictures I had initially selected. In order to complete this spread I spent a good majority of my time shuffling through pictures, so that I could choose the best ones from the page. After my first submission for body I had to get a few more interviews, but other than that it was pretty much smooth sailing. I learned how to manage my time in order to meet deadline during this deadline. I’m really proud of this page because I took most of the pictures and it represents my initiative.

Delaney Arkeilpane

reflection one

Delaney Arkeilpane

reflection one

Delaney Arkeilpane

reflection two

The page I had during deadline one could use more work. It was inarguably the most stressful page that I had all year. At first, I had a really hard time finding three sets of childhood friends that varied in gender and race. Once I found them and conducted the interviews I realized that they weren’t really giving me a lot to work with because their quotes were weak. My first submission of body to the final product went through a lot of edits. I had to focus my angles a lot more and find more quotable quotes. Shooting pictures for this page was a real struggle. I had to rely on them to meet up with me, and it was really complicating when all I needed was one picture and one girl kept blowing me off. In all honesty I really didn’t like the content this page covered, so if I could do it differently I would find a more interesting topic to cover. What I learned from this page was that you can’t always rely on people and sometimes you really have to commit yourself to get what you need.

Delaney Arkeilpane

reflection two

Delaney Arkeilpane

reflection two

Delaney Arkeilpane

reflection two



photo/Delaney Arkeilpane


[delaney arkeilpane]

photo/Delaney Arkeilpane


stregthens ties

Jamea Wiggins and Ashley Washington

When her best friend asked her for her honest opinion, senior Jamea Wiggins was never anything but blunt with her. Wiggins’ friendship with senior Ashley Washington was defined by their honesty towards each other, a trait which allowed them to remain friends since the fourth grade at Blankner. “Despite all my other friends telling me what I want to hear she tells me what is true,” Washington said. “Sometimes her opinions can hurt, but I can’t be angry because she tells me what I need to hear. I feel like I can tell her anything and she can

be honest with me.” At times honesty caused conflict resulting in temporary separation, but it was also what bonded them together. “I feel like I can tell her anything and she can be honest with me,” Washington said. Whatever the issue they relied on each other to be honest in their opinions about the situation, providing the feedback a true friend would give. “We’re not afraid to tell the other person the truth about each other because if we’re friends we know we’ll understand,” Wiggins said.

photo/Allie Sloan

Separation builds bonds

Staring out into a fourth grade classroom full of strangers, Axell Hernandez was looking for a new friend. He found that friend in classmate Mishelle Zambrano. From there they began a friendship that remained strong throughout their high school years. Following a brief separation during middle school, Hernandez and Zambrano were reunited again their freshman year. “I would say that the biggest struggle [we faced] was not going to the same middle school because we were friends in elementary and then she just fell off the face of the earth,” Hernandez said. “She was a girl that was always there for me. [She was] my first friend in town.” They reconnected in high school and their friendship grew as they saw each other more frequently than they had before. “When you have a really good friend that you connect to, you just pick up where you left off and it’s not any different,” Zambrano said.

page 128 unique

Axell Hernandez and Mishelle Zambrano

David Skarlupka and John McGrady chow down to fire up. Long time friends enjoy a meal at Firehouse Subs. “He buys me food and I buy him food, so we bond over food,” senior McGrady said. The friends had known each other since kindergarten.

Agree to


Since kindergarten at Pine Castle Christian Academy, common interests have tied seniors John McGrady and David Skarlupka together. Sharing the same classes over the years they grew close. Although they were close, their mutual interests sometimes proved to be an obstacle in their friendship. “There was a time when a girl tore us apart briefly [because we both liked her]. I thought she was a better friend than David, but he was actually more loyal than her,” McGrady said. “Eventually I got tired [of the awkwardness between us] so I apologized.” As inseparable as they were, Skarlupka and McGrady still had their common disputes, but they overcame them by agreeing to disagree. “We’re so close that we argue over everything,” Skarlupka said. “It has made us grow closer; he has [become] like my brother because I’ve known him for so long and we grew up together.”

“[My favorite tradition is] the Senior Snake because it’s fun,” senior Le-Roy Mormontoy said.

Delaney Arkeilpane

reflection three

I feel like this picture I took of Delanee Bogan during the JV girls soccer game is one of the best photos I’ve taken this year. I really struggled getting good action shots of the girls, but when I took this one I was instantly pleased. The main reason I am drawn to it is because of the depth of field and the action it displays. 210-004_bogan.jpg.

Delaney Arkeilpane

reflection three

It took a lot of trial and error to capture this moment, but I like this picture because of the action it displays. It also has a very clear center of visual interest that draws your eye to it. I even like the fact that he has his thumbs up because I think it adds to the overall atmosphere at the event and the emotion he has while he high jumps. 17-001_jagger.jpg.

Delaney Arkeilpane

reflection three

I had a lot of fun taking pictures at the Polyester Paradise dance because everyone was super energetic and I was able to get a lot of good shots. This one was definitely my favorite I took from the event because it is really interesting and it makes me laugh. I like that there is a clear center of visual interest and a good rule of thirds. polyster 10-1_ arkeilpane201110010862.jpg

Delaney Arkeilpane

reflection four

I was an asset to the staff and the 2012 edition of the Legend yearbook because of my dedication and hard work. This year, the staff as a whole really struggled to meet the set goal of yearbooks we needed to sell in order to remain an award winning publication. It was devastating to hear that if we didn’t reach our objective we wouldn’t have the budget to include a spring supplement. Through my role as business manager I was able to commit myself towards reaching this target. I encouraged the staffers to set statuses and promote the book sales as much as possible. I literally did everything I could possibly think of to save the yearbook. I stuffed thousands of lockers as well as cars with yearbook flyers, but we still weren’t selling nearly enough yearbooks. It was then that I scanned through the master locator and listed off every single student that had been pictured or quoted, removing students that had already purchased a yearbook from my list. I proceeded to design an eye catching sneak peek flyer that I sent out to these students. Thankfully, sales shot up. In addition to this I also created five large posters to hang around the school. As the final extension for pre-ordering yearbooks neared my commitment finally began to pay off. I counted up all of the receipts, payment plans and online sales and we had just barely made the cut, but I feel like without my dedication the outcome would have varied. I strongly believe that my loyalty throughout this year to the yearbook and my staffers was undeniable.

Delaney Arkeilpane

reflection five

The biggest hardship I faced this year was the lack of book sales the staff as a whole experienced. As business manager I felt like this reflected bad on me, so I devoted myself to overcoming this. I think I handled the situation well because we eventually did meet our goal. On my own I created and distributed locker stuffers, car flyers, posters around the school, footprints in the hallway, a BBC commercial and a sneak peek flyer for students already in the yearbook. I also encouraged the staff to get the word out through social media and by talking about it in classes. The most important thing I learned from the situation was that it is vital to target parents prior to students. We wasted so much time trying to get students to buy yearbooks, while we still weren’t seeing results. If we had immediately went to the parents the sales would’ve been a lot different, and we probably wouldn’t have faced this problem.

Delaney Arkeilpane

reflection six

During the mid-term I felt like my biggest weakness was that I was trying to take on more than I could handle. At the time I was overwhelmed with the lack of book sales, and the stress I was putting myself through to increase them. Balancing this along with deadlines was clearly getting the best of me. Since my last assessment I feel like its not much of a weakness for me anymore. I’ve learned to manage my time for yearbook as well as all my other classes. Through my developing time management skills I was able to achieve this goals. Instead of spreading all my time focusing on yearbook spread my time out among my classes more evenly. By recognizing my limits I found that I can produce more quality work. I learned that if I am able to fully commit myself to one thing at a time I get the best result.

Delaney Arkeilpane

reflection seven

Y2. Sports reporting. I think this is probably the best body copy I’ve written for any sport because it ties a lot of aspects of the season into one.

Y15. Sports action photo. My photo I’d like to submit is #1 because I like how the subject is in focus and the action it displays.

Y21. Photo illustration: single image. I choose to submit this because the individual pictures make up one really cool illustration.

Delaney Arkeilpane

reflection eight

After looking over my previous portfolio and my work in yearbook I can tell there is a definite growth from last year to this year. I think that my portfolio this year was constructed a lot better. I devoted a lot of my time last year to the design, and it wasn’t even that good. My design for this year’s portfolio is a lot stronger and shows clear improvement. Even just glancing over my spreads I could tell that I was lacking the organizational skills and experience I gained this year. Seeing some of the edits from reflection one and two of last year’s portfolio I noticed that my writing has focused more, and doesn’t face nearly as much changes now. In the past I feel like I was still getting the hang of yearbook, but now I feel like my photos, writing and designing are much more solid.

Delaney Arkeilpane


Color Page

Megan Chevalier, 12

photo/Delaney Arkeilpane

“When we won states for volleyball. The feeling was epic and I’ll never forget it,

Megan Chevalier, 12

“When we won states for volleyball. The feeling was epic and I’ll never forget it,”

Megan Chevalier, 12

leadin. I am a present tense sentence telling who or what is in the picture. “I am a quotable quote,” Arkeilpane said. I am a past tense sentence telling something that is not in the picture.

Fierce 24

leadin. I am a present tense sentence telling who or what is in the picture. “I am a quotable quote,” Arkeilpane said. I am a past tense sentence telling something that is not in the picture.

leadin. I am a present tense sentence telling who or what is in the picture. “I am a quotable quote,” Arkeilpane said. I am a past tense sentence telling something that is not in the picture.

photo/Delaney Arkeilpane

leadin. I am a present tense sentence telling who or what is in the picture. “I am a quotable quote,” Arkeilpane said. I am a past tense sentence telling something that is not in the picture.

photo/Delaney Arkeilpane

what was your memorable moment?

photo/Delaney Arkeilpane

When we won states for volleyball. The feeling was epic and I’ll never forget it,”

Color - Size 9 - 0-03445: Boone HS

leadin. I am a present tense sentence telling who or what is in the picture. “I am a quotable quote,” Arkeilpane said. I am a past tense sentence telling something that is not in the picture.

ut fuga. Net voluptae. Aqui repudae dolupta debit et quo idest doluptae plitatio. Nam, nobis que volendi gnihitas el mos susdam eaquam andebite dis nulpari dolenecumque eaque mil et eatem amet etur? Quis unt. Nem quis volupta tionsen dundit, consed quaero blam velique nissi berro dolendi ipitempori omnistiis et animos nitatia dolecab oribus sit, quid mi, omniendunt et am voluptatur si reperum etur aut aceatiusci dolupta temporunt la vere nihicaeste velisquiae et optae sum faccus evel invenda voloria aliquate simusa doluptas ne volessero volut faccus, omnis doleni tempellaccus cuptass undipis eturio. Ut exersped ut vel moloris am facerias sinusdam laborecab ipidis sequae. Et optur as Delaney Arkeilpane.

“This is an extremely amazing quotable quote,” Arkeilpane said.

a quibus alique minciat. Bero et quis sum dolecta provita temolo eos et et quis anis utate magnist, coris debit libus ma cumqui te velitiam aut quam, cus sim abo. Beaquatem il illa simpor Sape et et earit deniet haristio. Namenis eiumqui acerumquos ad enimus, quiasperis earciis aboruptur, omnimodis si am, conseri dolo blatis arum fugit venisim poreprorro ium etur? Aditassim delluptia sus, conserro dolum volupta tisitem aborem. Nam ipsantibus eos aut accum ellorem simust hilignatat. Am sum seque is sumquis sit maximod isincia peratum est quasped itatis et asperum fuga. Solupta epedita aliquis quodis amenim is repe quis persped ute pa pre, in provitiossit venis doluptust ea im ipid mos et odiscilAquis re dolupis enis nia cus,

subhead goes here

25 sports

Net et mi, adi necum everem facerumquo doloreh enihili gnimus vendi dolenih icatur? Quis excere minvere strupta tumendias que verum qui ad et aut hit, voluptis quae ario to magnam que volupti atiorep erspelest et perspita delles eatium, aliquam que laborent hilliqu aspicit, est et quam adi des diti reicienti ipicienitiam eate aligeni hiciumenihil ipsunt harum, quos derent omnia con plam fugit prae aut et ut maiostius, omnis dolut laborestotat audae dolum reperum re, sim faccuptis re volupti onsernatus est, offictae dolupta turiae atiscidus. Ga. Ut volupta tecabor estruptat dendis ea nimusam faccaborum latis ium qui delentem. Ut facea cus. Incto conse asse voloria et venient. Pore numendis as evenditincti autem in re explab ius ex et occuptur

place headline right here please

I feel that my best work this year was the Polyester Paradise spread I completed during deadline two. My main purpose for this page was simply to make sure that we had enough decent pictures in order to cover the dance in the yearbook. I was able to follow through with this by taking over a thousand pictures at the dance. From start to finish my layout changed a lot along with a few of the pictures I had initially selected. In order to complete this spread I spent a good majority of my time shuffling through pictures, so that I could choose the best ones from the page. After my first submission for body I had to get a few more interviews, but other than that it was pretty much smooth sailing. I learned how to manage my time in order to meet deadline during this deadline. I’m really proud of this page because I took most of the pictures and it represents my initiative. photo/Delaney Arkeilpane


Color - Size 9 - 0-03445: Boone HS

Color Page

Delaney Arkeilpane


Color Page

1 4

telling who or what is in the picture. “I am a quotable quote,” Arkeilpane said. I am a past tense sentence telling something that is not in the picture.

leadin. I am a present tense sentence

I literally cried with excitement when we won states.

Fierce 26

eiumqui acerumquos ad enimus, quiasperis earciis aboruptur, omnimodis si am, conseri dolo blatis arum fugit venisim poreprorro ium etur? Aditassim delluptia sus, conserro dolum volupta tisitem aborem. Nam ipsantibus eos aut accum ellorem simust hilignatat. Am sum seque is sumquis sit maximod isincia peratum est quasped itatis et asperum fuga. Solupta epedita aliquis quodis amenim is repe quis persped ute pa pre, in provitiossit venis doluptust ea im ipid mos et odiscilAquis re dolupis enis nia cus, ut fuga. Net voluptae. Aqui repudae dolupta debit et quo idest doluptae plitatio. Nam, nobis que volendi gnihitas el mos susdam eaquam andebite dis nulpari dolenecumque eaque mil et eatem amet etur? Quis unt. Nem quis volupta tionsen dundit, consed quaero blam velique nissi berro dolendi ipitempori omnistiis et animos nitatia dolecab oribus sit, quid mi, omniendunt et am voluptatur si reperum etur aut aceatiusci dolupta temporunt la vere nihicaeste velisquiae et optae sum faccus evel invenda voloria ali Delaney Arkeilpane.


“I literally cried with excitement when we won states.”

MeganChevalier, 12

should know about this thing.



This is the first thing you should This is the third thing you know about should know about this thing. this thing. This is the fourth thing you This is the should know fifth thing you about this thing.

This is the second thing you should know about this thing.

Net et mi, adi necum everem facerumquo doloreh enihili gnimus vendi dolenih icatur? Quis excere minvere strupta tumendias que verum qui ad et aut hit, voluptis quae ario to magnam que volupti atiorep erspelest et perspita delles eatium, aliquam que laborent hilliqu aspicit, est et quam adi des diti reicienti ipicienitiam eate aligeni hiciumenihil ipsunt harum, quos derent omnia con plam fugit prae aut et ut maiostius, omnis dolut laborestotat audae dolum reperum re, sim faccuptis re volupti onsernatus est, offictae dolupta turiae atiscidus. Ga. Ut volupta tecabor estruptat dendis ea nimusam faccaborum latis ium qui delentem. Ut facea cus. Incto conse asse voloria et venient. Pore numendis as evenditincti autem in re explab ius ex et occuptur a quibus alique minciat. Bero et quis sum dolecta provita temolo eos et et quis anis utate magnist, coris debit libus ma cumqui te velitiam aut quam, cus sim abo. Beaquatem il illa simpor Sape et et earit deniet haristio. Namenis

five things

2 photo/Delaney Arkeilpane

leadin. I am a present tense sentence telling who or what is in the picture. “I am a quotable quote,” Arkeilpane said. I am a past tense sentence telling something leadin. I am a that is not in the picture. present tense sentence telling the picture. “I am a quotable quote,” Arkeilpane said. I am a past tense sentence telling something leadin. I am that is not in the picture. a present tense sentence telling who or what is in the picture. “I am a quotable quote,” Arkeilpane said. I am a past tense sentence telling something that is not in the picture. photo/Delaney Arkeilpane

leadin. I am a present tense sentence telling who or what is in the picture. “I am a quotable quote,” Arkeilpane said. I am a past tense sentence telling something that is not in the picture.

“This is an extremely amazing quotable quote,” Arkeilpane said.

27 sports

photo/Delaney Arkeilpane

Color - Size 9 - 0-03445: Boone HS

photo/Delaney Arkeilpane

Color - Size 9 - 0-03445: Boone HS

Color Page

photo/Delaney Arkeilpane

Delaney Arkeilpane

deadline one



photo/Delaney Arkeilpane


[delaney arkeilpane]

photo/Delaney Arkeilpane


stregthens ties

Jamea Wiggins and Ashley Washington

When her best friend asked her for her honest opinion, senior Jamea Wiggins was never anything but blunt with her. Wiggins’ friendship with senior Ashley Washington was defined by their honesty towards each other, a trait which allowed them to remain friends since the fourth grade at Blankner. “Despite all my other friends telling me what I want to hear she tells me what is true,” Washington said. “Sometimes her opinions can hurt, but I can’t be angry because she tells me what I need to hear. I feel like I can tell her anything and she can

be honest with me.” At times honesty caused conflict resulting in temporary separation, but it was also what bonded them together. “I feel like I can tell her anything and she can be honest with me,” Washington said. Whatever the issue they relied on each other to be honest in their opinions about the situation, providing the feedback a true friend would give. “We’re not afraid to tell the other person the truth about each other because if we’re friends we know we’ll understand,” Wiggins said.

photo/Allie Sloan

Separation builds bonds

Staring out into a fourth grade classroom full of strangers, Axell Hernandez was looking for a new friend. He found that friend in classmate Mishelle Zambrano. From there they began a friendship that remained strong throughout their high school years. Following a brief separation during middle school, Hernandez and Zambrano were reunited again their freshman year. “I would say that the biggest struggle [we faced] was not going to the same middle school because we were friends in elementary and then she just fell off the face of the earth,” Hernandez said. “She was a girl that was always there for me. [She was] my first friend in town.” They reconnected in high school and their friendship grew as they saw each other more frequently than they had before. “When you have a really good friend that you connect to, you just pick up where you left off and it’s not any different,” Zambrano said.

page 128 unique

Axell Hernandez and Mishelle Zambrano

David Skarlupka and John McGrady chow down to fire up. Long time friends enjoy a meal at Firehouse Subs. “He buys me food and I buy him food, so we bond over food,” senior McGrady said. The friends had known each other since kindergarten.

Agree to


Since kindergarten at Pine Castle Christian Academy, common interests have tied seniors John McGrady and David Skarlupka together. Sharing the same classes over the years they grew close. Although they were close, their mutual interests sometimes proved to be an obstacle in their friendship. “There was a time when a girl tore us apart briefly [because we both liked her]. I thought she was a better friend than David, but he was actually more loyal than her,” McGrady said. “Eventually I got tired [of the awkwardness between us] so I apologized.” As inseparable as they were, Skarlupka and McGrady still had their common disputes, but they overcame them by agreeing to disagree. “We’re so close that we argue over everything,” Skarlupka said. “It has made us grow closer; he has [become] like my brother because I’ve known him for so long and we grew up together.”

“[My favorite tradition is] the Senior Snake because it’s fun,” senior Le-Roy Mormontoy said.

Delaney Arkeilpane

deadline two

Delaney Arkeilpane

deadline three

Delaney Arkeilpane

deadline four

Delaney Arkeilpane

deadline four

Delaney Arkeilpane

deadline seven

Delaney Arkeilpane

deadline seven

Delaney Arkeilpane


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