Delanee Bogan

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ogan Delanee BPortfolio 2012

ogan Delanee BPortfolio 2012


over letter

DELANEE BOGAN Renee Burke Hi-Lights newspaper advisor 2000 South Mills Avenue Orlando FL 32806

Dear Renee Burke,

I am interested in being the next Index editor for Hi-Lights, Boone High School’s newspaper. I am well qualified for this position due to my experience of being a staffer as well as the completion of the journalism 1 course. I am eager to learn and grasp new knowledge of the journalism field and would love the opportunity for the attached résumé to be reviewed.

With my knowledge from being a staffer as well as being in the journalism 1 class, I am very acquainted in both InDesign and Photoshop. I have met strict deadlines and learned how to stay organized through chaos because of newspaper. I am very passionate and dedicated to stories I am assigned. All of my stories are featured in the six issues of Hi-Lights. I have designed pages and taken photos throughout the year as well. I have a flexible schedule and I am very motivated to getting things accomplished both quickly and with accuracy.

I can contribute to this staff by using the skills I have mastered the past two years. These skills include the ability to make deadline and be fully dedicated. This position will help me in pursuing my long term career goals, which is writing for a newspaper or a magazine.

I would appreciate an interview so we can discuss face to face how I can help improve Hi-lights newspaper. Please feel free to contact me at any time. In the meantime, thank you for your consideration.

Respectfully yours,

Delanee Bogan

•Delanee Bogan • 2442 Pershing Oaks PL, 32806 • 407-421-7030 •



DELANEE BOGAN Objective: • To obtain knowledge and experience through the Index editing position on Hi-Lights newspaper

Education: • Completed one year at Boone High School • Graduating in the class of 2012 • GPA: 3.6

Experience: • Boone High School newspaper; Hi-Lights staffer (2011)- Published and researched stories in all six issues of Hi-Lights. Captured photos for the publication. Well acquainted in both InDesign and Photoshop, as well as obtained communication and writing skills. • Completion of Journalism 1 course (2010)

Honors and Awards:

• Team captain of the JV Lady Braves soccer team (2011)

• Awarded Best mid-fielder by both peers and head coach (2010)

References: • Tony Marono, juwnior varsity coach, 407-484-0268 • Renee Burke, journalism advisor, 407-443-8451 • Cheryl Race, English Honors, 407- 893-7200 extension: 6014273

•Delanee Bogan • 2442 Pershing Oaks PL, 32806 • 407-421-7030 •


usiness cards


2442 Pershing Oaks Place Orlando, FL 32806

HI-LIGHTS NEWSPAPER Staffer 407-421-7030

2442 Pershing Oaks Place Orlando, FL 32806


2442 Pershing Oaks Place Orlando, FL 32806

HI-LIGHTS NEWSPAPER Staffer 407-421-7030

2442 Pershing Oaks Place Orlando, FL 32806


2442 Pershing Oaks Place Orlando, FL 32806

HI-LIGHTS NEWSPAPER Staffer 407-421-7030

2442 Pershing Oaks Place Orlando, FL 32806


2442 Pershing Oaks Place Orlando, FL 32806

HI-LIGHTS NEWSPAPER Staffer 407-421-7030

2442 Pershing Oaks Place Orlando, FL 32806


2442 Pershing Oaks Place Orlando, FL 32806

HI-LIGHTS NEWSPAPER Staffer 407-421-7030

2442 Pershing Oaks Place Orlando, FL 32806


ersonal essay

I have learned throughout this year on staff that I have a passion for journalism. Even though I get

stressed in newspaper, I have learned to enjoy the chaotic deadlines. Before newspaper, I was extremely shy. Two years ago, I would never have had the guts to go out of my way to take a picture at an interesting angle, or interview someone I didn’t know. These skills that I have mastered will help me succeed in life no matter which field I decide to go into. Newspaper has helped me mature and become the person I am today. My sister, Rachel Bogan inspired me to go into journalism. She was on yearbook, and would always come home and talk about all the crazy things yearbook did, and how much fun it is to be on staff. I would hear her talk about the interesting stories, the blackmail board and all of her new friends she met on staff. In eighth grade, I decided I wanted to go into Yearbook, but soon after learned I had to take a journalism 1 course first. While taking this course, I learned about how newspaper worked, and I really wanted to become a part of it. This influenced me to apply to be a staffer on for newspaper. I have not regretted this decision since.

In order to succeed, I had to overcome many obstacles. Being on two soccer teams this year while being

on staff was very difficult for me. There were many times I had to skip practice in order to stay on deadline for newspaper. It was frustrating because later on at soccer I was punished for skipping, but at the end of the day I knew I did the right thing. I also have had to endure many hardships with interviews. While on deadline communication with people is very important and it can become difficult if people you are trying to interview are not cooperating with you. This has happened to me numerous times, but you just have to keep polite and you will get your interview eventually.

I have contributed my time to newspaper. I come to every workday, and I come after school if necessary. I

also come to school early to finish. My goal for journalism for the future is working for a newspaper or a magazine. I think it would be really neat working as a journalist. I love writing. I like that journalism gives me an outlet to share other peoples stories. It would be a dream come true if I got the chance to do what I do in newspaper on a daily basis.


elf- analytical evaluation

Throughout this year I have learned and acquired many new skills. The most valuable skill I have learned is time management. Procrastination has been a problem for me in previous years. On staff there is zero tolerance for this behavior. I learned that in order for me to achieve success I have to keep on deadline. I learned that in order to keep on deadline I need to use class time wisely because the amount of time we are in the classroom is so short. The most efficient way for me to stay on deadline is to write my stories at home and stick to designing at school. Stressing out on deadline does not help me. I have learned to deal with this stress by turning the negative energy I use to stress out and convert it into positive energy that will help me stay on task and accomplish all of my responsibilities. I have never had problems working with others. Teamwork is the key to making a successful paper. Being a new staffer, it was difficult to help others but I pitched in as much as I could to other staffers. In addition to teamwork, dedication is important. I was so devoted to newspaper this year I sacrificed other commitments I had in order to stay on deadline. I had to skip soccer practices multiple times in order to attend a workday or stay after school to get caught up. Coaches do not understand the work that goes behind the scenes in making a newspaper.. But even though I hated missing soccer, I knew it was the right thing to do. Advertising has improved my communication skills. I am not as nervous talking to adults because of this. I know how to be polite and how to convince people to purchase an ad for the paper. I know I will use these communication skills for the rest of my life. I have also learned the importance of journalism ethics. It is so important to use your own words and make sure you are quoting people correctly in the paper. It is so easy to misunderstand someone and quote them incorrectly. This can change the angle of the story and the information can be misleading to readers. Lastly my writing skills have improved tremendously throughout this year. I can now read my writing and be proud of it. I know that my writing will improve more as I gain more experience as a staffer. These skills will help me get a job in the future and when I apply for college. I also know they will help me in college too, and if I major in the journalism field.


f efllection 1:

My most significant piece of work was my article on endangered animals. It is my favorite because I learned so much from writing it. I knew Florida was home to some endangered animals but I didn’t know the amount was so high. I am very proud that all of my pictures are facing the correct way. I have had stories from previous deadlines before that face the wrong direction. I am also proud that the text fits perfectly. I have had stories in the past that the columns didn’t line up and there was white space at the end. The main purpose of this article was to inform the student body about endangered animals and how important it is to preserve them. While interviewing students, I learned the majority of students are unaware of how high the number of endangered animals has gotten in the past decade. This piece was difficult to write. It acquired a lot of information and facts about these animals. I spent a lot of time on the Internet searching for unique facts about these animals including; how to get others involved and their reason for being on the endangered species list. Even though it was difficult writing the information, having a topic I actually cared about made it easier for me. When I was first assigned this article I had no idea how to design it. With the help of another staffer, I created a design that had three photos of animals on it. I wanted to add pictures so that it would catch the reader’s eye and make them want to read the story and find out more. From my first effort I didn’t even have my graphics yet. The text lacked content and was confusing at points. As I worked on my story it evolved into a story with good content and made sense. I struggled with finding a way to end the story but I feel as if the way I ended left the reader wanting to volunteer and learn more about the endangered animals I mentioned in the story. While working on this deadline I had trouble getting an authority figure. I learned that I just had to be patient when waiting for people to answer my emails and phone calls. I also learned you need to give people enough time, be respectful and try not to get frustrated when people are too busy for an interview at the moment. Eventually after much frustration I got my authority figure’s interview and everything fell into place as I planned. I love the final product of my story. My design was interesting and the pictures of the endangered species were neat. I especially liked the photo of the manatee because I think it makes an impact on people. It shows what a beautiful animal it is, and makes you feel bad after reading the story knowing they are on the risk of extinction. I am very proud of my whole design.


f efllection 1:


f efllection 1:

campus and local

Endangered wildlife seeks help FLORIDA IS HOME TO 56 ENDANGERED ANIMALS By DELANEE BOGAN Drowning from being trapped inside large nets owned by longline fisheries, the leatherback turtle is an endangered species in Florida. This animal is declining not only due to the fisheries but also due to destruction of its habitat. The world is home to nearly 1.7 million animal species and 500 of these animals are endangered, meaning they are at the risk of extinction. Numbers of endangered animals are increasing every year. Without these animals, the earth’s natural balance will be destroyed, and there will be rapid climate changes which will impact everyone negatively. Florida alone has 56 threatened and endangered animal’s. If people do not take action, Floridians will see changes in the animals they see on a day-to-day basis. “It is disgusting how we let the pure number [of endangered animals] get that high. It is outrageous that we are destroying Florida’s naturally beautiful ecosystem,” sophomore Joseph Johnson said. Classified as an endangered species by the U.S. Department of the Interior in 1967, the Florida Panther is threatened due to destruction of its habitat, genetic defects caused by extensive inbreeding, and collisions with automobiles. In 1996, the population was 30-50 panthers, but because of the Genetic Restoration Program, the wild range is now estimated to be 50-70 panthers. “[Everyone] should know that one day all of the animals that we think are cool and observe are not going to be there anymore. [The amount of endangered animals] is affecting our environment and it will eventually come back to hurt us,” freshman Ramon Alejo said. The Florida manatee is also on Florida’s endangered species list. This animal is on the list because of careless boaters who do not look out or slow down for the manatees. SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment has helped ill injured and orphaned animals for the past 45 years. They help any animal that is in need of assistance. Over 20,000 animals have been rescued by the rescue team, which is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. SeaWorld rescued 19 manatees and released 16 back into the wild last year. With an attempt to take the manatees off the endangered species list, the government has created idle speed zones to reduce the amount of manatees injured and killed by boat propellers. The government has also created sanctuaries so the manatees cannot be harassed, hunted or captured. Homosassa Springs, located in Homosassa, is one place where students can observe and interact with this endangered species. Freshman Alexandra Freel visited the park last year. “[Homosassa Springs] is quite interesting. I didn’t realize how much I didn’t know about manatees. I learned what their habitat has to be like and that they mostly eat lettuce. The people that work there let my mom and I throw heads of Romaine into the spring,” Freel said. At Homosassa Springs, there is an adopt-a-manatee program. To adopt a manatee one can pay $25 to contribute to saving manatees. With adoption, one receives an official certificate, official club newsletter, a full color photo and a biography of a real manatee. The Florida gopher tortoise is another species threatened due to the destruction of its habitat. They share burrows with rattlesnakes, and are often killed accidentally by hunters which are trying to kill the rattlesnakes. The Florida law prohibits intentional killing or wounding of this animal. To get involved and help donate to save endangered

The Florida Gopher Tortoise


The Florida Manatee

Horseshoe crab



animals one can go online to This website helps protect endangered animals by accepting monthly donations that support the World Wildlife Fund’s Global Conservation Efforts. Another way to help is the Adopt-a-Bird program at the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey, located in Maitland. One bald Eagle costs $3,000 to rehabilitate. This “adoption” includes annual investments in the care, medical treatment, and feeding of one’s bird. The donations help other species as well as contribute to educational programs that help spread awareness of the endangered animals in Florida. Although the bald eagle was removed from the threatened and endangered species list in 2007, it still remains under protection of state and federal laws. The horseshoe crabs in south Florida are on the brink of extinction. They are endangered because their blood is used for testing human pathogens in human blood, tissues, and for creating intravenous drugs. They are crucial to the

environment because their eggs provide food for birds. “[Endangered animals] lives should be valued. If there are small amounts left, they should be preserved. These animals are here for a reason,” Freel said. The American alligator, located in the FL everglades, is on the endangered animals list. It is endangered due to pollution, and because of hunters killing them. The local non profit organization, Back to Nature has been open since 2007 and its main goal is focused on saving Central Florida’s native wildlife. They do this by helping rehabilitate them at their center. BTN has over 50 permanent residents and will take any animals that is orphaned or injured and help nurse them back to health then release them back into the wild. To help volunteer visit their website at www. “[While volunteering at Back to Nature I have learned] so many things. I have more respect for what animals go through with humans,” Bonnie Westvreld, office manager said.

May 11, 2012

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f efllection 2:

My first article “ Virtual school takes hold” still needs work on it. Looking back I have no idea how it was published. There are so many errors on this page it disgusts me. I learned from this that I need to be more careful when cropping pictures because there is a big white space in my pull out quote box. This story also taught me that it doesn’t look good when the story doesn’t fit exactly. I know now to make sure and look over and make sure everything looks right after correcting my final edits. If I had the chance to improve this story I would. I would re crop the headshot, make a shorter subhead, make sure the tips box doesn’t cover the home screen page and lastly fill in the rest of the story so there wouldn’t be any more white space at the bottom. If I fixed these errors it would have been a decent story.


f efllection 2:


f efllection 2:


f efllection 3:

I am very proud of this picture. I like it because most of my pictures from when I took picture of drama were blurry and the lighting was bad. It follows the rule of thirds and fills the whole frame. The odd choice of clothing, the bright colors and the expressions in the photo is what attracts me to it.

Drama 3-7_Delanee0082


f efllection 3:

This is my favorite photo I have taken all year. I like it because I remember I went out of my comfort zone to get this cool picture. I had to go underneath a bunch of sweaty smelly wrestlers to get my picture. I am so proud of how it turned out as well as what I need in order to get it. What attracts me to this photo is I automatically think how was this picture taken. It’s at an interesting angle and the colors pop out. It fills the entire frame and follows the rule of thirds.

Wrestling 12-8_Bogan0051


f efllection 3:

I like this wrestling picture. I had a difficult time trying to capture a picture in action at this match so I am very proud I took this picture. I was surprised it turned out so well since most of my pictures were blurry. It has good composition including center of visual interest. I like the intensity and the dedication that is shown through the wrestlers face in the match.

Wrestling 12-8_Bogan0067


f efllection 4:

I believe I was an asset to the 2012 Hi-Lights staff because of many reasons. I spent my free time at home writing my articles so then I wouldn’t have to write at school. This helped me focus better and stay on deadline. I did this so I could have time to help my fellow staffers and well as focus on designing my pages. Being a new staffer it was difficult helping others but I helped out as much as I could. Lizzy Gordon and I would often assist each other in reading each others articles to make sure they made sense. We also helped each other write interview questions. I attended every workday we had this year. I often had to skip important sport practices in order to do so. There were many times I would go directly from the workday to soccer practice. Doing so I had to stay up late finishing other homework from my core classes. It was difficult because I was so exhausted but I stayed dedicated to newspaper and kept going. Not only was I committed I never slacked off. I would always complete what I was assigned to do. If I was off deadline it was because of lack of communication with interviews or something I had no control over. I was never behind because I just didn’t want to do it. I knew being on staff is a privilege and I didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize my spot on newspaper.


f efllection 5:

I faced many hardships this year. I learned that no matter what happens you have to prevail through them in order to get your story done on time. Everyone on staff is important and without everyone on deadline together we will not have a finished product. Everyone faces challenges on staff but we are all going through this together. I often found comfort in my peers because they were going through the same thing I was going through. The final deadline I was overwhelmed with all of the stories I was assigned. I was not used to having that many stories. In one week I had to interview 12 people. It was crazy and I was so stressed out. The returners said the last deadline was hard but I had no idea it would be that difficult. I found myself behind when I was taken off the double page spread and had to design my own page. I also found myself even more behind when I had the wrong angle for the story. Through this I learned before you write a story you have to have an idea of how to design it. I also learned to make sure you fully understand your topic you are assigned to and have the right angle or else you may have to start over like what happened to me on the last deadline. In every story I’ve had there is always that one person who is impossible to get in contact with. This is why I learned the first thing you need to do after picking your story is find out who your interviewing and interview them as soon as possible. From experience I know that if you wait too long it will be a domino affect and the rest will go downhill and you will be far behind. If these problems occur again next year I know to just keep calm and do not stress out because that doesn’t solve anything. I know to just breathe and start early when assigned my stories. If I do this I know I will get what I need to finish accomplished with little stress.


f efllection 6:

My biggest weakness is coming out of my comfort zone. At the beginning of the school year I was scared

to interview people. It was difficult for me to think of follow-up questions if I didn’t understand what the person I interviewed was saying. I also thought that my biggest weakness was not being able to convey my opinion through my writing and also not being able to use my designing skills to the best of my ability. Being in newspaper I was forced out of my comfort zone. I am not afraid to ask people questions or ask them to clarify themselves while doing an interview. I am still struggling with my designing skills. Although I have branched off I still need to work on them. Looking at my first story I can tell how much my writing has changed. My stories flow better and don’t have as much awkward wording in them. I also believe I entertaining and give more details as well as visuals to the reader. I’m proud of how much I have grown and I am excited to see my work improve as I gain more experience on staff.


f efllection 7:

campus and local

N1. I would like this article to represent me because I feel like it is my best work this year. It has good content as well as graphics.

Endangered wildlife seeks help The Florida Gopher Tortoise

FLORIDA IS HOME TO 56 ENDANGERED ANIMALS By DELANEE BOGAN Drowning from being trapped inside large nets owned by longline fisheries, the leatherback turtle is an endangered species in Florida. This animal is declining not only due to the fisheries but also due to destruction of its habitat. The world is home to nearly 1.7 million animal species and 500 of these animals are endangered, meaning they are at the risk of extinction. Numbers of endangered animals are increasing every year. Without these animals, the earth’s natural balance will be destroyed, and there will be rapid climate changes which will impact everyone negatively. Florida alone has 56 threatened and endangered animal’s. If people do not take action, Floridians will see changes in the animals they see on a day-to-day basis. “It is disgusting how we let the pure number [of endangered animals] get that high. It is outrageous that we are destroying Florida’s naturally beautiful ecosystem,” sophomore Joseph Johnson said. Classified as an endangered species by the U.S. Department of the Interior in 1967, the Florida Panther is threatened due to destruction of its habitat, genetic defects caused by extensive inbreeding, and collisions with automobiles. In 1996, the population was 30-50 panthers, but because of the Genetic Restoration Program, the wild range is now estimated to be 50-70 panthers. “[Everyone] should know that one day all of the animals that we think are cool and observe are not going to be there anymore. [The amount of endangered animals] is affecting our environment and it will eventually come back to hurt us,” freshman Ramon Alejo said. The Florida manatee is also on Florida’s endangered species list. This animal is on the list because of careless boaters who do not look out or slow down for the manatees. SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment has helped ill injured and orphaned animals for the past 45 years. They help any animal that is in need of assistance. Over 20,000 animals have been rescued by the rescue team, which is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. SeaWorld rescued 19 manatees and released 16 back into the wild last year. With an attempt to take the manatees off the endangered species list, the government has created idle speed zones to reduce the amount of manatees injured and killed by boat propellers. The government has also created sanctuaries so the manatees cannot be harassed, hunted or captured. Homosassa Springs, located in Homosassa, is one place where students can observe and interact with this endangered species. Freshman Alexandra Freel visited the park last year. “[Homosassa Springs] is quite interesting. I didn’t realize how much I didn’t know about manatees. I learned what their habitat has to be like and that they mostly eat lettuce. The people that work there let my mom and I throw heads of Romaine into the spring,” Freel said. At Homosassa Springs, there is an adopt-a-manatee program. To adopt a manatee one can pay $25 to contribute to saving manatees. With adoption, one receives an official certificate, official club newsletter, a full color photo and a biography of a real manatee. The Florida gopher tortoise is another species threatened due to the destruction of its habitat. They share burrows with rattlesnakes, and are often killed accidentally by hunters which are trying to kill the rattlesnakes. The Florida law prohibits intentional killing or wounding of this animal. To get involved and help donate to save endangered


The Florida Manatee

Horseshoe crab



animals one can go online to This website helps protect endangered animals by accepting monthly donations that support the World Wildlife Fund’s Global Conservation Efforts. Another way to help is the Adopt-a-Bird program at the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey, located in Maitland. One bald Eagle costs $3,000 to rehabilitate. This “adoption” includes annual investments in the care, medical treatment, and feeding of one’s bird. The donations help other species as well as contribute to educational programs that help spread awareness of the endangered animals in Florida. Although the bald eagle was removed from the threatened and endangered species list in 2007, it still remains under protection of state and federal laws. The horseshoe crabs in south Florida are on the brink of extinction. They are endangered because their blood is used for testing human pathogens in human blood, tissues, and for creating intravenous drugs. They are crucial to the

environment because their eggs provide food for birds. “[Endangered animals] lives should be valued. If there are small amounts left, they should be preserved. These animals are here for a reason,” Freel said. The American alligator, located in the FL everglades, is on the endangered animals list. It is endangered due to pollution, and because of hunters killing them. The local non profit organization, Back to Nature has been open since 2007 and its main goal is focused on saving Central Florida’s native wildlife. They do this by helping rehabilitate them at their center. BTN has over 50 permanent residents and will take any animals that is orphaned or injured and help nurse them back to health then release them back into the wild. To help volunteer visit their website at www. “[While volunteering at Back to Nature I have learned] so many things. I have more respect for what animals go through with humans,” Bonnie Westvreld, office manager said.

May 11, 2012

page 9



Recycling clothing gains popularity

Hollywood’s elite influence trends CELEBRITY ACTIONS INSPIRE TEENS By ANNA MARIE BORIA Teenagers of today are being exposed to the lives of Hollywood’s elite almost continuously. This kind of exposure is influencing today’s youth in more ways than one. The effects of influential celebrities can be positive as well as beneficial to a young adult’s life, especially if one lacks a positive influence. Seeing how certain stars portray themselves and handle certain situations can inspire a teenager. “I think teenagers look up to celebrities who they feel they have a certain connection to, which inspires teens to be like them in different ways,” sophomore Jalen Harper said. One of those inspire worthy celebrities is four time Grammy award winner Taylor Swift. Swift has donated millions of dollars to charities such as the Red Cross and has received a VH1 Do Something Award in honor of her efforts to the community. She is star girls of all ages can find relatable and one of the few young starlets who goes through the Hollywood spotlight with elegance and poise. “Taylor Swift has inspired everything from my hair to my music choices. I look toward her music for relationship advice and find Taylor Swift relatable because she’s not perfect, but she goes by her own morals and is not influenced by negative things,” junior

Elvis Presley, regarded as one of the most influential pop culture figures of the 20th century, challenged the social and racial barriers by creating diverse and rare combinations of sound and style.

Actress Marilyn Monroe’s iconic scene from the 1955 movie The Seven Year Itch, inspired many designers such as Dolce & Gabbana and Christian Dior to create Monroethemed designs.

page 12

Originally being named Insta Burger King in 1954, the first Burger King opened in Miami, Florida, and today has over 11,000 restaurants in over 65 different countries.

Having released 22 studio albums in the U.K. and 24 in the U.S., The Rolling Stones worldwide sales are estiminated to be more than 200 million albums. The Rolling Stones became known for many popular hits such as “Paint it Black,” “Lady Jane” and “Ruby Tuesday.”

Rachel Pierce said. These exceptional traits portrayed by Swift give a positive message to teenagers, unlike the traits portrayed by former Two and a Half Men star Charlie Sheen. Endless nights of partying, half a dozen stays in drug rehab and multiple arrests have turned this once top paid sitcom actor’s life into one continuous controversy. “Charlie Sheen is a bad influence. A celebrity is someone you should be able to look up to. and doing drugs isn’t something you should do,” freshman Christina Dean said. Living a controversial life can be a positive example to teenagers who may have drifted into an irresponsible path. It can only be true when a celebrity comes back from a troubled time stronger and more focused, which can inspire a teenager to do the same. No story resembles this more than the story of Britney Spears. In 2007, the queen of pop’s breakdown was plastered in the media worldwide. The breakdown caused her to go into rehab, temporarily lose custody of her children and voluntarily lose her hair. By the end of 2008 she cleaned up her act and released two number one records Circus in 2008 and Femme Fatale in 2011 and is now happily engaged. Her journey is inspirational to a number of teenagers. “Britney Spears has influenced me to just be myself and keep going. [She has showed me that] people will say and do harsh things but to keep going with your life and stay positive. Britney had a public meltdown but overcame it and still stayed true to herself,” senior Timothy Rivera said. Aside from influencing fashion and musical choices, celebrities have the power to trend positivity as well as negativity to this generation.

With technology slowly advancing, the landing of Apollo II on July 20, 1969, marks a day in history when the first men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, also known as Buzz Aldrin, landed on the moon.

Having sold more than 2.6 million copies of “I Want To Hold Your Hand,” The Beatles were not just the poster boys for London’s mod scene but also for a cultural revolution. The Fab Four were collectively included in Time magazine as the 20th century’s 100 most influetinal people.

February 10, 2012

Twiggy became the world’s first supermodel in the “swinging sixties” by modeling internationally in France, Japan and America. Her boyish, skinny frame, short haircut, wide eyes and thick eyelashes became Twiggy’s signature look.

Spending much of the late 70s trying to spread peace and cultural understanding, singer and rastafarian Bob Marley and his friends formed the Wailing Wailers and sold more than 20 million records.

By DELANEE BOGAN Sifting through all of the clutter and miscellaneous clothing to discover hidden treasures below retail prices is a hobby for juniors Lauren Keith and Ivy Lane. They acquired the thrift store fever from Keith’s parents. They are two students among other teens who choose to shop at thrift stores instead of department stores. “I think people are choosing to shop at thrift stores because they have cheaper clothes, a larger variety and unique clothing,” sophomore Ryan Classe said. Classe prefers to shop at online stores such as or pacsun. com rather than shopping at thrift stores. There are at least four thrift stores that are within six miles from the school. One Goodwill location is on East Michigan. Other stores include the Salvation Army on West Colonial Drive, The Village Community Thrift Shop on East Michigan, and the Community Thrift Store in Edgewood. “Thrift stores have both their pros and cons. They have a wide variety of items, all at a consistently low price. But you are never guaranteed you are going to find what you are looking for,” Keith said. Teens are choosing to shop at thrift stores not only to save money, but because of the variety of clothes. It gives teens the opportunity to purchase unique clothing that helps

Ivy Lane, junior

A celebrity that has influenced me is Kanye West because he’s diverse. A role model is someone you can look up to and use his example to make yourself better. - aleczander beshere, freshman

Being one of the original Charlie’s Angels, Farrah Fawcett’s layered hair was popularised when the one-piece bathing suit poster sold over 8 million copies becoming the new iconic trend.

What are you wearing and where is it from? Shirt - Goodwill Pants - Goodwill Accessories - Old Navy Where do you like to shop? Goodwill and thrift stores Who is your style icon? Beyonce How would you describe your style? Whatever I can get away with How would you describe Boone’s style? It can’t be just one particular style, it’s pretty individualized What is your favorite item to wear? Why? Shoes, I’m a shoe freak

Having no relation to one another, the members adopted Ramones as their surname. The Ramones were an American rock band formed in New York City and landed the Rolling Stone list of 50 Greatest Artist of All Time. The band performed 2,263 concerts and toured for 22 years.

In 1978, a portable CD player with thick buttons and a set of headphones, the Sony Walkman, made it easier and a lighter load for travelers to listen to music.

Fashion was mainly inspired by heavy metal bands who promoted teased hair, ripped jeans and neon clothing. Big hair, the mullet and the perm were significant hairstyles through the 80s.

Placing their sunglasses in movies like Risky Business starring Tom Cruise, Ray Bans took hold of Hollywood. Pop legends like Madonna and Michael Jackson, and rock bands such as U2 and The Ramones wore them.

With their original slogan being “Good Times, Great Salad, Olive Garden,” Olive Garden first opened in Orlando, Florida then in 1989, open 145 units, making it one of the fastest growing restaurants. Specializing in ItalianAmerican cuisine, Olive Garden now has more than 730 restaurants globally

Ted Dabney and Nolan Bushnell created the first arcade game, Computer Space.

Selling more than 70 million albums, Madonna put 21 Top 10 hits in the U.S. making her a female pop legend in the music scene.

them express themselves and become individuals, even though it may take trips to different stores to find a specific article of clothing that they are looking for. “I once spent four months looking for a plain black dress at every thrift store I went to, and only succeeded after much frustration. Department stores have the perks of having new clothes and a 99 percent guarantee to find what you want,” Keith said. Keith has found three dresses at Goodwill and paid less than $2 for them. When thrifting, she usually finds plaid shirts, dresses and skirts. Department stores are able to fulfill what one needs. One can choose the brand, color, and size one is looking for, but thrift stores have the advantage of having unique clothing for a low price. Thrift stores not only sell clothes but they also sell phone cases, TVs, movies, childrens’ toys and books. “[Thrifting is] like extreme couponing. I found a brand new pair of Sperrys for $5, and online they were originally $80. I felt really excited after buying them,” Lane said. Thrifting helps teach students how to manage money and learn the true value of a dollar. One can spend $50- 80 on one pair of jeans at Abercrombie and Fitch or spend less than $5 on a pair at a thrift store. “You find unique clothes that you can’t get anywhere else and you get to be one of the few people who can say you own it,” sophomore Xena

Music Television, today known as MTV, first launched in the U.S. on Aug. 31, 1981. The channel’s purpose was to promote music videos hosted by VJs, also known as video jockeys.

The comfortable grunge style fashion, instead of the bright colored clothing from the 80’s, was a messy punk rock look influenced by bands, such as Alice in Chains, Nirvana and Pearl Jam.

With the release of their first single, “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” Nirvana became the international voice for teenagers.

This decade communicating became easier thanks to the emergence of the pocket sized cell phone, which made keeping tabs with friends and parents effortless.

February 10, 2012

Aboudallah said. Having such a variety of items at thrift stores allows one to purchase new clothing periodically. Plato’s Closet located on Colonial Drive takes brand name clothing that is clean, and in style for one third of the original price. After the buyer approves the clothing items; one is paid cash, on the spot. Dechoes, a resale store ,is also located on Colonial Drive. It has been voted best of Orlando for resale and vintage for the past nine years by the Orlando Weekly. When selling an item, the store determines the value and gives one the option of 35 percent cash or 50 percent store credit. At the Community Thrift Store in Edgewood there is a Sale of the Week that is determined by the color of the price tag. The color determines the price of the item. One can get up to 40 percent off at this thrift store. “My biggest advice [to new thrifters] is to be very thorough. Finding good things takes time; you have to sift through all the junk first. It also is important to break out of your comfort zone. If it looks good, try it on, if it looks terrible don’t hesitate to put it back. And don’t forget to clean your closet and recycle your clothes,” Keith said

Unlike the previous decades, fashion trends changed throughout the 2000’s giving it the nickname of “Mash up” fashion such as mixing prints.

Born as Marshall Bruce Mathers II but better known as Eminem or his alter ego Slim Shady, gained popularity with the release of his debut album, The Slim Shady LP. Later releasing his albums Relapse and Recovery, Eminem won 13 Grammys in his career.

Daniel O’ Loane, sophomore What are you wearing and where is it from? Shirt - Goodwill Jeans - Sears Shoes - shop in New Smyrna

Named after Steve Jobs’s favorite fruit, the Apple Corporation gives people easy access to not only music but also the ability to connect worldwide with the Facetime app that is now found on Apple products such as the MacBook Air, iPod touch and the current iPhone 4S.

Born in McComb, Mississippi, Britney Spears’ release of her sophomore album, Oops!...I Did It Again, sold over 10 million copies. In March 2011, Spears released her seventh album Femme Fatale and the albums first single “Hold It Against Me” debuted at number-one the Billboards Hot 100.

Where do you like to shop? Thrift shops and places people don’t go to. Who is your style icon? Myself How would you describe your style? No brand names, stuff most people wouldn’t wear How would you describe Boone’s style? People just have bad style What is your favorite item to wear? Why? Nothing in particular

The first generation MacBook Air was promoted as the World’s Thinnest Notebook and introduced at the Macworld Conference and Expo on Jan. 15, 2008. On July 20, 2011, Apple released the updated model which included a backlit keyboard.

N1. I would like to enter this article because it is a story with an interesting angle. It has the ability to change stereotypes about thrift stores.

First opening in Seattle, Washington on March 30, 1971, Starbucks more than 16,000 stores in 48 countries, Starbucks’ marketing strategies have made them the most popular brand of coffee.

page 13

N10. I would like to inter this piece because it is an unusual sports story. It features a girl who has a passion for sailing and I feel my writing helped convey her story.



F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 7, 2 0 1 2 • H I - L I G H T S

Battle of Headline about a band I’M A SUBHEAD HEAR MY MIGHTY ROAR I’M POWER By RENEE BURKE Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis dolobor augait lan henissim acidunt ut dolutet laorercidunt iriure tatummy nos non veliqui scillaorem ing eugiam, sim iure ming et incipissi bla facipit nibh eugiam zzril il utat. Giametummod magnim ad duisim vel ut aut init, veraesequam iurem dolendrero core dolore dio consectet volore facipis accum venim vendit, commolor ipit nos dipit esequip ero dolore vu llan utpatumsan ut alisis at vel ea consecte magna atie dolutpat. Ut aute dunt veliqui blan utem vendio odit elenibh ercidunt iuscinim ipit velent nonullu ptatueros ate modolorem et, Et dipisl ullum vel ut am illuptatin ute tatet ullaore feum quip ea accum iriure delit nos alit niscilit adio od dolorpero core tate tat, quamcom moluptat, suscillam, commodolore magniamet non vendrer aestissed tat am, con henim ipit, quipit iusto dignim vel iusto etum iustie

min Luptatem es et volest et odio officaturio occullacepel illaccatur site nitatem amet experuntium aciminc turepeditium volor mil modi odiscid maximus dolor aut lacerunt aut quid ut landem venihiciet as imenimo dipsam imendam, cus num quiatatium es ad expliqui imaiori busandit aut voleceptatet pos int lacerum eostrum ex evelentis res sim susapit atquam autem quam arunt as et aliat. Hent omnis experaes mo duntur, volor senis remporrum expla dem core voluptaqui quae voluptas eum ipicaestion reium di odite commos dus digenis et aceaquam quidend aeperat ibuscilibus non con rerit exerit et alique dem. Nequis et eari blaniti del ipsundi qui demporecte modit, iur sanis erae eremquatur as pa qui aut lam volupta velit aborehenimi, quam, commo cum et aruntemos sunt odioresto volorae. Nem faccus. As pro maximil is rat. Apis assinciis as ut atquibus ad quam endam exceatem voluptium quate nonestianti quo cuptam qui omnihicto blaborem. Ut pa atium fuga. Obiscipitam ipsam rem lit quae peratest voluptatem culparum facerem olorem volum elit voluptat as et porum nulpa doloremque venis eum deligendis aut qui officaecta consecupta nonsequi secaect orendenis intem autem aut quias aut intibeaque aligenis etum fugiatu remporem quissinctem venestia quam quia doluptis es nosaperunt, inciist, odic te volor minum qui que qui aut hit, omnis molor aut et qui voluptia

min Luptatem es et volest et odio officaturio occullacepel illaccatur site nitatem amet experuntium aciminc turepeditium volor mil modi odiscid maximus dolor aut lacerunt aut quid ut landem venihiciet as imenimo dipsam imendam, cus num quiatatium es ad expliqui imaiori busandit aut voleceptatet pos int lacerum eostrum ex evelentis res sim susapit atquam autem quam arunt as et aliat. Hent omnis experaes mo duntur, volor senis remporrum expla dem core voluptaqui quae voluptas eum ipicaestion reium di odite commos dus digenis et aceaquam quidend aeperat ibuscilibus non con rerit exerit et alique dem. Nequis et eari blaniti del ipsundi qui demporecte modit, iur sanis erae eremquatur as pa qui aut lam volupta velit aborehenimi, quam, commo cum et aruntemos sunt odioresto volorae. Nem faccus. As pro maximil is rat. Apis assinciis as ut atquibus ad quam endam exceatem voluptium quate nonestianti quo cuptam qui omnihicto blaborem. Ut pa atium fuga. Obiscipitam ipsam rem lit quae peratest voluptatem culparum facerem olorem volum elit voluptat as et porum nulpa doloremque venis eum deligendis aut qui officaecta consecupta nonsequi secaect orendenis intem autem aut quias aut intibeaque aligenis etum fugiatu remporem quissinctem venestia quam quia doluptis es nosaperunt, inciist, odic te volor minum qui que qui aut hit, omnis molor aut et qui voluptia

Headline band #2 I’M A SUBHEAD HEAR MY

LEAD IN. I am a present tense sentence telling who and what is happening in the photograph, bt I do not begin with a name. “I am an amazing quotable quote,” Burke said. I am a past tense sentence telling something that cannot be seen from the photo, like stats.

By RENEE BURKE Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis dolobor augait lan henissim acidunt ut dolutet laorercidunt iriure tatummy nos non veliqui scillaorem ing eugiam, sim iure ming et incipissi bla facipit nibh eugiam zzril il utat. Giametummod magnim ad duisim vel ut aut init, veraesequam iurem dolendrero core dolore dio consectet volore facipis accum venim vendit, commolor ipit nos dipit esequip ero dolore vu llan utpatumsan ut alisis at vel ea consecte magna atie dolutpat. Ut aute dunt veliqui blan utem vendio odit elenibh ercidunt iuscinim ipit velent nonullu ptatueros ate modolorem et, Et dipisl ullum vel ut am illuptatin ute tatet ullaore feum quip ea accum iriure

assinciis as ut atquibus ad quam endam exceatem voluptium quate nonestianti quo cuptam qui omnihicto blaborem. Ut pa atium fuga. Obiscipitam ipsam rem lit quae peratest voluptatem culparum facerem olorem volum elit voluptat as et porum nulpa doloremque venis eum deligendis aut qui officaecta consecupta nonsequi secaect orendenis intem autem aut quias aut intibeaque aligenis etum fugiatu remporem quissinctem venestia quam quia doluptis es nosaperunt, inciist, odic te volor minum qui que qui aut hit, omnis molor aut et qui voluptia doloria porit, aritiorum et la ipsum dolorepudit quis peria ipsum a dolupti con eicit, as denis aut at voluptat. Isitatius, sitaqua tionsequo cuptas maximag nisquun tiunte etur? Uptaspe rumquae id ex et mil iuntio vendit volores autemque inctios abo. Omniamus moluptusci at. Ulparum estectem sus non cust odi veni reped ea voluptatem nonecum quost, sitas as numet et pelitat. Nonsectat. Vel incture con plit liquatat. Sinus sunt in esequia sunt, tem. Harum laceatist fuga. Roreseq uasita vel molut molorem latibus ea voluptate eles sitam rent odit, quaturibus quam ad mo quatam

delit nos alit niscilit adio od dolorpero core tate tat, quamcom moluptat, suscillam, commodolore magniamet non vendrer aestissed t a t am, con henim ipit, quipit iusto dignim vel iusto etum iustie min Luptatem es et volest et odio officaturio occullacepel illaccatur site nitatem amet experuntium aciminc turepeditium volor mil modi odiscid maximus dolor aut lacerunt aut quid ut landem venihiciet as imenimo dipsam imendam, cus num quiatatium es ad expliqui imaiori busandit aut voleceptatet pos int lacerum eostrum ex evelentis res sim susapit atquam autem quam arunt as et aliat. Hent omnis experaes mo duntur, volor senis remporrum expla dem core voluptaqui quae voluptas eum ipicaestion reium di odite commos dus digenis et aceaquam quidend aeperat ibuscilibus non con rerit exerit et alique dem. Nequis et eari blaniti del ipsundi qui demporecte modit, iur sanis erae eremquatur as pa qui aut lam volupta velit aborehenimi, quam, commo cum et aruntemos sunt odioresto volorae. Nem faccus. As pro maximil is rat. Apis



F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 7, 2 0 1 2 • H I - L I G H T S

the bands I’M A SUBHEAD HEAR MY By RENEE BURKE Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis dolobor augait lan henissim acidunt ut dolutet laorercidunt iriure tatummy nos non veliqui scillaorem ing eugiam, sim iure ming et incipissi bla facipit nibh eugiam zzril il utat. Giametummod magnim ad duisim vel ut aut init, veraesequam iurem dolendrero c o r e

Headline band #3 dolore dio consectet volore facipis accum venim vendit, commolor ipit nos dipit esequip ero dolore vu llan utpatumsan ut alisis at vel ea consecte magna atie dolutpat. Ut aute dunt veliqui blan utem vendio odit elenibh ercidunt iuscinim ipit velent nonullu ptatueros ate modolorem et, Et dipisl ullum vel ut am illuptatin ute tatet ullaore feum quip ea accum iriure delit nos alit niscilit adio od dolorpero core tate tat, quamcom moluptat, suscillam, commodolore magniamet non vendrer aestissed tat am, con henim ipit, quipit iusto dignim vel iusto etum iustie min Luptatem es et volest et odio officaturio o c c u l l a c e p e l illaccatur site nitatem amet e x p e r u n t i u ma c i m i n c turepeditium volor mil modi odiscid maximus dolor aut lacerunt aut venihiciet as

quid ut landem imenimo dipsam

LEAD IN. I am a present tense sentence telling who and what is happening in the photograph, bt I do not begin with a name. “I am an amazing quotable quote,” Burke said. I am a past tense sentence telling something that cannot be seen from the photo, like stats.

Your Thoughts

Somebody who is fit, healthy and feels good about themself.

Who is your favorite band member?

As long as I have a flat tummy and look cute, that is all the perfection I need. - alexandra droege, sophomore

- harold landerer, freshman

Headline band #4 I’M A SUBHEAD HEAR MY

One day I saw David wearing camo shorts and flip flops, so I went out and bought camo short and flip flops. He’s just too cool. blah blah blah blahhhfj blah blah blha - lindsey dye senior

By RENEE BURKE Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis dolobor augait lan henissim acidunt ut dolutet laorercidunt iriure tatummy nos non veliqui scillaorem ing eugiam, sim iure ming et incipissi bla facipit nibh eugiam zzril il utat. Giametummod magnim ad duisim vel ut aut init, veraesequam iurem dolendrero core dolore dio consectet volore facipis accum venim vendit, commolor ipit nos dipit esequip ero dolore vu llan utpatumsan ut alisis at vel ea

quiatatium es ad expliqui imaiori b u s a n d i t aut voleceptatet pos int lacerum eostrum ex evelentis res sim susapit atquam autem quam arunt as et aliat. Hent omnis experaes mo duntur, volor senis remporrum expla dem core voluptaqui quae voluptas eum ipicaestion reium di odite commos dus digenis et aceaquam quidend aeperat ibuscilibus non con rerit exerit et alique dem. Nequis et eari blaniti del ipsundi qui demporecte modit, iur sanis erae eremquatur as pa qui aut lam volupta velit aborehenimi, quam, commo cum et aruntemos sunt odioresto volorae. Nem faccus. As pro maximil is rat. Apis assinciis as ut atquibus ad quam endam exceatem voluptium quate nonestianti quo cuptam qui omnihicto blaborem. Ut pa atium fuga. Obiscipitam ipsam rem lit quae peratest voluptatem culparum facerem olorem volum elit voluptat as et porum nulpa doloremque venis eum deligendis aut qui officaecta consecupta nonsequi secaect orendenis intem autem aut quias aut intibeaque aligenis etum fugiatu remporem quissinctem venestia

consecte magna atie dolutpat. Ut aute dunt veliqui blan utem vendio odit elenibh ercidunt iuscinim ipit velent nonullu ptatueros ate modolorem et, Et dipisl ullum vel ut am illuptatin ute tatet ullaore feum quip ea accum iriure delit nos alit niscilit adio od dolorpero core tate tat, quamcom moluptat, suscillam, commodolore magniamet non vendrer aestissed tat am, con henim ipit, quipit iusto dignim vel iusto etum iustie min Luptatem es et volest et odio officaturio occullacepel illaccatur site nitatem amet experuntium aciminc turepeditium volor mil modi odiscid maximus dolor aut lacerunt aut quid ut landem venihiciet as imenimo dipsam imendam, cus num

Scan Me

Using a smartphone, take a picture of this QR to figure out how students can get involved.

LEAD IN. I am a present tense sentence telling who and what is happening in the photograph, bt I do not begin with a name. “I am an amazing quotable quote,” Burke said. I am a past tense sentence telling something

opinion campus & local special sports entertainment features photo essay

For Students, By Students

Friday, November 4, 2011 Volume 60, Issue No.2

2000 South Mills Avenue Orlando, Florida 32806

Please see

DPS, page 7



A NIGHT TO REMEMBER Prom invites will be distributed Feb. 14 to all juniors and seniors. Prom tickets go on sale March 24-27. Prom is April 26. Location to be announced.

SOAP AND BUBBLES To kick off the Valentines Day season, local Simoniz car washes and sister brands Sparkling Image, Eager Beaver, and Sonny’s are offering customers holiday savings. Customers visiting any of those locations before Feb. 14 will receive a full service car wash at half price. All offers can be redeemed Feb. 15 through March 31, 2008.

CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE? On Feb. 12-15, sophomores will partake in FCAT writes.

NOT TOO LATE There is still time to apply for scholarships. Applications and additional information concerning scholarships are available in College and Career.

CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE? On Feb. 12-15, sophomores will partake in FCAT writes.


Please see , page


, from page


2 4 6 10 12 13 14



Campus and local, page 8, October 7, 2012

Campus and local, page 10, October 7, 2012



William R. Boone High School Student Paper

Friday, November 4, 2011 Volume 60, Issue No.2

For Students, By Students

Recap spirit week p. 24

2000 South Mills Avenue Orlando, Florida 32806 photo/MADELINE TRYBUS

Unhealthy diets cause problems By DELANEE BOGAN and TyLEr PATricK Standing 5’ 2” and topping the scale at 185 with a BMI of 30, categorizes the teen as obese, which is not uncommon according to current research. According to, one third of all people ages 2-19 are overweight or obese. As the obesity rates of teens grow significantly , this epidemic is plaguing the country. Obese teens are at risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, fatigue and potential death. In January, the USDA replaced the

food pyramid with the food plate. The new visual explains how much milk, fruit, grain, vegetable and protein one person should consume in a day. If one follows this guide, he will have a well balanced diet. While fast food restaurants’ websites list the caloric count of their food, people do not regularly check this resulting in excess calories.

Please see , page


photo illustration/TYLER PATRICK

• Keep track of priorities for college p. 8

• Learn about issues that affect world politics map p. 10

Cover, page 1,

November 4, 2012

Special, page 12,

November 4, 2012



Sports, page 18,

December 14, 2012



Sports, page 16,

February 10, 2012



Recycling clothing gains popularity

Hollywood’s elite influence trends CELEBRITY ACTIONS INSPIRE TEENS By ANNA MARIE BORIA Teenagers of today are being exposed to the lives of Hollywood’s elite almost continuously. This kind of exposure is influencing today’s youth in more ways than one. The effects of influential celebrities can be positive as well as beneficial to a young adult’s life, especially if one lacks a positive influence. Seeing how certain stars portray themselves and handle certain situations can inspire a teenager. “I think teenagers look up to celebrities who they feel they have a certain connection to, which inspires teens to be like them in different ways,” sophomore Jalen Harper said. One of those inspire worthy celebrities is four time Grammy award winner Taylor Swift. Swift has donated millions of dollars to charities such as the Red Cross and has received a VH1 Do Something Award in honor of her efforts to the community. She is star girls of all ages can find relatable and one of the few young starlets who goes through the Hollywood spotlight with elegance and poise. “Taylor Swift has inspired everything from my hair to my music choices. I look toward her music for relationship advice and find Taylor Swift relatable because she’s not perfect, but she goes by her own morals and is not influenced by negative things,” junior

Elvis Presley, regarded as one of the most influential pop culture figures of the 20th century, challenged the social and racial barriers by creating diverse and rare combinations of sound and style.

Actress Marilyn Monroe’s iconic scene from the 1955 movie The Seven Year Itch, inspired many designers such as Dolce & Gabbana and Christian Dior to create Monroethemed designs.

page 12

Originally being named Insta Burger King in 1954, the first Burger King opened in Miami, Florida, and today has over 11,000 restaurants in over 65 different countries.

Having released 22 studio albums in the U.K. and 24 in the U.S., The Rolling Stones worldwide sales are estiminated to be more than 200 million albums. The Rolling Stones became known for many popular hits such as “Paint it Black,” “Lady Jane” and “Ruby Tuesday.”

Rachel Pierce said. These exceptional traits portrayed by Swift give a positive message to teenagers, unlike the traits portrayed by former Two and a Half Men star Charlie Sheen. Endless nights of partying, half a dozen stays in drug rehab and multiple arrests have turned this once top paid sitcom actor’s life into one continuous controversy. “Charlie Sheen is a bad influence. A celebrity is someone you should be able to look up to. and doing drugs isn’t something you should do,” freshman Christina Dean said. Living a controversial life can be a positive example to teenagers who may have drifted into an irresponsible path. It can only be true when a celebrity comes back from a troubled time stronger and more focused, which can inspire a teenager to do the same. No story resembles this more than the story of Britney Spears. In 2007, the queen of pop’s breakdown was plastered in the media worldwide. The breakdown caused her to go into rehab, temporarily lose custody of her children and voluntarily lose her hair. By the end of 2008 she cleaned up her act and released two number one records Circus in 2008 and Femme Fatale in 2011 and is now happily engaged. Her journey is inspirational to a number of teenagers. “Britney Spears has influenced me to just be myself and keep going. [She has showed me that] people will say and do harsh things but to keep going with your life and stay positive. Britney had a public meltdown but overcame it and still stayed true to herself,” senior Timothy Rivera said. Aside from influencing fashion and musical choices, celebrities have the power to trend positivity as well as negativity to this generation.

With technology slowly advancing, the landing of Apollo II on July 20, 1969, marks a day in history when the first men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, also known as Buzz Aldrin, landed on the moon.

Having sold more than 2.6 million copies of “I Want To Hold Your Hand,” The Beatles were not just the poster boys for London’s mod scene but also for a cultural revolution. The Fab Four were collectively included in Time magazine as the 20th century’s 100 most influetinal people.

February 10, 2012

Twiggy became the world’s first supermodel in the “swinging sixties” by modeling internationally in France, Japan and America. Her boyish, skinny frame, short haircut, wide eyes and thick eyelashes became Twiggy’s signature look.

Spending much of the late 70s trying to spread peace and cultural understanding, singer and rastafarian Bob Marley and his friends formed the Wailing Wailers and sold more than 20 million records.

By DELANEE BOGAN Sifting through all of the clutter and miscellaneous clothing to discover hidden treasures below retail prices is a hobby for juniors Lauren Keith and Ivy Lane. They acquired the thrift store fever from Keith’s parents. They are two students among other teens who choose to shop at thrift stores instead of department stores. “I think people are choosing to shop at thrift stores because they have cheaper clothes, a larger variety and unique clothing,” sophomore Ryan Classe said. Classe prefers to shop at online stores such as or pacsun. com rather than shopping at thrift stores. There are at least four thrift stores that are within six miles from the school. One Goodwill location is on East Michigan. Other stores include the Salvation Army on West Colonial Drive, The Village Community Thrift Shop on East Michigan, and the Community Thrift Store in Edgewood. “Thrift stores have both their pros and cons. They have a wide variety of items, all at a consistently low price. But you are never guaranteed you are going to find what you are looking for,” Keith said. Teens are choosing to shop at thrift stores not only to save money, but because of the variety of clothes. It gives teens the opportunity to purchase unique clothing that helps

Ivy Lane, junior

A celebrity that has influenced me is Kanye West because he’s diverse. A role model is someone you can look up to and use his example to make yourself better. - aleczander beshere, freshman

Being one of the original Charlie’s Angels, Farrah Fawcett’s layered hair was popularised when the one-piece bathing suit poster sold over 8 million copies becoming the new iconic trend.

What are you wearing and where is it from? Shirt - Goodwill Pants - Goodwill Accessories - Old Navy Where do you like to shop? Goodwill and thrift stores Who is your style icon? Beyonce How would you describe your style? Whatever I can get away with How would you describe Boone’s style? It can’t be just one particular style, it’s pretty individualized What is your favorite item to wear? Why? Shoes, I’m a shoe freak

Having no relation to one another, the members adopted Ramones as their surname. The Ramones were an American rock band formed in New York City and landed the Rolling Stone list of 50 Greatest Artist of All Time. The band performed 2,263 concerts and toured for 22 years.

In 1978, a portable CD player with thick buttons and a set of headphones, the Sony Walkman, made it easier and a lighter load for travelers to listen to music.

Fashion was mainly inspired by heavy metal bands who promoted teased hair, ripped jeans and neon clothing. Big hair, the mullet and the perm were significant hairstyles through the 80s.

Placing their sunglasses in movies like Risky Business starring Tom Cruise, Ray Bans took hold of Hollywood. Pop legends like Madonna and Michael Jackson, and rock bands such as U2 and The Ramones wore them.

With their original slogan being “Good Times, Great Salad, Olive Garden,” Olive Garden first opened in Orlando, Florida then in 1989, open 145 units, making it one of the fastest growing restaurants. Specializing in ItalianAmerican cuisine, Olive Garden now has more than 730 restaurants globally

Ted Dabney and Nolan Bushnell created the first arcade game, Computer Space.

Selling more than 70 million albums, Madonna put 21 Top 10 hits in the U.S. making her a female pop legend in the music scene.

them express themselves and become individuals, even though it may take trips to different stores to find a specific article of clothing that they are looking for. “I once spent four months looking for a plain black dress at every thrift store I went to, and only succeeded after much frustration. Department stores have the perks of having new clothes and a 99 percent guarantee to find what you want,” Keith said. Keith has found three dresses at Goodwill and paid less than $2 for them. When thrifting, she usually finds plaid shirts, dresses and skirts. Department stores are able to fulfill what one needs. One can choose the brand, color, and size one is looking for, but thrift stores have the advantage of having unique clothing for a low price. Thrift stores not only sell clothes but they also sell phone cases, TVs, movies, childrens’ toys and books. “[Thrifting is] like extreme couponing. I found a brand new pair of Sperrys for $5, and online they were originally $80. I felt really excited after buying them,” Lane said. Thrifting helps teach students how to manage money and learn the true value of a dollar. One can spend $50- 80 on one pair of jeans at Abercrombie and Fitch or spend less than $5 on a pair at a thrift store. “You find unique clothes that you can’t get anywhere else and you get to be one of the few people who can say you own it,” sophomore Xena

Music Television, today known as MTV, first launched in the U.S. on Aug. 31, 1981. The channel’s purpose was to promote music videos hosted by VJs, also known as video jockeys.

The comfortable grunge style fashion, instead of the bright colored clothing from the 80’s, was a messy punk rock look influenced by bands, such as Alice in Chains, Nirvana and Pearl Jam.

With the release of their first single, “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” Nirvana became the international voice for teenagers.

This decade communicating became easier thanks to the emergence of the pocket sized cell phone, which made keeping tabs with friends and parents effortless.

February 10, 2012

Aboudallah said. Having such a variety of items at thrift stores allows one to purchase new clothing periodically. Plato’s Closet located on Colonial Drive takes brand name clothing that is clean, and in style for one third of the original price. After the buyer approves the clothing items; one is paid cash, on the spot. Dechoes, a resale store ,is also located on Colonial Drive. It has been voted best of Orlando for resale and vintage for the past nine years by the Orlando Weekly. When selling an item, the store determines the value and gives one the option of 35 percent cash or 50 percent store credit. At the Community Thrift Store in Edgewood there is a Sale of the Week that is determined by the color of the price tag. The color determines the price of the item. One can get up to 40 percent off at this thrift store. “My biggest advice [to new thrifters] is to be very thorough. Finding good things takes time; you have to sift through all the junk first. It also is important to break out of your comfort zone. If it looks good, try it on, if it looks terrible don’t hesitate to put it back. And don’t forget to clean your closet and recycle your clothes,” Keith said

Unlike the previous decades, fashion trends changed throughout the 2000’s giving it the nickname of “Mash up” fashion such as mixing prints.

Born as Marshall Bruce Mathers II but better known as Eminem or his alter ego Slim Shady, gained popularity with the release of his debut album, The Slim Shady LP. Later releasing his albums Relapse and Recovery, Eminem won 13 Grammys in his career.

Daniel O’ Loane, sophomore What are you wearing and where is it from? Shirt - Goodwill Jeans - Sears Shoes - shop in New Smyrna

Named after Steve Jobs’s favorite fruit, the Apple Corporation gives people easy access to not only music but also the ability to connect worldwide with the Facetime app that is now found on Apple products such as the MacBook Air, iPod touch and the current iPhone 4S.

Born in McComb, Mississippi, Britney Spears’ release of her sophomore album, Oops!...I Did It Again, sold over 10 million copies. In March 2011, Spears released her seventh album Femme Fatale and the albums first single “Hold It Against Me” debuted at number-one the Billboards Hot 100.

Where do you like to shop? Thrift shops and places people don’t go to. Who is your style icon? Myself How would you describe your style? No brand names, stuff most people wouldn’t wear How would you describe Boone’s style? People just have bad style What is your favorite item to wear? Why? Nothing in particular

The first generation MacBook Air was promoted as the World’s Thinnest Notebook and introduced at the Macworld Conference and Expo on Jan. 15, 2008. On July 20, 2011, Apple released the updated model which included a backlit keyboard.

First opening in Seattle, Washington on March 30, 1971, Starbucks more than 16,000 stores in 48 countries, Starbucks’ marketing strategies have made them the most popular brand of coffee.

page 13

Special, page 13,

February 10, 2012



Entertainment, page 26, March 16, 2012



campus and local

Endangered wildlife seeks help FLORIDA IS HOME TO 56 ENDANGERED ANIMALS By DELANEE BOGAN Drowning from being trapped inside large nets owned by longline fisheries, the leatherback turtle is an endangered species in Florida. This animal is declining not only due to the fisheries but also due to destruction of its habitat. The world is home to nearly 1.7 million animal species and 500 of these animals are endangered, meaning they are at the risk of extinction. Numbers of endangered animals are increasing every year. Without these animals, the earth’s natural balance will be destroyed, and there will be rapid climate changes which will impact everyone negatively. Florida alone has 56 threatened and endangered animal’s. If people do not take action, Floridians will see changes in the animals they see on a day-to-day basis. “It is disgusting how we let the pure number [of endangered animals] get that high. It is outrageous that we are destroying Florida’s naturally beautiful ecosystem,” sophomore Joseph Johnson said. Classified as an endangered species by the U.S. Department of the Interior in 1967, the Florida Panther is threatened due to destruction of its habitat, genetic defects caused by extensive inbreeding, and collisions with automobiles. In 1996, the population was 30-50 panthers, but because of the Genetic Restoration Program, the wild range is now estimated to be 50-70 panthers. “[Everyone] should know that one day all of the animals that we think are cool and observe are not going to be there anymore. [The amount of endangered animals] is affecting our environment and it will eventually come back to hurt us,” freshman Ramon Alejo said. The Florida manatee is also on Florida’s endangered species list. This animal is on the list because of careless boaters who do not look out or slow down for the manatees. SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment has helped ill injured and orphaned animals for the past 45 years. They help any animal that is in need of assistance. Over 20,000 animals have been rescued by the rescue team, which is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. SeaWorld rescued 19 manatees and released 16 back into the wild last year. With an attempt to take the manatees off the endangered species list, the government has created idle speed zones to reduce the amount of manatees injured and killed by boat propellers. The government has also created sanctuaries so the manatees cannot be harassed, hunted or captured. Homosassa Springs, located in Homosassa, is one place where students can observe and interact with this endangered species. Freshman Alexandra Freel visited the park last year. “[Homosassa Springs] is quite interesting. I didn’t realize how much I didn’t know about manatees. I learned what their habitat has to be like and that they mostly eat lettuce. The people that work there let my mom and I throw heads of Romaine into the spring,” Freel said. At Homosassa Springs, there is an adopt-a-manatee program. To adopt a manatee one can pay $25 to contribute to saving manatees. With adoption, one receives an official certificate, official club newsletter, a full color photo and a biography of a real manatee. The Florida gopher tortoise is another species threatened due to the destruction of its habitat. They share burrows with rattlesnakes, and are often killed accidentally by hunters which are trying to kill the rattlesnakes. The Florida law prohibits intentional killing or wounding of this animal. To get involved and help donate to save endangered

The Florida Gopher Tortoise


The Florida Manatee

Horseshoe crab



animals one can go online to This website helps protect endangered animals by accepting monthly donations that support the World Wildlife Fund’s Global Conservation Efforts. Another way to help is the Adopt-a-Bird program at the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey, located in Maitland. One bald Eagle costs $3,000 to rehabilitate. This “adoption” includes annual investments in the care, medical treatment, and feeding of one’s bird. The donations help other species as well as contribute to educational programs that help spread awareness of the endangered animals in Florida. Although the bald eagle was removed from the threatened and endangered species list in 2007, it still remains under protection of state and federal laws. The horseshoe crabs in south Florida are on the brink of extinction. They are endangered because their blood is used for testing human pathogens in human blood, tissues, and for creating intravenous drugs. They are crucial to the

environment because their eggs provide food for birds. “[Endangered animals] lives should be valued. If there are small amounts left, they should be preserved. These animals are here for a reason,” Freel said. The American alligator, located in the FL everglades, is on the endangered animals list. It is endangered due to pollution, and because of hunters killing them. The local non profit organization, Back to Nature has been open since 2007 and its main goal is focused on saving Central Florida’s native wildlife. They do this by helping rehabilitate them at their center. BTN has over 50 permanent residents and will take any animals that is orphaned or injured and help nurse them back to health then release them back into the wild. To help volunteer visit their website at www. “[While volunteering at Back to Nature I have learned] so many things. I have more respect for what animals go through with humans,” Bonnie Westvreld, office manager said.

May 11, 2012

page 9

Campus and local, page 9, May 11, 2012

Features, page 5,

May 11, 2012


Graduates explore road less traveled STUDENTS CHOOSE OPTIONS BESIDES COLLEGE By DELANEE BOGAN With unstable economic conditions and college tuition prices increasing as time progresses, students are choosing vocational careers instead of going to college. According to a Pew Research Center poll, 75 percent of Americans believe college is too expensive for most Americans to afford. Over the past five years, the average debt for seniors in college has increased 11 percent. Florida’s community colleges and state colleges have increased their tuition fees from $2,000 to $3,000 over the past five years. “People think if you don’t go to college you’re lazy but I don’t believe that[stereotype],” junior Elayne Bejanano said. The general consensus of the public is that one has to go to college to succeed in life. For some people, it is better to go to a vocational school and get training to start them in a career instead of going to college to get a degree. A person who attends a vocational school can make the same amount, or more than someone with a degree. An Automotive Mechanic makes an expected salary of $33,811. An AT&T store manager makes $24,000, but a manager at AT&T must have a bachelor’s degree, experience in business, or master’s degree in business administration, depending on various branch requirements. An automotive mechanic needs a certification. “It’s cheaper [to go to vocational schools]; it actually helps put you into footsteps of getting a job. It’s not easier,

but it’s more direct,” senior Shaiquan Williams, who is taking electricity classes at Mid Florida Tech, said. A licensed electrician can make $20-$30 per hour depending on one’s position and the company one works for. Senior Shaiquan Williams is enrolled in Electricity 2. A salary of a licensed electrician is $47,000 per year. “[Others should get involved in the Electricity program] because it helps build self confidence, puts you in a right place for a career and overall makes you a better person in life,” Williams said. Bejanano is currently enrolled at Avalon in the Facial program and is working on getting her certificate. The average yearly salary with a cosmetology degree in Florida is $24,850. “The earlier you start, the more educated you will be. People should take multiple classes to better educate [themselves] and get more knowledge of the field,” Bejanano said. Senior Christopher Hoover is currently enrolled in Automotive Service Technology 2 at MFT. By the time he graduates, he will be eligible to get a job as a mechanic at any automotive repair shop. “I chose to go there to learn more about cars. It’s a good experience and it opens your mind to how college life is and how different it is from high school,” Hoover said. Hoover plans on attending college while working part time as an mechanic. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor’s statistics the average hourly wage of a certified automotive mechanic is $18.21. Senior Alexandria Vanhouten is currently enrolled in the Delayed Entry program, which helps prepare one for the United States Marine Corps. They can remain in this program

May 11, 2012


INSTALL IT. At Mid Florida Tech, Shaiquan Williams installs a light bulb socket. “I enjoy the work and craftsmanship of the wiring system, and how everything works together in certain ways,” Williams said. He is currently in Electricity 2. up to one year before being deployed. “[One should get involved because] it is a great experience. It keeps me active and well disciplined,” Vanhouten said. The starting salary of one enlisted in the marine corps is $16,974 a year, salaries vary depending on ranking. One in the army with four months experience receives $29,959.80 a year. “I think [joining the service is] a great choice; for some people, it prepares you for life,” Commander Craig Rouhier said.

page 5

Special, page 16, May 11, 2012


Online games help students fight hunger SITES AID OTHERS THROUGH GAMING By DELANEE BOGAN With the click of a mouse, one’s face instantly brightens knowing that one question answered correctly help fight world hunger., and Wetopia offer interactive games online that provide users the opportunity to fight hunger globally. “It feels really good helping someone that is really in need of your help. It is nice to be able to do something so simple and help people who need it more than you,” sophomore Rebecca Carrigan said. With every question answered correctly on Free Rice, it donates 10 grains of rice through the United Nations World Food Program to help end hunger on a global scale. Free Rice has donated rice to Haiti, Cambodia and Bangladesh. The subjects on this website include humanities, geography, English, math, chemistry, language learning, science and SAT test preparation. The site is beneficial to one studying a specific subject and acts as a way to review material. Since 2007, there have been over 95 billion grains of rice donated because of Free Rice, and the number continues to grow daily. These grains of rice have already fed millions of people. Junior Christine Maloney learned about Free Rice in Key Club. Key Club have held meetings where members have the opportunity to go online so they could play the game. Maloney answered enough questions to donate 4,000 grains of rice in just one sitting. “I love helping others in need. I have so many blessings and sometimes I feel like it’s my turn to give back. There are so many subjects, so many questions to be answered, and so much rice to be given,” Maloney said. Free Rice is funded by sponsors whose names are featured on the bottom of the screen after each answer is answered correctly. “In sixth grade my language arts teacher told us about Free Rice, so I tried it and have been playing it ever since. I feel good [helping others] because I’m making the

Your Thoughts What is your favorite part about online gaming? page 16

world a better place,” freshman Mason Wood said. Teachers are now encouraging students to play educational online games as a means to learn materials and to help less fortunate people. English and Advanced Placement Art History teacher, Cheryl Race offers all of her students extra credit for playing Free Rice. Students print out their results as proof of donating. She encourages her AP Art History students to play games that match artists with their paintings. For English, she suggests English grammar, vocabulary and SAT test preparation. “I view [helping the less fortunate] as a bonus, and I see it as a way of encouraging students to become more socially involved,” Race said. Similar to Free Rice, is a crossword-style game, which allows one to pick which charity to donate to. One can donate clean water to communities living in extreme poverty, give food to malnourished children and families, provide education for children around the world, or help protect the world’s rainforests. is funded by individual sponsors and began August 2008. As the game progresses the difficulty of each question increases as well. Words that match each clue lose letters and become more challenging to answer the longer one plays. There are over 10,000 puzzles, and more are constantly being added to the database daily. One can submit a puzzle to the database. After evaluation and verification the puzzle can be published to the website’s data base for everyone to play. “We get food so easily; people in other countries don’t have that opportunity. It is a struggle for them. [Playing games that help others] have made me really grateful. It is really simple. You can answer many questions in a short amount of time,” Carrigan said. Wetopia on Facebook is an interactive game like FarmVille. It allows one to create a community with friends who are also logged on. The player builds houses and buildings to earn “love.” “Love” is used to send various items to charities. Wetopia allows one to choose between three different charities to send the items to. Justin Bieber and Ellen DeGeneres

are both helping spread awareness of this website that helps less fortunate children. They are raising awareness by tweeting, and Ellen DeGeneres often mentions the website on her show. Wetopia has already donated over 3,000 papaya trees to kids in Africa and over 400,000 hot meals. Wetopia is funded by Sojo Studios and private donors. “[People wanting to play] should know that once you start playing you will probably be engulfed for a while; it is really entertaining,” Maloney said.

My favorite part is helping others because it makes me feel good.

It is a good way to help people and make a difference while having fun.

Wetopia Free Rice is a word game that with every correct answer 10 grains of rice is given to the less fortunate.

- bria cobb, junior

- ean grothe, freshman

May 11, 2012

Wetopia is an interactive game on Facebook that gives money to charities.

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