i Portfolio 2015
Diana Bronson May 15, 2015
Planet Smoothie 3025 Daniels Road Winter Garden, FL 34787 To whom it may concern: My name is Diana Bronson. I am interested in further strengthening my knowledge and experience working in a professional atmosphere as an In-store Smoothie Expert of Planet Smoothie. I am interested in a summer job or possibly working through the next school year as well. I have sales experience, technology,leadership and communication skills. I have strong communication skills that I have acquired from my current employment with Central Florida Educators Credit Union (CFE). Through CFE and being a staff member on Legend Yearbook, I have a straightforward understanding of sales. I would use my prior knowledge of sales to help promote Planet Smoothie through social media and being in the community. Being a staff member on Legend Yearbook, taking many technology classes throughout middle school and IIT in high school, I have an advanced understanding that would help me assist a customer if there was to be technical difficulties. In addition to troubleshooting technological issues, I am proficient in Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Publisher, Adobe InDesign and Photoshop programs but I am also a quick study to various different technological programs. I am also a quick learner when I am faced with a new task. I have basic leadership skills through being a counselor at Camp Trinity and being captain of my AAU Regional volleyball team. I pursue high standards through my work in order to succeed. As Confucius says “choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.� I would be a motivated contribution to your company through my sales experience, technology and communication skills. It would be pleasure to meet with you at your convenience. You can contact me at (407)456-4397; Monday through Friday 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm, with the exception for Wednesday 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Sincerely,
Diana Bronson Resume enclosed
Diana Bronson didibronson@gmail.com Objective: To enhance my knowledge by working in a professional atmosphere with emphasis on sales, communication, and technology. Education: • William R. Boone High School – Orlando, FL. August 2012 to present. GPA 4.0. • Currently a third year student in the National Academy of Finance Honors Magnet Program. • Skills include: Marketing ads in the 2013-2014, 2014-2015 Legend Yearbook Generating spreads, compiled of photos, body copy, and captions, in the 2013-2014, 2014-2015 Legend Yearbook using Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Bridge Evaluation of Financial Statements including Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Owner’s Equity. Heighten knowledge on the business cycle and accounting principles Conducted customer transactions and troubleshoot technical issues Utilized Time Value of Money operations for personal and professional applications An understanding of risk and return as it applies to capital markets Completed tax returns on the VITA IRS tax site for 2014 • Trinity Lutheran School – Orlando, FL. February 1998 to June 2012 • National Junior Honor Society member (2011-2012) • National Honor Society member (2014-present) • Quill & Scroll Honor Society member (2014-present) • Honor Roll Student (2008-2012) Experience: • Central Florida Federal Credit Union. Member services representative. June 13 to present. Duties include: • Assistance in customer transaction including deposit and withdrawal of cash • Navigation of banking software to include Teller Navigator, Episys, Meridian Link, Edesk, Outlook, CFE Intranet, and VSoft • Comfortable in handling and safeguarding cash • Trouble shooting IT dilemmas • Marketing branch movies tickets, gift cards , and promotions to members • Legend Yearbook Staff member for the William R. Boone High School Yearbook (2013 to present) • Junior Counselor at Camp Trinity. Summer of 2010 to 2012 • Assisted Counselor with child activities and education • Active member of Trinity Lutheran Church and Youth Group (1998 to present) • Financial Internship with the Brevard County Manatees. Summer of 2015 Achievements: • Trinity Girls Varsity Volleyball MVP Award (2009-2012) • Orlando Volleyball Academy 14 Regional Blue Girls Volleyball Silver Champions at Cocoa Tournament (2012) • Trinity Girls Basketball Christian Sportsmanship Award (2009-2010, 2010-2011) • Physical Fitness Award (2010-2011) Discipleship Award (2010) President’s Education Awards Program (2009)
Self Analysis I got started in journalism when my English teacher at my middle school told me that I was good writer and that I should take journalism in high school. I shortly realized that writing a English essay and body copy in yearbook are completely different aspects. Through taking both journalism and English classes have benefited me to become a well rounded writer in all of my classes. After last year on staff, I have a better understanding of how a yearbook is produced and the importance of meeting deadlines and staying on task. I have fallen behind in deadlines which adds extra stress on top of the other honors and AP classes I was taking. It is very important to stay on deadline so that there are no loose ends when it comes to the pages and there are less mistakes in the book since all of the editors have had ample time to read and look over all of the pages. I am very aware on the aspects of teamwork. I have been playing a variety sports ever since I was little. When I entered staffed and realized that a big part of the production of the yearbook is made up of teamwork. There needs to be easy communication between everyone staff and there are many instances when I needed to voice myself and ask for help because of the situation. It is inevitable that throughout production there will be hardships with the book. Through communication and teamwork the staff can easily overcome these hardships. I think that without teamwork the production of the yearbook would not be very fluent or successful. At the beginning of the year I became more adverse in advertising and marketing of the yearbook. I sold a page and a half last year for the book and this year I was able to secure the full page ad again. Unfortunately CFE, the original company that I sold the ad to, did not want to continue their advertisement this year so I reached out to Old Florida Bank and received a full page advertisement. I also marketed the book in my classes by reminding my friends and classmates about getting their book. I will use these skills in the future in my career. I plan on majoring in Sports Management which will also require me to have communication, teamwork and advertising/marketing skills. Since I am already exposed to these skill sets I am well ahead of my competitors in the business. I am asset to the staff because I finished most of my pages not too far off of deadline. I made five out the 7 deadlines which is an improvement from last year when I only made three deadlines. I also sold a page of ads to benefit the book. I also did publicized the yearbook in my classes by telling my friends and reminding them to buy the book or get the newspaper. Many of my friends have asked me about the book and how it looks and whether or not there are in it feels great knowing that I represent an amazing yearbook that so many people love and look forward to every year.
Reflection 1 Rough Draft
Reflection 1 Final Draft1
Reflection 1 Analysis I think that the boys swim page is my most significant piece of work. It was my deadline two. I felt pretty confident coming into the deadline because I mostly had all my pictures picked out and had an idea of who I wanted to use for the body. It was my first deadline that I had to design the page so it was new territory for me. My first design wasn’t really practical for the coverage that I needed on the page. Also the body copy was to short for the page even after we changed it to just having one person to interview. Once Ms. Burke redesigned my page, I think that all my pieces of pictures, body copy and secondary coverage fit better on the page. Overall I was happy with the final piece because I was still able to use all the elements that I wanted to on the page but in a more aesthetic way. After this deadline I became more knowledgeable about design and had a better understanding of what looks good and bad when it comes to design. It is still a learning process for me but I feel much more confident about design then when I started deadline two. Both my deadline three and four for the most part were decent designs only a few changes were made. Deadline two was my main deadline that a lot of changes occurred when it came to design and body copy.
Reflection 2
Y15 - Sports Action photo I want this action photo of Brandon Sempier at a swim to represent me because I had a difficult time shooting pictures for boys swim. Once I received help one of DSP’s photographers I was finally able to produce good action photos for the spread. I was very happy that I could include this photo as the dominant on my page.
Y30 - Sports Spread I was this sports spread represent me because it was definitely my most changed piece due to the redesign I had to go through. On this page I took all but one photo, wrote the body copy and captions, and I did the secondary coverage along with the folio. I feel that I excel in sports photography and writing and really enjoyed doing this page. Since I pretty much completed the whole spread, I took a lot of pride in this page. Y28 - Student Life Spread
I want this student life page to represent me because of all the diverse coverages that are included on this page. Even though the start of the page was very rocky since I had no idea what to cover on pop culture but once I cleared up my angle and figured out what to put on the page I really enjoyed working on it. I took all the pictures, wrote the body copy and captions, and completed all of the secondary coverage. This page also included an Aurasma. Overall I think I covered a lot of spectrum when it came to pop culture, so I feel that this page could reach out to multitudes of students.
Reflection 3
This past year I have struggled as a staffer but I can only learn from the mistakes I have made. Deadline three and four were probably my most stressful pages due to struggles I had in covering the material and overall producing the page. Overall I think my photography has improved and writing has gotten better both in body copy and captions. My design skills are still a working progress since this year was the first year I had to design my own pages. Even with my struggles I do feel that I am an asset to the staff. Many first year staffers have come up to me and asked for help on certain aspects of design and writing and I felt confident in helping them. I feel my quality of work hasn’t changed in my eyes. I am still very happy and proud of all the pages I have produced this year.
Deadline 1 body copy
alternative copy
People 70-71
sports 34-35
body copy captions design photos alternative copy
Deadline 2
clubs 70-71
body copy captions design photos alternative copy
Deadline 3
student life 82-83
body copy captions design photos alternative copy
Deadline 4
Deadline 6 body copy
alternative copy
Index 436-437
sports 24-25
body copy captions design photos alternative copy
Deadline 7
body copy
captions design photos
http://teacherpress.ocps.net/hilights/2014/09/18/ braves-swimming-defeats-edgewater/
Beat1 alternative copy
Beat2 body copy
captions design photos alternative copy
Design 1