Sara Casler's Portfolio

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Sara’ s Portf


May 11, 2


Sara Casler

Hi-Lights Newspaper, Staffer

Sara Casler

1510 Woodland Street Orlando,FL 32806 407-271-2744

Hi-Lights Newspaper, Staffer

Sara Casler

1510 Woodland Street Orlando,FL 32806 407-271-2744

Hi-Lights Newspaper, Staffer

Sara Casler

1510 Woodland Street Orlando,FL 32806 407-271-2744

Hi-Lights Newspaper, Staffer

Sara Casler

1510 Woodland Street Orlando,FL 32806 407-271-2744

Hi-Lights Newspaper, Staffer 1510 Woodland Street Orlando,FL 32806 407-271-2744

Sara Casler

Hi-Lights Newspaper, Staffer

Sara Casler

1510 Woodland Street Orlando,FL 32806 407-271-2744

Hi-Lights Newspaper, Staffer

Sara Casler

1510 Woodland Street Orlando,FL 32806 407-271-2744

Hi-Lights Newspaper, Staffer

Sara Casler

1510 Woodland Street Orlando,FL 32806 407-271-2744

Hi-Lights Newspaper, Staffer

Sara Casler

1510 Woodland Street Orlando,FL 32806 407-271-2744

Hi-Lights Newspaper, Staffer 1510 Woodland Street Orlando,FL 32806 407-271-2744

SARA CASLER 1510 Woodland Street Orlando, FL 32806 407-­‐895-­‐6624

May 11, 2012 Eric Camp Manager Chick-­‐fil-­‐A at Colonial Plaza Market Center 2448 East Colonial Drive Orlando, FL 32803 Dear Mr. Camp: It was recently brought to my attention that the Colonial Chick-­‐fil-­‐A franchise is looking to hire another cashier and thereby alleviate the pressure of an under staffed shift. If your search is still in progress, then allow me to present the following resume for your review and consideration for the position available, where a skillset including, but not limited to, experience with money and people skills will be advantageous. I have had past experience working both with food and money; the last assignment my NJROTC unit placed in front of me was managing a lunch venue during the first lunch shift. As the shift manager, I was responsible for keeping track of funds as well as managing the distribution of the product, which, in this case, was a variety of school lunch items. Although this was a valuable experience, the most impactful growth occurred while working side-­‐by-­‐side with the Boy Scouts of America at Give Kids the World serving hot meals once a month. I always preferred working behind the line serving hot food; no other position came face-­‐to-­‐face with every visitor to the complex. Therefore, these nights of hard work not only provided me with the experience of handling food, but also handling all kinds of people with all kinds of customs and habits from all kinds of places. Also, please allow me to thank you with the upmost sincerity for this opportunity to apply and possibly work for your business. I hope that you will take my resume into consideration and that I hope to hear from you soon. I will call in one week’s time to check on the progress and standing of my application. I would be very grateful for the opportunity to sit down and speak to you personally. Thank you again for your consideration and time. I look forward to speaking to you in the near future. Respectfully, Sara Casler Enclosed: Resume

Sara Casler

1510 Woodland Street; Orlando, Florida 32806; Phone: 407-271-2744; E-Mail:


To work as a member of the Chick-Fil-A® team as an integral part of a functioning work environment and to gain job experience.


Research Assistant June 2010-August 2010 • Gathered and organized immunization data in order to assist physicians in locating and organizing specific records. Improve ease of access to database.


William R. Boone High School August 2008-Current • Honors Diploma Applicant; Advanced Placement Scholar.

Awards and Achievements

NJROTC August 2009-Current • Operations Officer, Unarmed and Color Guard Team Commander, Individual Driller, Stephan Decatur Award (2010), Honor Cadet (2010), Area 7 Leadership Academy Graduate Officer (2010) Newspaper August 2009-Current • Staffer, Quill and Scroll Award, Review Category (2011), Florida Journalism State Award, Review Category (2011)


BSA and Give Kids the World 2007-2011 • Served dinner to residents of the Give Kids the World Village. Managed and maintained the dining hall. Key Club 2009-2011 • Served breakfast to people residing at the Hubbard House NJROTC 2010-2012 • Serving school lunches out of the lunch cart. Counted money and made change on a daily basis.


Commander Craig Rouhier, USN First Sargent Gus Wilson, USMC Robert Hanna, Youth Leader at Conway United Methodist Church

Journalism is the ultimate excuse to be nosey. It is a reason to ask questions. Not just any questions either, but the questions that everyone else is too nervous or uncomfortable to ask. Journalism is an outlet. It is a safe haven, even if I am miles behind deadline or avoid talking to people for a while. Writing for the paper makes me feel like a person of value with an opinion worth hearing, because I have an opinion worth sharing. I started in journalism back in seventh grade when I joined my school’s yearbook staff. It was very relaxed with very little writing or organization. Despite that, I had the best time writing what little we did, photographing all the school events and learning how to manipulate pages in our base version of InDesign. When I learned of the Boone’s journalism department, I joined as soon as I had room. Sophomore year, I took J1, and fell in love. Although I have issues with deadlines, no other program allows for such creative freedom and expression, in my opinion. For every success, there are failures. I cannot count the number of times that I have missed deadlines, failed to make a change or even notice that a change needed to be made, skipped over an important fact or simply passes something off as “good enough.” My most pressing and continuous issue is sticking with deadlines. My life is busy, but that is no excuse for missing a deadline ever. I will not make excuses for my mistakes. I would like to think that I contribute my own story by diving into the stories of others. Authorship is an extension of oneself, and by working to bring the lives of the people surrounding all of us to life, I feel as if everyone that picks up the paper hears my voice. I have already looked into the journalism opportunities at the University of Central Florida, and I look forward to writing and taking photographs for their online news site. There is no reason to stop an activity that brings me joy, whether or not I am on deadline or not.

Looking back, the lessons that I have learned this year actually shocked me. I think the most valuable lesson I learned was to not fear contacting and talking to people. I have always been intimidated by talking to someone that I had never encountered before, never spoken to, not a word. It wasn’t until recently that it dawned on me that everyone’s favorite topic is themselves, and the only reason we interview people is to have them talk about themselves and what interests them. When it comes to production skills, I feel like my abilities with Photoshop, although still limited, have grown exponentially. I have done a few projects strictly based in Photoshop, such as Scream Fest in the October issue. I look forward to using these skills to my advantage in my future as a computer artist and photojournalist. When it comes to deadlines, it is actually easier to stay on deadline with more to do rather than just one or two things to do. Although I haven’t been perfectly on deadline once this year, the deadlines where I really fell behind were the one’s where I only had one story or one small blurb to write. The easier it seems, the easier it is to put off. When it comes to advertisement, I find that the best way to continually being successful is to find reliable customers that one can return to. The individuals that purchased ads from me last year were the first people I called to see if they wanted to renew their contracts, and unsurprisingly they both did. For any newbies in the future: find your advertisers and stick to them like glue. If they are pleased with the ads provided, they will keep coming back, I promise. Journalism ethics are on a separate kind of scale all together. More than once I have been tempted to fudge a quote because the speaker sounds a little ridiculous or uneducated. Every time that this occurs, I am reminded that the quote that was given is a reflection of the character and personality of the interviewed individual. By changing their quote, I would be manipulating their character, and I am not the supreme judge of character; it’s not my place or job. Last, but most certainly not least, was dedication. This past year, my interests have been split a million different ways between my home life, NJROTC, Newspaper and the multitude of clubs and organizations I offered my time to. I have found that a lack of dedication to any of these leads to collapse. Failure occurs in chains, and once it starts, it is terribly hard to stop. By not faltering, I cannot fail; it is impossible to do so.

I am most proud of my Opposing Editorial Piece on the value of technology in the classroom. Although I did not write both sides of the argument, first of all because that is pointless, but also because my point is obviously much better than the opposing side’s, I did design the entire spread. My purpose in writing this article was to set forth an argument arguing in favor of using textbooks rather than tablets or gizmos to aid teachers in their lessons. I found that it was an easy piece to write, but mostly because of the passion behind the position I took. There is no reason for a first grader to be walking around with an iPad; that’s borderline blasphemous. When I first started writing the piece, the major dilemma between my opposition’s article and my own was an inconstancy in points of argument. We both tried to argue different things, and ended up talking in circles. After sitting down and restructuring the arguments, we both had much more solidified pieces to send to press. I think the best part of the final product is the visual appeal and its direct connection to the arguments being made. The design draws readers in while the arguments spark an interest in the subject for both sides. I am also especially proud of this piece because it was selected for publishing in the yearbook. Having a byline in both publications is an enormous honor, and I am very proud of that.


Electronics create new opportunities TECHNOLOGY SAVES STUDENTS FROM FUTURE HEALTH PROBLEMS By SAM HOLLEMAN As kids grow up, they no longer obsess over finishing a Rubix cube or playing with Rockem Sockem Robots, or the ever frustrating, ball and cup. This is the digital age, where children grow up with ear buds in their ears and thousands of games and books available with the tap of a finger. In these modern times, jobs have become more reliant on technology. Doctors now use computers to store medical files instead of rows of filing cabinets filled with medical paperwork. Police officers are using Global Positioning Systems to decrease their response time to crime locations. New careers are being created based entirely on new technology such as a social media editor, which is a person responsible for coordinating social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) in correlation with the companies. From creating applications for the Apple app store and Android market, to personalizing a cloud (a virtual one, not the big white fluffy thing in the sky) for a business upon request. To prepare kids for a growing job industry reliant on applied sciences and telecommunications, schools

should implement more technology into America’s education system. Furthermore, the school system needs to take advantage of the opportunities it can provide to its students. Textbooks are heavy, (this should not be a newsflash to anybody). Fifty percent of students have a backpack that is “too heavy”.

10-15% The recommended ratio of a student’s backpack size to his or her weight

A backpack should weigh 10 to 15 percent of a student’s weight. Every 10 pounds is equivalent to 30 to 50 pounds on the spine with every step. This can lead to health problems in the future such as shoulder tilt, head tilt, and more importantly, scoliosis. Scoliosis is the curvature of the spine (it is what Forrest Gump had); and studies have linked overly filled backpacks to scoliosis. The Kindle weighs about six ounces, can be held in one hand and all of a student’s textbooks will fit on one. A Kindle provides easier access to student’s

textbooks and does not contribute to future health problems if it is used in schools. Some may argue that schools will not be able to afford supplying all their students with iPads; that purchasing an iPad or other tablet device for every student and faculty member in the school is too expensive. But schools all across the nation are trying to get computers in every classroom. A Kindle Fire’s starting price is $199 in comparison to the $267.45 it costs in textbooks for a sophomore (English textbook is $58, math textbook is $79.47, science textbook is $65, and social sciences textbook is $64.98). A Kindle Fire can do much more than textbooks and is easier to carry than textbooks. It is more reasonable to supply every student with a Kindle Fire than supplying every student with multiple textbooks. For the sake of cost, schools should purchase a Kindle Fire (or any other tablet device) for each of their students. It provides the same options as a computer, it is cheaper, and can be carried around in a backpack. Technology is an important part of society. It is constantly changing and as it does, so should the way it is used. If schools do not constantly bring new technology into their teaching establishments, they are stripping students of opportunities.

Textbooks make students smarter, healthier TECHNOLOGICAL RAMPAGE OUT OF CONTROL By SARA CASLER left a legacy The late Steve Jobs, an innovator and leader in computer technology, his views on behind when he died. Along with a multi-billion dollar industry, he left mastermind such important topics as education. Turns out, the man described as the problems with behind modern technology did not believe technology could fix the our education system. He could not have been more right. equipment Technology is not the best teaching tool. Maintaining and providing supplying and for faculty, staff and students is hugely expensive in comparison to as the average keeping an inventory of textbooks. It is also a short term fix, seeing warranty. textbook lasts years longer than an iPad, even with the manufacturer’s put iPads Schools, such as Weston Middle School in Weston, Connecticut, have they have and other such devices into classrooms, where in short term studies, understanding proved to be successful in pace-setting, research and technological for both students and faculty. only been However, this study is still in the developmental phases, seeing as it has ed 22 implemented for about a month. Even the longer term study only encompass . There students and started last spring, making the test results somewhat inadequate in, both in is not solid, long-term evidence that having a student constantly plugged and out of school, is beneficial by any means. To outfit On top of a lack of sufficient evidence, there is the mountain of costs. students and the entire faculty and staff on campus with a population of 2801 iPads for 180 faculty and staff is initially an exorbitant expenditure. To purchase through the everyone, along enough AppleCare Protection Plan coverage to last be just under students’ four years of schooling, the total cost for the school would $2 million. $1,958,517 to be more exact. yet equally Even if the school fitted the population with the less expensive, coverage to effective devices such as Amazon’s Kindle Fire and enough protection includes last four years, the total cost would come to $861,449.38. Neither estimate this size. On shipping and handling costs, which cost plenty more for an order of be fitted with top of all the expensive tablets and what not, each one will need to a word the appropriate tools for school; downloading upwards of three eBooks,

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top of outfitting processor and wireless Internet service per student on each device on of costs. the school with wireless routers and services means a continuous spiral textbook or On top of the over-the-top price tag, it is in fact healthier to carry a Statistically two to and from classes throughout the day by fitting in needed exercise. building to speaking, the most infamous of walks across campus is from the 1000 to a distance of the back portables on the other side of campus, which computes has to spend a approximately 410 yards. Assuming the student making this walk and spends minute getting in and out of both classes and navigating hallway traffic, to class. another talking to his best friend, that leaves him four minutes to get a half miles To make it to class on time, he has to move at a pace of about three and a backpack, at per hour, the same speed as a competitive speed walker. Along with alone, he’s that rate, he is burning about 450 calories an hour. In those four minutes are considered burned 30. In a society where 20 percent of adolescents ages 12 to 19 counts. obese, according to the Center for Disease Control website, every calorie children, and Lastly, technology hinders brain and physical development in young Sitting a young will be more of a hindrance rather than an advantage to young students. him to learn his child of five or six in front of a computer screen or iPad and telling of 10 children ABCs is not going to be effective. According to Science Daily, nine out increases as under the age of two watch television regularly, and this statistic only author, Dimitri the children age. Also, a study of 1,300 children conducted by the between TV A. Christakis, MD, and colleagues in 2004, found a modest association of seven, after a viewing before the age of three and attentional problems at the age as the wide range of other factors were ruled out. These problems only progressed child aged into adolescence. is reliant The society surrounding students that wander the halls of high schools and varieties. on technology, telecommunications and applied sciences of all kinds or her pockets; Just for an experiment, ask everyone in one class period to empty his is a guarantee. every single desk will have a device on it powered by batteries. That one major But these electronics are not the best way to learn. Steve Jobs emphasized knows how to point in his battle against an unplugged classroom: no man made object or question teach like a person. Nothing can instill interests in students like a teacher book with a bit like a classmate. And nothing is the same as digging through a library no replacing the of human guidance in search of the answers of the universe. There is classics, no matter how shiny the replacements are.

December 14, 2011

This next piece could obviously still use work; it didn’t even make it to press. The football piece was not at all my first choice, and it showed in both my writing and my attention to detail, deadlines, facts, etc. I learned a few lessons with this article. Sometimes, the story one has to write is not their story of choice. That doesn’t make it any less their responsibility. It still needs to be done and it wont just go away. Also, there are many angles that can be taken, but sometimes the feature side is not appropriate for a sports story. Although it was the legendary game of the season, it was not the time for a feature on a sports team. If I had the chance, I would go back and finish the interviews. I would take coach Ziglar’s advice and research some of their specific plays and details about successful games. I remember he was quite shocked when I didn’t ask anything but feature style questions. The story would be about the team rather than the history of the team. I am still disgusted with myself for having written something so tragic, it didn’t even make it to press.

This photograph was taken while I was out taking photos for the crew story page. It is too zoomed out to be put up for print, but it has a great, well lit subject and a clear background. Also, the splashes and wake from the boat act as a set of leading lines, leading straight into the boat. I like how the subject is obviously such, but at the same time, the foreground and background are clear and attractive. 2012 Original Pics--Crew-4/11_Casler--IMG_1916.JPG

This is by far my favorite photograph that made it to press. The level of emotion that is apparent on the subject’s face makes the action tangable. The subject also fills the frame well, and he is the only thing fully in focus. 2012 Original Pics--1-11-Sports_Casler0725.jpg

This was a long night of photography. I think it was three or four games back to back, and unfortunately for the subject of this photo, he is a member of junior varsity, so this photo could not be published with the varsity story. There are only two things truely in focus: the ball and the player’s face. This focuses all the attention of those two items and it also looks like the photo is still moving the player is about to kick the ball off the page. 2012 Original Pics--1-11-Sports_Casler0063.jpg

I brought a new perspective and creativity to the table. As time progressed, I have gained a more full understanding of hte workings of InDesign and Photoshop. In turn, I have been able to play around with design more than ever before. I think my most notable example of this was my work in the October edition of Scream Fest. Although not perfect, I had total creative freedom over the page and used whatever I could find to make it come alive. Everything on the page was origonal aside from the photographs. My commitment to publications spans as far as my availability. I normally overbook my time so I can remain busy, but it also does not work out when I have three things to do all at the same time. In all honesty, publications fell onto the back burner a few times this year, but, even if it is not perfect, I refused to see the paper fail, and I did my best to help whenever I could. I realized as the year progressed that some of the Newbies actually would ask for my help with things that had to deal with Photoshop or Indesign. It was nice to be useful.

I faced two very distinct challenges this year: deadlines and separation from the group. Deadlines are something I have always struggled with. I’ve never done well with getting everything in on time, no matter the course or class. I think I was on deadline for maybe two stories throughout the course of the school year. I cannot say that I improved through the course of the year, because it fluctuate, but it will be a lesson that I will continue to learn as I move into the future. My other issue is that I never fully felt like I fit in with the staff. Part of that is probably because I keep to myself, but it’s weird to go to class and not feel like part of one of the tightest knit groups on campus. I respect and admire everyone in there, and like almost everyone, but it just doesn’t feel like my social circle. I learned that with deadlines that they will always be there and that it is easier to face them head on than wait for them to expire. When it comes to dealing with the others that I don’t get along with as well as everyone else, I have learned hat its best to be nice to everyone and cooperate, no matter who it is. Overall, I feel as if I handled these problems rather well thorughout the year, and these skills will be useful tools in the near future and beyond.

At the midterm, I considered stress to be my greatest weakness. I still consider stress to be a huge contender in my life, but as time has progressed, I have learned to manage both my time and my stress better. I have finished up all of my college plans, I have everything lined up for the summer and my final grades are in good standing. I have taken into account some of the ideas that I had at the midterm. I do use my phone calender, and I have yet to miss an appointment because of it. I always have my schedule on hand, it’s great! I feel as if my stress has been both minimized and contained.

N5. Personal opinion: Off-campus issues--Technology Op Ed As an editorial, this is by far the strongest arguement I made this year on a relavent issue that everyone is aware of. It is timely, well constructed, entertaining and informative. N13. General feature--Teenage Finances for Dummies This was the most fun thing to write all year. It is a topic I enjoy learning about as well as something that eveyone needs to know a little about in order to function properly in a modern society. N14. Entertainment reviews--Scream Fest Never have I ever had so much fun designing a page. On top of that, it is multiple well constructed reviews of hot spots around the Orlando area.

Comparing this year’s design to last year’s, it is evident that my set of skills has in fact expanded. I use different designs on every page. The base design is much more involved and intricate. Also, this year’s design is much more me, because I am able to express myself better through Photoshop and InDesign better this year compared to last. My writing is also much more in depth and accurate to the basis of style. I can compose an article about almost anything with little to no exasperatingly effort so long as the materials I need are in front of me. Formulating stories and concepts comes naturally. It’s second nature. Some direct connections are the backgrounds in the portfolio, most notably. In the last portfolio, it was the same car graphic, over and over. In this one, all of the graphics vary by what is written. There are some consistencies, but for the most part, each was hand designed. I also feel that my writing is much more concise and to the point in this portfolio rather than talking in circles in the last one.


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By RENEE BURKE Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis dolobor augait lan henissim acidunt ut dolutet laorercidunt iriure tatummy nos non veliqui scillaorem ing eugiam, sim iure ming et incipissi bla facipit nibh eugiam zzril il utat. Giametummod magnim ad duisim vel ut aut init, veraesequam iurem dolendrero core dolore dio consectet volore facipis accum venim vendit, commolor ipit nos dipit esequip ero dolore vu llan utpatumsan ut alisis at vel ea consecte magna atie dolutpat. Ut aute dunt veliqui blan utem vendio odit elenibh ercidunt iuscinim ipit velent nonullu ptatueros ate modolorem et, Et dipisl ullum vel ut am illuptatin ute tatet ullaore feum quip ea accum iriure delit nos alit niscilit adio od dolorpero core tate tat, quamcom moluptat, suscillam, commodolore magniamet non vendrer aestissed tat am, con henim ipit, quipit iusto dignim vel iusto etum iustie min Atus, unte aut quidit distori tisqui tecuptate ea di tendenihil illanim usamus maiore sant essimus ab intibeat odia volorendus, volutat. Gia que ex eumquatet ma volecusamus repudam, sita doluptas aut facerum quidel mintibe ratectatur adi dellit oditatas erro consequi de il ipsant facil modicimint laut re qui que vendi res autet esto mi, accae quiderrume nectem eatem. Nam voloren imperum quo magnis etus et eum nimus, vit, simeniendis nitatem et magnimus exerspi tatusap elitium nonecab oraectis el eatur at rem rem. Nam alis velessit isint aut di natia se odi vel mo omnis vel minverum veriosa ndaeceat exerferit, comnis sedisquia volorep eriones cilluptamus in


November 12, 2010

nobit, alicium conseque moluptate si nonem veribusae. Runt eos re, soloritatem. Sandae con plitat. Nobis mos ulparuptaqui imperch illabor ehenimi, cor as volum et laborit harit, qui bearchicte et apid magnatur, intotatur aut quam, cum faceaquis solutem aborercienis quo con et poritium reperum endelit harum as reperisqui ulpa eserrum et lab iunt eatiistotat faccatendae porumquam numet aut imint el eossunt otataquo volorio bea debite voles reriam, eum et, omnit vendionse nesto di dem eat labo. Nempor saerfero beat. Facipic tem saperio repereped eost mod quas doluptatur? Quis idi omniatius sitium rem vel es escit landusant qui volorest, quunt aut repeles sequodi cum labore cus nobisit, is vollant. Mo eos nis cus utem comni iunti volenditatur reiusap itaquis dolendi gentur, conseque exerorerspe comnia volorecus, volor magnima nonsedit, siti ommoluptati dundam rernat. Is minus, simolor iberionsene omnit et esequo cone pror aut optat ullandi cillore omnienisquis nobis veleculles porum quam dolupta musdaector rerum quiae natatem vellandus andia plibus. Bitatium, conecte mporro culpa autet, quo quod qui qui dolorehendae quam fugiat faccusc ipsapera nullique aut vent, sit unt molut quam, et ut quibusam excepernat aut des volorepe volorrovidis nus, nonsediaspid quia aut archil modionsed expeles sinciata se voluptaias re recto doleseque voluptat es es dolum lab illent labor sum ut et iniae. Xerrovitatem erum harume si net ventur sit molore cuptam re inus, officaborem nempe con consedi ommossit venimil eum rendelitam, erchic te culpa sim sus solupta temqui nos ipsam re rem vellaut aliquia poremquia quiae comnissin nos nulparunt dolumque officit molorerum vel maxim fugitat urecessitium elendestio etur, odipitem ut et reperunt laborehent atendignisin eatemo od qui blaut audioru ptatur se venihillore nis que exerum, con et volor se nati optiassed expe venemporis esequis nobis dollandant. Ihici vel ipsae siti rem inci voluptatur accab il mossinum eum iundempere, que escia nimusae et estem expliscia nis minveri aut et assit volor si aceptam, quid minit faccum di di

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- nicholas deangelis, sophomore

I would love to able to study abroad. There are so many cool things to do over seas and so many places to visit and explore

By RENEE BURKE Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis dolobor augait lan henissim acidunt ut dolutet laorercidunt iriure tatummy nos non veliqui scillaorem ing eugiam, sim iure ming et incipissi bla facipit nibh eugiam zzril il utat. Giametummod magnim ad duisim vel ut aut init, veraesequam iurem dolendrero core dolore dio consectet volore facipis accum venim vendit, commolor ipit nos dipit esequip ero dolore vu llan utpatumsan ut alisis at vel ea consecte magna atie dolutpat. Ut aute dunt veliqui blan utem vendio odit elenibh ercidunt iuscinim ipit velent nonullu ptatueros ate modolorem et, Et dipisl ullum vel ut am illuptatin ute tatet ullaore feum quip ea accum iriure delit nos alit niscilit adio od dolorpero core tate tat, quamcom moluptat, suscillam, commodolore magniamet non vendrer aestissed tat am, con henim ipit, quipit iusto dignim vel iusto etum iustie min Atus, unte aut quidit distori tisqui ab intibeat odia volorendus, volutat. Gia que ex eumquatet ma volecusamus repudam, sita doluptas aut facerum quidel mintibe ratectatur adi dellit oditatas erro consequi de il ipsant facil modicimint laut re qui que vendi res autet esto mi, accae quiderrume nectem eatem. Nam voloren imperum quo magnis etus et eum nimus, vit, simeniendis nitatem et magnimus exerspi tatusap elitium nonecab oraectis el eatur at rem remgfsfdasf dasf adsf sdaf adsf d. Nam alis velessit isint aut di natia se odi vel mo omnis vel minverum veriosa ndaeceat exerferit, comnis sedisquia


November 12, 2010

volorep eriones cilluptamus in nobit, alicium conseque moluptate si nonem veribusae. Runt eos re, soloritatem. Sandae con plitat. Nobis mos ulparuptaqui imperch illabor ehenimi, cor as volum et laborit harit, qui bearchicte et apid magnatur, intotatur aut quam, cum faceaquis solutem aborercienis quo con et poritium reperum endelit harum as reperisqui ulpa eserrum et lab iunt eatiistotat faccatendae porumquam numet aut imint el eossunt otataquo volorio bea debite voles reriam, eum et, omnit vendionse nesto di dem eat labo. Nempor saerfero beat. Facipic tem saperio repereped eost mod quas doluptatur? Quis idi omniatius sitium rem vel es escit landusant qui volorest, quunt aut repeles sequodi cum labore cus nobisit, is vollant. Mo eos nis cus utem comni iunti volenditatur reiusap itaquis dolendi gentur, conseque exerorerspe comnia volorecus, volor magnima nonsedit, siti ommoluptati dundam rernat. Is minus, simolor iberionsene omnit et esequo cone pror aut optat ullandi cillore omnienisquis nobis veleculles porum quam dolupta musdaector rerum quiae natatem vellandus andia plibus. Bitatium, conecte mporro culpa autet, quo quod qui qui dolorehendae quam fugiat faccusc ipsapera nullique aut vent, sit unt molut quam, et ut quibusam excepernat aut des volorepe volorrovidis nus, nonsediaspid quia aut archil modionsed expeles sinciata se volup sum ut et iniae. Xerrovitatem erum harume si net ventur sit molore nimil eum rendelitam, erchic te culpa sim sus solupta temqui nos ipsam re rem vellaut aliquia poremquia quiae comnissin nos nulparunt dolumque officit molorerum vel maxim fugitat urecessitium elendestio etur, odipitem ut et reperunt laborehent atendignisin eatemo od qui blaut audioru ptatur se venihillore nis que exerum, con et volor se nati optiassed expe venemporis esequis nobis dollandant. Ihici vel ipsae siti rem inci voluptatur accab il mossinum eum iundempere, que escia nimusae et estem expliscia nis minveri aut et assit volor si aceptam, quid minit faccum di di

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ipsanis es aspero ipsam nonectus. Ihilicietur molupta ectaque cuptatur sim exero et dolum archicipid quam sam hilita nones ea nit, seque mi, qui aut eiuntem corrum a nus volest quia sus estem. Et magnis eos mi, sus enes dem doloriam, ant etur, occates ciaecullab idendam, aspis et utent qui blam re audandi rerum que voluptatiae pe simus consent offici officti oribea nobit et volor ma quae. Itaeperiscit faccum quo ma derferum volorem fugia necabor epeleniatis doluptus et pos eosto eari nonsequiae et et, sant, as consequi sum alitentur, explit et id et verupta epressi dolest, officae dolluptat. Rum dolorro officiu ndelici minvella volupta non eum et eumendam fugit, odit, tent aut aut de con conserferi ipsunt es quisquamus. Iquodig nisquas ant et apit landanti consedi gnatures ea voluptiam, offictur, quis esequunt quas ad excea sunto voloris sit ute millace aquost, tes voloremque dia volupta erferum re assumqu aepuda dendi iur, consequunt reperionsent occum quidis aut quas verrum volupta volupta sperum reptas dolo blaut faceperum iur alitae consequiam eum faceari beaqui nosapedit quiatur, eum atios sinvelitatet remque et et quam quos quas arum quis at. Facculluptus es volluptur aut quam, isqui blabor aut arum siminciis nonsecti auta sae parumquatur reperiat verumquati utemoditat vellaut a aut vellumquia pos et voluptatur, qui temquam eliatem que net landa serro voluptatem etusam, simus et aut perro et laque non conseque pe consecto vit lani doloruptiam, sequiatibus autem exero opta quam nonsequist maior sitat. Solore nectur as dolorer speligentis quibusam, ilis maionsequost faceper natempo ribus, officaboriae volent vel mo et ella sed quiatur aut atempel loribus explisi te omnis molore nim harum et eos accae. Ut resequisqui ullupti isciaer eratios ut la sit ut audigentio ea accabor ectori corrum quiae pori num et omnis dero cum fugiati sum dolorio tempor remporestia pore volupta dolupicidi odi num sitium consequi cus, omnihic itiissi num rem qui te plitataqui corpor rehendi genditati si cus ratus maxim etur sequos veniam, volorup

An amazing funny loving headline


or stud y abro



Op-Ed: How the world began...

IT’S ALWAYS BEEN HERE, JUST DEAL WITH IT By RENEE BURKE Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit ortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis dolobor augait lan henissim acidunt ut dolutet laorercidunt iriure tatummy nos non veliqui scillaorem ing eugiam, sim iure ming et incipissi bla facipit nibh eugiam zzril il utat. Giametummod magnim ad duisim vel ut aut init, veraesequam iurem dolendrero core dolore dio consectet volore facipis accum venim vendit, commolor ipit nos dipit esequip ero dolore vu llan utpatumsan ut alisis at vel ea consecte magna atie dolutpat. Ut aute dunt veliqui blan utem vendio odit elenibh ercidunt iuscinim ipit velent nonullu ptatueros ate modolorem et, Et dipisl ullum vel ut am illuptatin ute tatet ullaore feum quip ea accum iriure delit nos alit niscilit adio od dolorpero core tate tat, quamcom moluptat, suscillam, commodolore magniamet non vendrer aestissed tat am, con henim ipit, quipit iusto dignim vel iusto etum iustie min Coriore plianimo conecto est labor aut aut voluptium dundigenda as essitem quist rest, officiis estibuscient dolor am deris est, conecep eritiis eaquiam id quam facipsam solore nosam aperchil iunt

A BIG EXPLOSION IS TO BLAME FOR OUR EXISTANCE By RENEE BURKE Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit ortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis dolobor augait lan henissim acidunt ut dolutet laorercidunt iriure tatummy nos non veliqui scillaorem ing eugiam, sim iure ming et incipissi bla facipit nibh eugiam zzril il utat. Giametummod magnim ad duisim vel ut aut init, veraesequam iurem dolendrero core dolore dio consectet volore facipis accum venim vendit, commolor ipit nos dipit esequip ero dolore vu llan utpatumsan ut alisis at vel ea consecte magna atie dolutpat. Ut aute dunt veliqui blan utem vendio odit elenibh ercidunt iuscinim ipit velent nonullu ptatueros ate modolorem et, Et dipisl ullum vel ut am illuptatin ute tatet ullaore feum quip ea accum iriure delit nos alit niscilit adio od dolorpero core tate tat, quamcom moluptat, suscillam, commodolore magniamet non vendrer aestissed tat am, con henim ipit, quipit iusto dignim vel iusto etum iustie min Coriore plianimo conecto est labor aut aut voluptium dundigenda as essitem quist rest, officiis estibuscient dolor am deris est, conecep eritiis eaquiam id quam facipsam solore nosam aperchil iunt

page 6

quatur, eos explate sus di consedis apeliqui tem repudig nihiliq uissunt iscium ne con nonesequias etur adi officiendis vit venisquas dolut acero impori ommolor rorestio. Ro dernatias am, to ma qui cor accus, as exerovit laborio ssequi tem et aligeni hillique res di tem natiis auda doluptas sum solenim ustio. Ut dolendi tatisim endaestibus. Aquideribus qui ommolup tatio. Am aut as andia nobit fugiaeribus eatus, intorio ea ini voluptaecae volupta temolor erovitius et voluptatum faccuptaquo omnisquos eum quia dolupta tatium harumque minctatempos andella borias doloria vellor sam ut atectata quiberis disciandis sitatistior solorer chicab ilit ut quis dolupta quosti tem re por re vit eum nus, core, quaepro blaceratas nonsed quo is dolupta que cor renist, tem solum ide imin re pro beribus ium sapedit et autemos apeptum iducimus consect iaectae nitatectur? Qui ute explia deliciu mquam, omnihiti ra ipit faccuptatium harum vendand iciet, consenia qui aut pro ma nis mo blandis quibusam, occuste prentus, qui dolorion reius duciis consequatur re si dignis et aut aborepernam rem voluptaest, ipis arcit alitaque esequia doluptatiat. Repe doluptam, consed untum sitate omnim quatur aciis res ipsuntium amendae ctotae escitas abor accae plaborerum acest, sus rerrum cust odit aperspe ditibus venihit il moluptae licabori occus aut et verferunt, con core, occuptatem serum volorio. Volorecae. Si voluptas aspides tempos dolupti ncimus maximus iminctorest, solorio omni aut quam, ut volupitis autatias dolorep ereptat aut perovit fugiand eliquossi dipis es plia nat perum aut la dolut et accabo. Eliquam, ium quam am utem endam ilit voluptat ommolupta nus ullore nus sam, quas nis ab im re voloriore nest, cusdae ommos evelectem nati

corrum volest eum et ratur, ut rem essunde ndelitatem sent unt aut ut de volorisinis magnat. Reperum nimi, vendus expercius sum repudaeptae in pra quo occusdam hit a di ra dolor remporem eicto explignam venet ut eaquibusant aborepe coneste modit, sequate mporerumquam inimporpos voluptur as eum re quia audae coribus porem que corro con nemque poreprovit ad et quo optaquid magnatis deliqui id que alitemporum hillorit libus consequam evento mod quis sita digent, adionemolum faccae deliciis eliquia ectotaqui simus ventibus consed quo bero voluptat. Bit aris modita dolores truptios re volorita vendi cum exerchil min ra antiam que pedicim ent volestrum in cuptatu ribus. Riscid quaspiti quibus et es int voluptatur, sita ilit rem estem et voluptatem. Hilluptae voluptasitio berspel enistia vollantur sint que exeria nobis aut asperna turiae. Ut quassum ab iduciis earciet atecto quae vendit dit lacepelest fugita nient quataqui cum quaectia nimin consequam, seque cus ium ipsum de optatatiis molest, corero eris reicidest, expedi occaest ianihil ilit que alit, suntiorro ipit eumquae doluptatqui bla quiae millaceped enis ex expliquam eliqui ulparum que dunt aut re soluptas eiuntur? Am si cullante venda dolor auda nimusti onsedioriam et quam conem eaquuntiis modi que poribus, ommolo el ipsuntur aut autatur aceaqua tiamet adist ut optat quatiam harunt intectota doluptate nimilibus, quam vendit aperis exeres aut odipsaecae pa ipist arum fugit exerciet, qui corae dolum et et aceped utem vel ipsant, consed quodi alicilit digni corenimus etur si a aut et esequati dolupicae et doluptata

quatur, eos explate sus di consedis apeliqui tem repudig nihiliq uissunt iscium ne con nonesequias etur adi officiendis vit venisquas dolut acero impori ommolor rorestio. Ro dernatias am, to ma qui cor accus, as exerovit laborio ssequi tem et aligeni hillique res di tem natiis auda doluptas sum solenim ustio. Ut dolendi tatisim endaestibus. Aquideribus qui ommolup tatio. Am aut as andia nobit fugiaeribus eatus, intorio ea ini voluptaecae volupta temolor erovitius et voluptatum faccuptaquo omnisquos eum quia dolupta tatium harumque minctatempos andella borias doloria vellor sam ut atectata quiberis disciandis sitatistior solorer chicab ilit ut quis dolupta quosti tem re por re vit eum nus, core, quaepro blaceratas nonsed quo is dolupta que cor renist, tem solum ide imin re pro beribus ium sapedit et autemos apeptum iducimus consect iaectae nitatectur? Qui ute explia deliciu mquam, omnihiti ra ipit faccuptatium harum vendand iciet, consenia qui aut pro ma nis mo blandis quibusam, occuste prentus, qui dolorion reius duciis consequatur re si dignis et aut aborepernam rem voluptaest, ipis arcit alitaque esequia doluptatiat. Repe doluptam, consed untum sitate omnim quatur aciis res ipsuntium amendae ctotae escitas abor accae plaborerum acest, sus rerrum cust odit aperspe ditibus venihit il moluptae licabori occus aut et verferunt, con core, occuptatem serum volorio. Volorecae. Si voluptas aspides tempos dolupti ncimus maximus iminctorest, solorio omni aut quam, ut volupitis autatias dolorep ereptat aut perovit fugiand eliquossi dipis es plia nat perum aut la dolut et accabo. Eliquam, ium quam am utem endam ilit voluptat ommolupta nus ullore nus sam, quas nis ab im re voloriore nest, cusdae ommos evelectem nati corrum volest eum et ratur, ut rem essunde ndelitatem sent unt aut ut de volorisinis magnat. Reperum nimi, vendus expercius sum repudaeptae in pra quo occusdam hit a di ra dolor remporem eicto explignam venet ut eaquibusant aborepe coneste modit, sequate mporerumquam inimporpos voluptur as eum re quia audae coribus porem que corro con nemque poreprovit ad et quo optaquid magnatis deliqui id que alitemporum hillorit libus

consequam evento mod quis sita digent, adionemolum faccae deliciis eliquia ectotaqui simus ventibus consed quo bero voluptat. Bit aris modita dolores truptios re volorita vendi cum exerchil min ra antiam que pedicim ent volestrum in cuptatu ribus. Riscid quaspiti quibus et es int voluptatur, sita ilit rem estem et voluptatem. Hilluptae voluptasitio berspel enistia vollantur sint que exeria nobis aut asperna turiae. Ut quassum ab iduciis earciet atecto quae vendit dit lacepelest fugita nient quataqui cum quaectia nimin consequam, seque cus ium ipsum de optatatiis molest, corero eris reicidest, expedi occaest ianihil ilit que alit, suntiorro ipit eumquae doluptatqui bla quiae millaceped enis ex expliquam eliqui ulparum que dunt aut re soluptas eiuntur? Am si cullante venda dolor auda nimusti onsedioriam et quam conem eaquuntiis modi que poribus, ommolo el ipsuntur aut autatur aceaqua tiamet adist ut optat quatiam harunt intectota doluptate nimilibus, quam vendit aperis exeres aut odipsaecae pa ipist arum fugit exerciet, qui corae dolum et et aceped utem vel ipsant, consed quodi alicilit digni corenimus etur si a aut et esequati dolupicae et doluptata digenihil ipsunt od ullabo. Et quia volores santuri tatus, volor re sinis cuptibus, omnis sitintiis cullanihicid expe ad que velesci isimusdae expliaspel maximusam in ne pores dolut laborem poreni cone ommolup taspici endit, ullatiusam qui corum velende poreper sperae nonsequ osapid eosae volenim comnieni bea samus repudandae providenihil intem acerchil iscid quistio. Nequam im quistore, soluptio doluptat fugitaernam quibeatem quia quatquiae iumqui nulparum ad molorro beatiis resti sit, conetur, asDLK JSDL;LS KFJAL;DSFJf afk;d jadlkfj jadkslf ;jdaskl;f j;adlskjf kl;dsajfsd fjkl; sdaf kl;er iberist ommodio nsequi tem volupta testio que ipsam quatm ad quiam volorporro moditius. Imint que re dolupid eliquia quaepeliste santur alit venihic tet quae simint. Ped et ea voluptatem inum quatquo eatibus aliamus tiisci andebis alibusam facid magnatem vellaci llaboreribus

November 12, 2010


Scream Fest

idden behind front runners


nds 8-12 hours on SGA a week. This udes time spent working during s, lunch, meetings and after school. “After we pick the theme [for mecoming] we work on ticket gns, and start picking food to have red,” junior class president Emily terfield said. “This year we are going have a few surprises; we’ve been nking outside the box.” Porterfield, like McEwan, is a erleader. She is a Math Center tutor, is on the weight lifting team. The Sophomore Class president is ndan Francis; he plays football, runs k and is involved in Fellowship Christian Athletes. This class is paring for the Powder Bowl and s the Pig. “[While planning for powder bowl]

BACKSTAGE CREW DRAWS CROWD we have to hold meetings for those who want to participate, we have to make rules and regulations so no one gets hurt, then we have to give cheerleaders and players jerseys,” Francis said. Kiss the Pig raises money for students and families in the community that cannot afford Thanksgiving meals. The teacher who raised the most money has to kiss a pig tonight at the game. “For Kiss the Pig we usually have to pay for the pig itself and its transportation,” Sophomore Class vice president Katharyn Lindborg said. “But this year the pig and its transportation are being donated to us. We are very appreciative of this because now we can donate 100 percent of the proceed to the Thanksgiving baskets made in November.”

By SARA CASLER Tyler Conrady. Most students recognize this name as one of the most talented actors to ever hit the drama department’s glorious stage. But only those that are directly involved or incredibly nosey, know what it takes to put together a drama production from the set, up. Senior Naivette Henriquez is the stage manager for this production, Dracula. Before rehearsal starts, she has the crew ready to start a show or rehearsal with everything ready at a moments notice. “On Broadway, for every actor, there are five technicians. In our school, we don’t have that many people or enough room back stage, but I feel that shows [just] how important we

are. The crew never stops working. They start before rehearsals and work long hours. Without a stage manager [and crew], shows would be chaotic,” Henriquez said. Following the pre-show organization, step one is set design and construction. Senior Veronica Kelly is the student assistant technical director. She spends an average of four hours an afternoon during show season building, buffing and perfecting the set that brings the imagination to life. “The unique part about the set is that it really draws people in. It will compliment the time period and genre of the play and it adds to the atmosphere. We get to transform our theater into

a nineteenth century cemetery and a fully decked out office, [bringing] our audience into a different reality where the vampires don’t sparkle,” V. Kelly said. The next components are the costumes and makeup. Dracula would be unrecognizable without his characteristic fangs and cape. Costume department head senior Kendyl Stewart is responsible for bringing horrific sights to life. “The costume department makes sure that the audience doesn’t see any naked actors, no matter how much they may want to. The costumes are the audience’s first impression of the show’s mood and setting [aside from the set],” Stewart said. Dracula is a chance for the makeup


and costume departments to get inventive. The time period of Dracula requires a set of outfits and accessories relevant to his era. Other aspects of the technical crew never mentioned include lights, props and stage management. Junior Ali Kelly is responsible for making, fixing or scavenging any props that the actors may need. “The actors tell the story. Technicians help to create the world around the actor,” A. Kelly said. Dozens of preparations go on behind the scenes that the audience never sees. “No one ever appreciates what the tech crew does,” Stewart said. “That is, unless we don’t do it. Then the actors would only be cold, naked, quiet voices in the darkness with nothing to sit on.”

AN IN-DEPTH LOOK AT ALL THE THRILLS, CHILLS AND ADVENTURES THIS HALLOWEEN By SARA CASLER Halloween is a time to walk around in a ridiculous costume, dripping in makeup or fake blood, and ask neighbors for handouts and sweets. For some, it involves butchering a perfectly innocent pumpkin and turning it into an orange angel of the night, lit by the glow of an ominous candle. For others, it involves spending the night participating in activities that scare the living daylights out of them, turning them into walking creatures of the night, petrified by their own shadows, lurking behind them. Whatever one’s plans may be for this Hallows Eve, here are a few locations that are sure to put the boogie man to shame.

Try your luck, if you dare


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By BRIDGETTE NORRIS The scriptwriter is rushing to add the game scores from the night before while the bright lights turn on as cameras and microphones are being set up. Pressure builds as the clock ticks. With only 49 minutes in the class period, Boone Broadcasting Company students, who produce the daily newscast for students, use every second of it. When making the show, the most common mistakes are forgetting to edit, not fixing audio levels, saying the wrong scores or news. “We try to prevent the mistakes by watching the show before it airs and have a producer and director make sure mistakes do not happen.,” junior Nichole Clayton, director, said. BBC involves more positions than are visible when watching the show. Some positions that go unseen are switchers, who switch the camera back and forth; a compix, in charge of arranging the graphics in the corner of the screen behind the anchor; the scriptwriter, editors and directors. Also there is an engineering technician responsible for the introduction videos for BBC. “I want students not involved to

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October 7, 2011

Universal Studios, Orlando is hosting their 21st annual Halloween Horror Nights and in light of their recent lucky achievement, becoming the best Halloween attraction in the nation, according to Amusement Today, the theme is terrifyingly simplistic: Lady Luck. Guests will be set screaming through eight new haunted houses, six outrageous scare zones and a variety of live shows. On top of that, some of the top attractions will be open throughout the night for those guests desperate for a scare free escape. Although Halloween Horror Nights is more widely known than some of the other attractions available during the Halloween season, it is not necessarily the scariest. Sure, the monsters are scary, but Lady Luck? Really? Because they have been around so long, it seems as if Universal is running out of ideas. Also, the inclusion of scare-free zones takes away from the overall scare experience. photo courtesy/UNIVERSAL STUDIOS

know the show is student oriented and they try to do the best they can,” Gerald Carrero-Santana, TV Production teacher, said. There is an eight-step process that must occur before the show is broadcasted. The scriptwriter has to check all the scores and upcoming events that need to be included. Once the script is written, it is loaded into the computer program and printed out so the anchors and other various positions have access to it in case they need it. As soon as everyone has the script, the students’ head into the studio to set up the lights and check the microphones and camera. The editor and co-editor ensure there are no errors and directs the other positions when they are ready to begin taping. “Sometimes it’s frustrating when people make negative comments. We do our best,” Clayton said. Besides the time spent in class preparing the show, the students shoot pictures and video at school events, like sports games. “The editor is under pressure with only 49 minutes to capture the show. We try our best to eliminate mistakes but sometimes they happen and we do our best to fix it [the] next time,” senior Ryan Reyes, editor, said.

Not so scary for the oh so scared Reader, beware: Disney could not do scary if it kicked them in Minnie’s polka-dotted little black rear end. Walt Disney’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party is normally meant for a young audience, but this reporter has yet to meet a teenager that will turn down the chance to dress without limits and gather pounds of candy, only to have it topped off by fireworks. Mickey has put together a family friendly environment for those looking for a more mellow way to celebrate with younger siblings or parents. The most horrifying thing that occurs throughout the night is the Happy HallowWishes fireworks display where the Disney villains go trick-or-treating in the sky. NOTE: This is not a fun event if one is looking for a terrible fright or a fan base of one’s own age. Choose wisely, preferably elsewhere.

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Goblins, ghosts and hooded figures patrol this late night beaten track, determined to terrify all that cross their paths. A Petrified Forest is a haunted trail out in Altamonte Springs, and it offers a horror experience like no other. Guests wander through tunnels of corn stalks, dark forest lanes and pitch black hallways in the late hours of the night with only the stars and their wits as their guides. Group size is limited to six per tour, and there is a collection of any sort of battery powered device at entry, so guests are left with their own personal and mental devices to navigate the passageways. This is also the only attraction with a specific age requirement in the Orlando area. Guests must be at least 12 years old to attend and doors do not open until the sun is down. The chills of the submersion factor in this walk of horror are breathtaking. Literally. One screams so hard, inhaling is a challenge. Anyone seeking the ultimate Halloween thrill should look into this trail of misery, woe and gore. Spine tingling is only the beginning of this trail of maniacs.

photo courtesy/INSIDEFLORIDA.COM

The dark side of the Garden Busch Gardens leads the charts as far as thrills, but it was not until recent years that it attempted to take on chills. Busch Gardens Howl-O-Scream is an addition to Central Florida’s multitude of tourist sites and attractions. But, unlike Halloween Horror Nights, the only safe zones are those found in the privacy of a rest room stall. The creative directors are pushing to make even there a fright. Howl-O-Scream has one focus: Zombies, but not just any zombies- biker zombies, homeless photo/KAREN JAEN zombies. Zombies dripping in gore and filth, designed to disgust and terrify. Howl-O -Scream offers three new haunted houses along with some old time favorite frights and roaming “hoards” that romp around the Gardens and scare the guests. It guarantees to have one screaming for more. Howl-O-Scream is a nice change from photo/KAREN JAEN the traditional down the street style zombie. No cheap makeup, no obviously fake blood and gore. This is as real as stage makeup and costumes get. But zombies? It has been done before, and therefore has been seen before. Unless the zombies Busch Gardens has in mind have never been seen before, (And they have been. At one point or another, cinematography has turned every possible form of humanity into a zombie) the scares, however terrifying, will lack the originality of an explosive new attraction.

By the numbers A Petrified Forest $20

$20 October 7, 2011


MIck eys Not-SoScary Halloween Party $53.95-$67



The general admission costs of the horror stops of this Halloween’s Screamfest.

Howl O Scream $77.99


Halloween Horror Nights $81.99




Campus enjoys


CROWINg MOMENT. At halftime, seniors Bradley Hutsell and Brooke Dawkins are crowned the homecoming king and queen. photo/BLAKE WARANCH

By SARA CASLER A week of outrageous outfits, unforgettable events and memories to last a lifetime has drifted by. Homecoming week is over, but not forgotten. The homecoming theme, “Our 60th year, the carnival is here,” consisted of four dress-up days, ranging from Zany Zoo Day to the Wizarding World of BHS. The student body was more than willing to show their school spirit, their individuality and their wands. Here’s a recap of the most spirited week on campus.

MONKEy BuSINESS. For Zany Zoo Day, senior Antony Firebaugh strikes a pose in his gorilla suit. photo/SARA CASLER

ROCK ON. In the Bravettes Braves Brawl routine, junior Nicole Lucas performs as a East River clown. “It is really fun because it is the one time we get to not be serious in our uniforms. We get to just be funny and go crazy,” Lucas said. The Bravettes placed third overall.






SAy BLudgER. The Quiddich team, B. Dawkins, E. McEwan, Y. Ramos, S. Alzner, M. Porter and C. Patz pose for a photograph before the match. Slytherins failed to appear. SWERVE LEFT. At the Powder Puff game, senior Kendal Skersick dodges a sophomore during a rush. ORANgE ANd WHITE. For Orange and White day, junior Timothy Hamilton paints junior Carlos Cruz’s face.

Student shows off homecoming attire By SARA CASLER Dressing up is a homecoming tradition. Going to extremes is another thing entirely. The dress-up days of homecoming week allowed students to stretch their imaginations, and senior Caroline Coleman took dressing up to the extreme. From her prehistoric owl-bird for Zany Zoo Day to Luna Lovegood’s lion head for the Wizarding World of BHS to her bright orange poodle skirt for Back to the 50’s day, Coleman set the stage as a front running in excelling in homecoming decor.

page 24




November 4, 2011



SLEEK ANd STyLISH. For Back to the 50’s day, senior Alexis Maurman sports a florescent pink poodle skirt. SWISH ANd FLICK. While leaving the lunchroom, senior Austin Weller practices his proper wand form in his Harry Potter garb. WAddLE, WAddLE. Dressed as a stylish penguin for Zany Zoo Day, senior Anthony Quezada struts around campus.


campus and local


Electronics create new opportunities TECHNOLOGY SAVES STUDENTS FROM FUTURE HEALTH PROBLEMS By SAM HOLLEMAN As kids grow up, they no longer obsess over finishing a Rubix cube or playing with Rockem Sockem Robots, or the ever frustrating, ball and cup. This is the digital age, where children grow up with ear buds in their ears and thousands of games and books available with the tap of a finger. In these modern times, jobs have become more reliant on technology. Doctors now use computers to store medical files instead of rows of filing cabinets filled with medical paperwork. Police officers are using Global Positioning Systems to decrease their response time to crime locations. New careers are being created based entirely on new technology such as a social media editor, which is a person responsible for coordinating social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) in correlation with the companies. From creating applications for the Apple app store and Android market, to personalizing a cloud (a virtual one, not the big white fluffy thing in the sky) for a business upon request. To prepare kids for a growing job industry reliant on applied sciences and telecommunications, schools

should implement more technology into America’s education system. Furthermore, the school system needs to take advantage of the opportunities it can provide to its students. Textbooks are heavy, (this should not be a newsflash to anybody). Fifty percent of students have a backpack that is “too heavy”.

10-15% The recommended ratio of a student’s backpack size to his or her weight

A backpack should weigh 10 to 15 percent of a student’s weight. Every 10 pounds is equivalent to 30 to 50 pounds on the spine with every step. This can lead to health problems in the future such as shoulder tilt, head tilt, and more importantly, scoliosis. Scoliosis is the curvature of the spine (it is what Forrest Gump had); and studies have linked overly filled backpacks to scoliosis. The Kindle weighs about six ounces, can be held in one hand and all of a student’s textbooks will fit on one. A Kindle provides easier access to student’s


textbooks and does not contribute to future health problems if it is used in schools. Some may argue that schools will not be able to afford supplying all their students with iPads; that purchasing an iPad or other tablet device for every student and faculty member in the school is too expensive. But schools all across the nation are trying to get computers in every classroom. A Kindle Fire’s starting price is $199 in comparison to the $267.45 it costs in textbooks for a sophomore (English textbook is $58, math textbook is $79.47, science textbook is $65, and social sciences textbook is $64.98). A Kindle Fire can do much more than textbooks and is easier to carry than textbooks. It is more reasonable to supply every student with a Kindle Fire than supplying every student with multiple textbooks. For the sake of cost, schools should purchase a Kindle Fire (or any other tablet device) for each of their students. It provides the same options as a computer, it is cheaper, and can be carried around in a backpack. Technology is an important part of society. It is constantly changing and as it does, so should the way it is used. If schools do not constantly bring new technology into their teaching establishments, they are stripping students of opportunities.

“I got a furry towel that left fur on me.” - ronisha wiggans, junior

We asked 10 students to answer “What is the worst gift you have ever received?” in 10 words.

“One time I got a knitted sweater from my grandmother.” - hope garcia-chavez, sophomore

“One time I got a flash drive in my stocking.” - giusseppe theodoredis, junior

“When I was seven my aunt, “My grandmother got me a silver pine cone for Christmas.” got me pipe cleaners.” - catherine horgan, junior - savannah varvel, sophomore

“I once got a sketch book, but I don’t draw.” - rachael galatowitsch, freshman

“One Christmas I got underwear “I got a pink sewing set for “I got a house phone shaped like and socks from my aunt.” Christmas last year.” a cell phone.” - abdiel gonzalez, freshman - randall glasgow, sophomore - joseph hairston, senior

“My sister once got me an empty card for Christmas.” - andres penagos, senior

Textbooks make students smarter, healthier TECHNOLOGICAL RAMPAGE OUT OF CONTROL By SARA CASLER left a legacy The late Steve Jobs, an innovator and leader in computer technology, his views on behind when he died. Along with a multi-billion dollar industry, he left mastermind such important topics as education. Turns out, the man described as the problems with behind modern technology did not believe technology could fix the our education system. He could not have been more right. equipment Technology is not the best teaching tool. Maintaining and providing supplying and for faculty, staff and students is hugely expensive in comparison to as the average keeping an inventory of textbooks. It is also a short term fix, seeing warranty. textbook lasts years longer than an iPad, even with the manufacturer’s put iPads Schools, such as Weston Middle School in Weston, Connecticut, have they have and other such devices into classrooms, where in short term studies, understanding proved to be successful in pace-setting, research and technological for both students and faculty. only been However, this study is still in the developmental phases, seeing as it has 22 implemented for about a month. Even the longer term study only encompassed There students and started last spring, making the test results somewhat inadequate. in, both in is not solid, long-term evidence that having a student constantly plugged and out of school, is beneficial by any means. To outfit On top of a lack of sufficient evidence, there is the mountain of costs. students and the entire faculty and staff on campus with a population of 2801 iPads for 180 faculty and staff is initially an exorbitant expenditure. To purchase through the everyone, along enough AppleCare Protection Plan coverage to last be just under students’ four years of schooling, the total cost for the school would $2 million. $1,958,517 to be more exact. equally yet Even if the school fitted the population with the less expensive, coverage to effective devices such as Amazon’s Kindle Fire and enough protection includes last four years, the total cost would come to $861,449.38. Neither estimate this size. On shipping and handling costs, which cost plenty more for an order of be fitted with top of all the expensive tablets and what not, each one will need to a word the appropriate tools for school; downloading upwards of three eBooks,

page 6

top of outfitting processor and wireless Internet service per student on each device on of costs. the school with wireless routers and services means a continuous spiral textbook or On top of the over-the-top price tag, it is in fact healthier to carry a Statistically two to and from classes throughout the day by fitting in needed exercise. building to speaking, the most infamous of walks across campus is from the 1000 to a distance of the back portables on the other side of campus, which computes has to spend a approximately 410 yards. Assuming the student making this walk and spends traffic, hallway navigating and minute getting in and out of both classes to class. another talking to his best friend, that leaves him four minutes to get a half miles To make it to class on time, he has to move at a pace of about three and a backpack, at per hour, the same speed as a competitive speed walker. Along with alone, he’s that rate, he is burning about 450 calories an hour. In those four minutes are considered burned 30. In a society where 20 percent of adolescents ages 12 to 19 counts. obese, according to the Center for Disease Control website, every calorie children, and Lastly, technology hinders brain and physical development in young Sitting a young will be more of a hindrance rather than an advantage to young students. him to learn his child of five or six in front of a computer screen or iPad and telling of 10 children ABCs is not going to be effective. According to Science Daily, nine out increases as under the age of two watch television regularly, and this statistic only author, Dimitri the children age. Also, a study of 1,300 children conducted by the between TV A. Christakis, MD, and colleagues in 2004, found a modest association of seven, after a viewing before the age of three and attentional problems at the age as the progressed only problems These out. wide range of other factors were ruled child aged into adolescence. is reliant The society surrounding students that wander the halls of high schools and varieties. on technology, telecommunications and applied sciences of all kinds or her pockets; Just for an experiment, ask everyone in one class period to empty his is a guarantee. every single desk will have a device on it powered by batteries. That one major But these electronics are not the best way to learn. Steve Jobs emphasized knows how to point in his battle against an unplugged classroom: no man made object or question teach like a person. Nothing can instill interests in students like a teacher book with a bit like a classmate. And nothing is the same as digging through a library the replacing no is There universe. the of of human guidance in search of the answers classics, no matter how shiny the replacements are.

December 14, 2011

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Inflatable, laser tag, dodgeball, basketball, karaoke, Wii, Xbox, Pizza, Foosball and more. Save the date: PIME SUMMER CAMP - July 16-20 Discovery Church 4400 South Orange Ave Orlando, FL 32806

December 14, 2011

page 7




Girls come together ensuring season victories


By SARA CASLER and KARINA FLORES No matter the sport, no matter the season, every team is bound to run into a rough patch somewhere in its sport career. In years past, winter sports were struggling to maintain winning records. But now, the streak is broken. Winter sports are back up on the charts as teams strive for districts, metros, and even state playoffs. Boys’ basketball made a bounce-back from an overwhelming losing streak to having a player offered a slot on the All-star team. Boys and girls wrestling sported contenders for districts, and powerful finalists in women’s states. Girls soccer made it to the quarter final game, with the average grade level of team members being 10th grade. No matter the situation, the cool winter sports are bringing the heat, just in time for the coming of spring. photo/PHABULOUS PHOTOS

Fake left, fake right. This girl is good. A Lake Highland forward zips around the defense and shoots for the three. This is it; the deciding point. Braves up by two. The buzzer sounds. The ball hits the rim. . . and falls to the side. The girls’ varsity basketball team proved serious competition in league for the 8A District 4 which includes Dr. Phillips, Freedom and Cypress Creek high schools. With a 21-8-0 season record, the girls defeated the Freedom Patriots, 64-54, in the district semifinal game on Feb. 1. Senior Kyndal Skersick and junior Bailey Florin, met high expectations. Averaging about 17 points per game Skersick graduates this year as one of the top players on the team. Junior Celeste Martin claims the team’s success is due to the team’s chemistry. “We play more as a team and not as individuals. The chemistry of the team is better and we are more like sisters than teammates, which shows with all the wins we have this season,” Martin said. The girl’s varsity add a loss to their record on Feb. 3 after losing against Dr. Phillips, 74-35, in the District Championships. The loss at the District Championships marked the end of the varsity girl’s season.

Team takes a strike at the semifinals

Girls soccer makes quarter finals

New head coach Bobby Hurring proved beneficial to the boys’ varsity soccer team, who ended the season better than years past. The boys ended their regular season with a loss against Oseceola High School finishing with a record of 10-11-2. The team had high hopes for the state championship, advancing to the district quarterfinals with a 3-2 win against Cypress Creek. However, the team lost 2-1 against Timber Creek in the district semifinals on Jan. 25 ending the overall season. Senior Leo Montaiuti ends the season scoring a total of 15 goals, more than any player on the team. One game of pride was defeating Bishop Moore on Dec. 16, for the first time since 1982. “Our record is good, definitely better than in years past, but we can be a better team than our record shows. We’ve lost games we could have won, but that is unavoidable,” senior Connor Geis said.

Calls of “pass it” and “look down field” echo across the field, rebounding off the bleachers like the ball off of player’s heads. The team is just that: a team. And for a young group of athletes, sporting only six juniors and seniors of the 19 players, the season was an overall success. The team ended 11-4-2 with impressive displays from senior Nikia Toomey as the team MVP. They lost at the district quarter finals in a close match against rival Winter Park, 1-3. Head coach Brooke Humphrey is proud of her girls, and feels the Winter Park game could have ended differently, but it was an advantageous experience, nonetheless, for the team as whole. “The Winter Park game could have gone either way. Both teams had the same amount of shots, but we made a few mistakes and they capitalized on those opportunities. [This season] was a learning experience; the team finally knows they have the ability to play with the best of the best,” Humphrey said.

Boys gain recognition for outstanding performance Although 9 losses have marked the season, the boys’ varsity basketball team has bounced back. The loss against Hagerty, 53-46, signaled the start of a team misstep but it was quickly concluded by a momentous win against University, 53-52, on Jan. 25, revitalizing the team’s spirits for the playoffs, continuing with District finals tonight. The team has performed admirably with a record of 16-9, and outstanding victories against hard competitors such as Timber Creek, 48-45, and Oak Ridge, 61-59. On Jan. 14, junior Robert Rimmer participated in the FAAZ Magazine Next Level Top 24 all-star boys basketball where he scored 11 points, 7 rebounds and 4 blocked shots. According to head coach Gregory Shirley, Rimmer is not the only player excelling this season. Sophomore Barry Taylor and junior Robert Irwin are averaging 10 points per game, while junior Dominique Wilson is asked to cover the best players on the opposing team. Senior Austin Harris also brings “a ton of energy on both ends of the floor.” “[The] team is built on teamwork. While we have several players that have better statistics, the success is built on every player. Every player sacrificing for the benefit of the team has been the key to our success,” Coach Shirley said. After crushing Lake Howell, 71-31, on Feb.3. The boys host the District championshipstonight at 7 p.m.



Wrestlers shine despite rough season


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Using a smartphone take a picture of the QR Code below to see a soundslide of the the season’s highlights.

Two young men stand face to face, just inches separating their well-built bodies. Fingers twitch as they wait for the referee’s call to begin the match. At the sound of the bell, the wrestlers toy with each other and then lunge. The battle has begun. Nine seconds later, it is over. Senior Joshua Khan has not only set a personal best, but has won his match, part of his record, 17-5. The wrestling team has had a rough season, with a 5-10 record. This season has been the time for individuals to shine. “Wrestling is [one of] the only high school sport[s] where you are competing in the middle of a gym, in front of a crowd, and are completely by yourself. It is by far one of the most physically and mentally demanding sports,” assistant coach Danny Mauro said. On the lady’s team, sophomores Samantha Harris and Bailey Paul lead the team; Harris took first at the Eagle Classic at Edgewater and Paul placed fifth at States on Jan 21. Mauro remains optimistic about the boys’ team as they head to districts and make work past the performance at metros. “[I like] winning. I know I should not say that [as a coach], but hey, I like to win,” Mauro said. The team attended Metro Finals on Jan 28, and placed 7th overall with outstanding performances from team captains Joshua Khan and senior Lee Haygood James.

Girls set and break personal bests John Cusack, The Raven

and the seniors were lifting 115; it did not seem attainable at the time,” Gies said. The biggest obstacle the girls have had to overcome throughout the weightlifting season is teaching all of the new lifters the proper technique to lifting weights. “Technique is the biggest problem [weightlifters have]. By SAM HOLLEMAN The gymnasium fills with the sound of conversations You can lift more if you use proper technique,” Smith said. The more girls in each weight class, the more beneficial between fellow teammates, coaches and spectators as the first lifters step onto the faded blue mat with weights and metal the team will score because more total weight will be lifted. “I was happy we got a lot of freshman. We should have a bars spread across the surface. The girls weightlifting team started strong their first meet good year next year,” Smith said. At sub sectionals on Jan. 12 at East River High School, on Dec. 7, with a 47-39 win against University. “We have done better because we have more girls in the there are no team scores because lifters compete in their weight classes including a lot of freshmen,” coach Emily respective weight class as an individual not as a team. Harding, Gies and Sara Casler all qualified in sub sectionals Smith said. While weightlifting is a team sport, each girl works to be to move on to the state qualifiers. In the state qualifiers on Jan. 25, none of the girls the best in her respective weight class. Weightlifters are more focused on improvement at an individual level and less on qualified. However, Sara Casler placed fifth, Merrie Grace Harding placed sixth, and Taylor Gies placed seventh in competing against another team. classes, “Looking back [at the beginning of the season], it seemsMarditheir All month longout of the 24 schools that Gras respective weight Onlyall thethe top three in each weight qualified. almost laughable; it is not that I am not proud of what I did, competed.Catch excitement of this year’sclass Universal Studios Gras. It is a party whole family On Feb. 1, theMardi girls weightlifting teamthe went to the metro but it is just that I have improved so much over the year,” canand enjoy as the6 sights theConference. Big Easy tournament placed out ofand 10 sounds in the of East senior Taylor Gies said. come to Universal Orlando Resort. Casler placed second, Gies placedWhen third,the Harding The girls weightlifting team beat Oak Ridge High School Senior Sara sun goes down, every family member will enjoy placed third and broke her personal recorded by lifting a total on Jan. 4 at Winter Park High School, 42-30. electrifying concerts from some of the biggest names freshman Camden Parrish placed fifth, junior Although the team suffered a loss against East River High of 280 pounds, in music performing live, such as Big Time Rush, placedHot fifthChelle and junior KatyWhite SmithT’s, placed fifth all School and Colonial High School on Jan. 19 at Colonial, girls Kristi Creel B.O.B., Rae, Plain Prince in their respective weight classes. achieved personal records at the meet. Royce and American Idol winner, Kelly Clarkson. “Looking out on the not season, amon impressed withone how Gies and Merrie Grace Harding both lifted 270 pounds Patrons should missIout experiencing of I the highlights of theWhen wholeI event: Orleans can push my mental limit. lookedthe atNew the 45 pound total and Kristi Creel lifted 225 pounds total at the meet. Gras parade, full of festive was Mardi intimidating, but now that I am masks able toand lift it, “[Starting out on the weightlifting team] was really weights, itstyle foraccomplishment,” everyone. Lastly, be sure to said. get a bite to a huge Harding intimidating at first considering I was one of two freshman it feels likebeads eat at Universal’s rendition of the French Quarter, serving fresh food all night long.

Feburary 10, 2012



Sneak Peeks

Alberto F. Padron, M.D., F.

February 2012




Wednesday Thursday

March 13

B.O.B. has another album up for relase, his second complete studio album. This album features the hit single “Strange Clouds” featuring Lil Wayne, which debuted #7 on the Billboard Top 100 and sold 197,000 copies in the first week. The album features songs such as “Strange Clouds,” as well as “Play The Guitar” featuring Andre 3000.




March 9

GARDNER The Raven is an photo/CHASE exciting twist on the stories and CLEAN AND JERK. In the Wayne gymnasium, seniorEdgar Allen Poe. talesRickman of the esteemed author Taylor Gies lifts at the state qualifier on Jan. 25.daughter “[Joiningare found brutally When meet a mother and weightlifting] has helped me meet new people andcentury made meBaltimore, more murdered in 19th Detective responsible,” Geis said. She joined the weightlifting team her Emmett Fields makes a startling discovery: the freshman year to prepare for cheerleading lacrosse. murderer isand using the written works of Poe as the basis for his crimes. And the criminal is not Poe Want to takesee himself. To downthe the serial killer and protect weightlifters in action? the city, Detective Fields pairs up with Poe to track Scan thiskiller QR and code to him to justice. This film down the bring is directed James McTeigue (V for Vendetta) see girls by weightlifting and stars Luke Evens (Immortals) as Detective team at state qualifiers Fields on Jan.and 25.John Cusack (Being John Malkovich) as Edgar Allen Poe. This movie is rated R for bloody violence and grisly images. The Raven

Dr. Phillips Medical Center

March 11

The Florida Strawberry Festival in Plant City comes to a close. This festival runs from March 1 to March 11, and features family favorites and spin offs on anything strawberry, along with live entertainment and events. Entertainment includes Demi Lovato, Josh Turner, The Band Perry, Toby Mac, Allstar Weekend and other well known names. Aside from the shows, there are rides and carnival style booths for the whole family. The cost per daily ticket ranges from 4 to 8 dollars and the event tickets are $15 and up.

March 16

A spin off on the Disney classic Snow White, an evil Queen steals control of a kingdom, and an exiled princess enlists the help of seven resourceful rebels to win back her birthright in a spirited adventure comedy filled with jealousy, romance and betrayal. This movie stars Oscar-winning actress Julia Roberts and rising actress, Lilly Collins (Blind Side).

Dr. Edwin J. Szczepanik, DMD March 20

(407) 352-6888 page 6 page 16

The Hunger Games

Scan Me

Winter sports teams bring the heat

page 20

Featuring “Better Than I Know Myself” Adam Lambert’s second studio album, Trespassing is scheduled to release today. Lambert is an American Idol star, finishing second in season eight before beginning his own music career. Anticipation for this release increases thoughout the music world, with the lead single, “Better Than I Know Myself,” debuting at spot 76 on


the Billboard 100.

March 21

President Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States and the five time governor of Arkansas, will be in Tampa to continue with his career as a speaker. His speaking points will include combating climate change and ending economic inequality. The event will take place in the David A. Straz Jr. Center for the Performing Arts at 7 p.m., and tickets are on sale at and

February 10, 2012 February 10,2012

March 23

In the ruins of the once great North America, lies a new nation, built out of the ashes of the rebellion: Panem. Every year the capitol of this nation holds a competition known as the Hunger Games where each of the 12 districts is required to select two “Tributes” to compete in this fight to the death. In a fateful turn of events, Katniss, a member of District 12, takes her sister’s place in the games and is forced to compete against the highly trained tributes from wealthier districts. Will she survive the Games, or will she be unable to outsmart the others as well as the Gamemakers and make it through? This movie is not yet rated and is based on the bestselling book series by Suzanne Collins.

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page 17





campus and local

Teenage finances for

hat is the craziest thing you words.


a diving with “I jumped off a roof into a very deep pool” sharks.” - lateala nann, freshman ane gray, junior

“I went to New York with family; it was fun.” went to New York and stayed - jamal galette, junior Times Square.” - sabrina ishaque, sophomore

By SARA CASLER According to, the median cumulative debt among graduating bachelor’s degree recipients at 4-year undergraduate schools was approximately $20,000 in the 200708 school year. The average high school student is underinformed about the benefits and implications of planning a balanced financial future. Here are the top four tips to help navigate this system of numbers.

Start small and skip the credit card A credit card is not an all access pass to the epic man cave, so put it down. Credit cards are one of the most heavily abused forms of financing available. They are a valuable asset when used properly. The cost of items purchased with a credit card cost no more than they would at the initial time of purchase if the bill is paid on time. The problems arise when the bill is not. Economics teacher Richard Houston believes purchases made on credit should not be made if the bill cannot be paid. “[One of the dangers of credits cards is that] there is the feeling of a free lunch and consumption without payment. A lot of people think they can control their consumption and that it will never be a problem, but with a lot of people, it does. If you don’t have the discipline to pay 100 percent of the bill every single month, cut up the card,” Houston said. Credit cards have interest rates upwards of 14 percent, depending on how many rewards points or frequent flyer miles the consumer thinks they “need.” So, if a purchase of $100 is made on a credit card with an interest rate of 16 percent, the bill, if untouched for approximately four months, would total approximately $180, almost double the original cost. Credit card companies also like to lure unsuspecting students into gimmicks with “cool gear” like tees, coupons and most importantly, food. Do not fall for it; the free food only lasts as long as the meal, while the temptation to spend the entirety of a bank account lasts as long as the plastic does. If the draw of having a high roller flashing plastic is too great, try a debit card or prepaid card. Those kinds of cards can be more easily managed because the amount one is able to spend is limited by the amount put into the linking account.


Weightlifters raise standards


To avoid the struggle to survive or the need to ask mommy and daddy for funding, set up a budget. Invest a small amount in a checkbook or notebook to track spending. Divide the money into quantities set aside for necessities, spending and saving. According to, a top financial advice blog, the preferred method of saving versus spending is called the Balanced Money Formula, which states that the key to success is spending 30 percent on wants, 50 percent on needs and putting 20 percent in a savings account. Although saving 20 percent is tough, it is a good plan to develop when finances are stable.

risk and more specifically, the likelihood that the borrower will become seriously delinquent on credit obligations after a 24-month period. In laymen’s terms, the higher the number, the more likely the one being scored will repay loans and make good on obligations. A prime example of a location where the credit score is vital is purchasing or leasing a car. Every car salesman not only takes into account the size of the down payment on the vehicle but how well the buyer has been in the past with repaying debts and loans. If one’s credit is low, then the odds of receiving a financing plan are low; the car dealership is not interested in getting ripped off or cheated. Take advantage of sales To build credit, start with small loans and At one point or purchases that can easily be paid back on time. another, every item Avoid overstepping the boundaries of income, on the market goes One more tip: and try to keep some money in reserve in case on sale because of Determine the long term effect of emergency purchases on credit so that a high excess supply. This A $20 purchase made weekly totals credit score can be maintained. is prime time to purchase what is $1,040 a year. Is it really a necessity? needed. Textbooks go on sale at the end of every year because most students no longer need them. Food items go on sale to increase total sales for a store. Stores publish a listing of all items available for less. When those are published, grab a copy. Not only are there listings, but normally coupons. Also, buying in bulk is cheaper, but only if the stock purchased gets used. Warning! Sales are not a reason to go on a shopping spree. Debate whether the item is needed before buying or if it would just be an impulse buy because of the cost.

Tally Up

Boys team starts the weightlifting season off strong.

L 38-44 Braves vs. University

Senior Samuel Borges lifted a total of 505 pounds at this meet.

W 56-23 Braves vs. Freedom Senior Dylan Fontaine achieved a new personal best, lifting 365.

L 47-41 Braves vs. Timber Creek

Johnny Clark achieved a personal best, lifting a total of 510.

W 55-7 Braves vs. Cypress Creek

Senior Desmond Holland placed first in his respective weight class, lifting a total of 490.

Braves vs. Colonial and East River Meet will start at 5 p.m. tonight at Colonial High School.

Odds are, a part of the readership is stuck scratching one’s heads in confusion. A high school kid needing credit? Why? What is the point? What is it, any ways? A credit score is a numerical value designed to predict


THE SHOT’S Up. Ball in hand, sophomore Dakota Lewis shoots a goal against the Wekiva goalie. BLOCK. Leaping from the water, Senior William Stone blocks the opposing team’s shot. FREESTYLE. While transitioning from defense to offense, sophomore Julia Hester swims with the ball.

March 16, 2012

Staying after school to practice in a weightlifting room that resembles a prison, the team is ready for the meet to begin. “The kids on the weightlifting team are more involved and seem more excited about improving compared to last year’s team,” coach Phil Ziglar said. On Feb. 29, the boys went up against University and Freedom in the Wayne Rickman Gymnasium. Boone suffered a loss to University, 38-44, but beat Freedom High School, 56-23. Senior Dylan Fontaine lifted a new personal best with a total weight of 365. “We did really well for our first meet. The rules tend to put more pressure on the lifters, especially new lifters who have not competed before,” Ziglar said. The bench press is the weightlifting team’s biggest weakness. Coach Ziglar also stated that making kids confident in themselves is another difficult part of coaching the weightlifting team. “[The most difficult part about


If a student working at minimum wage works a 40 hour work week, he makes, on average before taxes, $300 a week. If that money is spent in the first two days, that leaves 12 days without funds and an excessive amount of Ramen. Calculus teacher and advocate for teenage financial planning Teresa Tachon believes that the issue most teenagers have is not purchasing what they need as independents, but unnecessary buying what they want. “Teenagers need to understand the difference between “wants” and “needs.” Sometimes, teens tend to spend their money on what they think is important which may differ from what their parents [or financier] may think is important,” Tachon said.


coaching weightlifting for me ] is trying to get the boys past their block headed stubbornness; our girls weightlifting team tends to follow direction better than the boys team,” coach Glen Listort said. According to Coach Listort, the team’s biggest strength is their depth; there are strong lifters in all weight classes, not just one or two. “The bench press is what I am best at, so I want to be lifting at least 350 pounds this season,” senior Samuel Borges said. Weightlifting is a sport based on the improvement a player makes on an individual level and less upon how the team as a whole does. “I feel we have a better shot of having more people place at the meets than last year because we have so many returning lifters,” Borges said. On March 7, the weightlifting team met at Lake Nona High School for a meet against Timber Creek, Lake Nona, and Cypress Creek. The boys suffered a loss to Timber Creek High School 41-47, but beat Cypress Creek, 55-7. Although it was supposed to be a quad-meet, Lake Nona did not attend. Senior Desmond Holland placed

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first in his respective weight class and Javon Clark lifted a total of 510, which is his personal best. “I think we did well as a team at the meet against Cypress Creek and Timber Creek; even though we did not score as well as we had hoped, we are improving as a team from meet to meet,” sophomore Anthony Santana said. The majority of lifters joined the weightlifting team to train for other sports such as football, but it is not a requirement to be on the team. “Weightliftng is a great individual sport that gives the small guys a chance to compete,” Ziglar said. The team has a very experienced middle division (weight classes from 140 pounds to 160) due to the amount of lifters returning from the previous season. The lower weight classes are strong in the clean and jerk. “All of the lifters enjoy practicing and being on the weightlifting team, they make my job as a coach really easy,” Ziglar said. The next weightlifting meet for the boys is tonight at 5 p.m. against Colonial and East River at Colonial High School.

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By SARA CASLER His feet pedal violently to keep his athletic body afloat, his right hand firmly grasps the game ball, his left stabilizes him as he goes to make the throw. Eyes filled with chlorine, junior Brendon Elixson takes the shot, and scores a point. With the season now underway, teammates are optimistic, despite the youth and inexperienced players on the team. “This year we have a lot more freshman and only three seniors. It is a really young team that we have to make strong again. [Last year], I wasn’t a starter. I am filling in for all the seniors we lost last year. It is a really big step to have to take, but we will make it,” sophomore Julia Hester said. Despite having a younger team than anticipated, the boys and girls teams are playing well. Both won their first match against Wekiva High School, the girls, 22-7, and the boys, 17-11, with continued solid records of 4-3 for the girls and 3-4 for the boys. Elixson believes this was a showing of the team’s ability to work together as a unit. “We can work together very well. This first game, I didn’t play, but the team still pulled off a win,” Elixson said. The team was led that night by junior Thomas Egan with six goals and four assists as well as goalie Will Stone, senior, with 12 saves and three steals. Elixson, Egan and sophomore Israel Miller lead the team in both shots and goals, 28 and 20 for Elixson, 19 and 13 for Egan and 11 each for Miller. Head coach Rosalie Creighton remains realistic about the season because of the youth of the team. “[Our first game] was a little bit sloppy, but it was a good

March 16, 2012

first opening game for the season. We have a good offense, but our defense is our weaker area,” Creighton said. A large part of being a strong team is maintaining an arsenal of strong, well rounded athletes. The water polo players participate in cross training, working in and out of the pool to stay in peek physical condition. “Physically, our team[s] are ready to go. Skill-wise, they are improving and have a ways to go,” Creighton said. On Feb. 24 and 25, the team competed in the St. Andrews Invitational against teams from Miami. Both teams were able to pull out one win out of three matches. Elixson views this experience as a reality check for the teams in regards to maintaining a rigorous practice schedule. “It helped us realize how much practice helps because our competition has been playing since fifth or sixth grade, and it gave us a base as to what minor things we need to focus on to get better,” Elixson said. Part of what makes a water polo team strong is the overall camaraderie of the team and the affect it has on teams’ ability to perform. According to Miller, part of what makes the boys’ team stronger is their overall ability to communicate. “We have good team chemistry. Everyone knows where they need to be and we all know what to do,” Miller said. Hester feels similarly about the girls team, with their success made obvious in their performance against Freedom, winning 21-4 on March 2nd with eight goals from sophomore Ele Clark and three saves a piece from goalies Abigail Shea, senior, and Jenna Layton, sophomore. “We communicate a lot better this year. We are a serious family. [Now], you know that everyone has your back and that everyone is there for everyone else. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to be called a team at all,” Hester said.

JV Briefs: T By JOSH HALLORAN Halfway through their seasons, teams prepare for the end. Players are competing at their very best so they can possibly be moved up to the varsity level by the end of the JV season. With previews from the boys’ lacrosse and baseball teams as well as ladies softball and how they have competed this spring season.

Weightlifting has given me a place where I can succeed or fail and it is up to me which one happens,” - anthony santana, sophomore Santana lifted 370 at the Timber Creek and Cypress Creek meet on March 7.

Despite youth, team stays afloat

Accumulate credit

Make a budget


Home games • March 20 vs. East River, 6 and 7p.m. • March 21 vs. Olympia, 6 and 7 p.m. • April 3 vs. University, 6 and 7 p.m. • April 13 vs. Cypress Creek, 6 and 7 p.m.

Team receives marquee win over cross town rival In a tought season opener against Timber Creek, the JV boys lacrosse team prepared for a fight and pulled out a win that meant a lot to the team. “[My favorite game this season was against Timber Creek because it was my former team. It meant a whole lot for me and the team to pull out a win,” coach Ian Gold said. The team prepares to face district opponent, The First Academy, on March 22 on the Reservation. “The advantage we have as a team is that our athletes have played together for a long time so they have team unity,” Gold said. The team will cap off their season with a home game against district competitor Freedom on April 6.

Rough start to ant season

With a much needed 12-2, over top team Co 18, the boys baseball te forward to the season. “[The game against the season opener. We had hard the week before, so go out, play hard and rec sophomore Austin Hoga The team lost two three games to Dr. Phil to Olympia 8-0. While b 14-3, University, 12-5 Moore, 10-6. “This season I am lo to playing Timber Creek say everyone on the tea Creek] has been talking t they can take it to us. Kn a challenging team as w what they have been say pumped us up as a team,” On March 16 the te up against district oppo Creek who is having a their season. Currently winning record of 6-2 “One of our main go

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Separate, but unequal? MARRIAGE IS A CIVIL RIGHT, NOT A POPULARITY CONTEST By MARK VAGELAKOS With seven states and Washington, D.C. legalizing gay marriage, the argument for equality has reached the federal level. As legal movements for black rights and women’s rights fade into history books, it is high time this last inequality in civil rights be corrected. A couple of basics must be set before arguments can begin. Fundamentally, one must understand that being gay is not a preference, choice or fad; it is an orientation. A gay person does not choose his or her orientation any more than a straight person makes a conscious decision to be straight. Furthermore, it is unlikely anyone would choose to be discriminated against by a segment of the population or to be treated as a second-class citizen by the law. Secondly, civil unions do not amount to total equality. Marriage is about devoting one’s life to the person he loves, not about getting a dental plan or tax break. Marriage has societal and cultural implications beyond a base definition and the fact that civil unions are only reserved for gays represents an unequal separation on a basic level. While other issues will be addressed, it is important for one to look past all other elements but the law when discussing gay marriage. The 14th Amendment states “no state shall… deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” When this was ratified, it stood as a support for civil rights of African Americans and it serves the same purpose today: it means one cannot be treated differently based on an orientation he or she does not choose. Moreover, The United States Supreme Court has established repeatedly that the right to marry is so fundamental, it cannot be abridged by states (Zablocki v. Redhail). This ruling sets a clear precedent for gay marriage and a federal banning of anti-marriage rules. While the country was founded on a platform of decentralized control to the states, civil rights must be provided by federal law, even if states disagree. This was the case in 1967 when the federal government declared laws against interracial marriage illegal (17 states still had laws against this at the time and 24 states had them a decade before). Opponents of gay marriage believe marriage should not be changed because it has been held constant for over 6000 years. However, the fact is that marriage changes all the time. Not only was interracial marriage illegal only a century ago in the United States, but marriage was not even a Christian sacrament until 1250 when the Catholic clergy declared it so. The truly radical aspect of marriage is marrying for love, since feudal relations were dominantly about a pairing of skills and wealth. Marriage adapts to the evolving nature of humanity. It is naive to think something created thousands of years ago can fit perfectly to our times. Additionally, the claim that gay marriage ruins the sanctity of heterosexual marriage is equally misguided. Rather, the fact that

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two people who love and respect each other want to dedicate their lives to one another supports the sanctity of marriage, which has taken a few hits in contemporary culture. For example, a man and a woman can meet in Las Vegas, pay $110 and get married in under an hour (reception shots not included). Meanwhile, Larry King and Liz Taylor have 13 divorces between them and even lifetime prisoners like the Menedez brothers can get married in prison. With all these distortions, it is hard to imagine a husband and wife deciding on divorce or a heterosexual couple choosing not to marry because the gay couple down the street was able to tie the knot. Now, it is time to address the issue hiding in the closet: religion. While not all Christians are against equality, some of the largest dissent of gay marriage stems from the religious community. Hateful bible thumpers quote Leviticus 18:22 every time the issue comes up “Thou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is an abomination,” but they fail to see the real issues mentioned in Leviticus. Just pages away, Leviticus outlines other “abominations” facing humanity, like eating shellfish (Leviticus 11) and wearing two types of cloth, like cotton and polyester, at once (Leviticus 19). More rational equality opponents cite God’s intention for a male and female to be able to make a child; thus, only a man and a woman can be married. However, marriage is not only to make babies. Following this logic, any woman who could not conceive should be banned from marriage. The bottom line is that it is difficult to empathize with a situation without experiencing it, but civil rights requires an open mind. Marriage is a fundamental right that belongs to everyone.

MARRIAGE NOT MADE FOR SAME SEX COUPLES By SARA CASLER Marriage is an institution established for the creation of an eternal bond between, yes, a man and shockingly enough, a woman. Although some states may recognize the union of same sex couples, that is not marriage. It should never be defined as marriage. Religion and respect of tradition would have to collapse first. Yes, it is understandable that same sex couples should be offered the same rights and privileges, just like heterosexual couples. Advocates for gay rights have been pushing for gay marriage since the beginning of the gay rights movement in 1989 with the New York City Stonewall riots. Their arguments for equal rights on a state and federal level are appropriate, but their push for allowing gays to “marry” is inappropriate. Although it was not an official practice of the Christian church until the Renaissance, marriage has been around since the beginning of time. Ancient Israelis had ceremonies bonding a man and woman for life, with proof evident as early in time as the book of Genesis. To offer perspective, page one of this approximately 1200 page book is the beginning of time. The first union occurs on page 2 between Adam and Eve. The ancient Jews were not the only ones performing marriage ceremonies. The ancient Greeks had ceremonies to bless relationships. The first Chinese marriage took place between two of their original g o d s , Nuwa

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May 11, 2012

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opinions Follow

Screaming & Hollering

and Fu Xi, with permission of the heavens. Nikah is an Arabic term used for marriage, meaning the physical relationship between a man and woman. The original meaning is found in the pages of the Quran. Marriage was started as a coupling of those of the opposite sex; history speaks for itself. “But what about civil rights? Interracial couples went through the same thing,” said a poorly informed nay-sayer. Wrong. The argument has been made that individuals of different races were in a similar situation when interracial couples were outright outlawed. First flaw in the argument: the establishment of marriage has rightly not been adjusted to fit the needs of a homosexual couples, that’s all. As of June 2011, only 12 states outright prohibit same-sex marriage via statute and 29 via the state’s constitution. That’s 41 states that still have their heads on their shoulders, rather than muddled with emotions. Another argument can be made on the destruction of a traditional marriage by adjusting the rules after thousands of years. It would be a quest to change the fundamental marriage ideals, where the man is dominant over the woman, and the woman is responsible for taking care of her man. In a homosexual relationship, although one partner “wears the pants,” so to speak, there is no obvious dominant half or submissive spouse. The National Organization for Marriage is a well renound advocate for avoiding the redefinition of marriage. The most powerful, most effective argument they have been backing since their foundation in 2007 reads, “Gays and Lesbians have a right to live as they choose, they don’t have the right to redefine marriage for all of us.” It is not appropriate for less than one percent of the population according to the 2000 US Census to rewrite the dictionary. There is more than enough evidence to place a legitimate argument regarding the rights of homosexual couples. Long lasting meaningful relationships between two people of the same sex is a new thing, with adjustments only being made as early as the 1970s. Even this stubborn writer can agree that these couples deserve the same rights as heterosexual couples, but there is no reason to be hasty, take the “easy way out” and make marriage, a religious institution, work across the board. According to the federal government’s Government Accountability Office, more than 1,138 rights and protections are conferred to U.S. citizens upon marriage by the federal government; areas affected include Social Security benefits, veterans’ benefits, health insurance, Medicaid, hospital visitation, estate taxes, retirement savings, pensions, family leave, and immigration laws. These are not problems that will be fixed overnight with the wave of a civil rights wand. Again, returning to the original point, marriage is between a male and a female. There is no denying that. The outlawing of interracial relationships was based off of racial segregation and contests between classes rather than a need to adjust the laws of eternal bonding.

Sam Holleman Columnist

Through. At a practice on Turkey Lake, junior Kasee Kickery and sophomore Logan Mallard practice racing starts. STroke. Concentrating on staying in sync, sophomore Joan Spinelli and freshman Lindsay Merwin work on maintaining a consistent rhythm.

Snooki filled country photos/SARA CASLER

Small, steady strokes spell success By SArA CASler Rowers rock the oars to steady the boat. The coxswain, sophomore Gabrielle Yordan, checks her “cox box,” an intercom system laced throughout the boat she uses to keep the rowers on rhythm, and waits for the starting gun. As the year comes to a close, the team continues to push for perfection. The season started in the summer of 2011 with about a dozen team members, not counting middle schoolers, no equipment and two donated boats from a local rowing club that were unraceable; they had originally been slated to be discarded. The boats were repaired, and once rowers paid their participation dues, the team invested in new equipment and also in maintaining the original equipment. Also, because most of the rowers had never set foot in a sculling boat or racing boat, the team competed at the novice level more often than not, with three of the five boats competing in those categories. Despite the newness of the page 18

By SAM HOLLEMAN From Aristotle, who is one of the greatest philosophers in human history, to crazy Steve who used to live in my neighborhood, it has become a well known fact that children are the future. And if this is true, then America is headed for some dark times. Back in the 1500’s (during the enlightenment period in Europe), people would go to these things called salons. Now these do not remotely resemble the establishments where women year Beth as onefrom of challenges teamwork. rowers, even withgothe a new to novices, get their the hairteam donemade and chit chatname about how down theand street told Michelle’s our hardest. not astostrong as we could be, for itself. The Men’s Novice placed second at the cousin’s best4 friend’s sister her hairMayor’s looked “nice”“We andtry everyone knewWe sheare wanted say her our technique is really good. I think that’s what saves us Cup and the Women’s Novice 4 placedbecause second bangs at the were Florida hair cut was horrible so lastbut year. sometimes. Weinhave high hopes. [Thisa year] was going to be Straights Regatta. The Novice placedthe third at the Straights The salons8 from 1500’s were the equivalent of a club America. Basically, wealthy hold a party andonpeople comebut to we it. were But, fully to attract people as said. awareasofmany [that],” Lennon Regatta as well. person Also atwould the Novice Regatta Feb. would 11, hard, possible, theboth host Mixed would 4s, invite celebrities (the owners of clubsthis today this success after Yordan also considers yearstill an use overall three boats, the Mixed 8 and placed in their to come technique). this timesecond periodand the the celebrities were not movie stars televisionshe stars, performances such as theorStraights; wasthe a rower on the respective races with a Mixed During 4 boat placing of that time were philosophers, freeWomen’s thinkers. Novice 4 rather than the coxswain for this race. other two placingcelebrities third. And at these parties, there was no binge drinking, beer pong, or even the ever popular “We have a bunch of strong new rowers that have been “[The team performed at its best at] the Novice Regatta. listening-to-high-frequency-sounds-mimicing-the-action-of-smoking-marajuana-in-orderMost of our boats came home with medals, some of which joining and have shown potential. We’ve lost rowers before to-get-high that Fox 35 news is sure everybody is doing. Instead, peasants and average people had never medaled before. I was really excited for the novices and we learn to work with each other’s strengths and would sit around and listen to these philosophers new ideas. These people listened to some because the faster their boats are, the faster we are overall,” weaknesses to perform at our best,” Yordan said. of the greatest intellectual minds of their time, and the next generation of this great country Yordan’s most recent event as coxswain was the Tampa senior team captain Michael Merwin said. have what can only be referred to as a Snooki. Merwin placed sixth in the state in his most recent race, Mayor’s Cup on March 17. The children during the enlightenment period listened to new ideas and thoughts, and The final race of the season, the Southeast Regional the Sculling State Championships racing a Men’s Lightweight kids today listen to Snooki say things like, “A crow comes and starts quaking at us…or not Championships in Sarasota, begins tomorrow, May 12, with two, with his sculling partner, sophomore Jesse Pollard. quaking, what does a crow do?” This is what kids have to look up to. This is who kids have to Team captain Madison Lennon, junior, reflects on this every available novice and varsity boat hitting the water. idolize. If kids are the future, then the future, at least from this perspective, looks pretty dim. Furthermore, the health of the future is a homburg gray (Sherwin-Williams SW 7622). Obesity is rampait in America; this is no CNN breaking news update. America is the third fattest country in the world with a solid 67 percent obesity rate. But something even more concerning is the fact that 15 percent of children and adolescents are overweight. There are approximately 67 characters on Sesame Street, 15 percent of 67 is just over 10. So imagine watching an episode of Sesame Street without a cookie monster because he ate too many cookies (chocolate chip, of course), became morbidly obese, and had a heart attack, and where the count was forced to start counting calories instead of numbers on his weird singing organ because his doctor said if he doesn’t lose a lot of weight, he could die. Nobody wants to live in a world like that, and Sesame Street is just a television show. Everyday real people in the real world are diagnosed with obesity. Now children are facing this issue at an age where they should be learning the ABC’s, not their BMI’s. Children are the future, and the future looks nothing less than grim. Moreover, children are becoming less intelligent every year, not only academically, but culturally. Programme for International Student Assessment conducts a report every three years that compares the knowledge of 15-year-old students in 70 countries. According to this report, America is ranked 14 in reading, 17 in science, and 25 in math. Japan scored higher on the PISA report than America; a country that not even 200 years ago was still a feudal society with peasants and all that jazz. Now they surpass us in education. The intelligence of our children does not just prove to be weak academically; the cultural exposure children receive is also far less than stellar. Television is a large part of the life of a child, the average person watches about 151 hours of television every month, which puts a lot of pressure on the writers, directors and producers of television shows to create quality, intelligent programming, but instead of rising to the occasion, they decided to sink to an all time low. Apparently, shows about cooking, eating, driving trucks and living in Orange County as a house wife are now high end television. People do this stuff every day. It is not entertainment; it is called a job, and if filming a person doing their job is now considered entertainment, then someone might as well go around and film a guy doing a different job every episode. Oh wait, the Discovery Channel already did this, called it Dirty Jobs and had it last eight seasons. This is what the youth of America has reduced itself to, and it is frightening to think the people who find watching a group of people walking around the Jersey Shore with more spray tan on their body than clothing entertainment will soon hold the future in their hands. Children are the future; it is inevitable. All America can do is try and fix this generation because if we do not, America is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions, Old Testament, real wrath of God stuff; fire and brimstone coming down from the skies, rivers and seas boiling, 40 years of darkness, earthquakes, volcanoes, the dead rising from the grave, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria: a country filled with Snookis.

May 11, 2012May 11, 2012


SplASh. Jumping into the water, sophomore Luke Smith focuses on running t and I am good at it,” Smith said. Smith ran a 7:45.04 in the steeplechase which

Teams s past comp Tally up

Season allows individual runners to compete in states

Boys April 20, District 3 meet, 2nd place March 3, Lake Brantley Invitational, 11th place Feb. 24, Highlander Invitational, 4th place

Feb. 20, Wildcat Open, 4th place

girls April 20, District 3 meet, 7th place March 3, Lake Brantley Invitational, 5th place Feb. 24, Highlander Invitational, 9th place

Feb. 20, Wildcat Open, 4th place

By ruBeN CArr Sprinting down the t Bracy hoped to have a in the 100 and 200 met the 4A state championsh in the middle of his 10 hamstring tightened, leavin to compete in the 20 Bracy plac the 100 with slower than running this season Junior Justice D competed in the state me at the University of North placed fifth in the 100 met Overall the track an has had a successful seaso finished second at the District 3 meet with 126.5 the girls finished seventh w “As a team, we have alwa our best at the end of Our coaching staff has workouts to make us peak the season where it counts Shearouse said. On Thursday, Ap participated in the FHSAA

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