Fluke_Parker 2016

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Parker Fluke 2016 Portfolio

PF Parker Fluke ptfluke@gmail.com (407)-463-3737

Alison Overholt Editor in Chief ESPN 545 Middle St. Bristol, CT 06010

Dear Ms. Overholt, Growing up playing baseball, football and every other sport imaginable, I was a huge fan of everything sports and I always read every ESPN magazine and watched SportsCenter every day. As a high school journalist, I have channeled my love for sports into an affinity for sportswriting and photography, similar to the skillsets used for your magazine. That is why I would like to apply for an internship for your magazine. Working in the role of staffer and 2016-2017 Sports Media Manager, I have picked up several valuable skills in journalism including writing sports body copy, shooting pictures at events, using Adope Photoshop, InDesign and Bridge to get the most out of my pictures and spreads, and working hard to meet strict deadlines. Alongside these technical abilites, I have learned the effectiveness of working in a team or with a partner and the dedication and commitment it takes to make a deadline. I believe these skills are crucial to a publication like yours and I think I am qualified for those standards. ESPN is the dominant name of sports journalism, so I understand that many people must apply for work for your magazine, but I consider myself talented with unique abilites that most people wouldn’t normally have. I have exceptional work ethic, picking up the slack whenever obstacles face me, and I have unceasing dedication to producing a quality product. I am also a skilled writer, designer and photographer; three elements that are crucial to your publication. I understand that in order to fit in a publication like yours, I need to both be able to work effectively with others on the team and apply my specific skills in journalism. Thank you for considering my offer and enclosed with this letter is a copy of my resume. I hope my qualifications speak for themselves and I hope to hear from you soon. With regards, Parker Fluke

PF Parker Fluke ptfluke@gmail.com (407)-463-3737 OBJECTIVE To bring my work ethic and proficiency in writing and designing to the sports editor role, while acquiring skills in producing and analyzing others’ work. EDUCATION Completed two years at William R. Boone High School Graduation Date- May 2018 G.P.A.- 4.0 (Unweighted) 4.88 (Weighted) EXPERIENCE Legend Yearbook, William R. Boone High School August 2015-Present. Staffer: Photograph sports and school events, write body copy, conduct interviews and utilize Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, and Bridge to create and design pages. RELEVANT HIGH SCHOOL STUDIES Journalism 1, English 1 Honors, Spanish 1 and 2 HONORS, AWARDS AND MEMBERSHIPS Blankner 4.0 GPA Award, 2014: I was awarded for making all A’s from kindergarten to eigth grade at Blankner K-8.. National Junior Honor Society Member 2011-2013: Served and raised money for numerous service projects, including fundraising for the Relay for Life for three years. Varsity Tennis Team Member 2014-Present: I started playing tennis when I was 13, tried out for Boone’s team when I was a freshman and have been playing ever since. Boone Tennis Academic Achievement Award, 2015: Awarded to a tennis player that maintains a high GPA and impressive academic status. Fellowship of Christian Athletes Club Representative, 2014-2015: Attended huddles on Monday nights, bible studies and prayer at the pole on Wednesday mornings. (I will be a Board Member next year, serving on the Praise and Worship committee) REFERENCES Renee Burke: Yearbook Adviser- (407)-443-8451- rdnburke@gmail.com Christopher Rossi: Youth group leader at First Presbyterian Church of Orlando- (407)-222-9916crossi@fpco.org Lisa Speer: Varsity tennis coach, Boone High School- (407)-963-8512- Lisa.speer@ocps.net


Self-Analytical Essay

Since a young age, I’ve always been intrigued with reading and writing. Participating in yearbook in middle school gave me a small glimpse into the hard work and rewarding outcome of a professional product. Going into yearbook, I knew the commitment it would take through returners’ stories and warnings. Mrs. Burke told all of the new staffers the life skills that we would get from working on yearbook, including learning how to make a professional product, meet deadlines, and work effectively with others. However, I didn’t have any idea how tough these lessons would be to learn. During my second deadline, I ran into my first real struggle as a staffer, falling quickly behind in deadline and not understanding how to get back on track. After some tough days, though, I set goals for myself and my partner, stayed after school several times and got back in a better position and created a page that I was proud of. Working hard and setting achievable goals are both priceless to journalism and it’s hard to have one but not the other, because they work very well together. I noticed several specific times throughout the year that I was the last staffer to leave the yearbook room after a long day of working on a spread and I think that stands as a true testement to my work ethic and dedication to meet deadline. Another significant lesson that I learned this year from yearbook was how to work effectively with a partner on a deadline. Two contrasting deadlines represent this growth. Working on the football page on deadline 4, I didn’t know how to delegate roles to get the most out of my partner, and instead took all of the work myself and struggled. A couple weeks later, though, on deadline 5, my partner and I divided specific roles to work on and we both collaborated well and made deadline. Teamwork has been a struggle for me, as I’m an independent worker to a fault, but being a yearbook staffer, I have learned the importance of working well with a partner. One of my strengths as a journalist is writing and it is one of the main reasons why I joined yearbook. I link that strength to my love for reading as a young kid and to this day, and it is a strength that I apply to all of my spreads. I became an important contributor to yearbook because I put forth my best effort to every page that I worked on and didn’t stop working when I was behind; instead, I planned out what needed to be done in order for me to get back on track and worked harder to get there. I can apply the skills and lessons I took away from yearbook to a journalism major that I want to pursue in college and, farther down the road, in a vocation that involves writing and design. Mrs. Burke always says how she has past yearbook staffers come back and tell her how valuable the lessons they took from yearbook were to them even after so many years. I think this is going to be true for me, as well, because I hope to pursue sports journalism in the future. Journalism has given me a sense of hard work and work ethic and instilled in me the value and importance of dedication and commitment. I think this year I have learned a lot about what it takes to be a great journalist and that is something absolutely priceless to me because of my future dreams to go down a path that uses these skills.


Reflection 1

I chose my deadline 7, on girls track and field, as my most signficant piece and the one that represened the most growth, especially since I consider design as not one of my strongest abilities. I worked on the design, captions and modular elements on this page and beginning the deadline, it did not look very great. There were several patches of white space,many style errors and the overall look of the spread was just not pleasing. M design got stuck at EIC multiple times, fixing and refixing both small technical errors and large important ones. However, after working extremely hard towards getting past those obstacles it got to deisgn and started to pick up. Remaining in several holding patterns and not getting lucky anywhere, I was not very hopeful for our chances at making deadline but after setting goals that I could achieve and dedicating lots of my time outside of school to working on the page, we were finally on track. This page taught me a lot about the importance of commitment and never ceasing to keep working, two themes that I saw a lot through the year. I also further developed my ability to work with a partner, as my counterpart, Renn, worked on body copy which faced several obstacles as well. This page not only represented my growth throughout the deadline, but it also symbolized my growth since the beginning of the year. At the beginning of yearbook, I was scared of stepping outside my comfort zone and I had no idea how to work all the programs necessary to make a spread, but by the end of the year, on deadline 7, I knew exactly what I needed to do to make a deadline, how I could enforce those steps, and the skills that I could specifically use for that spread.


Reflection 1 Scan


Reflection 1 Final

Reflection 2


I not only love this spread design, but I just like the collaboration of images throughout the page. I also enjoy the body copy, which I worked on, and am beyond proud of the finished page.

Y28. Student Life Spread (118-119) This was my favorite photograph of mine printed throughout the entire book. This photograph captures the runner’s strength to break through tackles and push towards the end zone.

Y16. Sports Action Photo (054-001) I enjoyed this spread because it was unordinary for me to be designing and I think the design turned out well. The pictures worked together very well and made the page look really good. Y30. Sports Spread (022-023)


clips portfolio 2016


Secondary Coverage


COLD SHOULDER. Junior Brandon Bush powers through a Winter Park defender on his way to a first down. “[I] left a pretty good impact. I want to thank my line for blocking me and allowing me to get 1212 yards this season,” Bush said. Bush rushed for 16 touchdowns on the season.


Captions q ✓ Photography


Body Copy



What’s Mine:


Sports, D3, 54-55

I chose this piece because it represents my ability in sports photography. This is my best area of photography and this whole page showcased my sports photos.

What’s Mine: q Body Copy q Captions q Photography q Secondary Coverage q Design



FREEZE FRAME. Rolling out deep, senior Thomas Verzi III prepares to let the ball fly. “After the first game against Lake Brantley, I felt a part [of the team] because it was my first home game as the starting QB,” Verzi said. Verzi had 1967 passing yards and 14 touchdowns.

This piece also represents my affinity for sports photography, demonstarting the use of shutter speed to capture the main subject in action.

Secondary Coverage


Captions ✓ Photography


Body Copy



What’s Mine:


Sports, D3, 54-55

What’s Mine: qBody Copy qCaptions ✓ Photography


q Secondary Coverage qDesign


Sports, D3, 54-55

COVER UP. Off the snap, junior Henry Johnson keeps up with the receiver to defend the pass. “After the first win, people started to notice that we could be a great team and accomplish many things,” Johnson said. The defense intercepted the Winter Park quarterback twice in the game.

This piece captures my ability to get close on the action of the photograph. Capturing the defender’s facial reaction and his movements are vital to this picture.

What’s Mine: q Body Copy qCaptions ✓ Photography


q Secondary Coverage qDesign


Student Life, D2, 46-47

THIS IS WAR. On school color day, Ellyse Wahl paints freshman Mintra Lichtler’s face for the game that night. “Getting our face painted shows who we are and how proud we are to be Braves,” Lichtler said.

This piece showcases my ability to take student life pictures as well. Getting up close and illustrating what is going on in the picture is vital.

What’s Mine: ✓ Body Copy qCaptions q✓ Photography q Secondary Coverage q Design



Sports, D3, 54-55

What’s Mine: ✓ Body Copy q Captions qPhotography




q Secondary Coverage qDesign

Student Life, D5, 118-119

What’s Mine: q Body Copy ✓ Captionsq Photography ✓ Secondary Coverage ✓ Design



Sports, D7, 22-23 (SS)

What’s Mine: q Body Copy


Captionsq Photography q Secondary Coverage ✓ Design


Sports, D7, 22-23 (SS)



Multimedia Clips



Multimedia Clips


Multimedia Clips


Color Page





Aug. 13- event here is the caption for this date and the photo and it has to be good

Aug. 13- event here is the caption for this date and the photo and it has to be good


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LEAD IN. Equo saep udae num quid

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LEAD IN. Equo saep udae num quid mol upti

Aug. 13- event here is the caption for this date and the photo and it is good

Aug. 13- event here is the caption for this date and the photo and it is good

Color - Size 9 - 5-03445: Boone High School


Wins at home vs wins on the road


Should I stay or Should I go?

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BASKETBALL “What does school mean to you?,� grade name said.

La nulpa venistia volorestis iliciat ibusdam eaturem. Et eossum cus unt id qui qui res eum fugiam ut alit prat acepel milliquas rem eaque denda es eum est, consecum ipsanihiti reicit, aliquam, ea que sumende nditatem de nam etur? Adisintibera volo doluptature et ea commo et excest verumqui delentia nos utate ea cum faciRio. Nam es atur? Ere oditemporpor re vel incti as mos cus disi nonesto tatur? Aliam, voloriandem faccum volut rem rent. int. Ti net provid quamusda debitiatat etur, audae dolorro volupti qui sania volo cusdaero vent remqui que et volorunt harum laccus eum CONTENT AND DESIGN BY PARKER FLUKE

Increased unity between seniors and underclassmen showed on the court

TEAMWORK Brings Success

mol upti re omn ihiti bea voluptas verum. Ellup tium nossit. saep udae num quid mol upti re omn ihiti bea voluptas verum. Ellup tium nossit Obis millabor sime sumquis quaturiaes sequatur,Ovid eatesti orehenem quam faccatis sit unt et laut la illuptae volorerchil iliam sin repuditat iliquat. Dic eribus, torehen imetureperum

LEAD IN. Equo saep udae num quid

Color - Size 9 - 5-03445: Boone High School


PF Design

Color Page

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