Lindsey Wilhite 2011 portfolio

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Lindsey Wilhite 4316 Stonewall Dr. Orlando, FL 32812 (407) 421-1785 May 12, 2011


Renee Burke Advisor Legend yearbook/ Hi-lights newspaper Boone high school Orlando, FL 32806 Dear Mrs. Burke: I understand the Legend is seeking someone that has talent and knowledge of Adobe programs, photography and journalism, who can contribute to the success of the publication by working well with others and independently for an editor position. If so, I have attached my resume for your review and consideration of me as an editor for a section in the publication. I feel my experience and knowledge will be of value in this position. As a staffer of the Legend and student of journalism in prior years, I successfully wrote stories, worked with others, and was dedicated to journalism and the Legend. With the knowledge and experience in writing and design I am capable of designing layouts and thinking of ideas to improve the publication to make it different and more interesting than the years before. I enjoy thinking of new design ideas and how I can contribute to making the publication improve, including getting more students photographed by incorporating them into more pictures and new secondary coverage. I can make the section more interesting and appealing to the reader by bringing new things. An editor position would give me a chance to further my skills and knowledge and make the publication improve. In addition to my resume covering my background information, a personal interview would give me a chance to better describe my skills and knowledge. I would enjoy an opportunity to meet with you anytime. Thank you for reviewing my resume and considering me for the position. I hope to hear from you soon. Respectfully yours, Lindsey Wilhite

LINDSEY WILHITE 4316 Stonewall Drive Orlando, FL 32812 (407) 421-1785 OBJECTIVE My primary objectives are to continue to be a part of the Legend yearbook staff by learning more about photography, writing, editing and graphic design and obtaining a position as an editor of the 2012 Legend yearbook.


EDUCATION Completed two years at William R. Boone High School. Graduation date: June 2013 Unweighted GPA: 3.5 Relevant high school experience: • Journalism 1 and 2 • Literature 1 and 2 honors • Technology and web design EXPERIENCE/SKILLS 2009-2010 Journalism 1 at William R. Boone High School 2010-2011 Legend yearbook William R. Boone High School: experience taking photographs, designing layouts, writing, secondary coverage and captions, using Adobe programs. • 10-11 Staffer Volunteer work- Green Up Boone (11), American Cancer Society Relay for Life team member (10), assisting Shenandoah school teachers (09)


a personal essay

Journalism, to me, is hard but rewarding. There are so many rules and things to learn but it's fun. It is so much work and very time consuming but when you get a finished piece you feel proud. I have never been a part of a club, sport or any other extra curricular things. I feel proud of myself for being a part of yearbook and pushing myself to do as good as I can. I didn't know what yearbook was going to be like. I thought I was going to feel stressed constantly and maybe not like it. Now, at the end of the year, I can't imagine having not joined yearbook. It is so fun and rewarding. I've gained a whole new respect for the yearbook and the people who make it. Nobody truly understands the amount of work and effort that is put into the publication and how stressful it can be. The first deadline we had I was with a partner. We didn't know what we were getting into and we were not organized. We didn't know who was doing what and we realized things weren't getting done. I ended up getting a D for my grade on my first nine weeks report card. I realized that I needed to step up my game and start working much harder. I started giving more effort and devoting more of my time to making deadline. I turned my grade around to an A for my next report card. After that everything was pretty easy. I still felt stress, but everyone in yearbook does. It was nothing compared to first deadline.


a self-analytical essay

Starting as a new staffer was nerve racking and intimidating to me. I thought yearbook was going to be hard. Turns out, it's like a second family. This year has been filled with learning, growing and fun experiences. I have learned to do things as simple as thresholding a picture to things as difficult as writing a story people will love. Yearbook has quickly become my favorite class. Everything about it is great, even all the stress, because in the end we make something amazing. I learn more and more about journalism everyday while writing stories, taking pictures and interviewing people. Things such as ethics, photography rules, which way your photos should face on a spread, and so much more. But I learn more and more about life and the real world too. Yearbook teaches you things you cant learn in math or spanish class. I've learned how to work as a team and as an individual. I've recognized my strengths and weaknesses. I have learned how to work in a real world working environment by learning how to deal with people and having to make deadlines. Something that isn't always fun is teamwork. Being paired with someone for a deadline is not a bad thing if both people get along and do their share. I've learned that you need communication and organization more than ever when you are paired with someone in a deadline. If you don't know who is doing what and when then it is hard to get anything done. Dedication is something you really need for something like yearbook. If you aren't dedicated then it's not fun. It just seems like a ton of work. In the beginning of the year I had no idea what to do, I ended up with a horrible grade on my first report card. That is when I learned that I needed to be more dedicated than I ever have been. Once I gained a dedication and organization, everything turned around. My grade went up and things became easier. Yearbook sets you up for any career you want after high school, not just journalism. Knowing how to work a computer better than most people, knowing how to communicate professionally through email, telephone and in person, knowing how to work well in a busy environment. All those things help you out with most any job you go for. I will be using these things in every day life from now on.



I believe my most significant piece of work in the 2011 Legend is the in-depth story on Class Size Amendment. The purpose of this story was to explain what Amendment 8 was and how it affected the schools, students, faculty and staff. I had to first research a lot and fully understand what Amendment 8 was and what was going to happen to the schools myself to be able to explain it to the reader. I spent a lot of time doing homework on researching about it before I began to write. Within the story I had to include the details and facts I found in the research and explain it in a way the reader would fully understand. Also, I had to make it interesting to the reader. I had to make them want to read it from the time they looked at the page because all they see is a very long story. Having the colorful statistics and interesting pictures I think helps pull the reader in, along with the sub-head leading into the headline. This story was not very difficult. I thought it would be since it was an in-depth. All I knew about in-depth stories was that they were very long, so all I could think was that this was going to be so hard and time consuming. In-depth stories are very long but they contain a lot of researched information so it isn't as much writing as I thought. Once I finished researching everything I was basically done. All the information I needed was there now and I just had to write about Amendment 8 and insert the researched information. After I got my first edit back I knew this deadline wasn't going to be very stressful. The editors were all very ( ) which made me feel proud of myself and gave me a confidence boost in writing this story. My first effort of this spread was boring. The only thing on it was my body copy. The headline and sub-head weren't changed and there were no pictures on it. Through the process the headline changed and the sub-head lead into it which was very interesting. Pictures started to be put on the spread and they changed a lot from first effort to published piece, it went from having people posed waiting outside guidance to a picture of a full classroom, statistics and yard signs for the amendment. I am very proud of the published piece and I think it came a very long way from first effort.







The story that I think could still use work is my story on girls weightlifting titled "Team Meets Goals". This was a somewhat difficult deadline for me because it was a sports story. I don't like sports stories at all, they are so difficult for me. It's hard for me to capture the emotion and feelings of the games and include the season. It was even more complicated because it was girls weightlifting. Weightlifting is hard to write about because there aren't many things to say. The main reason most people are in weightlifting is to improve their strength for other sports, it isn't because they love weightlifting, so it's hard to capture something that isn't very interesting. I learned that you have to make the best out of what you have. I tried making the story as interesting as I could. I also learned to have plenty of good questions for interviews and you should always interview someone more than once, especially for sports stories. A good quote can make or break your story. The spread changed a lot from first effort to published piece. My whole layout was changed. I had to change the pictures many times because it was difficult to find pictures that were really good of someone lifting weights. Things like feet and heads were cut off or their face wasn't completely showing. I learned to pay a lot of attention to the photos as you are taking them to make sure nothing is cut off. My story got a lot better from first effort to published piece but I think it could still use work. I think it just isn't interesting enough. If I had the chance I would interview the girls more and try to get better quotes and more information to base my story off of. I feel like it is pretty good considering I tried my best. I don't think others will judge it as harshly as I do because it's my own work and I feel like I could always do better.



EFLECTION This picture is one of my favorites that I have taken this year because it has repetition and leading lines. It has good color and isn’t blurry. I like how the girls shadows are on the ground and it is nice to look at. This picture shows my ability to take pictures and I am proud to have it represent me as a photographer.




This year on staff I have learned so much. I think I was a good asset to the staff and I showed potential for a leader role as an editor. I always tried my hardest at making everything I did great and making deadlines on time. I didn't always succeed but at least I gave my all. I tried being of as much help as I could be to anyone that needed it because we all know what it is like to be so stressed. I think that I brought good ideas to the book and I loved seeing that be put in it. I would basically do anything to help anyone on staff. I would do whatever it took to make the yearbook as good as it could be. Next year I want to make the academics section better than ever. I want to make people love it and make it as appealing to the reader as possible. I want them to look at it and be amazed and I am willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen. I am ready for everything that comes at me.



Facing problems is something everyone went through, and will always go through, in yearbook. I faced some difficult times this year but got through them. Working with partners was a difficult thing for me because my partner and I didn't have communication and organization. We were beating around the bush and when deadline came around we weren't ready. I learned that you need to communicate with your partner and give certain tasks to each of you. If you each have specific jobs then it is more organized and work gets done better. If this problem happened again I would just talk with my partner and step up as the leader of the two. I had problems with procrastination towards deadline seven. I wanted to be done with the book because it is that time of the school year when everyone wants school to be over. I waited to do things until I absolutely had to. This didn't affect my deadline that much, it just put more stress on me. I learned that no matter what, you can't procrastinate. The sooner it gets done, the better you feel about it being done and the sooner you have the stress off your chest. I don't think this problem will happen again because I know now that the worst thing you could do in a publication is procrastinate. I feel like I handled these situations pretty well because I walked away from them with a learning experience. If i hadn't learned anything and continued making these mistakes I would be disappointed in myself.



My goals for the rest of the year were to work better with a partner, write better captions and to stay more after school. I think I reached my goals by working better with a partner during deadline five and being in the yearbook more after school. Deadline five with a partner went good. It was much better than my experience before. My partner and I were very organized and on top of things and we checked in with each other at many points during the deadline. This made it much easier to work with each other and make deadline. As the second half of the year came around I had to write more captions and it turns out they aren't as hard as I thought they were. I wrote more captions and became better at writing them through editing process. Staying after school during deadline became more important to me, especially if I was really behind. I was in the yearbook room more and more which made deadline easier to make on time because sometimes just using class time isn't enough.

EFLECTION Y4. 052-053 Is Smaller Better? I would like this spread to represent me because I feel like it is a good Academics spread and shows the work I can do. The body copy is interesting and keeps the readers attention. The sub-head and headline pull the reader in.


“A girl should be two things;



classy and fabulous”


SUBHEAD HERE TO PULL READER IN----------------------------------------------


If you could brag about blah blah blah having to do with your page what would you say?,” kid not already on page.

Color Page

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n lindsey wilhite

headline here


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n lead in. I am a present tense sentence describing what is happening. “I am a really good quotable quote,” John Doe said. I am a past tense sentence describing something you cant see in the picture.

n lead in. I am a present tense sentence describing what is happening. “I am a really good quotable quote,” John Doe said. I am a past tense sentence describing something you cant see in the picture.

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n lead in. I am a present tense sentence describing what is happening. “I am a really good quotable quote,” John Doe said. I am a past tense sentence describing something you cant see in the picture.


Color - Size 9 - 0-03445: Boone HS


Color - Size 9 - 0-03445: Boone HS



Color Page

If you could brag about blah blah blah having to do with your page what would you say?,” kid not already on page.

Color Page

Jane Doe

Jane Doe

Jane Doe

really cool question?

n lead in. I am a present tense sentence describing what is happening. “I am a really good quotable quote,” John Doe said. I am a past tense sentence describing something you cant see in the picture.

n lead in. I am a present tense sentence describing what is happening. “I am a really good quotable quote,” John Doe said. I am a past tense sentence describing something you cant see in the picture.

n lindsey wilhite

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sub-head here 24 pt

headline here

Color - Size 9 - 0-03445: Boone HS


Color - Size 9 - 0-03445: Boone HS

Color Page













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