Martinez_Alexis 2012

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Alexis Natalia

Alexis Natalia

Alexis Natalia

Legend Yearbook

Legend Yearbook

Legend Yearbook

Martinez Martinez Martinez Ads Editor

Ads Editor

5148 Jetsail Drive Orlando, FL 32812 321-278-7195

Ads Editor

5148 Jetsail Drive Orlando, FL 32812 321-278-7195

5148 Jetsail Drive Orlando, FL 32812 321-278-7195

Alexis Natalia

Alexis Natalia

Alexis Natalia

Legend Yearbook

Legend Yearbook

Legend Yearbook

Martinez Martinez Martinez Ads Editor

Ads Editor

5148 Jetsail Drive Orlando, FL 32812 321-278-7195

Ads Editor

5148 Jetsail Drive Orlando, FL 32812 321-278-7195

5148 Jetsail Drive Orlando, FL 32812 321-278-7195

Legend Yearbook

Legend Yearbook

Ads Editor

Alexis Natalia


5148 Jetsail Drive Orlando, FL 32812 321-278-7195

Ads Editor

Alexis Natalia


5148 Jetsail Drive Orlando, FL 32812 321-278-7195


Alexis Natalia Martinez April 26, 2012 Yummieland Frozen Yogurt 4580 E. Michigan Street Orlando, FL 32812 Dear Sir, Since the store on Michigan just opened I assume you need quality team members to help. Although I do not have official work experience I do have experience. As the ads editor on my high school yearbook staff this past year I met with parents and students. I communicated with parents to discuss what they wanted for their child’s senior page. I had to handle not only their pictures and information but their money as well. It was part of my position to receipt advertising and write deposit slips. Following that I associated myself with business owners as well. I had to speak with them in reference to the ad they purchased from a staffer. Also, being on staff requires being part of a team; we work together to produce an award winning book. Honestly, I love meeting new people, and having good conversations with them would have to be my favorite part. I love helping people with anything they need and I would make sure they are having a pleasant visit to the store. I would love to be considered to be an official team member at Yummieland and thank you for your review. Feel free to contact me at anytime convenient to you to schedule an interview; I hope to hear from you soon. Respectfully yours,

Alexis Martinez Enclosed: resumĂŠ

5148 Jetsail Drive 0 Orlando, FL 32812 0 321-278-7195 0 0


Alexis Natalia Martinez OBJECTIVE To obtain knowledge of retail service from a part time job at a frozen yogurt shop. EDUCATION Completed four years at Boone High School. Graduation date: June 2, 2012. G.P.A. EXPERIENCE Yearbook Staff Member, Boone High School •

July 2011 - present. Yearbook advertisement editor. Designing layouts for all ads, experience with communication, taking photographs, and writing stories and captions.

August 2010 – present. Yearbook staff member. Experience taking photographs, designing layouts, and writing stories and captions.

RELEVANT HIGH SCHOOL STUDIES Journalism provided communication skills, leadership role, knowledge of Adobe InDesign and photoshop, knowledge of wordpress, teamwork, and handling money. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES • August 2008 – May 2010. Boone High School Crew. HONORS, AWARDS, AND MEMBERSHIPS • • • •

2012 Journalism Honor Roll 2012 Certificate of Merit for Advertising layout from Colombia Scholastic Press Association CSPA Crowns NSPA Pacemaker

5148 Jetsail Drive 0 Orlando, FL 32812 0 321-278-7195 0 0



I like journalism for the news and design. I really like to know what’s going on and I think certain design is really interesting. The design of yearbook is probably my favorite part because it could be so diverse. There is not only one available thing to do with layouts, there are so many possibilities that could be done. I always wanted to be involved in yearbook ever since middle school because I thought that was awesome. Once I started high school I didn’t know how to get on yearbook until my friend told me to start with journalism. I took her advice and that’s when I fell for journalism. To succeed in yearbook I had to go through a journalism class then prove myself once I entered yearbook. In order to be an editor I had to show that I was good enough to be an editor. Once I became an editor I contributed my design skills to the ads section of the yearbook. I worked on ad pages, a story, quote pages and the retirement page. I also helped with anything else needed to be done throughout the year. I want to continue with design and possibly advertising but I don’t know how far I will be going in the journalism career.




I have learned so much in this course this year. I wouldn’t know anything about InDesign or Photoshop without this class. I love being able to know these things because I feel like I can make professional looking anything with these skills I have gotten in this class. I have also learned a lot about teamwork because no one can produce something this amazing without help from people. I learned a lot about dedication because without it this wouldn’t be possible. If I wasn’t dedicated to have this book look good or my section it wouldn’t and I would have let people down. Dedication is the only way to survive in something you love. I can use all the skills I’ve learned here in the future because I feel like being in this course has taught me life lessons that could be used at anytime from now on.



For this reflection I chose the story I wrote about siblings going to the same school. I chose this because it was the only story I wrote and I can’t choose between my ad pages. I’m proud of my quote pages as well but this story was something I had to write myself. I related to this story because I had to attend Boone with my brother for two years and to see how other people related to their siblings was interesting. It was difficult to start this story because the two sets of siblings I interviewed hung out in different ways. The brothers hung out at school while the brother and sister were closer off campus. When I did finally get an angle for my story there was still so much to correct. Since I don’t write yearbook stories all the time I had a pretty good amount to fix after the first draft got graded. I only got better from there because I had a direction to go after I saw what I was supposed to do. Once I got the story written and on its way to deadline I worked on getting pictures of siblings around school. It was simple to get the brothers because they would hang out together since they were so close in age and they were able to be around the same group of students. They rode together, sat together in the mornings and had some of the same friends. Because of that I was able to get a picture of them talking together and it was all natural since that was their usual. The other picture I got was of a brother and sister that were close not only because of their age. The brother is deaf so I was able to capture a photo of them talking through sign language. It was one of my favorite parts of the page because I think sign language is interesting. Also, him not being able to hear made them have a closer relationship because they share something not everyone can. The quotes in the story are relatable to so many people and that’s another thing I like about this topic. The last thing is no matter how close or not close someone is to their sibling they can always find something to bring them together. The fact that their family is so much stronger than people would think.





rtinez photos/alexis Ma ez

siblings forgot the fights and found the friendship

rtin photos/alexis Ma


family forges relationShipS

2 [1] sign to me. Seniors Jennifer Ward and Timothy Ward use sign language to communicate before lunch. “Him being deaf and me knowing sign language [allows us to] communicate better; he’s my best friend,” J. Ward said. Timothy was the second son in their family that was hard of hearing. [2] talk it out. The Ferrari brothers, Bruno and Brian, talk outside the media center before school. “[Our relationship] is different everyday. Some days it will be loving and we’ll help each other, other times we argue,” Brian said. Bruno and Brian shared a room and tried to do everything together.

Distraught from a difficult day of school, he didn’t have to look much farther than his own house to find a solution. He found a best friend in his room that could be found on campus. Siblings could be the best of friends or the worst of enemies. Junior Bruno Ferrari and sophomore Brian Ferrari had their arguments, but got through hard times. By agreeing to disagree they discovered a way to argue less in their relationship as brothers. “We usually argue over stupid things and that just gets in the way of our friendship,” Bruno said. The Ferrari brothers never had to worry about doing anything alone or being bored due to their common interests. Whether it was playing video games or sports, or just spending time together, the siblings found a common ground that extended farther than their blood. “[My favorite part about having a strong relationship with my brother is] the fact that I know there’s always someone I can go to. If I need anything, I can always count on him,” Brian said. The siblings relied on each other for motivation. They knew they could go to each other when they needed to stay focused, and they weren’t afraid to ask one another for advice in any situation.

May the Lord guide you and keep you in his path. Be strong and positive with the challenges of life. Succeed and reach for the stars. Congratulations. Love always, Mommy, Daddy, Ma, Nick, Patches, Sue, Don, Vlad and Yoric PS: High five NUM [ad by alexis martinez]

“I’ll ask [Brian] to help me when I need to keep motivated [because] when he’s determined, he’s determined and nothing stops him,” Bruno said. The brothers were not the only siblings that had a close relationship. Junior Katelyn Devlin and freshman John Devlin kept their relationship close by avoiding arguments while they hung out together at home or while driving around in the car. “[Our relationship is] really close,” Katelyn said. “We don’t fight, we just laugh.” The Devlin siblings were able to be together with minimal problems. They spent time together with mutual friends without having it feel like babysitting. “[John] is easy to get along with; he can chime in when we say a joke without it feeling awkward,” Katelyn said. “[And his friends] make little kid jokes; it’s funny.” The siblings knew they could count on each other if they needed help with academics or any kind of problem. It was a friendship of a different kind because it went beyond a typical high school relationship. “[Katelyn] helped me when I first started here. It’s good knowing there’s someone there to help you, you’re not just out there alone,” John said. [alexis martinez]

Naaron AS Gopaul

page 309 advertising



The piece of mine that could still use work is the Law Office of David E. Mallen’s business ad page that looks plain. The design that was sent to us was on paper with a picture that was too grainy for the yearbook. It had a note to find it online but that photo didn’t have a high enough resolution to use. I e-mailed whomever bought the ad and I never got a response. Once that had happened I made a phone call to the number on the contract and got an assistant of Mr. Mallen. He was busy so I left a message and she seemed to have no idea that he had bought an ad from us. I left a number to be reached at but yet I never got a call back. It was close to deadline and I was busy so I only got a chance to call back once more, that didn’t work either. I decided on filling the empty space with a brave head in honor of Boone and I sent a proof to the e-mail I was given. I had to make slight changes to the whole page because I didn’t have access to an appropriate photo. I had to send the page to print even though I never got a response from the buyer and I think that if I could have gotten that picture or suggestions to change something from the buyer it would look better than it does now. It does not look terrible but it’s not what they sent it to look like. If I had to do this over I would work harder to contact the buyer of the ad. I want everyone to be satisfied with what they bought and have no complaints. I want more than a few phone calls and e-mails to say that I tried to get in contact with him. I want to make sure that the people know I am trying my best to give them what they want so they can be totally satisfied with nothing bad to say about it. Also, keeping on calling and e-mailing the person makes it fault on theirs if they don’t respond and there is something wrong. I can’t help it or fix anything if they don’t let me know what to do. I can only hope I did a good job and they like what I have done with their page. I hope Mr. Mallen decides to like what I did with his page since I couldn’t find the original photo that he wanted. If I had thought more ahead of time with this page I feel it could be better.





Workers Compensation

Social Security

Personal Injury


Law Office of DaviD E. MallEn, Esq 120 East Robinson Street P.O. Box 2147 Orlando, FL 32802-2147 (407) 648-5911

David Mallen will personally handle every aspect of your case. You will not be assigned to a case manager or paralegal, as many firms do.

The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience.

[ad by alexis martinez]

page 409 advertising



I am proud of this picture because it is a dominant in the book. I like this photo because it has a visual interest that isn’t a person. When I took these photos I thought it was so cool the way they got to learn how to use a fire extinguisher so I really wanted to capture the effect I saw in real life. This was one of the only angles I could use since substance in the fire extinguisher spread so much. I love how the smoke effect is in this picture and in the book it looks like its fading right onto the page. The two people here are also not directly in the middle making use of the rules of thirds.



This picture was used as a background on the history of traditions page. I like this photo because it has so much in it. There are the football players to the right; cheerleaders and the rowdy crowd to the left and center; and students crowded around them all. The center of visual interest would have to be Desmond, holding the flag with a brave head on it, standing next to Bradley. I think this picture is full of excitement and hype. I love how everything from our last senior snake is combined and every one is getting excited for the night to come.



This picture was posted on the web under the blood drive photo gallery. This picture is not relative to the book or school but I love it because of the depth of field, rule of thirds and how clear it is. Rain drops are visible and Tim is the only one in focus which makes him the center of visual interest. This was taken before he went to give blood on February 6, this blood drive was in honor of Laura Grant and Eddie Culberhouse. I think that the fact that this picture was not posed at all is my favorite aspect. None of these people know this picture was being taken and the way Tim’s eyes are looking is in the perfect direction. Also, the people in the background are doing their own thing. It’s not the best picture I just really like it.



My position as Advertisement Editor gave me a specific job for the whole year. Being on the Legend Yearbook staff is exciting and knowing I helped produce the yearbook makes me feel good. I was an asset to the staff by being on ads. I helped meet with parents and students about their individual senior pages as well as deal with money that came from business ads we recieved. I had to organize and reorganize the ads section based on the alphabet. I also designed the basic layout so the three students on ads staff can work from them. Once all the ads were settled and a full ladder was developed we started to work on the ads themselves. I worked with two other staffers to produce all of the senior and business ads that came out in the book. I worked hard on making these pages as best as I could because I know how important they are to people. I not only worked on my assigned pages but I graded the other staffers pages as well. There was so many pages but I graded as fast as I could. In addition to grading and doing my own pages I had to work on a story duing deadline one and a quote page during deadline two. I tried to balance everything I had to do so I could get as much done on time as possible. I separated what I had to do at school and what I could work on at home so I could work from that. I did my best to produce my best because I know how much this book means to the school but mostly to the yearbook staff in total.



Problems arise on ads staff all year but a lot occur in the beginning of the year when we meet with parents for the first time. Parents and/ or students decide not to correctly read all of the rules and regulations before they come to purchase the ad which makes them either mad or disappointed when we turn them down for some reason. Some parents can take it while others are just rude about it. My favorite are the parents that understand but that’s less than half of the people we meet with. I try to be as polite as I can be to them and explain the situation to them as nicely as possible. There’s also times when they don’t know what I’m saying so I have to explain to them in different words and try to get them to understand. It’s hard to deal with parents at times because we only do things a certain way so the pages look as best as possible, we don’t want the page to look bad and have them blame us. After we start to work on the pages we send proofs to the parents so they can see what we have done. They are either OK with it or they have multiple things to change. The parents that want to change the design are the most difficult because some don’t understand that some things have to be a certain way. I had to deal with parents telling me to change something I couldn’t so I had to tell them in the most polite way possible that I couldn’t do what they wanted. I learned how to be polite about certain situations and if I can’t handle a situation then bring in some help from an elder. But it’s mostly the fact that I have to be as kind as possible and make sure they know I am trying to please their desires. This gave me in tell into what people in life are like and allowed me to practice how to handle rude people. I also learned to be more proper and allow my adult to show and now I can let anyone know I’m not a kid. I thought I handled the situations I came across in the most adult way I could think so they would understand.



On my mid-term I stated that my greatest weakness was staying focused for long periods of time so I can get all my work done. I did better this semester with some of my time. I was able to do a little bit more work because I figured out what I needed to do and separated it so I could get it all done in a timely manner. I worked out a schedule for myself on what I needed to be doing at school that I could not do at home. I would do that and if I could do anything at home I would do that because I can get more work done at home than in school. When I would get home I set aside some time to do my work and try my best to stay focused to get it done. If it was something I could only do at school I would see when I could do it and get it done. I still get distracted but I worked at it so it’s a little better than last semester.



PhiliPPians 1:6

He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion.

I would like to submit to Y38. I want to submit this because it was a twin page so I had to make it as even as possible. I like how this turned out because I split them evenly. Since their dominant pictures were different it made it more diverse.

Dylan Fontaine Dustin Fontaine When God gave us the two of you, little did we know how big a gift he was entrusting us with. Raising you has been a pure joy and we are blessed beyond measure. We are in awe of all of your academic achievements and the fine young men you have become. God surely has big plans for you. Remember to always honor Him with your life and you will surely be successful. We love you, Mom and Dad

page 321 advertising

[ad by alexis martinez]

Well done, Daniel. We could not be any more proud of you and wish you all the best in the years to come. Love always, Mom, Dad, Joey and Jimmy

Daniel Pickert Congratulations Class of 2012.

I would like to submit to Y38. I want to submit this because his mom wanted his dominant photo to be centered then she wanted three separate body copies on the page. I had to fit in what she wanted while also staying in the basic design of the rest of the pages. I think this page turned out well considering rules I had to follow and she approved the first proof I sent her.

Theodore roosevelT

Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind. [ad by alexis martinez]

page 361 advertising

Carson Ritten bob Dylan May God bless and keep you always, may your wishes all come true. May you always do for others, and let others do for you. May you build a ladder to the stars, and climb on every rung. May you stay forever young. May you grow up to be righteous, may you grow up to be true. May you always know the truth, and see the lights surrounding you. May you always be courageous, stand upright and be strong. May you stay forever young. May your hands always be busy, may your feet always be swift. May you have a strong foundation, when the winds of changes shift. May your heart always be joyful and may your song always be sung. May you stay forever young, forever young, forever young.

Our love always and forever, Mom, Dad, Colby, Sydney, Stephanie, Erik and Sunny

[ad by alexis martinez]

page 365 advertising

I would like to submit to Y38. I want to submit this page because the quote is a song and it’s longer than any other pages. Also, I had to keep switching the dominant photo because they didn’t look right. I had to fit all the pictures with all the text still making it fit in the style.



My portfolio from last year is something I am proud of but this one is more advanced although it is still simple. Last year I did not use photoshop for my design but rather just used InDesign for my whole portfolio. I didn’t know what to do so I did something that reminded me of the moment. Even though it is simple I like my portfolio from last year. My favorite part of the design is the font because it’s something I love. This year I used photoshop to color in the flower and to cob out the flower so I could use it as a border. It is still simple but not in the same way. This year is wans’t just typed and placed into a document. I put more thought into this portfolio and I like the way it turned out. I feel like this design is more mature and since the rose is drawn I think the font goes well with it because it looks written with pencil. I wasn’t going to do a wrap around with the flowers on the copy but the more I thought of it the more I wanted to do it. The writing is different because I have grown and it’s only one year but it’s still a change. I tried to get some of the words to look like they are hanging from the leaves and I think that is more advanced because I had to cover some parts to make it look like that. I think it looks the best on the cover where the 2012 looks like it’s hanging. I like simple things and my portfolio shows that while also showing what I can do.


342 together

Rostrud elessendiam am inci tat. Ut diam, senim nummy nonsecte dui bla feugait ea faccumm odolore tatumsan henibh et, quam ilisl irit veriustismod te tat nonse faccum iustio dolorti onullum illutem volum duip et vulluptatum quissequi blam, quat lutatum modipit nulla faciliqui blaore mod ese velis eugait ipsum nibh ea conummod tie del illamet pratumsandre faccum ea feu faci blamet dolut vendreet lum quat velit velent dolore molore molore eugue faci tat prat aut nullum zzril in er sum zzriuscil incilisl utatin vullaor inibh et vel ulpute dignim iustie diatis enibh ex essenim dunt at. Alisi.Ros dunt nulputem nos nostism odolendreet incipsumOs at prat. Loreet, senisim velis nos ex el in henibh etuerosto doNecupta ex eliciam fugitium fugitat uritat.

Stephanie Nebeker

Color - Size 9 - 0-03445: Boone HS

Color Page

Stephanie Nebeker

Duismodo odip ercip eu feu faccum eugiamet wis numsandreet nit ullut at, vel esequip er irit nullan henis at prat aut lortis aliquissi eriure dipsumm olorero corem dionse cor incipit velenim in venibh elit lamet, conullut vel et auguera esenis augiam, sisi te dolore dolortisi. Od dignibh et lore minciliquat ullam, quiscing ea consectemFeugait vel

advertising 343

Lore do dolore mod dolortis alit nim eugait doluptat. Rud tio odipis ex el dolent nummodolut venisl eugait la commolorpero eum vero od do et, verostionum iustrud tat. Onullutat, vel ipit acipissit, sum am venisci blaore corpero ea faci endre del doloreros digna feugait

Stephanie Nebeker

Lore do dolore mod dolortis alit nim eugait doluptat. Rud tio odipis ex el dolent nummodolut venisl eugait la commolorpero eum vero od do et, verostionum iustrud tat. Onullutat, vel ipit acipissit, sum am venisci blaore corpero ea faci endre del doloreros digna feugait

Stephanie Nebeker

Stephanie Nebeker

Giam irit luptat dolor sum qui blamet wiscing et nulputat velent il ulluptat. Rud dolumsandit la faccumsandre dignim zzrillaorer inciliq uatisi exer sed tinim iliquam commodio eugue esequat in ut lor aci tis nummy nostie faci bla facing eui tat. Bor irit am zzriustrud ex ex elent amcommolorem dolore conulla orperit, quamconum velit praessequis ea cor summolore faci te tie conse feu feugue faciniscing eu faccum aciduntRore excea cor sit et ipsapis sint que

Color - Size 9 - 0-03445: Boone HS

Color Page



Dr. SueSS

Oh, the places you’ll go! Congratulations! Today is your day! You’re off to great places! You’re off and away! You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And you are the guy who’ll decide where to go. Kid, you’ll move mountains! We love you and wish you all the best in your lifetime of adventures. Love, Mom, Dad, Amy and Meghan

Spencer Cotton

Katherine Gibson page 306 united

What an amazing gift God gave us and what amazing talents He gave you. Your commitment to academics has kept us in awe over the years, but more than that, your leadership, character, integrity and values are what we treasure most. May you always be reminded that through Him all things are possible. As you start your new journey into the world, know that we will always be there for you. Follow your dreams, be true to yourself, keep your faith close to your heart and you will not fail. We love you very much, Mom, Megan and Josh [ad by alexis martinez]

apple inc. The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.

Olivia crane Since the day you were born, you have brought so much joy into my life. I am so proud of all your accomplishments and the young woman you have become. You light up the room, are wise beyond your years and will achieve anything you put your mind to. All my love, Mom

[ad by alexis martinez]

page 307 advertising

unknown It is not what we gain, but what we give, that measures the worth of the life we live.

Michael D. Cummins III Your family is so proud of the young man that you have become. We cannot believe how far you have come during your four years at Boone. You have grown in every way possible. Physically taller, of course, but also academically, athletically and spiritually. But some things have remained the same as well. You have always been one to follow your own path, and we know that path will lead you to success in whatever direction you choose to go in life. Work hard, be brave and reach for the stars. Love always, Mom, Dad and Allison

page 308 united

[ad by alexis martinez]

rtinez photos/alexis Ma ez

siblings forgot the fights and found the friendship

rtin photos/alexis Ma


family forges relationShipS

2 [1] sign to me. Seniors Jennifer Ward and Timothy Ward use sign language to communicate before lunch. “Him being deaf and me knowing sign language [allows us to] communicate better; he’s my best friend,” J. Ward said. Timothy was the second son in their family that was hard of hearing. [2] talk it out. The Ferrari brothers, Bruno and Brian, talk outside the media center before school. “[Our relationship] is different everyday. Some days it will be loving and we’ll help each other, other times we argue,” Brian said. Bruno and Brian shared a room and tried to do everything together.

Distraught from a difficult day of school, he didn’t have to look much farther than his own house to find a solution. He found a best friend in his room that could be found on campus. Siblings could be the best of friends or the worst of enemies. Junior Bruno Ferrari and sophomore Brian Ferrari had their arguments, but got through hard times. By agreeing to disagree they discovered a way to argue less in their relationship as brothers. “We usually argue over stupid things and that just gets in the way of our friendship,” Bruno said. The Ferrari brothers never had to worry about doing anything alone or being bored due to their common interests. Whether it was playing video games or sports, or just spending time together, the siblings found a common ground that extended farther than their blood. “[My favorite part about having a strong relationship with my brother is] the fact that I know there’s always someone I can go to. If I need anything, I can always count on him,” Brian said. The siblings relied on each other for motivation. They knew they could go to each other when they needed to stay focused, and they weren’t afraid to ask one another for advice in any situation.

May the Lord guide you and keep you in his path. Be strong and positive with the challenges of life. Succeed and reach for the stars. Congratulations. Love always, Mommy, Daddy, Ma, Nick, Patches, Sue, Don, Vlad and Yoric PS: High five NUM [ad by alexis martinez]

“I’ll ask [Brian] to help me when I need to keep motivated [because] when he’s determined, he’s determined and nothing stops him,” Bruno said. The brothers were not the only siblings that had a close relationship. Junior Katelyn Devlin and freshman John Devlin kept their relationship close by avoiding arguments while they hung out together at home or while driving around in the car. “[Our relationship is] really close,” Katelyn said. “We don’t fight, we just laugh.” The Devlin siblings were able to be together with minimal problems. They spent time together with mutual friends without having it feel like babysitting. “[John] is easy to get along with; he can chime in when we say a joke without it feeling awkward,” Katelyn said. “[And his friends] make little kid jokes; it’s funny.” The siblings knew they could count on each other if they needed help with academics or any kind of problem. It was a friendship of a different kind because it went beyond a typical high school relationship. “[Katelyn] helped me when I first started here. It’s good knowing there’s someone there to help you, you’re not just out there alone,” John said. [alexis martinez]

Naaron AS Gopaul

page 309 advertising

RomAnS 12:6-8

Patrick Darin

photo/Allie Sloan

God has also given each of us different gifts to use. . . If we can serve others, we should serve. If we could teach others, we should teach. If we can encourage others, we should encourage them. . . If we are leaders we should do our best. If we are good to others, we should do it cheerfully.

We celebrate the many gifts you have been given and the many ways you share them with your family, friends and church. From baby of the family to the biggest brother; youngest Tiger Cub to accomplished Eagle Scout; basketball player to basketball coach; Sunday School student to Mission Team leader, wherever your passion leads you, we look forward to being part of your journey. We love your forever, we love you for always, as long as we’re living, our baby you’ll be. Mom and Dad

page 310 united

[ad by alexis martinez]

Maria robinson Nobody can go back and start a new beginning but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

Marina David We all love you and know you are prepared to take your challenges and turn them into success. Good luck as you go to the next stage of your life. With all our love, Dad, Mom, Grant and Taylor

[ad by alexis martinez]

page 311 advertising

steve jobs Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.

Brooke Dawkins

We thank God for such an amazing daughter. You are vibrant and so full of life with a spirit that can’t be broken. We are so proud of your many accomplishments and the young lady you have become. Your enthusiasm for fun is balanced by your passion to be successful in life. As you head off to college, may you strive to keep that balance and live life to the fullest. Your beautiful smile from your baby years to your senior picture is forever etched in our memories. We love you and cherish every wonderful moment with you, Brookie Cookie. Live, Laugh, Love, Mom, Dad, Brody and Brynne

page 312 united

[ad by alexis martinez]

Daniela Diaz

Wow Dani, I can’t believe you’re graduating high school already. I still remember your first day of school. I was nervous to send you away and it feels like that same day is back. I feel nervous again, as you face the world by yourself. But I know you will always emerge as a winner. I’m so thankful to have a daughter like you. May all your dreams come true. You deserve the best, nothing less. I love you more than life itself. Congratulations. Love, Mom Dani, Bambi, Sissy, Daniela, Kidd and all the names I call you. I know we’ve been through a lot together, not always a good thing, but in the end it’s fine. I want you to know how much I love and care about you. You’re a great older sister and I’m following your footsteps. Also, I wanted to say thank you for being the sister you are today. I love you, Nati [ad by alexis martinez]

page 313 advertising

Proverbs Trust in the 3:5-6 Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

Margaret Dukes We are so proud of you. Your beautiful smile and kind heart light up our lives and you are the daughter every parent hopes for. We love you so much, Mom, Dad, Tommy and Mary Cate

page 314 united

[ad by alexis martinez]

proverbs Trust in the Lord 3:5-6 with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.

Brandy Eaton

You have been a ray of sunshine in our lives since the moment you were born. We have enjoyed watching you grow from a playful young girl into a mature, beautiful young lady. Your laughter is contagious, and your heart is huge, which makes for a trusted best friend, a loyal sister, and a loving daughter. Remember that graduation is a time of celebrating your achievement, however, it is not the end, it is the beginning. May you continue to shine and make us proud as you move on to the next exciting chapter in your life. Congratulations and with our love, Dad, Mom and Brittany

[ad by alexis martinez]

page 315 advertising

dr. SeuSS

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.

Marissa edwards

We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished with your education and athletics. You have been a shining light in our family, surviving in a house full of boys. We will miss you as you enter this next journey in your life. Enter with excitement and enthusiasm and continue to make the best choices for you. The sky is the limit. We love you, Mom, Gary, Mimaw, Marquis, Mitchell and Matthew

page 316 united

[ad by alexis martinez]

unknown A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future.

Christine Erwin

We are so proud of you and the beautiful person you have become inside and out. You are a creative, intelligent, faithful, loving and determined young woman. We thank God for the blessing of you in our lives and being our daughter. Listen to your heart and follow your dreams because the possibilities of your future are endless. Love you always, Mom, Dad and Chris

[ad by alexis martinez]

page 317 advertising

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.

samuel Charles Faber We are so proud of you and the young man you have become. You’ve overcome a lot in your life and it has molded you into a young man who is kind, who cares about people and what is right. Never stop learning; it’s how you get the most out of your life. And always do your best, no matter what. Keep your eyes on the stars, your feet on the ground, your path straight, kindness in your heart and most importantly, your trust in the Lord. We love you and we are so thankful that God chose us to be your parents. Mom and Dad

page 318 united

[ad by alexis martinez]

jeremiah 29:11 ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’

Stephen Fleming We cannot imagine a better gift from our Heavenly Father than you. You are intelligent, wise, kind, thoughtful, funny and passionate. You are our joy. We love you and are so very proud of you. Our world is a better place because of you. Youngest yet wisest. Last but always first. Dad, Mom, Christopher, Mary Catharine and Paul

[ad by alexis martinez]

page 319 advertising

page 320 united

PhiliPPians He who began a 1:6 good work in you will carry it on to completion.

Dylan Fontaine Dustin Fontaine When God gave us the two of you, little did we know how big a gift he was entrusting us with. Raising you has been a pure joy and we are blessed beyond measure. We are in awe of all of your academic achievements and the fine young men you have become. God surely has big plans for you. Remember to always honor Him with your life and you will surely be successful. We love you, Mom and Dad [ad by alexis martinez]

page 321 advertising



Well done, Daniel. We could not be any more proud of you and wish you all the best in the years to come. Love always, Mom, Dad, Joey and Jimmy

Daniel Pickert Congratulations Class of 2012.

Theodore roosevelT

Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind. [ad by alexis martinez]

page 361 advertising

You have grown from a precious little girl into an incredible young woman. Through school, sports and social activities you have proven to be dedicated, loyal and successful. We are so grateful to have shared this journey with you. Our hopes and prayers are for your continued achievements as you find your way into the next phase of life. We wish you all the best for the future with much love and Godspeed. Mom, Dad and Josh

Meredith Porter

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him.

page 362 united

[ad by alexis martinez]

Yazmine Ramos To Nini, We are so proud of you. Keep up the good work and don’t ever give up. Love, Mom, Dad, Coli, Ricky, Meaghan, Baby Emma Caleigh and Gizmo [ad by alexis martinez]

page 363 advertising

Carson Ritten bob Dylan May God bless and keep you always, may your wishes all come true. May you always do for others, and let others do for you. May you build a ladder to the stars, and climb on every rung. May you stay forever young. May you grow up to be righteous, may you grow up to be true. May you always know the truth, and see the lights surrounding you. May you always be courageous, stand upright and be strong. May you stay forever young. May your hands always be busy, may your feet always be swift. May you have a strong foundation, when the winds of changes shift. May your heart always be joyful and may your song always be sung. May you stay forever young, forever young, forever young.

Our love always and forever, Mom, Dad, Colby, Sydney, Stephanie, Erik and Sunny

[ad by alexis martinez]

page 365 advertising

We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments. As you move into this next chapter of your life, we are excited for the opportunities that wait for you. The future is yours to make of it whatever your heart and dreams imagine. Keep making good choices, and know that we are always there for you and behind you every step of the way. With much love, Mom, Dad, Megan and Hannah

Emily Rushlow

PamEla Vaull StaRR Reach high, for the stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.

page 366 united

[ad by alexis martinez]

You are witty, funny, giving and smart. We are so proud of the person you are. Never forget where you came from nor why you are here. You are God’s girl. We love you more than you can imagine. Mommy, Libby, Sadie, Mamaw and Papaw

Anna Rymer

Joshua 1:9 Have I not told you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord, your God, will be with you wherever you go. [ad by alexis martinez]

page 367 advertising

Evangelene Schildwachter May God bless you, Evie. Love, Mommy, Daddy and Lesy

Our child soared. She flew through childhood On angel wings she fluttered and swooped Around our hearts and in front of our eyes. And gradually, Oh so gradually, Maturity folded those wings And gave her legs For running, leaping, dancing. Now she stands tall and ready To walk sure and strong Through the gates of adulthood, With wings in her pocket.

hook To live‌ to live will be an awfully big adventure.

page 368 unitted

[ad by alexis martinez]

Chad Searcy

From that terrifying moment 18 years ago when you decided to make your grand entrance into the world two months early, we knew God had truly blessed us with an incredible miracle. To say you were a handful in those early years is a huge understatement, as you were absolutely fearless and ridiculously headstrong. We have to admit that you have never made things easy, but sharing life with you has certainly never been dull. You are funny, kind-hearted and loaded with talent, and watching you change into the wonderful young man you have become has been our privilege. We have truly enjoyed all the years of baseball and thank you for allowing us the opportunity to watch you play. You have definitely made us proud and we will always be your biggest fans. As you move on to the next chapter in your life, always believe in your abilities, and put your faith and trust in God and He will lead your way. We believe in you and know that you will accomplish great things, and we will be there to support and love you along your journey. Believe in yourself always, as you are filled with unlimited potential. Dream big and don’t be afraid of failure - it’s the only way we grow. You and your brother are, and always have been, the greatest joy of our lives. We love you and thank God for blessing us with you, and we are so thankful that you are our son. May God bless your life in every way possible. All our love, today and forever, Mom and Dad

Unknown Success. The harder you work... the luckier you get.

[ad by alexis martinez]

page 369 advertising


What’s thing you would

about the changeworld and why?

[alexis martinez]



derriCk Cedeno

Tiara ChanCe

“The economy because people are losing their jobs and people need jobs to support their families.”

“World hunger because people shouldn’t be starving; it’s just cruel.”


arieL PaLisin



Brandon reddiCk

ViCky Lam

“World hunger so no one would have to be hungry; it’s a real problem.”

“Try to change global warming because it’s killing off all the animals and eventually us.”



TyLer ChaPman

Brianna CoTTon

“The homeless have to wear more attractive clothes so at least they’re nice to look at.”

“Violence and crime because I want peace in the world.”

“All the pollution because it’s ruining our atmosphere.”

page 371 advertising

Congratulates our Boone HS Seniors

Captains: Kendal Martinez Michael Sanchez 4-year Rowers: Cassandra Koffinas Allyssa Brooks Senior Rowers: Erik Maynard Andrew Stearns “What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.� --Ralph Waldo Emerson

page 372 united

We are very proud of you and pray that you will continue to let God direct your steps. Wishing you all the best. Congratulations, Mom and Dad

Monica Stauffer

[ad by alexis martinez]

page 373 advertising

We are so proud of you and thank God for blessing us with such an incredible son and brother. The joy you have brought to our lives is immense and our love for you is forever. God bless you on your journey. Love, Dad, Mom, James and Erin

Stephen Strickler

proverbs Trust in the Lord 3:5-6 with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

page 374 united

[ad by alexis martinez]

Diana Suarez

We thank God for you everyday and hope you know what a blessing you are to the family. As you go to this next phase in your life we want you to go where your heart takes you. Do not be afraid to take chances. You truly are a beautiful person inside and out, and we will always be here to support you in every way. Love, Mom, Dad and Kyle [ad by alexis martinez]

page 375 advertising



Kevin Carpenter Kevin’s A/C & Duct Cleaning 407-595-5946

Go Braves Class of 2012 what is your Favorite theme song? [ashley mckee, paula morales, morgan muhart, courtney patz, danielle pellett]



Bailey jaCkson

khyrel kemper

“I like Dora the Explorer because I like to learn about the Latino heritage.”

“NFL theme song because it is really catchy and get’s stuck in your head.”

“The Mission Impossible theme song because I’m a single, sensitive boy who likes walks on the beach, poetry and football.”


tyrran ChanthavonG

[ad by alexis martinez]


austin BatChelder

“‘Bottoms Up’ [because] Trey Songz and I are both from Virginia and you can play the song in any kind of environment and everyone will feel the same vibe.”



liz aliCea

loGan swain

“Jersey Shore. It’s catchy, I know all the words to it and it’s one of my favorite TV shows.”

“The Batman theme song because it makes me feel like a superhero.”


Callie allman

“Adventure Time theme song, because Adventure Time is my favorite show.”

page 407 advertising


Wesley Linxwiler page 408 united

Wes, we are so proud of the wonderful young man you have become. A son like you brings great joy and happiness to life. May God be with you and guide you into the future. All our love, Mom and Dad [ad by alexis martinez]

Workers Compensation

Social Security

Personal Injury


Law Office of DaviD E. MallEn, Esq 120 East Robinson Street P.O. Box 2147 Orlando, FL 32802-2147 (407) 648-5911

David Mallen will personally handle every aspect of your case. You will not be assigned to a case manager or paralegal, as many firms do.

The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience.

[ad by alexis martinez]

page 409 advertising

Mark Twain

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor.

I used to think kids needed their parents. Then God blessed me with you. You taught me the joy in caring for others and to love others more than myself. March to the beat of your own drum, don’t worry so much about your mirror, and always dance in the rain. Love, Mom

page 410 united

Lauren Main

[ad by alexis martinez]

Dr. SueSS Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.

Alexis N. Martinez

Nat, You have the potential to be whatever you want in life. Sometimes it’s going to be a bit challenging and scary, but it does have its rewards. We are and will always be proud of you, your accomplishments and the goals you have set for yourself in life. As your parents we watched you grow and make choices. We know you have good judgment. You will be successful in whatever choices you make in life. The best is yet to come. Dios te Bendiga. With lots of love, kisses and hugs, Mami and Papi Congratulations little sister, lots of good wishes and success for you. Love, Adam

[ad by alexis martinez]

page 411 advertising

Millennia Groceries

4978 Millenia Blvd Bldg 3 Suite F Orlando, FL 32839 (407) 595-4897

Go Braves Congratulations to the Class of 2012 page 412 united

[ad by alexis martinez]

Office (407) 894-6565


1008 Maltby Ave. Orlando, FL 32803


Cell: (407) 948-0707

You fill the hearts of so many. Peace, humor and compassion fills yours. We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. Continue to strive toward your goals knowing you’ve got what it takes. We love you dearly, Your #1 fans forever, Mom, Dad, Samantha, Tilly and Sophie

Eric Nuzum [ad by alexis martinez]

page 413 advertising

Alexis Rae Olijnyk

Lexi, We are so proud of you and love you very much. Love, Mom, Roxanne, Nana, Grandaddy, Peanut and GiGi

Anthony Quezada

We can’t believe our baby boy is graduating. Remember, the future is in your hands, so make wise decisions and stay true to yourself. Congratulations to our Q-boy. We love you, Mom, Dad, Annette and Alex xoxoxoxo

page 414 united

[ad by alexis martinez]

Jaclyn Perry

Congratulations Princess. Love, Dad, Mom and Tommy

Ansel AdAms Life is your art. An open, aware heart is your camera. A oneness with your world is your film. Your bright eyes and easy smile is your museum.

[ad by alexis martinez]

page 415 advertising

RefoRMAtioN LutheRAN ChuRCh (left to right) Jackson upperco, Pastor Rob Cosmas, Matthew Kaiser, elizabeth Schildwachter, evangelene Schildwachter, Lindsay Greer, Delanee Bogan

Jonathan Romanowski Never settle for anything less than everything. Keep God in your heart, hard work in your hands and big dreams in your head. A great future is in store for you. Always your biggest fan. Love, Mom

Class of 1983

page 416 united

[ad by alexis martinez]

Congratulations, Kinsey Christine. You are one of the great loves of our lives and we are extremely proud of you and all your accomplishments and growth at Boone High School. The great spirit of God says, “I know you well and have plans to give you a future full of hope,” ( Jeremiah 29:11). We can hardly wait to see what He has in store for you and we’ll be there every step of the way. Congratulations to our new FSU Seminole. We love you abundantly, Mom and Dad

Kinsey Seacord RICHIE PEÑA

Profesional Auto Repair Center Some Of Our Services Are:

9800 South Orange Ave. Orlando, FL 32824 Tel: 407-888-2582 Fax: 407-668-4586 Complete Auto Repair, Tires, Wheel Alignment

Foreign & Domestic

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page 417 advertising

Savanna Rose Shurman

page 418 united

God has blessed us with the most incredible daughter: you, Savanna Rose. Words cannot describe what you have given to us in our lives. You have truly amazed us with your tremendous accomplishments, both on and off the stage. It is time for you to go out and give the world a taste of what you can do. We love you so very much, from all of your family

[ad by alexis martinez]

[meghan cotton, steven craddock, dylan craig, jackson crumbly and huong dang]

Would you rather go to the

PasT or the fuTure?

11 10


9 11 10

Coral Dixon

moise borges

nyaliny ruaCh

kaTherine rohe

alexanDer sanDoval

noah akbarzaDeh

“I would go to the past because I really like the 1950s and 1960s and I would like to see America at the time.”

“I’d rather go back to the past where it was not polluted.”

“The future because I want to know if I got the job I wanted, how many kids I have, and how successful I’ll be.”

“Neither, because I’m perfectly content with the time period I’m in.”

“To the future because I want to know how I’ll look.”

“I’d rather go to the past so I could ride a dinosaur and pick up cave chicks on my pterodactyl.”


niCkson franCois

“The future so that I could see the impact I left on the world.”

From the day you were born you have brought so much love, laughter and joy into our hearts. You are a special blessing from God. You have developed into a beautiful young woman on the inside and out. We are very proud of you and all of your accomplishments. We love you, Mom and Dad

[ad by alexis martinez]

Chelsea Taylor 1 TimoThy 4:12

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

page 419 advertising

Thomas P. Gillman, DDS 300 Gatlin Avenue Orlando, Florida 32806 (407) 851-7740

Congrats to the Class of 2012

1828 S. Division Avenue Orlando, FL 32805 407-425-0934

390 North Orange Avenue Orlando, FL 32801 Phone: (407) 843-3939

Congratulations Class of 2012 page 420 united

[ad by alexis martinez]

[ad by alexis martinez]

page 421 advertising

Words cannot express the joy you’ve brought to our lives. Your smile, your faith, your friendships; through adversity you rise. God has you on this earth to do amazing things I can’t wait to see what he has in store. As you prepare to fly and spread your wings You’re our cherished daughter forever more. Live, love and stay true to you and never forget, Let God guide your path so in life there’s little regret. Proverbs 3:5 We love you, Mom, Dad and Baylin

Gené Elizabeth Trujillo You have brightened our lives with love and laughter. We are so proud of your determination, courage, hard work and creativity. Your possibilities are limitless, and we look forward to supporting you in all your endeavors. All our love forever, Mom and Dad

Mark Vagelakos page 422 united

[ad by alexis martinez]




[guidance couselor] Clary

Paul Katauskas

[coach and physical education teacher]

Years at Boone: 26 After Boone: I am going to work part time, play a lot of tennis, pole vault, fish, travel a little bit and start the sequence over until I’m too tired to do any more. First Job: I worked down the street when I was 15-years-old during the summer for Paul Wilson Plumbing with my friends Dave Vickers and Paul Wilson Jr. Memorable Moment: Being in the Olympic stadium the night Boone’s James Beckford (class of ‘93 and whom I coached) won the Olympic Silver Medal in the long jump in Atlanta in 1996. Inspirational Quote: “And having chosen our course, without guile, and with pure purpose, let us renew our trust in God and go forward without fear and with manly hearts.” - Abraham Lincoln in his address to Congress July 4, 1861.

Years at Boone: 19 After Boone: I plan to travel, spend time with my grand children and catch up on my sleep. First Job: Flight attendant at Air Florida for about a year. Memorable Moment: Every year at Boone’s graduation. Inspirational Quote: “Life consists, not in holding good cards, but in playing those you hold well.” - Josh Billings Advice to students: Focus on you, the student, and what is best for you. Set realistic goals, both short and long term, and continuously check to see that you are heading in the right direction. Go for your dreams. Favorite thing about my job: Working with students and especially helping them sort through the academic maze and emotional issues that students face as they prepare for life after high school. What I will miss: The kids, the camaraderie with my fellow teachers and the overall energy found in high school life.

[english teacher]



[esol teacher]


Years at Boone: 20 After Boone: I am planning to enjoy being with my family, especially my 11-month-old granddaughter. In addition, I am traveling to visit family, travel to other states and countries, read, exercise and take a cake decorating class. First Job: Babysitting in Puerto Rico. Memorable Moment: Having a student scream and hug me because she passed the FCAT. Also, seeing Mrs. Raver and the media staff come to my rescue, because they thought there was a fight, Mrs. Raver’s expression and the student’s reaction was a priceless moment. Inspirational Quote: For many years I have written postcards to encourage and recognize the student’s effort in my class. My quote is - “Reach for the stars.”

Years at Boone: 24 After Boone: Nothing for a while: sleep, nap, read, get up when I want to, stay up late; all the things I can’t do because of school. First Job: I first started teaching first grade in 1967 in the community where I lived in West Virginia. Memorable Moment: All of my moments are memorable. I love working with the students. Inspirational Quote: “There is no knowledge that is not power.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson Advice to students: Get the best education you can possibly get; this is your future. And be nice. Favorite Meal: It doesn’t matter the food, just good friends to share with.



[guidance Susan counselor]

page 442 united

Years at Boone: 9 After Boone: Travel, enjoy my grandchildren, write a book, write curriculum for state and local guidance counselors, continue teaching online classes at the University of Phoenix, and nothing for about three months. First Job: Telephone solicitor when I was 17. I hated it and quit after two days. Memorable Moment: Every graduation, there’s always one student you didn’t think was going to make it, who you know you impacted, that graduates.

Advice to Students: Figure out what you really love doing, what your passion is. Find out how you can make a living doing it and make that your career. Favorite thing about my job: The students; watching you all mature and develop into the kids you’re going to be and knowing everyday is different. 2012 Award: Lifetime Achievement Award from Orange County School Counseling Association. It’s an award given to someone who impacted students, their school and their profession on a local, state and national level. [ad by alexis martinez]

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