Mendoza_Catherine 2016

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catherine mendoza

Catherine Mendoza (407) 455-2007

April 19, 2016 Sharon Bramlett President ENVIROLOGIC, INC. 1868 Queen Palm Drive Apopka, FL 32712 I would be grateful to intern at your firm this summer. I am hoping to go on site visits with you and help in the office. From staff this past year, I have taken advanced placement environmental science class. I also participated in Envirothon, which is a competition for environmental science students. We had activities to complete and mini tests. My group places 4th out of 74. I appreciate the opportunity to be considered for this position. Attached is my resume to further illustrate my qualifications for this role. I look forward to speaking to you more in the future. Respectfully yours,

Catherine Mendoza Catherine Mendoza Enclosed: resume

cover letter

Catherine Mendoza (407) 455-2007 Objective: To learn about environmental engineering while bringing enthusiasm and a new perspective to your firm. Education: - Completed 3 years at Boone High School. - G.P.A., 3.9 unweighted, 4.5 weighted. - Will graduate summer 2017 Experience: Envirothon, Leu Gardens, participant (Feb. 4, 2016) Feb. 4, 2016. Participated in activities and mini quizzes about environmental studies. Legend Yearbook, William R. Boone High School -Ads Editor. (Aug. 2015-June 2016) Make the layout for pages, organize all the ads in page order, document all ads purchased, supervise my staff members and preform all the responsibility as a staffer. -Ads Staff. (Aug. 2014-June 2015) Meet deadlines, communicate with parents, write stories, conduct interviews, photograph school events and learn to be proficient in InDesign and Photoshop. Relevant High School Studies: Advanced Placement Environmental Science, Advanced Placement Chemistry and Advanced Placement Calculus. Honors, Awards and Memberships: - Yearbook- We won a pacemaker and gold crown while I was on staff. -Tennis team- I earned the highest GPA for my grade on the 2013-2014 Boone Tennis Team. -Student Government Association (Freshman Class vice president) this organization plans and runs many school events like Past for Pennies and Teens for Jeans. -Chess club (president and founder)- this is the second year of chess club that I started and it has been a success. We have had competitions within our club and taught multiple people to play the game. -National Honor Society -Baby sitting, 2012-present, care for young children, assist with homework, make meals, bathe and get kids ready for bed. References: Lisa Maccarone: SGA adviser and AP environmental science teacher. Renee Burke: Yearbook adviser. (407) 443-8451 Patricia Sayers-O’Niell: Chemistry teacher patricia.sayers-o’


I got involved in Journalism my eighth grade year. I worked on my middle schools yearbook with Mr. Coryell. My friend got me into yearbook when I was a sophomore. I learned so much my first year since I didn’t take Journalism before. Being thrown right in has helped me because it made me learn quickly because I didn’t want to be behind. By being on staff, I have learned so much about design and writing. I have become a stronger writer with a better eye for grammar. I also learned how to ask others for help when I’m in need rather than struggle alone. Corresponding back and forth with parents and business owners has helped my communication skills immensely. Teamwork was very important when I had a shared deadline. Flag Football was a success because my partners and I worked together by splitting up the work but also helping each other. When I was on deadline, I was responsible for getting all the work done and it helped me learn more responsibility. My photography skills have improved immensely. Before this year, I didn’t know how to work a camera on Manual. Taking yearbook has been rewarding in so many ways. I am happy to be able to return next year as a section editor again. The skills I have learned in this class will help me in the future get a job, and be successful in this class again.

analytical essay

I think my retiree story on Cheryl Race was my most significant work this year. This is because it was my only story. It was a big improvement from my story last year. When this deadline began, I was got ahead of deadline. I got a concussion at the end but I was still able to finish the page on deadline. Luckily I had worked so hard at the beginning of the deadline so when I got injured, I was already done with my page During this deadline, I learned how to manage my time, which was helpful for the rest of the year. I also learned better writing and photography skills.

reflection one

original scan

reflection one

final page

reflection one

Y19. Feature Photo Theme, 130-131, Deadline 5 don’t drop that. Playing a game at the Junior Class assembly, Alexandra Colon and Alyssa Velez laugh after they dropped the orange ball they were trying to pass between their necks. “[The games] built up the environment and everyone was laughing their butts off,” Colon said. “Trying to keep the ball in my neck, was the hardest part because I have a small neck so it was tough to get it to fit.”

Y18. Academic photo Theme, 006-007, Deadline 2 TOSS IT UP. For National French Week, senior Miriam Gonzalez tosses the ball in a game of pétanque on the practice field. “[My favorite part of pétanque was] when our whole team was scoring and giving everyone high fives and congratulating each other,” Gonzalez said. “It was more fun than actual class and I was really into it.”

reflection two

retiree story Community, 320, Deadline 5 This was the only writing I did this year. I enjoyed writing this piece because Ms. Race was very interesting and had good quotes. I was excited about what I was writing so I feel it was a one of my best stories.




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Sharik, We are extremely proud of you. You have demonstrated that you are a fighter who will never quit no matter how hard the task or how difficult people around you can be. Sharik means “one on whom the sun shines” and you are indeed a sunshine. You make us happy when skies are grey. Yea, you know the rest. Keep on being the spiritual, beautiful, intelligent, caring, best daughter ever. With God at the center of your life, you will continue to do amazing things. Go into the world you brave one and fulfill your destiny. We love you.



[DESIGN BY CATHERINE MENDOZA] COMMUNITY “I did gymnastics for three years when I was eight,” senior Mark Bagozzi said.

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t--you’re right.”

h en ry f o rd

Love, Mom, Dad, Cynthia and Gunnar


Mark, Onward and upward... you are a rising star and it only gets better. Follow your bliss and always believe in you. There’s a big, beautiful world out there, go experience as much as you can. Complimenti per i tuoi successi.

mark bag o zzi

deadline one This was the first full page ad I did this year but I really like how it turned out. My favorite part about this page is the way the name is stacked. Also, I like the way the pictures can fit along with the stacked names.

design Love, Mom and Dad

Robert, We are so proud of the young man that you have become. Stay true to yourself and you will go far. Congratulations on everything that you have and will accomplish.


robert baity


“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.”

ra lp h w a ld o eme rs o n .

[DESIGN BY CATHERINE MENDOZA] COMMUNITY “I have a real thing for grammar. It is a pet peeve [of mine] when people use bad grammar,” senior Morning Baker said.

Love, Mom, Dad and Shadow

Morning, On Sept. 3, 1998, God gave us the best gift ever: you. We are so proud of the young lady you have become. What a blessing it has been to watch you grow. Always remember, you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think and loved more than you know.


morning baker

deadline one




“Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.”

w alt w h it m a n.

Love, Mom, Dad, Hayden and Sophie

riley bassett

[DESIGN BY CATHERINE MENDOZA] COMMUNITY “I speak fluent Albanian,” senior Elena Berisha said.

With endless love, Mami, Babi, Zana and Rina

Elena, You were the first spark of new life in our family that brought us lots of smiles, joy and happiness. Then you turned into a bright and beautiful woman whom we absolutely adore. May your life continue to be full of smiles with all your dreams and desires fulfilled. Nga dashuria jonë linde ti dhe jetën na e përmbushe me lumturi. Vazhdo jetën tënde me krenari dhe çdo herë mbet ti.


elena berisha

deadline one


f os t e r mccl el la n

“Trust yourself. Create the kind of self you will be happy to live with all of your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.”



kelsey byerly

All our love, Mom, Dad, Kendall and all your family

Kelsey, You have always had an enthusiasm for life. We love that about you and hope that you keep that energy, confidence and passion as you make decisions for your future. You have inspired us with your high goals and hard work. We are so proud of all your accomplishments and we know you will achieve amazing things in your life. You are not only beautiful on the outside, but also on the inside. We know you will continue to brighten the day and warm the hearts of so many others, as you do with us every day. May you have many wonderful adventures.

You’ll forever be Bulldogs at heart!

Good Luck, Class of 2016

Blankner School Home of the Bulldogs

[DESIGN BY CATHERINE MENDOZA] COMMUNITY “I write stories [and] I want to be a novelist on the side,” senior Isabella Braga said.


“To believe yourself brave is to be brave; it is the only essential thing.”

mark twain

The Braga Family congratulates you on all your achievements. You are our pride and joy. 2016 Mayor’s MLK Youth Humanitarian 2015 ALA Girls Nation Florida Senator 2015 ALA Girls State Chief Justice 2012-2016 Academy of Law 2012 OCPS Youth Volunteer Proud Brave


i s abel l a

deadline one




“If any of you lacks wisdom,he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.”

j ame s 1:5- 6 .

Love always, Dad, Mom and Brad

Diana, It seems like yesterday that we were blessed with our little baby girl. Watching you grow up into a beautiful, smart and confident young woman has been such a joy. We will always be there for you and are so excited to see what the next chapter of your life has in store for you.

diana bronson

[DESIGN BY CATHERINE MENDOZA] COMMUNITY “I’m in dual enrollment to get ahead [and] eventually make it to medical school,” senior Melissa Brooks said.


melissa brooks

With love, Dad

I am so proud of you in so many ways. I adore, admire and respect the beautiful young woman that you’ve become more than I can adequately express in words. If you could see yourself through my eyes, you would never doubt your abilities, your beauty or how loved you are. For all that your future holds, please know that I will always be here for love and support. Congratulations.

Love, Mom

Melissa, From the day I found that I had you in my womb, I love loved and adored you. Those 40 weeks seemed to take forever because I could not wait to meet you. When that day came, I clearly remember my first gaze into your beautiful eyes. I watched in awe as you developed your playful personality. Your deep, infectious laugh was so distinct from the time you were only a few months old. The day you learned to crawl, you took off in a game of chase. Even as a baby, you loved being around people and parties. Your caring nature inspired you to take in your best friend as your sister and sacrifice your family and home. I am so proud of how you are self-reliant, motivated and a super successful student. You have grown to be a beautiful, strong and independent young lady. I love you beyond words. I am so excited to see the wonderful future that awaits you.

deadline one



We love you so so much, Dad, Mom, Marissa and Cara

Ciara, It hardly seems possible that you are graduating high school. It was just yesterday that we were in tears peeking through the preschool window to make sure you were alright after we dropped you off. It has been a total joy and privilege being your parents and watching the beautiful and caring young woman you have become. Life has thrown some challenges at you, but you triumphed over them all. You excel at everything you do because of your determination and dedication. We can’t wait to see where you go from here. We are so extremely proud of you.

ciara brown

design senior

courtney arzu freshman

emily botwin

“The doctor from Dr. Who because he can go anywhere in time and it would be cool to be a part of anything you could ever think of and meet anyone.”


olivia ingram

“Violet from The Incredibles because she can disappear whenever she wants to. I’d ask what tricks she plays on people.”


jacob burr

“Spongebob because he works but doesn’t get money so I want to ask how he pays for stuff.”

Andrew, You grew up so fast. You make us so proud. You will always be the best part of the Rowdy Crowd. Remember to laugh with the sinners; the sinners are much more fun.

[DESIGN BY CATHERINE MENDOZA] COMMUNITY “I am a big One Direction fan,” senior Andrew Cairns said.


andrew cairns


robert bakewell

“Santa Claus because he brings joy to people.”

“Voldemort because his personality is intriguing and the transformation from his younger self to older self is interesting.I would analyze him from top to bottom and ask him ‘Why are you the way you are?’”

which fictional character do you wish you could meet?

content by catherine mendoza

deadline one




Much love always, Mom, Dad, Dylan, Dustin and Macy

Nathan, We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. We wish you wisdom in choosing your own path, confidence in facing challenges, joy and adventure in everyday life and peace from living in His will.

p s al m 1 0 5 : 4 . “Look to the Lord and seek his strength; seek his face always.”



With all of our love, Mom and Dad


Steven, From the second we held you, we knew how blessed we were. We have watched our “Peewee” grow from a sweet little boy to an amazing young man. You have always walked to the beat of your own drum and have not been afraid to be yourself. Don’t lose that confidence because that is what makes you uniquely you. Your creativity and intelligence shine through in everything you do. Continue to follow your dreams and may you always dare to do great things. Be happy and enjoy the journey, too. As this chapter of your life ends and you embark on the next, know our love and support for you will always remain. We are so very proud of you and your success. Your graduation is a tremendous accomplishment. Well done.

james 1:2-4 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

[DESIGN BY CATHERINE MENDOZA] COMMUNITY “I want to be an interior designer,” senior Steven Fox said.

steven fox

deadline two


Love, Momma Kat and Craig


vivian reyes

“Because of Winn-Dixie because I like animals.”


ethan tewawina

“Dr. Suess’ Green Eggs and Ham because I’ve always wanted to eat green eggs and ham.”


sarah davis

“The Goosebumps series because I like sci-fi type stuff.”



madison henderson

Nana loves you to the moon and back

May you prosper as you move through this next chapter of your life.


jamari ridley

“Baby Mouse. I liked it because it was about a teen mouse trying to fit in and I related to it.”

My Dear Maddie Long Legs, You have turned lemons into lemonade. We are so proud of you.


danny sivongxay

“The Very Hungry Caterpillar because Eric Carle was my favorite author.”

what was your favorite book as a child?

content by catherine mendoza

[DESIGN BY CATHERINE MENDOZA] COMMUNITY “I love watching The Pioneer Woman. It’s a cooking show,” senior Ashlyn Gage said.

1 t i mo t hy 4 : 1 2 “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

We love you Ashlyn, Mom, Dad, Rebecca, Luke, Grandma and Grandpa

Ashlyn, We are so proud of all your amazing accomplishments. Your dedication, hard work and gentle-loving spirit has been an inspiration and a shining light to everyone. We are so proud of you. There is no doubt, the best is yet to come.


ashlyn gage

deadline two




blake garrison

We love you, Mom, Dad, Jonah and Peyton-Grace

Blake, We can’t believe your high school graduation is already here. Throughout the years, you have brought us so much laughter, joy and sometimes even tears. We have been blessed by your terrific smile, flirtatious personality and the ability to always make us laugh. We are so proud of the young man you have become and look forward to watching you continue to grow throughout your college years and throughout life.

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”

he nry da vi d tho re au.

[DESIGN BY CATHERINE MENDOZA] COMMUNITY “I did gynmastics when I was five,” senior Blake Garrison said.

321-436-0743 253

deadline two




p ro v e r b s 3 : 5 - 6 . “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Hunter, We are so proud of the young man you have become. May all your dreams come true and never give up. You are such a blessing and we thank God every day for giving you to us. We love you, Mom, Dad, Bradie and Analise

hunter gentile .jeremiah 29:11

[DESIGN BY CATHERINE MENDOZA] COMMUNITY “When I’m not doing ballet, you might find me with a camera in hand taking photos. I can develop my own film,” senior Ashton Gordon said.


ashton gordon

Ashton, Have courage and be kind... Cinderella. When we look back over the years, we have all been blessed by your pure heart of gold. It is a rare and valuable gift. We see you as our very own Cinderella in life with your gentleness and kindness and the work ethic to make all your dreams come true. So we send you with love, joy, peace, health and happiness. Amen.

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord,‘ plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’.”

deadline two



kelly griffin


Love, Dad, Mom, Jennifer (‘97), Jaime (‘01), Stephen (‘09) and Justin (‘11)

Kelly, When you were born, the family gathered and took turns holding the little girl that brought us all closer together. Eighteen months later, we watched you dance on the kitchen floor to Elmo singing “ABC.” Through years of Girl Scouts, parties with your friends, singing in musical theater, great family vacations and exploring your creative talents in art and music, you grew into a talented, sensitive and compassionate young woman with a heart of gold. We have teased you about being a hippie at heart, with your bumper stickers, love of acoustic music and a “peace, love and save the world” outlook on life that speaks volumes about your morals and your character. We know that you’ll go far and will be successful doing anything you choose – especially if it involves caring for others. We love you and wish you the best at college and in the wonderful life you have ahead of you.

[DESIGN BY CATHERINE MENDOZA] COMMUNITY “I have a big obsession with penguins,” senior Devynn Haid said.


Words can never say how much we love you. You are an extraordinary young woman and beyond beautiful inside and out. Your passion for dance is a joy to watch and while dancing your radiant smile lights the room. We are honored and blessed to be your grandparents. All our love, Grandma and PaPa

Devynn, There are no words that can express how much you are loved. There is no way to measure how proud we are of you and there is no way to even begin to imagine the amount of joy you will bring us in the years to come. You are so kind, considerate, sweet and thoughtful that you make the world a better and more beautiful place. Congratulations on graduation and on all of your many accomplishments. Always remember to do what makes you happy, be with those who make you smile and laugh as much as you breathe. We love you around the world and back. Mom, Dad and Maddie

devynn haid

deadline two





p ro v e r b s 1 6 : 3 . “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.”

We love you so much, Dad, Mom, Vaughan, Greyson and Ethan

Xander, We are so proud of you. From the time you were very young, your character and kindness foreshadowed the man who you would become. You are a friend who anyone who would be fortunate to have. You are a leader who cares about the people he leads. And you are a son who we are blessed to have. You have soared as a high school student and we can’t wait to see the amazing things you will do as you continue to follow God’s plan for your life.


COMMUNITY “I can sense when peanuts are in other people’s food. [It] helps me stay alive [because] I’m allergic,” senior Alexander Harris-Unzueta said.


deadline two

deadline two

Nathan, It seems almost surreal that you are graduating from high school and soon will be going away to college to start your exciting future. Since the time you were born, you always had a spirit of confidence and adventure, which has developed into the accomplished individual that you are today. From a young age, you have been larger than life in both stature and desire to achieve what you set your mind to. You have always lived life with gusto and never doubted yourself in what you wanted and could accomplish. You’re a confident young man who has great opportunities ahead of him. We have always been proud of you and everything you have accomplished and are so excited for your future and everything you seek to pursue. The future couldn’t be any brighter for a young man with your many talents. Stay true to your faith, family and especially yourself, and let your talents shine. Go for it Big Red. Love you bud, Mom and Dad

nathan haskins 260



deadline two This is another design I liked this year. She was also aloud to have extra pictures since she is an editor. I really liked the look of the wide dominant in the middle of the page. Also, the dominant bleeds off the page so I like the way it flows off bringing your eyes to the middle of the page.

Katie, You have grown into a beautiful, intelligent and kind young lady. Your family and I are very proud of all that you have overcome and achieved. Undoubtedly, your father would be equally proud. Continue to exude light, extend graciousness and maintain momentum. You will always have the love and support you need to move on to your next journey. Cannot wait to see what’s next.


With much love, Mom

ca se y n e istat. “Always the stairs, never the escalator.”

marshall 282



deadline two This is a design I liked. She has fewer pictures than most people, but I think it looks really good. She is one of my close friends so I had fun designing it. Since she has few pictures and little text, I could make the pictures bigger which I like.

Drew, Congratulations. We are so proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad and Emily


elizabeth porterfield [DESIGN BY CATHERINE MENDOZA] COMMUNITY “I have the hots for the Publix meat man,� senior Elizabeth Porterfield said.



deadline Three This is my favorite desgin I did this year. Since she is an editor on staff, she was aloud extra pictures. Me and the editor in cheif designed this together. I think I liked this design because we couldn’t use the template we have so we got to redisgn and make it different than all the rest of the pages.

ral ph w al d o emerson “What lies behind us and what lies before us are but tiny matters when compared to what lies within us.”

Morgan, God has blessed you with many gifts and it has been such a joy to watch you excel in academics, athletics and leadership. You have taken on many challenges and have met each of them with determination, holding true to the high standards you have set for yourself. You are independent, responsible and coachable, and these qualities will help you succeed. We don’t know what God has planned for you in the future, but we do know that it is a perfect plan, so just trust Him to guide and direct you. We love you very much and will remain your biggest fans, Mom, Dad and Mallory

morgan smith 308





senior junior

yaleilys rivera

“Spiders because they are weird, gross and creepy.”



joss gonzalez

“Losing my mom because she has inspiried me to go to school and achieve. She is a big part of my life.”

what’s your biggest fear and why?

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bryson crenshaw

“Dying because I’m scared I am going to die before I get to do everything I want.”

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widmaer morame

“When I was five I was scared of the dark, but now I’m not scared of anything. I take risks.” freshman sophomore

emily young

“Spiders because they are gross and creepy. They give me the chills.”

content by peyton guillot

We love you, Your family

Brad, We are all so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. You are a blessing to us all.

bradley herb

[DESIGN BY CATHERINE MENDOZA] COMMUNITY “I once had a dream that pigeons got angry at a political decision so they pooped on everything,” senior Amanda Wisor said.


amanda wisor

We love you to the moon and back, Mum, Dad and Jenny

Amanda, We can’t believe you are about to leave us and move on to the next phase of your life. Our hope is that we have given you the foundation you need. Hopefully, both your faith and close family ties will get you through all the trials and tribulations that come with college life and beyond. We are so very proud of you and the woman you have become and we can’t wait to see how you use your God-given blessings.

“Happiness can be found. Even in the darkest of times. If one only remembers to turn on the light.”

j . k. row l i n g

deadline three

deadline Three

jackson woods

Jackson, It feels like yesterday when you brightened our lives with your smile and your laugh. From the moment you were born, you had a love for your family and for the outdoors. You have always been your happiest outside surfing, fishing, hiking and playing sports. You give 100 percent and we have loved watching you live life and accomplish your goals. Remember where home is and know that we are always here to support and encourage you. With family, friends and faith, you can do anything. We love you, Mom, Dad, Tanner and Cole

jeremi ah 2 9 : 1 1 “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord,‘plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’.”















3 2

6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40


Race said. “[My experience at Boone taught me] patience, loyalty, trust, persistence and friendship.”



















124 out of 204 who responded on Feb. 29

31-35 26-30 21-25 16-20 11-15 6-10


teachers with doctoral degrees

years at boone:

instructional with classes

24 13

instructional with out classes


teachers graduated from Boone


content, photo and design by catherine mendoza








years teaching:

is the longest a teacher has been at Boone

32 years

ra c e

English teacher left in light spirits

amount of teachers


amount of teachers

34 35


“It is really weird being the daughter of Mrs. Gonzalez because, if I slip my teachers know her and just contact her,” freshman Zoe Gonzalez said.

i dont’t have kids



do you have kids that go to or went to boone?

Ready for a new experience, English teacher Cheryl Race felt prepared when it came time to retire; of her 30 years teaching, she spent 29 of them on the Reservation because of its people. “It is such a good school. The students are great and it is such a pleasure to be here. Our students are among the best,” Race said. Although Race enjoyed her job here, she felt that 30 years of teaching was enough. She planned write a short memoir about her education as a child that required her to travel back to the schools she went to in Missouri. She wanted to write about how the schools had changed since she attended. She also planned to spend more time with her granddaughter and grow more active with her hobbies. “Ms. Race’s retirement leaves me feeling bittersweet. I am so happy that she will be able to have freedom to pursue her passions of bike riding and spending time with her granddaughter, Isabella,” English teacher Stacy Liebman said. “But, I am saddened that I won’t be able to see someone who makes me laugh on a daily basis and someone that I hold in such great respect for and call a dear friend.” Liebman had thought of Race as a “dear friend” since 2004 when she came to Boone. She respected Race’s flexibility to teach anything the school’s administration asked of her. “[My advice to new teachers is] to be flexible. Try to look at the students’ point of view. Think beyond the subject and content. Think of the student as an individual and not as a body in a desk,” Race said. One of Race’s well-known attributes was her ability to make her students or colleagues giggle. Liebman admired how she brought laughter to serious situations through her one-liner jokes. “To limit my favorite Ms. Race memory is nearly impossible, but a few of the best are some of the one-liners she shared with students throughout her years like, ‘Stand up if your grade is too high.’ Or when using highlighters to score student writing, she would tell them ‘Blue means redo, and pink means it doesn’t stink’,” Liebman said. Previous students remembered and thanked Race for her helpfulness and friendly personality. “What gives me a lot of pride is when previous students contact me and thank me for my help and guidance,” Race said. “I am proud just a joke. Before writing the day’s lesson on the board, that people in this world have thought about the help I have given long Cheryl Race chuckles at her own joke. “I try to help people look after it was rendered.” at issues in a variety of ways. Things are not black and white,”


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[DESIGN BY CATHERINE MENDOZA] COMMUNITY “I make a lot of money building computers,” junior Robert Purvis said.


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team Hair Salon


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accel motorsports

deadline three





isabella sillery

100 N. Summerlin Ave. Orlando, FL 32801 (407) 648-0009


gabriella martinez

“I would obviously wish for money, a black Volkswagen buggy and to graduate.”

“I would wish for more than three wishes, to get into the University of Florida, it is my dream school, and to live in Europe because it is different than America.”

prov erbs 1 6 : 3 “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.”


brandon jackson

“I am pretty happy with my life, so I would help others by wishing for world peace, a better economy, so we do not have to fight for resources, and freedom of expression in other countries.”

[DESIGN BY CATHERINE MENDOZA] COMMUNITY “I collect baseball cards,” senior Wesley Brown said.


wesley brown

We love you, Mom, Dad and Madison


malik sims

Wesley, Watching you grow from a little boy to a man has been one of our greatest joys in life.



juangabriel cabrera

“I would wish for a bigger house, more money and a red Nissan 370Z.”

“[I would wish to] succeed my dreams, get a good girlfriend that cares about me and is different from my previous relationships and a big house in Miami.”

if a genie could grant you any three wishes, what would they be?

content by taylor roberts

deadline Three




407-925-4280 1900 N. Orange Blossom Trail Orlando, FL 32804

Mat Tyndall


Baker, Hyatt, Homrich & Zokvic P.A.

COMMUNITY “I can dislocate my shoulder blades,” senior Katelin McMahon said.


deadline three



design [DESIGN BY CATHERINE MENDOZA] COMMUNITY “I used to do boxing,” junior Pal Krasqini said.

Phone: 407-856-6970 Address: 7100 TPC Dr., Suite #450 Orlando, FL 32822 Visit us online:


deadline Three

This quote page was my first of the year. All of the photos on the page were mine.


This quote page was from my second deadline. I took all of the photos for the page.


Theme, 130-131, Deadline 5


Theme, 006-007, Deadline 2


sports Photo Gallery I think I got good action photos at this game. This was my first basketball game shooting and it took me time to get used to the lighting but I got it. To see all the pictures, click here.


sports Photo Gallery These pictures represent my photography skills. Shooting in the gym isnt easy because of the writing but I think I did a good job. To see all the photos, click here.


sport wrap up This game was a big success for the boys. I think that I was able to include all the important details of the game while giving the big picture. To read the full story, click here.


sport wrap up This was the biggest rival game of the season for the girls. It was an exciting game that was close. I think this story told the game very well. To read the full story, click here.


Senior ad video This video will be very useful to help sell ads for seniors. This year we were short on pages so I think this can help us meet our goal next year. To watch the full video, click here.


chess club shirt I started Chess Club my sophomore year of high school. I am the president so it was part of my job to make the shirts. This shirt will hopefully be used next year for our club.


design one

design two

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