Micks 2011 Portfolio

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Hope Micks

Portfolio 2010-2011

May 24, 2011 Renee Burke Publications Advisor 2000 South Mills Avenue Orlando, FL 32806-4199 (407) 893-7200

Hope Micks 3240 Cardigan Ct. Orlando, FL 32812 hopemicks@yahoo.com |407|883 8047

Dear Ms. Burke, If you’re looking for a new clubs editor, I’m the person for the job. I was on staff last year and worked very well as a staffer. I am more than qualified to fill the needs for club editor. After helping the previous clubs editor fulfill her needs taking all the club pictures I feel like I developed an understanding for how to organize all the pictures, club names and people names. I also was always around the previous clubs editor. I learned how to design the spreads, work better with the programs like InDesign and how to help the other students. I became an expert at talking to the other students, I now know how to communicate to them and help them when they need it. Thank you for considering me for the position of summer camp counselor. I believe a face-to-face interview will allow you to better see the qualities I have needed for this position. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Hope Micks


Hope Micks 3240 Cardigan Ct. Orlando, FL 32812 hopemicks@yahoo.com |407| 883 8047

Objective: To become clubs editor for Legend yearbook staff 2011 Education: 2 years at Boone High School Graduation Date: June 2013 GPA: 3.5 Experience: 1 year of Journalism 1 1 year Legend yearbook staffer

References: Renee Burke advisor of Boone Publications renee.burke@ ocps.net

Personal Essay

To some people, journalism is just a class they take to put on their college application. For me, it’s what I love. Although all the writing and picture taking can become a nuisance at times, it’s a good feeling to see your byline published. I got started in journalism by picking a random class in the 8th grade. We were all meeting with guidance counselors from Boone and I had not yet picked my third elective; so my guidance counselor helped me choose a class I might like. That was life changing, for now it’s the class I could never live without. It’s not always easy though. Sometimes it’s hard to meet the deadlines, or find time to go after school or during lunch to finish work. I got through the class by forcing myself to do the work, no matter what the cost may be.

SelfAnalysis Evaluation

This year I have learned so many new concepts in yearbook. For one, I learned how to work together with another person. Before this year I had never had the chance to work so close with another person on a piece of work that was so important. For projects in other classes I had either worked by myself or we split up the work; but with these deadlines it was different. When working with my partner I had to be patient. Sometimes I had to wait for them to do their job in order to do mine. For instance if I was doing captions, I had to wait to get pictures. If they decided to not do their job, you had to take over. It was hard to be patient, but it taught me that if you want the job done right, do it yourself. I also learned how to organize my time and priorities. In yearbook this is a crucial characteristic to have. In order to meet all the small deadlines you have to work every single day. This could become quite difficult at times. Not only is there school and other classes to deal with, but also other clubs and volunteer work. Through yearbook, I learned how to organize my time. It helps to use a planner, or even the alarm on your phone. I know that I’ll use all these new capabilities not only through the rest of high school, but into college and my career. You could even use these when you have a family.

Reflection 1

My best piece of work was the support staff page. Not only did I do this page by myself, but I took all the pictures on the spread. It started off pretty rough. It was hard to get in touch and find all the people I had to picture. Every day after school I would go around the school and work hard to get pictures that were good enough to go in the yearbook; not just boring pictures that qualified as decent. In the end, I really liked how the pictures turned out. Not all of them were amazing, but seeing as how I had a month to get them all, I think I did a good job.

Reflection 1

Reflection 1

Reflection 2

The piece of work I disliked most was my quote page “What do your shoes say about you?�. I feel like the cobbing could have used some more work. The idea was good, but I also wish I had gotten better answers out of the people on that page. The answers were bland and a little repetitive, they could have been more detailed.

Reflection 2

Reflection 2

Reflection 3

I am proud of this picture because of the depth of field. This year I was not that great at taking pictures, it was my weak spot. This picture was one of the only pictures I was proud to have taken. It not only has leading lines, but the coins and reflective table shows good depth of field. Although it wasn’t printed due to the person having been on a hit list for something else, it was my best picture. kiss the pig 9-15_micks093 Morgan Carr

Reflection 4

This year has been the most successful academic year of my life. I feel like I brought a lot to Publications this year. Not only did I try to keep everyone entertained with my crazy singing and dancing; but I made myself ready to help at any moment. For example, during club photos I helped Brooke organize and gather everyone’s names. Also, when she was going through pictures I helped her get names for people she missed.

Reflection 5

a. Everyday people come across problems they believe they cannot get through. For me the most difficult hurdle to get over was when I had to work when I was not on my meds. I have ADHD, so without my medication it is extremely difficult to stay focused or sit still long enough to get work done. b. I learned that I cannot let my disabilities hold me back; even if my brain is telling me that I can’t get something done, if my heart’s in it, I can and will. Whenever this happens again I’ll be sure to plug some music into my ears and keep my head in the game. c. Overall I think I handled myself well every time this situation arose. I would tell myself that the anxiety or energy does not control me. It always works, and I plan on keeping control.

Reflection 6

At mid-terms my greatest weakness was getting my deadlines in on time. Every single time I tried as hard as I could to make it on time, I couldn’t. Gradually, over time, I was able to push myself. I focused on the smaller picture, rather than the bigger picture. I worked harder to get the small deadlines in on time. When I was able to turn in those small deadlines in on time, the other deadlines just fell into place.

Reflection 7

I picked this piece to represent me because it’s one of the only pictures that got published. I worked really hard this day to get a good picture.

Reflection 7

I picked this piece because the designs and color is so good. All the pictures show really good action and the story also has a lot of emotion.

Reflection 7

I picked this piece because I worked the hardest on this one. The story is also well-written.

Reflection 8

Deadline 1

Deadline 2

Deadline 3

Deadline 4

Deadline 5

Deadline 7

Design 1

Design 2

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