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Stephanie Nebeker 4862 Lorraine Way Orlando FL, 32812 nebekerclan@msn.com (360)609-8935 May 25, 2011 Renee Burke Yearbook Advisor 2000 S. Mills Orlando, Fl 32816
Dear Ms Burke: I know that the Legend yearbook has been looking for a new People section editor. If you are looking for someone with journalism back round, a passion for writing and who will get the work done then the search is over. I have attached my resume for you to take a look at. I believe I have these qualities and the resume´ will show you an example of all the things you are looking for. I understand that I have only been a staffer on the Legend yearbook for one year. Some may see this as a disadvantage but I see it more as a great trait. When I became a staffer I applied for the position with out taking a year of Journalism 1 and this did not hurt my performance at all. In the past year I have stayed on top of everything expected of me and I have met every expectation. Peoples section editor would be another opportunity that I would be able to succeed in. I believe in a face to face conversation and interview with you would prove I am more than qualified. My year experience in yearbook has taught me about Indesign, designs, and journalism writing and editing. These skills would be beneficial to the Peoples section editor to have. Another thing I have learned as a youth leader at my church is that I have learned just that, how to be a leader. I have proven that I am dedicated and can get people interested and passionate about what task they have to face. Even though you can see my qualifications on the resume´ I believe in would be more beneficial for you to have a talk with me in person. I will not disappoint you. Respectfully yours,
Stephanie Nebeker Enclosed: resume´
STEPHANIE NEBEKER 4862 Lorraine Way Orlando, FL 32812 nebekerclan@msn.com (360) 609-8935
To obtain the position of Peoples section editor and learn more about communications and publications
Completed three years at Boone High School G.P.A. 3.6.
EXPERIENCE Yearbook staff member, Boone High School
- Aug 2010 - Present. Wrote yearbook articles and worked with indesign and photoshop
Girls Water Polo, Boone High School
- Jan 2009 - May 2011. Worked with a team and overcame hardships as a team
Student Government Assistant, Boone High School
- 2009 - 2010
Experience in Adobe Photoshop CS3 and CS5 Proficient in Adobe Photoshop CS3 and CS5 AWARDS, HONORS AND MEMBERSHIPS National Honor Society
- Had to keep above a 3.0 GPA and do five hours or more of service hours every nine weeks
Second Place in Art Festival
- I received a second place award for my photography
ince I was younger I have always wanted to be involved in making the yearbook. Making something for years and years people would look back and remember their wonder years. I have always wanted to do this but never knew how to get started or involved. I moved to Florida and I made it a goal of mine to finally get involved in Yearbook. I applied and got the position of a staffer with out having taken any journalism At the beginning of the year I felt maybe I should have taken Journalism 1 because everyone was using these terms that I have never heard of. Slowly but surely I caught up with what I had to do. When applying for Yearbook I thought it was one person takes pictures and one person writes. I was very interested in the picture taking part. When finding out I had to write real stories, that was not what I expected. Writing has never ever been my strong point but I was determined to succeed even if it meant getting big X’s through my stories. Deadline after deadline I liked writing stories more. Now they are equivalent or even more like than picture taking. I love journalism. I think the whole picture of it all with the interviewing and detailed writing has taught me significantly. My spelling is still not the best but I am more confident in my writing skills than I use to be.
think out of any class I have ever taken I have learned the most in this one class. I have learned more than I ever knew about writing skills than I have in any English class. I understand that the format of the an English paper is quite different than a yearbook story but grammar wise I have learned more. In other classes you have homework due on a certain day but it is completely different when the deadline is dependent on you. Most the time I didn’t even care about the grades. I wanted to stay on deadline because I signed up for this and didn’t want people to worry about my unfinished work. The deadlines taught me over all how to be responsible and time management. This will be used in the future in any job I have. I will no longer be given a letter grade but my co. workers or boss will be expecting me to follow through with what I set out to do. Regarding teamwork in the future everyone is going to go through harder teammates to work with than others. This year I learned two different sides of teamwork which with both I have learned something from. First you can’t depend on anyone. Or in a more positive way to say it you have to be flexible enough to pick up your teammates slack. Not everyone is going to have the same work ethics. Second thing I learned is teamwork is important to be able to do. If you are not patient in a team environment nothing will get done. If everyone tries working together and do their best than working with a team can be very successful. When trying to sell ads this year I believe I had more “real life” experience than many high schoolers. I learned how to be told no but to keep on going I learned to talk up the product with out lying and how to talk to new older business people alone. Being determined to sell the ads made it easier to not give up. During the course of the year, having to do interview after interview it was hard to get the perfect quote. I am proud to say I haven’t done made up any quotes and they are all straight from the person. In the future trials and life ethics will be put in front of you and if you start off cheating your way through things it will only get harder. Having done the honest thing all year has made me proud of my work. The dedication I had to put forward this year I think has taught me the most. I learned that it wasn’t just me being effected if I didn’t complete a deadline to my best ability but the editors. My perspective of deadlines has changed from the beginning of the year. In my future I know that deadlines being met will just be expected. They will want them met and to be accurate.
he story I did on interesting jobs I consider to be my best work. I think this because it was my first page and I got the most from it. I also think the qualities of the photos and story are my best I have done. My purpose of the page was to find people with interesting jobs and explain them. The process of doing the page was not easy because I had the whole page done and had to wait for just one person who wouldn’t work with me. This made me stress out and from this I learned to be flexible. I found a different person I could use and it actually turned out better than I had planned. This whole experience helped me on future deadlines.
he page on the Ping Pong Wizard was my piece that could use more work. I don’t think the overall look of the page is as great as it could have been. I learned from this piece that I need to go more than one time to take pictures of an action filled activity. During the whole deadline I kept putting different pictures as my dominant photo and it was really hard to decide which one to use. If I had more time on this page I would have found a different picture. I don’t want to say it’s an overall bad piece because the story I feel I put all I could into it. It just doesn’t feel the way I expected.
am proud of this photo because it shows action and the reactions of the players when either trying to shoot or getting hit. It has good elements of composition with depth of field. It brings it forward while the other players in the back you can see are watching the game. The thing that attracts me most to this picture is the other teams player and how he is scrunching down and seeing his leg muscle. VarsityLacrosse_3-23 nebeker
was an asset to the Legend yearbook staff of 2011 and not a burden because I made every deadline. I worked hard to complete everything and tried not to procrastinate. I believe I brought well written stories and pictures. I was committed to yearbook because I came after school when it was not mandatory or not. I would write stories at home and go do interviews not during school hours. An example of this is on my page about car accidents I couldn’t ever get in touch with a person I needed to interview. I gave her a call and on a Saturday stopped by her house to do the interview
y hardship I faced this year would be unreliable people. I learned from being put in this situation is you can’t count on people. I had a situation where my partner got sick and wasn’t able to come for the whole week when our deadline had to be met. Not to put blame on her but it was just unexpected. I had to suck it up and step up to the plate. I worked as usual and ended up making deadline. If this were to happen again I would do the same thing but not stress out as much. When you stress about something it just makes it ten times harder. I believe I handled the situation well.
y greatest weakness during the first semester was procrastination. After I realized my weakness I began to work on it. I would to interviews and body’s before my next deadline really began. My stress level went down after I stopped procrastination and by our last deadline I made it with a day or two to spare. I increasingly saw myself and my abilities improve My work was less rushed and over all a more enjoyable experience.
Y1/ A Negative Plus/ Pg 38-39
chose this piece because when assigned this page I was not looking forward to doing it at all. During the course of writing it and interviews I began to see the story start to form. I feel the opening paragraph describes how any teenager would feel if they found out they were pregnant. Another thing is all the different sides I got. From the boyfriend, both parents and the teen mom. In the end I believe the over all page but especially the page wound up to be better than I could have imagined. Y7/ Lacrosse Page/ Pg10-11
his sidebar added to the page because the quote that was used was well said and made the page come together. The quote summed up how lacrosse really is in one sentence. It made the people reading the page understand the lacrosse players and how they feel about their sport. Y39/ Up, Up and Away/pg 10-11
would like to submit this whole spread about interesting jobs. I think the photos, layout and thresholded pictures make the page come together. The over all look is eye catching and make you want to read over the story and captions. It was also an enjoyable learning experience while writing it.
wHaT wIll embarrass you IN 10 yearS?
n STepHaNIe Nebeker
Drooling while asleep in class. KayDENE rIcharDs
“When I graduate, I get to move to Tallahasse for college,” Justin Holzman said.
Taking hoPE as a senior. ZachEry BrowN
[I make] short films and videos of my friends. They are improv films. MarTIN MoraN
Shiyana Farrelly Christopher Farrill Kristin Faust
Candace Fay Valentina Fevrier Kaitlyn Fields
Maria Figuerado Daniela Figueroa Gabrielle Figueroa
Sarah Figueroa Travis Finley Kathryn Fiorelli [I am] obsessed with harry Potter right now; he is embarrassing [but] come on, it’s the greatest thing ever. aLExIs sMITh
Amanda Fleminger Gray Floyd Marie Formica
Taking dumb pictures with my friends because I don’t know what I am going to be when I grow up and it might affect me. TIffaNy MarIa Skipping school too much. It was nice sleeping in, but I should have been at school when I look back on it. HudSon duFF
[Not] participating in more activities. I can see at the reunion everyone talking about the clubs they were in and I won’t be able to join in. LouIs EffroN
Rayce Foskett Elton Frederick Sarah Fricke
Shaniece Frye Lelah Gainey Rebecca Galatowitsch