Emily Nusbickel 2011 Potfolio

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portfolio 2011

emily nusbickel

cover letter


May 16, 2011

2922 Overlake Avenue Orlando, FL 32806 enus852@gmail.com (407) 625-3110

Emily Nusbickel Staffer Legend yearbook 2000 S. Mills Avenue Orlando, FL 32806 Dear Mrs. Burke, I am applying for the position of a staffer on the Legend yearbook staff. As a staffer, i would be able to work dilligently independently, as well as with others, manage my time wisely and contribute to the success of a publication. As a staffer on the Lengend yearbook, I could contribute to the skills that a young journalist needs. For example, photography, writing and design. I have a background in journalism as well as a previous year on staff. Therefore, I am familiar with these skills. I have completed many deadlines which require time management and people skills. Another quality that I obtain is good people skills. I enjoy going on interviews and being interractive with other students that I might not have been as familiar with on campus. Shared deadlines is also one of my favorite things because I enjoy working with others, not only are you able to learn from the deadline you are working on, but as well as from the person you are working with. Possessing people skills and the ability to work well with others is an essential quality that should be seen in a staffer. Although the attatched resume illustrates my backgroud well, a personal interview might better demonstrate these qualities and abilities. I would appreciate a follow-up interview with you whenever you are available. Thank you for considering me for this position. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Respectfully yours,

Emily Nusbickel Enclosed: resume


Emily Nusbickel 2922 Overlake Avenue Orlando, FL 32806 enus852@gmail.com (407) 852-7722 OBJECTIVE To obtain a position on the Legend yearbook staff, have the opprotunity to develop journalistic skills and work with others. EDUCATION Completed two years at Boone High School. Graduation date: June 2013 G.P.A. 4.14 EXPERIENCE Legend Yearbook Staff, BooneHigh School • August 2011- present. Yearbook staffer. • August 2010- August 2011. Completed deadlines, interviewed people, taken pictures, designed layouts and aquired Indesign and Photoshop skills. RELEVANT HIGH SCHOOL STUDIES Photography, Journalism 1, yearbook 1. HONORS, AWARDS AND MEMBERSHIPS • English Student of the Year Award given to a student who has shown excellence in the literary department. •

Navel Award Award given to a student who demonstartes leadership in the classroom and community.

Vice President Of National Junior Honor Society Position dealing with decision making and demonstating leadership.

Junior Varsity Volleyball

personal essay

Where to start. Journalism has become more than just a hobby for me, it has become a passion. Although I know I’m not the best at it, I enjoy what I do. The bonds that I have made with the staff are some of which I will be able to treaser forever. Starting the year off I hoped that the rumors of room 224’s craziness were all just overexaggerations. I mean, how hard could snapping a few pictures and placing them on a page be? Apparently harder than i thought. Deadline one was a bit of an eye opener for me, in allowing me to see that yearbook was not a place for slackers. But it goes without saying that the staff is not a room full of reserved and withdrawn students typing away at their keyboards. It’s a second home. One that without my desire to get started in journalism, I never would’ve found. So as far as journalism goes, I love it for giving me the opprotunity to become a part of something that I can never get tired of. It all started when my sister went into highschool enrolled in the Journalism 1 class. It was just another elective to fill up her schedule and she decided to give it a whirl. Little did she know that journalism would have also captured her heart and would lead her into the next three years on the Legend yearbook staff. Following in my big sister’s footsteps, I too chose to take Journalism my first year in high school. But when it came time to decide whether or not we wanted to apply for staff, I was very hesitant. I didn’t know if I would be able to handle the amount of skill and time needed to put in to being a staffer. I also came to the conclusion that I wasn’t good at writing, design, or even what I thought was one of my best skills, photography. When I proceeded to explain this to Mrs. Burke at her daily before class post outside of the room, she blocked the door and told me that I wasn’t allowed inside until I at least considered it. After some long, deep thoughts, I figured it would be silly to not give it a shot. So that’s what I did. And thank the lord I did because looking at the final project, it feels amazing to tell my friends to go look at page 123 because I helped make it. Seeing my name in ink and knowing that the hard work I put into that actually paid off, is a beyond great feeling. In order to be successful in the dealines, I had to manage my time wisely and work well with others. Although I don’t think I ever met deadline, I tried my best to make sure I at least got pretty close. Its really important to know which things to do when and know how much time I have to do them. Also, many of the deadlines we shared so working well with others was extrememly important. When you’re working with someone on a deadline, its like being on a team; you both must work hard together to achieve the final goal. This requires lots of communication and flexibility to make up for times when your partner needs help or cannot be there with you. I think those are the main things I needed in order to succeed.

self evaluation

In yearbook this year I have learned many things. I have learned the importance of being aware of time limits and staying organized. By getting things turned into all your editors on time you are recieving more points for a deadline than you would if you hadn’t turned it in on time. Staying organized is essintial in order to be aware of where things are. It also makes it easier on your editors to grade faster when the folders are organized with intervies in the back and up to date edits in the front. I have learned the importance of teamwork through shared deadlines. It is important to always be in communication with your partner so you can both work hard to achieve the final goal. I never really realized how almost half of the book is made up of ads, which is where we get all the money to pay for the book. So, I have learned that selling ads is extrememly important in order for the book to finish looking how it was planned. I have also learned that no matter how easy it would be to just mirror an image in order to make it work on the spread, is unethical. Other ethical values such as sticking to the words of someone’s interview, unless of course the change would make it gramatically correct, is very essential. The most important and valuble thing that being on staff has taught me is how to be dedicated. Sure, I missed out on a few events for saturday workdays or because I’m staying late after school, but I knew what I was getting myself into and committed my time to the staff and production of the book.

reflection #1

I chose the “What’s In Your Bag?” spread for my most significant piece of work this year. I felt really accomplished when I finished it because I knew that I worked really hard on it. The easy part of this spread was probably all the cobbing. It is something that I can do really quick and it’s not very hard to be good at. I struggled the most with writing the story because I honestly had no idea what to write about. I didnt know how to make what someone had in their backpack, into a story. But after spending hours looking at the place where words should be covering, I began to write. Many resubmits later, I had my final piece. From the first effort to the published piece, a lot of things changed. For one, I had a complete different dominant than the current one. This is because I didn’t look at the master before I got the shot of the dominamt photo which to my dismay, I later found out that that person could not be used. I then had to proceed in finding another person with an interesting backpack and get their picture and re-cob the backpack. From that point on, I made it priority to double check the master and mark off the person BEFORE I went to interview or picture them.

reflection #1

reflection #1

reflection #2

The piewwce that I think could still use some work would be the cheerleading page. I learned that writing stories on girls waving pom poms and chanting things is a lot harder than it looks. I had no idea what I was going to write about and continued to be stumped, without a clue. So, for starters that made me become real behind on the dealine. I also changed the angle of the story a few times from writing it about a girl being injured on the freshman squad to how all the freshman have previous cheer expeirences with most everyone on the team. I learned that I need to decide the angle of the story before copy was due to my section editior. I also learned that I need to be more organized when it comes down to managing my time. If I had the chance to to further improve my published piece, I would attempt to get a better angle for both stories and also use more pictures that I actually took. I don’t feel like this piece is terrible, but I feel like it could use a lot more work. I could’ve spiced it up with better pictures and better stories.

reflection #2

reflection #2

reflection #3

I’m proud of this picture for many reasons. I think that it has a clear center of visual interest, rule of thirds and fills the frame. It also has good lighting. What attratcs me to this picture is the action and the emotion in the girls face. She’s thrusting herself through the air hoping that her jump will exceed her competitors. It is saved as : Dealine 7 16-001_soriano

reflection #4

I believe I was an asset to the 2010-11 Legend yearbook staff in more ways than one. I tried my best to be sure to work hard and not give up. As a first year staffer I was a little slow on the grading process and managing my time wisely. But I feel I did my best to complete the deadlines best I could. As a whole, I contributed to the whole staff by completing deadlines. We were all working to reach a common goal and I think I helped do my part in acheiving that goal.

reflection #5

Some problems and hardships that I faced this year was being a first year staffer and not knowing what to expect. I also didn’t manage my time very wisely, causing me to not meet deadlines and fall behind on my assignments. I also didn’t focus as hard as i should’ve. I learned that in order to be satisfied with the final product, I must work hard to reach that goal. I have to become organized with my papers as well as my time to know which things I should do first. If they were to arise again, I would have to put first things first and get the job done. I feel I handled the situations to my best ability at the time, but would do it again in order to get it right.

reflection #6

I think my greatest weakness is writing. I don’t feel like I’m strong at it at all. I also think I’m weak with photography but once I get past the fear of taking pictures in front of people and getting low and close, I feel like I can take decent pictures. But as an overall weakness, I struggle with writing the most.

reflection #7

Y1. Feature writing: Student Life. I chose to submit this piece of writing because it goes along with the theme in a sense of expressing ourselves in different ways.

Y. 15 Sports Action Photo: I think the dominant photo is a good action photo because it incooporates elements of composition as well as action and emotion.







I got my aunt’s name because she died; it’s a rose with her name in it. KRYSHARRA JOHNSON


n DELANEY ARKEILPANE AND EMILY NUSBICKEL I got a tattoo because I wanted to honor my nana because she died. ALYSSA CAFFREY

The flower is for my grandmother because she died and the butterfly is because she is free. KEIGHLEY CAIN I’ve always wanted one and it means something to me; it’s my last name and a cross. CHRISTOPHER BRADDOCK

[I got a tattoo because] It’s just a way of expressing yourself, and I just kind of wanted one. NICHOLAS GLOVER

Well, my best friend and I have always said that we balance each other out, so we got matching ying-yang tattoos. KALEY LONG

Answers: 1. Nicholas Glover 2. Alyssa Caffrey 3. Kaley Long 4. Daquan Barnes 5. Christopher Braddock 6. Krysharra Johnson 7. Keighley Cain

I got it when my grandma passed. It says no more drama, no more pain. It basically means she’s at peace now. DAQUAN BARNES




Y 22. Feature Presentation: I chose to submit this because I think it is an unusal spread that allows students to get to know something about someone that they might not have known about before seeing this.


Emily “Newbs”

reflection #8

Second Home. Room 224 “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

deadline #1










I got my aunt’s name because she died; it’s a rose with her name in it. KRYSHARRA JOHNSON

n DELANEY ARKEILPANE AND EMILY NUSBICKEL I got a tattoo because I wanted to honor my nana because she died. ALYSSA CAFFREY

The flower is for my grandmother because she died and the butterfly is because she is free. KEIGHLEY CAIN I’ve always wanted one and it means something to me; it’s my last name and a cross. CHRISTOPHER BRADDOCK

[I got a tattoo because] It’s just a way of expressing yourself, and I just kind of wanted one. NICHOLAS GLOVER

Well, my best friend and I have always said that we balance each other out, so we got matching ying-yang tattoos. KALEY LONG

Answers: 1. Nicholas Glover 2. Alyssa Caffrey 3. Kaley Long 4. Daquan Barnes 5. Christopher Braddock 6. Krysharra Johnson 7. Keighley Cain

I got it when my grandma passed. It says no more drama, no more pain. It basically means she’s at peace now. DAQUAN BARNES


deadline #1

deadline #2

deadline #3

deadline #4

deadline #5

deadline #7

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