Allie Sloan 2010portfolio

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portfolio 2010

cover letter

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Allie Sloan 219 E. Copeland Dr. Orlando, FL 32806 407!731!2010

May 26, 2010 Mrs. Renee Burke Journalism Department Boone High School 2000 South Mills Ave. Orlando, Florida 32806 Dear Mrs. Burke, It has recently come to my attention that you are seeking a new Editor in Chief for the upcoming addition of the Legend Yearbook. If you are looking someone with creativity, a good eye for unique design and someone who exhibits strong leadership skills then I would appreciate your consideration of my resume enclosed with this letter. As a staffer on the 2008-2009 edition of the Legend Yearbook, I showed strong dedication and commitment to producing an award winning yearbook. My contributions included writing stories and taking photographs of topic events. I am confident that Caley Brock and Emily Butterfield, the EIC’s for 2009-2010 would confirm my skills and ability. The job of Editor in Chief requires great leadership, strong organizational skills and recognition of the importance of deadlines. If accepted for this position I am prepared to carry these tasks to the very best of my ability. The opportunity to meet with you and discuss this important position would greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Allie Sloan

Enclosed Resume


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To find a rewarding photo journalist position with a national travel magazine.


2009-2010! Legend Yearbook Sta"! Staff ! Stories on: ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Lost in Translation - Profile on Pham Hope Soap - Profile on Nani SGA/Leadership

Ethnic/Culture Shock

Carmela Crutcher - Profile Student Trips

JV Baseball and Softball

2009-2010 Boone High School Currently Tenth Grade 2008


Orlando, FL

2009 by Aliens

Blankner Middle School Graduate

Orlando, FL Orlando, FL

Paper Plate Award - Most Likely to Be Abducted

2008 Annual History Student Award Orlando, FL Blankner Middle School


Ms. Schkerke - Boone High School English 407-893-7200 ext. 2328 Mr. Lineberry - Boone High School Science 407-893-7200 ext. 2626 Ms. Burke - Boone High School Journalism 407-893-7200 ext. 2614

E ! M A I L A L L I E B E A R 1 9 9 3 @ YA H O O . C O M 2 19 E . C O P E L A N D D R . • O R L A N D O , F L O R I D A 3 2 8 0 6 • P H O N E ( 4 0 7 ) 3 17! 9 1 19


personal essay

Being on staff this year turned out to be totally different than my first year as a staffer. This year I felt like I learned a lot more about the actual production and what really goes into making our yearbook. This year I feel like I handled my deadlines a lot better than I did last year. I was more organiser (with an occasional rip of a folder or two.) and more comfortable with the proses and caring out the deadline. Which tough me more about production skills. I am now comfortable with doing what ever is needed to get the pages done and shipped on time. With such a big production and only being in high school, teamwork is so important. This year I learned that being a team on deadlines can either make you or brake you. Two out of three times when working with a partner this year ended up going great. What made these two so different from my last time was communication. Being on the same page is the most important thing when it comes to working with a partner. It is what will make everything run smoothly. Through the past two years being on yearbook has tough me so many life lessons I could not have learned anywhere else. Like how to make a good sale or what is good advertising. The hardest part about yearbook for me is selling our nine yearbooks at the beginning of the year. Thought through this I found out that advertising and marketing for our yearbook can be less stressful when you do it in a fun way. For example making the video we put on BBC let kids know the book was on sail and made them more interested in actually buying the book. This made it a lot easier for us to sell them when we had people asking us for a book. Sadly I still only soled one. My dedication for yearbook and the staff as a whole has grown so much over my two years of being on staff. Unlike last year I am more than willing to stay late, help others, and do what ever is needed to get our deadlines met. I want to do what ever I can to make people feel comfortable and less stressed out as possible while in room 224. By applying for CO editor in chief and actually getting it, not only showed Mrs. Burke and the previous two EIC’s that I have improved but I also shoed myself that I have and can keep succeeding in life.



reflection one Through all of my deadlines I feel that my most significant piece was “Icing on the Cake”. That was deadline four, the profile on Carmela Crutcher the baker. In the beginning I was nervous because my goal was to get it done and finished before the Saturday work day. Because I had a friend from out of town coming to visit I was not going to be able to make it to the workday. I was so determined to get everything turned in on time. The deadline turned out not to be that challenging all in all and it was going really well up until I had to go to Crutcher’s house to take pictures for the page. It nearly turned into a disaster. Getting there was the hard part. After getting lost several times, finally I got there and was greeted with the surprise of a low battery to my camera. Lucky me, somehow a miracle must have happened because my camera never died and I managed to get some great pictures. Surprisingly, the over all piece did not change that much throughout the process. There were always the few changes each editor would have along the way but nothing ever major happened. The story pretty much stayed on the same topic through the course of the deadline. One thing in particular that stayed the same and is one of my favorite things about the page is the headline “Icing on the Cake”. I felt it went so perfectly with the story and I am really happy it stayed. I feel that this page taught me a lot of stuff I need to keep in mind for next year. For example, I handled my time really well and worked super hard. With all of my determination I was able to make deadline ahead of schedule. I will definitely want to do that again next year for all my deadlines.



reflection two This year I definitely ran in to some tough spots. During deadline two it got pretty stressful. I had girls freshman JV Volleyball. Dealing with the coach was the hardest thing I encountered. She was very rude and served as no help. When I asked her for the scores and what all I needed she would just tell me she didn’t have them. After many e-mail to her with no response I just wanted to give up. But I didn’t. I kept working on the page trying to get as much information on the team as I could. Over all I feel that the page itself changed a lot over the deadline form the first draft to now the layout looks totally different. With the story changed quiet a bit as well. Getting graded by the EIC was when I had to change the whole angle of the freshman teams story. After that I ended up getting rid of the JV’s headline and having one headline for both story’s with their own separate subheads. If I could further improve the page today I would definitely talk to the coach again. I would be more forceful with my questions and try not to take no for an answer. That way I would be able to finish the teams score board. But now I am happy as I’ll ever be with the page. I like it but I do wish I had taken more picture for the page. I really regret not doing that.

reflection three





3 e t i r Favo hotos P Picture one: This picture to me brings out so many emotions at once. There is the sadness to the moment having this been taking at relay for life but then there is the happiness in the woman’s eyes on the right looking into what looks like her mothers eyes. All around to me it is just a really amazing picture with the light in the back shining on them like it is almost shining for hope. Picture two: Working with Nani on deadline two was so fun. She was so nice about everything we (Steffy and I) would ask her. This particular picture was taken at her house while she was making her Hope soap. What I like most about this picture is that Nani is not the main focus but that the soaps are the center of visual interest. I was so happy when this was chosen for the dominant picture for our page. Picture three: Similar to picture two this picture was also taken at a girls house I was doing a story on. Here you see her setting her families shrine up before she begins a prayer. This picture is unique to me because of the lighting on the shrine. The red lights really make the statue in it pop out. I also really like how all the little offering cups are lined up in a front row. That adds nice depth to the picture.



reflection four Unlike most people who join yearbook I manage not to sweat the small stuff. This year being on staff was more fun than I could have ever imagined. Having most of the staff get along was also a huge issue. Though there were the few times when some uncalled for drama would break out of the cracks of our little family. However I felt I was one of the people on staff that was able to help others put that behind them and move on and not focus on that. Many people referred to me this year as “the funny one.� By breaking the ease of some situations I felt like I was really able to bring the stress level down to where it should be. Also, my commitment to the book definitely exceeded the level it was last year. This year I was almost always willing to do whatever I could to make sure my deadlines were met and to help others whenever they needed help. During deadline four it showed just how committed I was. I had to stay almost everyday trying to finish the page. When it came time to getting pictures I ended up having to drive out to the girls house that I was doing one of the stories on. I was willing to do whatever was possible to get all the stuff and info for my page. Everyone on staff has that extra something they can bring to our staff to make it better and more unique. I feel that my creative writing and eye for what looks good (design wise) was my extra something that I brought to our 2010 staff.



reflection five Working with a partner on your deadlines either tunes out really great or really bad. Sadly for Deadline Seven I felt that having a partner turned out really bad for me. Working with Mark on deadline seven felt like one roller coaster after another. Having him constantly absent left me felling like I was left with all of the work. Also having a partner that never followed through with what her or she said they were going to do can relay add onto the stress level of the situation. However halfway through the deadline I learned that it was really important that I talk to Mark and tell him what WE needed to get done and when we needed to do it. I felt that by talking to him did improve the situation but only for a while. Then it went back to more procrastination. If I were ever put in this situation again, to work with Mark on a deadline I would first talk to him at the very beginning and make sure we were both on the same page. I feel that communication is the number one thing when working with a partner and Mark and I were lacking that. Over all I felt like the situation definitely could have used more work. Next year I really would like to see better communication between staffers. To me that is the most helpful tool your could have.



reflection six On the mid-term exam I was asked “What is your greatest weakness?” My answer was my lack of being able to spell well. I also mentioned that I hated that it got in the way of my work. I still feel the same way to day. However I am still working on it and trying different things to get a handle on it. But sadly I feel that things will stay the same and I might stay a bad speller forever. It’s just who I am. I do feel that it go in the way less after the mid-term. When I would prepare to turn in my edits to an editor I would try not to be in such a rush and take the time to use spell check before I would turn in my page. Soon spell check and I became very good friends.

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reflection seven Y6. Personality profile. -Suds of Hope pg.152 was a profile I did on Haunani (Nani) Doromal and the soaps she made at home for homeless people. I would like this page to represent me because I am proud of all the pictures I took for this page. They turned out really well and look great on the page. Y8. Headline Writing. -Lost in translation pg.135 -Meet the pham pg.135 These are two of my favorite headlines in the book. They were both on the page with Te Pham the school janitor. Working on this page was like nothing I had ever done. With his lack of English and my lack of Vietnamese we were definitely lost in translation. -Icing on the cake pg.164 This headline was on the profile of Carmela Crutcher who baked. This is also one of my favorite headlines because it went so perfect with the story. Y39. Student life spread one spread color. -Culture Shock pg.106 This was my favorite student life page I did this year. It really showed our schools diversity and I am proud that I can all this page mine.



reflection eight Looking back on my portfolio I made last year I can definitely see the growth I have made in this class. Comparing This portfolio to my freshman years, to me, there is almost no comparison. You can definitely see the change in how comfortable I have come with using InDesign and Photoshop. For example this year as you can see I did a lot with cobbing pictures and placing them in unique ways. Were is in last year all that I used were a few different brushes. My freshman years was not horrible but that was just the level I was at at that time. I am so proud to see how much my skills have grown and can not wait to see how much further they will continue to grow.

Deadline one



custodian moved from Vietnam to discover a new life in America by

photo/courtesy of Te Pham


meet the Pham. At church Te Pham takes a picture with his wife and three children.

STEFFANY jarrell and ALLIE sloan

1. I have kayaked in Lake Superior 2. I’ve visited every state Seattle, 3. I’ve driven all the way to tia Washington and Nova Sco 4. I still play flag football 5. I’ve played guitar and drums since I was 30

MIKE undieme

Left Vietnam to come to the United States October 2, 2007 Worked as a custodian March 25, 2008

Became a farmer for his church 1992

Taught math 1986-1991

TE pham, custodian

you didn’t know... 1. I play the sax 2. I own a ferocious poodle named Lexi 3. I used to be a competitive body builder 4. I never took chemistry in high school 5. My mom was one of the original rockettes GLENN listort




Pham born in Vietnam Febuary 1967

Sitting on the plane with nerves running through his body, custodian Te Pham looked out the window to the acres of the farm land in Dong Nai, Vietnam, for the last time. He was leaving his job as a math teacher, his extended family and his farmland behind to start a better life in America for his immediate family. “In 1999 my parents-in-law sponsored my family to come to America,” Pham said. “I was so nervous at first. I didn’t know what to expect. America seemed so advanced to me. There are so many opportunities you can have.” The first few weeks Pham was adjusting to the United States; he did not have a job and needed to start supporting his wife and two children. “My mother’s family lived here and we wanted to be here too,” Pham said. “My brother-in-law found this job as a custodian for me. In Vietnam I used to be a teacher, and I wanted to be working in a school again.” While working as a custodian, Pham realized there was a language barrier between his old language, Vietnamese, and English, which he did not fully understand. He took English classes to be able to keep working in the school. “English is a lot harder than my language,” Pham said. “I have been taking English lessons for two years at Winter Park High School. I’m still not so good at it. My children sometimes have to translate words for me.” Although he could not fully understand English, he didn’t let that affect his job. Pham took pride in his work and helped out the school and the students whenever possible. “I am always willing to help out others,” Pham said. “Now I am here helping Boone.”

SANGREY - zimmerman

Deadline one



Deadline two



Deadline two



Deadline three



Deadline four



Deadline five



Deadline seven



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headline here

by:ALLIE sloan

Subhead will go here. Subhead will go here.

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21% say none



say about four or five.

34% say m

ore than

photo/Allie Sloan


15 book



photo/Allie Sloan



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photo/Allie Sloan

photo/Allie Sloan

photo/Allie Sloan

How many books have you read that were not assigned to you?

photo/Allie Sloan

photo/Allie Sloan

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photo/Allie Sloan

photo/Allie Sloan

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“This is a really aw

esome quote, e said m a N " e m o s e w a really

really “Book worthy kind of quote.”

headline HERE. SUBHEAD here by:ALLIE sloan

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