Austin Hall 2012 Portfolio

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Austin Hall

Hi-Lights Newspaper Staffer 3220 Lake George Cove Drive Orlando, Fl 32812 (407) 451-6245

Austin Hall Hi-Lights Newspaper Staffer

3220 Lake George Cove Drive Orlando, Fl 32812 (407) 451-6245

Austin Hall Hi-Lights Newspaper Staffer

3220 Lake George Cove Drive Orlando, Fl 32812 (407) 451-6245

Austin Hall Hi-Lights Newspaper Staffer

3220 Lake George Cove Drive Orlando, Fl 32812 (407) 451-6245

Austin Hall Hi-Lights Newspaper Staffer

3220 Lake George Cove Drive Orlando, Fl 32812 (407) 451-6245

Austin Hall Hi-Lights Newspaper Staffer

3220 Lake George Cove Drive Orlando, Fl 32812 (407) 451-6245

Austin Hall Hi-Lights Newspaper Staffer

3220 Lake George Cove Drive Orlando, Fl 32812 (407) 451-6245

Austin Hall Hi-Lights Newspaper Staffer

3220 Lake George Cove Drive Orlando, Fl 32812 (407) 451-6245

Austin Hall Hi-Lights Newspaper Staffer

3220 Lake George Cove Drive Orlando, Fl 32812 (407) 451-6245

Austin Hall Hi-Lights Newspaper Staffer

3220 Lake George Cove Drive Orlando, Fl 32812 (407) 451-6245

Austin Hall April 27, 2012

3220 Lake George Cove Drive Orlando, Fl 32812 (407) 451-6245

Steve Carle Venue Manager The Social 54 North Orange Avenue Orlando, FL 32801 Dear Mr. Carle: I am writing you to see if there is a job opening available for a person who is capable of working professional grade photo editing softwares, word processors, web design software, and a desktop publishing application that allows me to design anything from flyers to newspaper spreads. Setting up for a band and playing in one is totally different. I now understand both sides of the spectrum. I enjoy both sides very much, but as a teen I would much rather take my time as a young buck learning from professionals and being able to learn by doing. As I am a guitar player myself, I can set up and tune most any guitar rig or bass rig. As I am a teenager growing up in a world where technology is a must for almost any job, I am capable of working website, I can use Photoshop CS1 to edit photos, I can work Adobe InDesign where I could make flyers, newsletters and as I have been trained in journalistic writing under one of the top journalism teachers in the nation, Renee Burke, I am capable of writing things like newsletters and website updates. I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my letter, I feel that a personal interview would be the best way to evaluate my skills and capabilities, whenever is most convenient for you. Sincerely, Austin Hall

Austin Hall

3220 Lake George Cove Drive Orlando, FL 32812 (407) 451-6245


To expose myself to the internal workings and behind the scenes of the live performing arts, and to further my knowledge in the marketing field.


Completed three years at William R. Boone High School Graduating May of 2013


Stage Hand Experience • Assisted local band Before You Exit unload, set up, tear down, and load all equipment • Learned how to set up the lead and rhythm guitarist’s guitar rig • In a band currently • Can play guitar and sing, taught myself how to set up my own equipment and the basics of setting up and working a P.A. system. Writing and design experience • Writes at least two stories an issue for the school newspaper • Designs my own pages if not already designed by a higher ranking editor • Can work Adobe Photoshop CS5.5 and Adobe InDesign CS5.5

Relevant High school studies

AP Music Theory, Keyboarding I, Journalism I-II which has taught me how to use computer programs such as InDesign CS5.5, Photoshop CS 5.1, and Adobe Bridge 5.1, also providing knowledge of word processing and Web software.


Renee Burke- Journalism Adviser Phone: 407-443-8451 Richard McClung- Family Friend Phone: 407-575-5169 Dina Bryan- Employer Phone: 407-733-0577

Journalism is an unappreciated lost art. An art that is being overshadowed by the laziness of todays society. The youth of today hardly makes an attempt to pay attention to the news let alone pick up a newspaper and take the time to read when there are iphones to be texted on and Xboxes to be played. I had a brother who was a staffer for three years and when it came time to pick my classes for my freshman year. He asked if I had thought about taking journalism one and then maybe be on the newspaper staff the next year. I said I’d take it into consideration. It took fellow classmate of mine, Cooper Brock, to convince me to take J1. To succeed in this class I had to learn the meaning of sacrifice. I have given up countless hours of my free time to stay after school, go before school, or even during lunch or my research period to make sure that I get my stuff done right. Even if I get my stories in late I’d rather be able to say that I know I screwed up but I did everything I could to make it the best I could have been. In the field of journalism my goal was to try and instill the enjoyment of reading a newspaper back into the lives of young adults today. I do not like to read the Orlando Sentinel because it lacks the constant entertainment that a child with Attention Deficit Disorder needs in order to be kept occupied by a newspaper. In all of my stories I have tried to keep the reader entertained and retain the interest by adjusting the way I speak in my story so my reader understands what I am trying to tell them on an abstract level. I try to make my articles seem more personable, making them seem like I am talking straight to the reader, not speaking at them or preaching to them. My plans for journalism are for pleasure. I do not intend to pursue a career in journalism, unless my musical career works out which I consider a form of journalism in the sense that one can convey information or entertain through words put to a melody.

Over the course of this year I have gained a true appreciation of journalism. The very first issue is when I learned how to work in class. I remember not knowing about what I like to call “deadline week”. The week when our stories go to Mrs. Burke, then to Karen, then to Lyndsay, then back to Mrs. Mrs. Burke. I remember writing all those dates down in my planner then taking a step back and realizing what I had ahead of me. I experienced an odd mix of emotions; I was excited but also scared that I wouldn’t be able to do it. That week was the first week that I truly learned the meaning of dedication and production. I had to go after school to take pictures or do interviews for my bowling story almost every day of that week. It was less stressful knowing what I had to do and when I was going to do it. That week was my first look into life on staff. I have no shame when it comes to critiques on my writing, but when it comes to asking people for help on things like getting interviews where someone does it for me, I am hesitant. I do not like asking for people to do interviews or take pictures. For the senior issue I had to suck it up and ask. I was assigned the Clubs page for year in review, and since I couldn’t find very much information about the subjects I was assigned so I had to interview people just to get basic information for my stories. I realized that I would need assistance, but I did not ask when I should have. I asked when I was already behind, so I had a student from yearbook to take a couple of headshots for me while I tried to pick up the slack. These examples show my successes and failures in production skills, deadlines, teamwork, and my to dedication to this newspaper. No matter what happens, I always make sure that only pieces I’m proud of are published in our newspaper, and I will do what it takes to ensure that, in the end, my best efforts are put into my stories.

My best work is shown through my editorials. This is because since it is my opinion, I have creative license to write about what I feel. This being said, my most significant piece is an article I wrote for my He Said/ She Said column in the February issue on the topic of whether or not it is appropriate for teachers to talk about their personal lives in the classroom setting. This idea was not one of mine, but an idea of Kinsey Seacord’s. I knew that this was going to be a fun article to write because when she proposed the idea we both knew which side we wanted and there was no arguing about who would take which side. I wanted the side that agreed with it and she wanted the side that disagreed with it. I wanted to write the pro side on this because with any teacher I have I try to build a personal relationship with my teachers. There are a couple of reasons why I do this: the first is because if I get in good with the teacher and make that teacher like me, it makes the class more fun and easier to get through, and the second is because if the teacher likes me then they are usually more willing to help me out in ways that they normally would not. I have done that with every English teacher since freshman year, and has helped me many times since then. Since I have befriended all my teachers, I have plenty of experience in this field, making it very easy to write this article. A lot of times what seems to happen is that when I go to Karen my story isn’t long enough. Instead of turning it in a day late, I turn in what I have. Once I get my paper back from her, I make sure that my story is the appropriate length by the time I go to Lyndsay. With the personal attachment that came with this article, there were not too many major problems. Most of the things that needed fixing were minor grammar mistakes or things that did not make much sense and needed to be clarified. I was quite proud of this article by the time it went to Lyndsay and after it had been polished up by going through all the editing stages, it easily became the story that I am most proud of.


Teaching styles create classroom controversy

He & She SAID UNPROFESSIONALISM LEADS TO PROBLEMS By KINSEY SEACORD Nothing is more annoying than an unprofessional teacher. If one is paid to instruct students about a specific curriculum, then off topic personal problems should never be discussed. While it can be argued that sharing stories with students allows a teacher-student connection to form, there is a fine line between what is appropriate and what is not. One thing that should never happen in a classroom is an instructor who talks about family confrontations, financial issues or arguments he is having with co-workers. Discussing one’s problems should be between a therapist and a client, not a teacher and a student. Nowadays some teachers should be put on verbal leashes. For a schooling environment to be successful, students must be immersed in conversations relevant to what they are learning. If a teacher has a personal story that will help students better understand a subject, then it is welcome. Whining and off topic rants should be left to dissatisfied housewives. It can also be argued when teachers share personal stories about their experiences, it aids students in formulating the solutions to their own problems. Aside from the fact that discussing intimate dilemmas should not happen at school, it can also affect students’ capabilities of expressing themselves. According to Courtney Cazden, Professor of Education Emerita at the Harvard Graduate School of Education,

Your Thoughts Should teachers discuss their lives in class?

page 10

“In a setting where [teachers] hope there can be important growth in children’s use of language for learning and for life, teachers talk too much, and the words in the air are more often [theirs] than [the children’s].” If teachers focus on their views and how they handle situations, students are not growing independent in thought and critical thinking abilities. Not only do improper teaching styles shadow educators in an unprofessional light, but they also affect teachers’ ability to govern a class. There is a hierarchy of respect in the schooling system; that teachers are above their pupils. At times, students forget their advisers are not their peers. Once respect is lost, the classroom is transformed into the Land of the Wild Things and attempting to discipline out-of-line kids is a joke. It is understandable some teachers think being “buddy buddy” with students will help them excel, but in reality it is robbing them of a fundamental lesson: not everyone is on the same level. Kids are here to learn, not make friends with elders. Instructors who converse a rhapsody of complaints always forget that those listening are adolescets with their own problems; in short, no one cares. Teachers never take into account their class might be uncomfortable with their speech. Some students may be sensitive to topics that a teacher jokes about. Getting fired because of insensitivity is pathetic. Teaching is a prestigious job. One has the ability to shape generations and open doors of opportunity. To do the job right, a level of professionalism must be maintained. Certain teachers need to get it together.

TEACHERS JUMP-START THE LEARNING ENGINE By AUSTIN HALL The student-teacher relationship is like motor oil to an engine. Quality motor oil acts as a catalyst, allowing the motor to run smoothly. Personal stories can act as a learning lubricant; making learning a smoother, simpler task for the student. When a teacher tells students about his or her personal life, it makes that teacher seem a little more human. To students, the thought of any teacher having a life outside of school is a very difficult concept to grasp. Most students are confused to see a teacher outside of school. It is as if teachers’ brains have evolved and they have now learned to dress like adults, disguising themselves as everyday civilians. Teachers are not wild animals that can only exist in captivity; most have lives that take place outside of school. Teachers can share personal stories of how they grew up or stories of how they messed up as teenagers to try and prevent students from making that mistake. By doing so, it gives off a feeling of compassion. It shows that the teacher cares enough about students to share such a story. It can also serve as a mental break for students to give their brains a rest before diving back into the task at hand. It helps if the story relates to what is being taught. Stories can be utilized as tools to help students retain information that can later be used in the students’ daily lives. According to Edward Roy Krishnan, a Psychology and Education teacher at Wells International School, teaching at the Prom Phong, Thong

I think it is acceptable. Teachers are older and they know more about life, and they can guide us.

No, because certain things that teachers say, students don’t need to know.

- ariana vargas, junior

- stacy jean, sophomore

February 10, 2012

Lor, and On-nut Campuses, personal stories bridge the mental and emotional gaps between the teacher and the students, making learning a more engaging experience. According to the National Council of Teachers of English, teachers who tell personal stories about their past or present lives model for students how to recall sensory detail. If a story is rehearsed by a teacher and told correctly, it can introduce students to the techniques of eye contact, dramatic placement of characters within a scene, and the use of character voices. These skills can transfer into a students’ writing. Teachers should try to follow some basic guidelines that will ensure that the story has substance and appeal and will not be immediately followed by an awkward silence. Obviously teachers should avoid dwelling into the “too personal,” and stray away from stories that will evoke negative emotions that should be left out of the classroom, such as sad stories that will make a student upset or angry. Any story that took place in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom. Teachers should avoid bragging to students, and avoid topics that draw sympathy from them. Even made up stories that are conjured to help students remember a specific aspect of the subject may be one thing the student needed to plant whatever is being taught in that student’s mind. The more interesting a story is, the easier it is to recall the main idea. Students tell teachers stories about their lives everyday. So, teachers talking about their personal lives should be viewed as attempting to grab the class’s attention and to connect with them, not to try and attract sympathy or praise from the students.

Teachers try to keep emotions out of teaching, but you can’t connect with teacher[s] unless you see they are human. - easah rahman, senior

No, because school is for education, not for teachers to share their life story.

- echeverry santiago, freshman

The piece that I think could still use work would be the Op Ed I did on the D.R.E.A.M. Act. This story is the most accurate representation of my humility. I had so many problems with this story based on inadequate research. The first draft was horrendous; hence the reason why it was resubmitted by Mrs. Burke twice before it went to Karen. The first draft was too short and lacked three definitive points. It lacked three definitive points because whatever research I read about the definition of the D.R.E.A.M. Act and what it offered, I misunderstood completely. Therefore I had to talk to Mrs. Burke about the act. Even after I talked to her and attempted to fix my mistakes, I got resubmitted again. Mrs. Burke was not too happy with newspaper throughout the latter half of the year. I remember seeing kids getting scolded left and right about things that they were not doing to fix their writing; and here I was, just as behind as some of those kids in the lane of fire, but not being singled out by Mrs. Mrs. Burke in front of the whole class. This is when I had an epiphany. That epiphany led to what I like to call the “How to keep momma bear from biting my head off,� theory: Hiding solves nothing, if I have questions about anything pertaining to edits or how to get something done, it is better to suck it up and confront Mrs. Burke head on, than to try and sneak around her by ignoring the problem. After I got resubmitted for the second time, I probably spent a total of two hours talking to Mrs. Burke trying to figure out where I went wrong, how to fix it, or even to clarify parts of the actual Act. In the end it saved my butt from a lot of teeth marks, and improved the quality of my story from getting resubmitted twice, to getting a 90% on my story overall.


DREAM Act provokes controversy By AUSTIN HALL and KARINA FLORES The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors’s (DREAM Act) goal is to provide affordable higher education to undocumented youth currently living in the United States. The federal version of this bill does not require universities or colleges to offer in-state tuition prices while the state version does. Rather than paying out-of-state tuition, eligible students will be able to pay in-state tuition, which is three times less, therefore three times more affordable. Before receiving this exemption, students must have been 15-years-old or younger when they came to the United States, lived in the U.S. for at least five years before the enactment of the law, earned a high school diploma or GED and proven to be of good moral character with no criminal record. With requirements met, eligible students would have six years to earn permanent residency status if they complete two years of college or complete two years of military service. The state bill was denied in Florida and in Arizona, but passed in every other state, where the federal bill was denied by Congress. This bill will not be brought to Congress for discussion until 2013, making it a controversial issue in the 2012 elections.


million undocumented immigrant youth currently live in the United States


thousand immigrant students graduate U.S. high schools each year.

Straddling the border 5 of injustice By AUSTIN HALL The Florida DREAM Act is just another way for America to give away money that we do not have. America is currently $15.4 trillion in debt and that number is constantly rising. This Act provides illegal immigrants with the opportunity to pay in-state tuition for college, instead of paying out-of-state tuition rates, or enlist in the military and get put on a fast track to citizenship, after five years of illegally living in America. This bill is like ants to honey. It promotes immigrating to the U.S. According to the Department of Homeland Security, in 2010, there were 10.8 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. If this bill passes, that number would likely skyrocket. The yearly annual flow of illegal immigrants has been dropping since 2000. Nothing will stop people who are thinking about migrating illegally to the U.S. if the DREAM Act passes. Bright House Networks does not give discounted cable to people who have been stealing their neighbor’s cable. So, America should not give in-state tuition to illegal immigrants who have been living in our country for five years. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, America will lose $6.2 billion a year to the DREAM Act. Illegal immigrants are draining America’s resources. If an illegal immigrant, who is living in America, gets a finger cut off and has to be taken to a hospital, the hospital is required to treat the person, even if the person cannot afford it, the person will walk

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out with a bandaged up hand without having to pay a single cent. So taxpayers pay for that person’s hospital trip. America provides enough of these public services for its citizens, not for these illegal immigrants. When people who are getting married send out invitations, they expect to receive an RSVP back so they know how much food to buy. They do not buy extra food for uninvited wedding crashers. The theory behind the DREAM Act is kids who came to the country illegally will go to college, get a higher education and become a functional member of society by getting a job and reinvesting into our country. The problem is not immigrants going to college, it is the part about these students getting jobs. With unemployment at an all time high, there are not enough jobs to go around. Until the economy turns around, we will lose money and as a result, a higher unemployment rate. This Act is unfair to the people who became legal citizens the right way, because these people did not get a chance to receive in-state tuition before they moved to America. It is not always the child’s fault that they are here illegally, but their parents should have thought ahead before they decided to cheat the American government. The DREAM Act is only a valid idea if increased debt, drained resources and a higher rate of illegal immigration are appealing side effects. The Florida DREAM Act was not passed in 2012, but it will rear its ugly head again in January of 2013. So vote no to keep America out of debt.

Minimum number of years eligible students have to live in the U.S. before enactment of law


Number of states have implemented versions of the DREAM Act


The maximum age eligible children must have been when they were brought to the United States


Years in college or military completed before receiving permanent residence

March 16, 2012

Let DREAM come true By KARINA FLORES Joy, excitement and relief can describe the feelings of thousands of students who graduate each year, but those that are here unlawfully cannot say the same. They are left with the feeling of uncertainty, not knowing what to expect for their futures. Approximately 1.5 million undocumented immigrant youths currently living in the United States are left without affordable education after high school, drastically limiting their success. The Florida DREAM Act should be enacted so that innocent and deserving students can pursue an affordable education and citizenship. According to a study by the Urban Institute, 65,000 undocumented students graduate from U.S. high schools each year. About 5,000 of these students graduate in Florida, and only about 5 percent go on to get a college education. Risking deportation for a better life, parents brought their children illegally, but without an opportunity at higher education, these children will be considered inefficient employees, forced to fall prey to a cycle of poverty. The astoundingly low percentage of undocumented students pursuing a higher education is due to the sole fact that they cannot afford it. Currently, legislation states that unlawful or undocumented youths are required to pay out-of-state tuition in the state of their recent residence, which is three times more than in-state tuition. The DREAM Act is a proposed legislation tailored to provide a path to legal residency for undocumented immigrant students who, to no fault of their own, were brought illegally into the country and received primary and secondary education in the U.S. Those opposed to the bill assert it will reward illegal activity of immigrants through citizens’ tax money. In one way or another, parents of these children pay taxes through sales taxes everyday. The proposed law is not without its conditions. Only after meeting the requirements specified in the introduction and completing two years of higher education or two years of military service will the student have six years to earn permanent residency status. These are attainable goals that require diligence and determination, qualities valued in citizens. The DREAM Act will not grant citizenship to anyone and everyone, but provide a pathway to those who deserve a chance to reach their full potential in society. Therefore, only those who

fulfill the requirements provided by the bill will be deemed qualified for citizenship, adding an educated and skilled asset to communities and the United States as a whole. The aforementioned requirements needed to qualify for the DREAM Act not only help those who reap these benefits, but also the citizens in their surrounding communities, since students who would benefit under the DREAM Act have been raised and educated in the U.S. and local taxpayers have already invested in the education of these children in elementary and secondary school. With advanced college degrees, U.S. taxpayers will see a return on their investment. Furthermore, the economy can benefit from an increase in educated immigrants with acquired skills, ultimately creating jobs and generating revenue. According to a December 2011 study from the American Enterprise Institute and the Partnership For New American Economy, every 100 foreign-born workers with degrees are associated with 262 jobs for native-born workers. Today’s global economy requires an educated and skilled workforce capable of acquiring, creating and distributing knowledge. Passage of the DREAM Act will create a group of talented, multi-lingual and multi-cultural workers who will help America compete in the global market. Unfortunately, the similar Florida DREAM Act, consisting of two proposals, was unable to gain ample support, as of Feb. 16, when it was voted down 4-3 in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Florida DREAM Act can ensure affordable opportunities to students who would become an advantage to our country. It is only viable to pass legislation that allows competent and deserving individuals to fulfill their DREAMs.

Scan Me

Using a smartphone, take a picture of the QR Code below to see a soundslide of students opposing views on the DREAM Act.

This picture was taken on my second day of taking pictures for my bowling story that I wrote for the first issue of the year. I chose this picture because it portrays the act of bowling but it also shows this bowler’s own personal style, which to me was the one thing that sets this picture apart from any other bowling picture.

I especially like these next two photos of my dog because of how they were shot. These two pictures were taken in complete darkness with an external flash. I remember from camp when I was in the photo class learning about lighting and the teacher was talking about how flash can bounce off walls. So I got to playing with the flash. This picture was a product of me pointing the flash behind me and to the right, not knowing that there was a glass cabinet there, this was a happy accident. I love the way the flash on her white fur contrasts with the black shadows in the background.

I like this photo because the flash is pointed straight up into the air so it illuminates what is in around me but doesn’t have that blinding quality that comes with the flash pointing straight at what your taking a picture of. My dog’s white body and light brown head contrasts well with the darker background. When I took this picture, I was laying flat on my stomach so I could look straight at her and not down on her.

While on staff I feel I have offered my own unique charisma to life on staff and in the newspaper itself. My comrades and I goof around a lot. Sometimes a little too much, but it there is a reason for all the jokes we make. It is not to avoid our work and set production of the newspaper back, it is all for comic relief. We do it to lighten the mood of the classroom and cheer everyone up. My partners in crime and I usually know when enough is enough and can get serious when we need to but if we can slip in a joke or two to get everyone laughing and maybe, even if for a split second, relieve some of the stress in the classroom I think that it helps everyone. As Mrs. Burke would say “if momma ain’t happy, ain’t know one happy.” And if we can make momma happy, we will do whatever we can to try and keep the stress level down.

One hardship that I faced in the beginning of the year was, as I mentioned in a previous reflection, “deadline week”. I would say that I learned pretty fast but it took a little longer to be able to mentally cope with the speed of this class. I have thoroughly enjoyed this class for that exact reason though. I remember in the beginning I was a little intimidated by the pace of the class because I was unaware of how deadlines worked before I joined staff. I eventually learned how to cope with deadline week and most of the time I did really well, but other times I didn’t do so well. The speed of life on staff compared to the speed of Journalism one is tremendously different. In the future I plan on being more receptive with the way things work and I plan on asking more questions so I can do it right the first time instead of trying to figure it out and mess up then have to do it again. I feel I handled the situation very well for someone who was not used to such an independent, fast paced class. The only thing I regret was not asking more questions before hand. I think for the sake of the newbies who will be on staff next year, at camp I might try to break it down for them and explain how the deadlines work so they are not so intimidated or behind when deadline week comes around.

My greatest weakness this year was time management. I wrote about this in my midterm and I am still working to overcome this problem. I have always struggled with procrastination. I have realized that I have gotten used to doing it the night before. To be brutally honest, this very portfolio wasn’t even started until two weeks before the due date. My procrastination habits do affect my writing and my stress level, but I have gotten so used to it that it has become the norm, but somehow I always manage to get things done on time. I get things done on time but the longer I wait, the more stress I put on myself. I have come to terms with this realization, but I am not proud of it in any way. Nor do I condone the act of procrastination, but for me it is a mental block that is difficult to get past. Once I do break through the barrier of procrastination and get started, whatever I am doing starts to not seem as bad as I thought it was going to be and I begin to wonder why I didn’t just start it early in the first place. On things that I do start early and don’t procrastinate, I feel less stressed and even though I feel relieved of that stress, deep down I know that I will end up still procrastinating on other things. Procrastination is my kryptonite when it comes to getting things like interviews or taking pictures done. Even though most of the time I tend to do pretty well when it comes to deadlines, I still slip up and when I do it tends to end up with me scrambling around trying to get things done and turning in a finished product at the last second. The solution to this problem is simple: cut it at the root. Once I feel as if I am procrastinating, I need to push hard to get over that hill, then it’s a smooth downhill ride from there on out.


Teaching styles create classroom controversy

He & She SAID UNPROFESSIONALISM LEADS TO PROBLEMS By KINSEY SEACORD Nothing is more annoying than an unprofessional teacher. If one is paid to instruct students about a specific curriculum, then off topic personal problems should never be discussed. While it can be argued that sharing stories with students allows a teacher-student connection to form, there is a fine line between what is appropriate and what is not. One thing that should never happen in a classroom is an instructor who talks about family confrontations, financial issues or arguments he is having with co-workers. Discussing one’s problems should be between a therapist and a client, not a teacher and a student. Nowadays some teachers should be put on verbal leashes. For a schooling environment to be successful, students must be immersed in conversations relevant to what they are learning. If a teacher has a personal story that will help students better understand a subject, then it is welcome. Whining and off topic rants should be left to dissatisfied housewives. It can also be argued when teachers share personal stories about their experiences, it aids students in formulating the solutions to their own problems. Aside from the fact that discussing intimate dilemmas should not happen at school, it can also affect students’ capabilities of expressing themselves. According to Courtney Cazden, Professor of Education Emerita at the Harvard Graduate School of Education,

Your Thoughts Should teachers discuss their lives in class?

“In a setting where [teachers] hope there can be important growth in children’s use of language for learning and for life, teachers talk too much, and the words in the air are more often [theirs] than [the children’s].” If teachers focus on their views and how they handle situations, students are not growing independent in thought and critical thinking abilities. Not only do improper teaching styles shadow educators in an unprofessional light, but they also affect teachers’ ability to govern a class. There is a hierarchy of respect in the schooling system; that teachers are above their pupils. At times, students forget their advisers are not their peers. Once respect is lost, the classroom is transformed into the Land of the Wild Things and attempting to discipline out-of-line kids is a joke. It is understandable some teachers think being “buddy buddy” with students will help them excel, but in reality it is robbing them of a fundamental lesson: not everyone is on the same level. Kids are here to learn, not make friends with elders. Instructors who converse a rhapsody of complaints always forget that those listening are adolescets with their own problems; in short, no one cares. Teachers never take into account their class might be uncomfortable with their speech. Some students may be sensitive to topics that a teacher jokes about. Getting fired because of insensitivity is pathetic. Teaching is a prestigious job. One has the ability to shape generations and open doors of opportunity. To do the job right, a level of professionalism must be maintained. Certain teachers need to get it together.

TEACHERS JUMP-START THE LEARNING ENGINE By AUSTIN HALL The student-teacher relationship is like motor oil to an engine. Quality motor oil acts as a catalyst, allowing the motor to run smoothly. Personal stories can act as a learning lubricant; making learning a smoother, simpler task for the student. When a teacher tells students about his or her personal life, it makes that teacher seem a little more human. To students, the thought of any teacher having a life outside of school is a very difficult concept to grasp. Most students are confused to see a teacher outside of school. It is as if teachers’ brains have evolved and they have now learned to dress like adults, disguising themselves as everyday civilians. Teachers are not wild animals that can only exist in captivity; most have lives that take place outside of school. Teachers can share personal stories of how they grew up or stories of how they messed up as teenagers to try and prevent students from making that mistake. By doing so, it gives off a feeling of compassion. It shows that the teacher cares enough about students to share such a story. It can also serve as a mental break for students to give their brains a rest before diving back into the task at hand. It helps if the story relates to what is being taught. Stories can be utilized as tools to help students retain information that can later be used in the students’ daily lives. According to Edward Roy Krishnan, a Psychology and Education teacher at Wells International School, teaching at the Prom Phong, Thong

I think it is acceptable. Teachers are older and they know more about life, and they can guide us.

No, because certain things that teachers say, students don’t need to know.

- ariana vargas, junior

- stacy jean, sophomore

page 10

Lor, and On-nut Campuses, personal stories bridge the mental and emotional gaps between the teacher and the students, making learning a more engaging experience. According to the National Council of Teachers of English, teachers who tell personal stories about their past or present lives model for students how to recall sensory detail. If a story is rehearsed by a teacher and told correctly, it can introduce students to the techniques of eye contact, dramatic placement of characters within a scene, and the use of character voices. These skills can transfer into a students’ writing. Teachers should try to follow some basic guidelines that will ensure that the story has substance and appeal and will not be immediately followed by an awkward silence. Obviously teachers should avoid dwelling into the “too personal,” and stray away from stories that will evoke negative emotions that should be left out of the classroom, such as sad stories that will make a student upset or angry. Any story that took place in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom. Teachers should avoid bragging to students, and avoid topics that draw sympathy from them. Even made up stories that are conjured to help students remember a specific aspect of the subject may be one thing the student needed to plant whatever is being taught in that student’s mind. The more interesting a story is, the easier it is to recall the main idea. Students tell teachers stories about their lives everyday. So, teachers talking about their personal lives should be viewed as attempting to grab the class’s attention and to connect with them, not to try and attract sympathy or praise from the students.

Teachers try to keep emotions out of teaching, but you can’t connect with teacher[s] unless you see they are human. - easah rahman, senior

No, because school is for education, not for teachers to share their life story.

- echeverry santiago, freshman

February 10, 2012


How to successfully avoid a dating disaster

He & She SAID MEN SHOULD BE OLDFASHIONED , TREAT GIRLS WITH COURTESY By KINSEY SEACORD Meeting a girl’s first date expectations is no easy task. It takes a true gentleman to uphold the standards of a first date. While it can be argued this generation is more apt to treat males and females the same, chivalrous manners are timeless. A first date is always make or break for a couple, so choosing the right location is key. Girls expect to be taken somewhere nice where a conversation can be held to further reveal compatibility. In a survey, half the singles prefer a casual dinner for the first date; less than 1 percent chose the traditional movie theater stand-by. During a movie, one simply sits there and watches a screen. There is no engaging interaction between the couple. A guy must choose a location that is quiet and intimate. For the best results, gents should take their gals to a nice restaurant, like Carrabba’s. Another expectation which should never go out of style is for the man to pay for the first date. According to, 68 percent of men thought the man should pay the bill. This number is too low, men should pay 100 percent of the time. This gesture is not cheesy, it is polite. Going dutch, or splitting the check, is for when the couple is more acquainted or going steady. Another common courtesy is for men to hold doors open for women and pull their chairs out when being seated.

Your Thoughts How should your date act on a first date?

These acts are rooted in tradition and guys who do not do this for their dates are tacky. The way a male acts on the date is the highest expectation that girls have. Ladies are looking for men who are confident in their skin. A girl’s date should make her laugh and make sure she is having a good time. Boys should not pressure girls into awkward situations, but should keep the mood light. Holding hands is a superb initiative to show interest while not getting too heavy. According to, 73 percent girls said they would hold hands on the first date. Sadly, this generation of males has lost its sense of etiquette. No more classy compliments are given and eye contact is as rare as a “good hair day” for Donald Trump. To make the night a success, males must focus on the girl they are with. Phones should be put away, and guys need to be courteous and complimentary since their date made an effort to be there and look attractive. To pull off a flawless date, conversation is a must. It is up to the man, since he has asked a lady to accompany him, to make sure that communication is continuous. It is imperative males make sure they are not simply firing questions as if in an interview. Girls expect their date to be interested in their lives, but not nosey. One must also make sure the conversation is free flowing and does not turn into a speech. No woman likes to listen to an egotistical man boast about his life for an entire evening. There must be a perfect balance between communication and questions. If a guy is not willing to act in this way, then he does not deserve to take a girl out. So gentlemen date the way it should be done.

The first date should be like a fairytale. The guy should be the perfect gentleman. - victoria murray, senior

GIRLS SHOULD SHOOT FOR MOTHER’S STAMP OF APPROVAL By AUSTIN HALL One never gets a second chance at a first impression, it’s cliché but true. Men are fairly simple creatures, but are not oblivious to the little things. How a girl acts or dresses reveals much more about her than she thinks. What to wear should depend upon the type of date. Wear something like a simple dress that looks nice, but is not too flashy. Clothes with a lot of different colors and shapes can distract a guy from conversation. His attention could stick on the complications of the dress instead of the conversation currently in progress. Aim to be the girl that a guy would bring home to mom, not a girl “The Situation” would take back to his apartment. There is such a thing as too much skin, and if that line is crossed then guys will think that their date is promiscuous and loose interest. From there on out a girl can become less of girlfriend material and more of a story to tell the guys later on in the evening. Avoid overdoing anything; unless looking like a single mom that just stepped off the Rock of Love bus is one’s style, stray from putting on too much make up. If too much is used, makeup becomes an obstacle to hide behind instead of a tool to enhance beauty. Having confidence goes a long way. Even faking confidence is better than being insecure. Guys do not want to listen to their date constantly complain about how they think their dog is ignoring them, when it

The guy should not be boring. He needs to make sure there are no awkward moments. - kikey miranda, sophomore

page 14

really does not matter. There needs to be a balance, from the way each party presents itself to conversation involvement. Do not leave the conversation entirely on the man’s shoulders. Men are territorial by nature, so it does not take much to make a guy get defensive. Boys are not always the best at keeping their attention off other females, but both parties keeping their attention on each other allows for chemistry to flow uninterrupted. Make sure to be engaged and avoid all conversation enders. If the guy asks a question and the response he gets is “I don’t know,” awkward silence is inevitable. Ask him the question and think of an answer while he says what he thinks. That question was likely asked for a reason. Talk about each others’ views without making it an argument. This can also erect the opposite problem. The sound of one’s own voice can be intoxicating but do not overwhelm him with more information than he needs. Conversations are a two way street, so be sure not to control the conversation, but to invite a response so the conversation flows back and forth between each person. Until the two change their relationship status to “in a relationship” on Facebook, and the honeymoon phase is over, it is the man’s responsibility to pay for dinner. There will be the occasional date that will ask for two checks, so always bring an emergency stash just in case the guy is too cheap for manners. Too much good of a good thing can be a bad thing, so do not go overboard. It is always better to play it safe and highlight one’s strengths than to try and mask any flaws that guys normally would not notice.

The first date is to get to know each other so I expect her to be interesting.

[On a first date] I expect her to not nag all the time.

- paul nguyen, junior

- kerry alce, freshman



Shore is scripted. The show, now based in Italy, has had numerous European citizens confess the whole show is a sham. From staging fights and rehearsing dialogue, this cast is about as real as JWoww’s chest. The car “accident” caused by cast member Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi was recently outted as scripted by an Italian police officer who reported to the scene in Florence. According to The Daily Beast, he said the car was moving at an extremely low speed and a camera crew just happened to be set up. Not to mention the car she bumped into was her personal police escort, how convenient.

The Daily Beast additionally reported MTV had bought out O’Vesuvio’s pizzeria, the establishment which is currently pretending to employ the cast. The people who are shown as customers are, in truth, extras. Actual customers who are under the age of 30 and who are relatively attractive, are bribed to sign numerous confidentiality agreements in exchange for free pizza. But fear not die-hard fans, there is some truth to this story. Eight people can live together, go out for drinks and party every night with one another. They can also get in fights regularly and suffer from alcohol addictions. But

this is not called Jersey Shore, this is the Animal House Fraternity. Some of the situations on this show could happen in real life. For this reason it is labeled reality TV. Again, do not confuse this for Jersey Shore being real, these actors are merely portraying what would happen if eight trashy guidos intoxicated themselves every night. Ponder this for a second, say the cast did not earn their $100k an episode and a camera crew did not stalk their every move. This would leave eight raging alcoholics earning minimum wage who somehow are able to afford bachelor pads with jacuzzis. This situation would never be applicable in today’s economy. The Jersey Shore cast only glamorizes certain parts of life. MTV sweeps the boring technicalities, like payroll and taxes, under the rug. This fabricated show is plaguing our generation into thinking people really do live like this. In addition, these actors are convincing Europeans that all Americans are either steroid using idiots or that they all need to be immediately sent to rehab. So the next time raunchy guidettes pop up on the screen, know that it is alright to indulge in this show, as long as a sense of reality is kept.

We Asked What do students know and think about Jersey Shore and its cast 38% of students think the cast is too old. 77% of students think the cast are bad role models. 44% of students believe Jersey Shore is not scripted. 154 polled, Sept. 23

No more pants on the ground SAGGING VIOLATES STudENT COdE Of CONduCT

I hate the law because it was a waste of time passing [it] when that time could have been used for something more important - taj johnson, junior

page 6

By AUSTIN HALL A wise man once said, “Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, lookin’ like a fool with your pants on the ground.” That man was Larry Platt, who addressed the issue on one of America’s top TV shows, American Idol, and it later became an Internet sensation, bringing light to this nationwide epidemic. Florida House of Representatives listened and added sagging as a violation of the code of conduct. Sagging is when one’s pants “sag” below the buttocks and display Superman boxers for all to see. The term “underwear” describes what is worn “under” clothes, not showcased for the world to see. Sagging has been known to directly correlate with a person’s level, or lack of swag. The definition of swag is to cause to sway, sink or sag. So theoretically, the more one’s pants sag, the higher the level of “swag” he possesses. In 2005, Senator Gary Siplin introduced this idea in hope of making it against the law to wear saggy pants. He wanted to criminalise it making it a second-degree misdemeanor that

would result in a fine up to $50 and 10 days in jail. Siplin got sagging in the code of conduct but did not get it passed as a law outside of school. Florida House of Representatives passed an act, not a law, relating to the code of conduct, adding “sagging” to the list of dress code violations. It states, while a student is on the grounds of a public school, during a regular school day, if clothing is worn that exposes underwear or body parts in an indecent or vulgar manner, the student is subject to disciplinary actions. For the first offense, a warning is issued and then the principal will call the student’s parent or guardian. For the second offense, the student is ineligible to participate in any extracurricular activities for no more than five days and the principal will meet with the student’s parents. For the third or subsequent offense, the student will receive in-school suspension for no more than three days and is suspended from any extracurricular activities for no more than 30 days. These consequences are brilliant ideas, while the student is on school grounds during school hours. Outside of school, students can wear whatever they want; it would be unfair if it was enforced outside of school, and

October 7, 2011

N5. Personal opinion: off-campus issues for this category I am submitting another article from my column, He Said She Said. This article is a favorite of mine because it was the first article of the He Said She Said column. This column was not originally going to be a column, but after the positive responses from people who had read it, we decided to keep it running. The topic of this article is on first date etiquette. This topic is universal; anyone who has been on a bad date or a good date can relate to this article.

November 4, 2011

By KINSEY SEACORD My fellow peers, you have been jipped. For years now MTV has been host to one of the most fake shows that has ever aired on television, Jersey Shore. Sadly, America has chosen to take the bait the larger than life cast has offered. Jersey Shore has taken over the nation, yet what these pseudo fistpumping Italians have yet to mention, is that their program is about as authentic as they are New Jersey-an’s. Do not get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy seeing drunk 20-year-olds as much as the next person, but what is unnerving is that some viewers actually believe that this form of entertainment is true to reality. It is sad that America has forgotten that reality TV is merely a projection of ridiculous situations life throws at people. This MTV series is meant to entertain and make trashy people feel better about themselves; it is not meant to exhibit reality. Spoiler alert: Jersey

N4 Personal opinion: on-campus issues for personal opinion, I am submitting an article from my column that discusses the appropriateness of teachers sharing their personal lives with students for academic purposes or to just gain their student’s trust by talking to them about their own personal experiences. This strengths the trust between the student and the teacher. From personal experience, being friends with the teacher can help a lot.


would be a violation of the constitution. America’s students are entitled to freedom of expression. Siplin views this as a “pro-jobs legislation.” Sagging is unprofessional. No one wants to hire someone who walks in wearing pants down to his ankles and a giant shiny belt buckle. School is a place for learning and growth. Everyone who comes to school should look respectable. Wearing a belt will silence people

like Larry Platt, who will have nothing to complain about. Wearing one’s pants around the ankles is impractical. Wearing a belt is easier than hiking them up every 10 steps, it is more of a burden than a fashion statement. That would be like buying a bike that has only the back tire, having to do a wheelie wherever one goes. So put on a belt because the majority of the population does not care who one’s favorite superhero is.

N6. General or humor commentary: for humor commentary I decided I am going to submit an editorial of mine that I wrote on the fashion trend that has become popular among teenagers these days, “sagging.” In this article I talk about the redundancy of sagging one’s pants below the buttocks. This was published in the first issue and was my first editorial I wrote for the newspaper. I feel that with this article I established my position on staff, a very opinionated person who is not afraid to speak his mind on subjects he agrees or disagrees with, which why I chose to submit this article.

In here will be stats about the cars, the trims that the cars offer and the stats on each trim.

ullaore feum quip ea accum iriure delit nos alit niscilit adio od dolorpero core tate tat, quamcom moluptat, suscillam, commodolore magniamet non vendrer aestissed tat am, con henim ipit, quipit iusto dignim vel iusto etum iustie min Haria doluptatur sae conet lit qui num verrum vit vero eume qui tes vellace restiur? Ovitatet qui am, cuptas ma ipsae dolut laboribus, coriam vellore ictatus enihill aborestis et eaquiam laut voluptium, ius et, quam quias conserf erovidemqui dolum volut everorrum con re conecerum con porum rem. Bor alibus vendipi ditibus autecae idebis con cum esto dolliquis ilicipit voluptas sus molo odipsus pro et omnis et et doluptas quuntio cum qui reicatur, asi tem que pliaepel maximporit, offictest ilignient. Cearum ea cuptat re dundaest a dolorro volum volectis rem ulparum fugitae reseroris autem arum ametum hicil molesci psandus. Ut facestia sum aut odigni sectis eatur audiatiosam ea nus, offic tem quis et perrorerum coribernatin consequi doluptia aboressi consequ iaspiendamus

By RENEE BURKE Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis dolobor augait lan henissim acidunt ut dolutet laorercidunt iriure tatummy nos non veliqui scillaorem ing eugiam, sim iure ming et incipissi bla facipit nibh eugiam zzril il utat. Giametummod magnim ad duisim vel ut aut init, veraesequam iurem dolendrero core dolore dio consectet volore facipis accum venim vendit, commolor ipit nos dipit esequip ero dolore vu llan utpatumsan ut alisis at vel ea consecte magna atie dolutpat. Ut aute dunt veliqui blan utem vendio odit elenibh ercidunt iuscinim ipit velent nonullu ptatueros ate modolorem et, Et dipisl ullum vel ut am illuptatin ute tatet

ullaore feum quip ea accum iriure delit nos alit niscilit adio od dolorpero core tate tat, quamcom moluptat, suscillam, commodolore magniamet non vendrer aestissed tat am, con henim ipit, quipit iusto dignim vel iusto etum iustie min Haria doluptatur sae conet lit qui num verrum vit vero eume qui tes vellace restiur? Ovitatet qui am, cuptas ma ipsae dolut laboribus, coriam vellore ictatus enihill aborestis et eaquiam laut voluptium, ius et, quam quias conserf erovidemqui dolum volut everorrum con re conecerum con porum rem. Bor alibus vendipi ditibus autecae idebis con cum esto dolliquis ilicipit voluptas sus molo odipsus pro et omnis et et doluptas quuntio cum qui reicatur, asi tem que pliaepel maximporit, offictest ilignient. Cearum ea cuptat re dundaest a dolorro volum volectis rem ulparum fugitae reseroris autem arum ametum hicil molesci psandus. Ut facestia sum aut odigni sectis eatur audiatiosam ea nus, offic tem quis et perrorerum coribernatin consequi doluptia aboressi consequ iaspiendamus


By RENEE BURKE Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis dolobor augait lan henissim acidunt ut dolutet laorercidunt iriure tatummy nos non veliqui scillaorem ing eugiam, sim iure ming et incipissi bla facipit nibh eugiam zzril il utat. Giametummod magnim ad duisim vel ut aut init, veraesequam iurem dolendrero core dolore dio consectet volore facipis accum venim vendit, commolor ipit nos dipit esequip ero dolore vu llan utpatumsan ut alisis at vel ea consecte magna atie dolutpat. Ut aute dunt veliqui blan utem vendio odit elenibh ercidunt iuscinim ipit velent nonullu ptatueros ate modolorem et, Et dipisl ullum vel ut am illuptatin ute tatet ullaore feum quip ea accum iriure delit nos alit niscilit adio od dolorpero core tate tat, quamcom moluptat, suscillam,

commodolore magniamet non vendrer aestissed tat am, con henim ipit, quipit iusto dignim vel iusto etum iustie min Haria doluptatur sae conet lit qui num verrum vit vero eume qui tes vellace restiur? Ovitatet qui am, cuptas ma ipsae dolut laboribus, coriam vellore ictatus enihill aborestis et eaquiam laut voluptium, ius et, quam quias conserf erovidemqui dolum volut everorrum con re conecerum con porum rem. Bor alibus vendipi ditibus autecae idebis con cum esto dolliquis ilicipit voluptas sus molo odipsus pro et omnis et et doluptas quuntio cum qui reicatur, asi tem que pliaepel maximporit, offictest ilignient. Cearum ea cuptat re dundaest a dolorro volum volectis rem ulparum fugitae reseroris autem arum ametum hicil molesci psandus. Ut facestia sum aut odigni sectis eatur audiatiosam ea nus, offic tem quis et perrorerum coribernatin consequi doluptia aboressi consequ iaspiendamus explibus apis alis vid estia ditiunt audia dionsequi aturia vendiscient porecaeOfficil id et, nim qui alique natis aped est, et lantet, int poriosanis sin conseque doluptati nullectisti volorem aut latem lita volupta vel modi alibus esti


By RENEE BURKE Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis dolobor augait lan henissim acidunt ut dolutet laorercidunt iriure tatummy nos non veliqui scillaorem ing eugiam, sim iure ming et incipissi bla facipit nibh eugiam zzril il utat. Giametummod magnim ad duisim vel ut aut init, veraesequam iurem dolendrero core dolore dio consectet volore facipis accum venim vendit, commolor ipit nos dipit esequip ero dolore vu llan utpatumsan ut alisis at vel ea consecte magna atie dolutpat. Ut aute dunt veliqui blan utem vendio odit elenibh ercidunt iuscinim ipit velent nonullu ptatueros ate modolorem et, Et dipisl ullum vel ut am illuptatin ute tatet ullaore feum quip ea accum iriure delit nos alit niscilit adio od dolorpero core tate tat, quamcom moluptat, suscillam,

commodolore magniamet non vendrer aestissed tat am, con henim ipit, quipit iusto dignim vel iusto etum iustie min Haria doluptatur sae conet lit qui num verrum vit vero eume qui tes vellace restiur? Ovitatet qui am, cuptas ma ipsae dolut laboribus, coriam vellore ictatus enihill aborestis et eaquiam laut voluptium, ius et, quam quias conserf erovidemqui dolum volut everorrum con re conecerum con porum rem. Bor alibus vendipi ditibus autecae idebis con cum esto dolliquis ilicipit voluptas sus molo odipsus pro et omnis et et doluptas quuntio cum qui reicatur, asi tem que pliaepel maximporit, offictest ilignient. Cearum ea cuptat re dundaest a dolorro volum volectis rem ulparum fugitae reseroris autem arum ametum hicil molesci psandus. Ut facestia sum aut odigni sectis eatur audiatiosam ea nus, offic tem quis et perrorerum coribernatin consequi doluptia aboressi consequ iaspiendamus explibus apis alis vid estia ditiunt audia dionsequi aturia vendiscient porecaeOfficil id et, nim qui alique natis aped est, et lantet, int poriosanis sin conseque doluptati nullectisti volorem aut latem lita volupta vel modi alibus esti


Here will be a big chart displaying all the top stats of each V8 version of these cars. Like horsepower, top speed, 0 to 60 times etc.

By RENEE BURKE Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis dolobor augait lan henissim acidunt ut dolutet laorercidunt iriure tatummy nos non veliqui scillaorem ing eugiam, sim iure ming et incipissi bla facipit nibh eugiam zzril il utat. Giametummod magnim ad duisim vel ut aut init, veraesequam iurem dolendrero core dolore dio consectet volore facipis accum venim vendit, commolor ipit nos dipit esequip ero dolore vu llan utpatumsan ut alisis at vel ea consecte magna atie dolutpat. Ut aute dunt veliqui blan utem vendio odit elenibh ercidunt iuscinim ipit velent nonullu ptatueros ate modolorem et, Et dipisl ullum vel ut am illuptatin ute tatet



In here will be stats about the cars, the trims that the cars offer and the stats on each trim.

In here will be stats about the cars, the trims that the cars offer and the stats on each trim.


F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 7, 2 0 1 2 • H I - L I G H T S

An amazing funny loving head-


F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 7, 2 0 1 2 • H I - L I G H T S

In here will be stats about the cars, the trims that the cars offer and the stats on each trim.


opinion campus & local special sports entertainment features photo essay

For Students, By Students

Friday, November 4, 2011 Volume 60, Issue No.2



2000 South Mills Avenue Orlando, Florida 32806


Prom invites will be distributed Feb. 14 to all juniors and seniors. Prom tickets go on sale March 24-27. Prom is April 26. Location to be announced.


CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE? On Feb. 12-15, sophomores will partake in FCAT writes.

NOT TOO LATE There is still time to apply for scholarships. Applications and additional information concerning scholarships are available in College and Career.

CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE? On Feb. 12-15, sophomores will partake in FCAT writes.


More than 35 million heartshaped boxes of chocolate will be sold for Valentine’s Day.

LIFE, page 7

An amazing funny loving


To kick off the Valentines Day season, local Simoniz car washes and sister brands Sparkling Image, Eager Beaver, and Sonny’s are offering customers holiday savings. Customers visiting any of those locations before Feb. 14 will receive a full service car wash at half price. All offers can be redeemed Feb. 15 through March 31, 2008.

Please see

2 4 6 10 12 13 14

LEAD IN. I am a present tense sentence telling who and what is happening in the photograph, bt I do not begin with a name. “I am an amazing quotable quote,” Burke said. I am a past tense sentence telling something that cannot be seen from the photo, like stats.

By RENEE BURKE Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis dolobor augait lan henissim acidunt ut dolutet laorercidunt iriure tatummy nos non veliqui scillaorem ing eugiam, sim iure ming et incipissi bla facipit nibh eugiam zzril il utat. Giametummod magnim ad duisim vel ut aut init, veraesequam iurem dolendrero core dolore dio consectet volore facipis accum venim vendit, commolor ipit nos dipit esequip ero dolore vu llan utpatumsan ut alisis at vel ea consecte magna atie dolutpat. Ut aute

dunt veliqui blan utem vendio odit elenibh ercidunt iuscinim ipit velent nonullu ptatueros ate modolorem et, Et dipisl ullum vel ut am illuptatin ute tatet ullaore feum quip ea accum iriure delit nos alit niscilit adio od dolorpero core tate tat, quamcom moluptat, suscillam, commodolore magniamet non vendrer aestissed tat am, con henim ipit, quipit iusto dignim vel iusto etum iustie min Borioressum eum repe voluptat quistibusdae es remporentur sit voluptatem ipsam ut que mod que alitem dolorpo reperferum quate veribusam num accusa dem acessi aut es est a deritem exeribu sdaepel eatur aut omnitat ectati dis si simagni magnien imendesciati vendipi tibus. Miliquo dignientur, idenimi lignient que pra aliquo endignient pres venimpossi temoluptatur aditem ius, ut es est im dis quistiu remperu ptamus illacea rcipiet voluptat istrupt assunt. Et eles maximagnit volorem. Rum re non non consedigenet et as etum voluptae por solo dolupta tiaeces aut acilit, officiur? Ihictur as nonseque

An amazing funny loving I’M A SUBHEAD HEAR MY MIGHTY ROAR I’M POWER By RENEE BURKE Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis dolobor augait lan henissim acidunt ut dolutet laorercidunt iriure tatummy nos non veliqui scillaorem ing eugiam, sim iure ming et incipissi bla facipit nibh eugiam zzril il utat. Giametummod magnim ad duisim vel ut aut init, veraesequam iurem dolendrero core dolore dio consectet volore facipis accum venim vendit, commolor ipit nos dipit esequip ero dolore vu llan utpatumsan ut alisis at vel ea consecte magna atie dolutpat. Ut aute dunt veliqui blan utem vendio odit elenibh ercidunt iuscinim ipit velent nonullu ptatueros ate modolorem et, Et dipisl ullum vel ut am illuptatin ute tatet ullaore feum quip ea accum iriure delit nos alit niscilit adio od dolorpero core tate tat, quamcom moluptat, suscillam, commodolore magniamet non vendrer aestissed tat am, con henim ipit, quipit iusto dignim vel iusto etum iustie min Sed moluptatint officat estrum eaque accat rerovidenis dolut ium quia por sum quam sero occus magniat re sum quo temperu mendunt mincil id quia isqui con con rae nullupt atenis ex essitat. Parum eos dolupta tatur? Harum nim id eiciet quam non consequi cori di doluptate cor sam facculliquia sumet ommos con nonsed eiur, que ne voles velliquuntis magnam faccae pra nectatiatus aut asimod eos

re ni dolupta nis sam rataque eost, quo excereptur? Quibus essiti rehene vellam quidus reperum ni ut maion peles sum qui nonsequaecus dus, qui bea doluptibus. Ique pa sunto incimet omnistia qui aut utem aperfer iasinti atioria doluptatus. Ehenihil et liqui odiosan disquam ne doluptur aperum faccumquae sinciis serchiliquam faccum quatio occus quis della vollam debisquibea volupta epudante nonsedit odi que eum quam, tent laborumquae latasitatur, to con consectusam quo es nossimus excepe everum quiaspe lestemp erspiss imagnat empore volendit fuga. Endi odion

parchil eossit volorum sus ilibusam veliquunt rem. Molorro occuptat volupta vit eumet andae nonse mo quid ut in rerovitam, ommo magnis doluptas exceri bea velignitate vid ut alique comnisit fuga. Henda dessus, seque nimil inis moditi que voluptat abor simenet excepudic to omnihillabor accum reic tem dit rerro te plaut quae ius, quis id eos vendam venduciat ut que perunt esti occulluptat dit, et, et late etur, cullorum ium hictatur, officienis et por ad ma nobis ipid eosse imi, nem nam et lacea parum con non et voluptatiam quas et, sum exces accus, nis imus re cuptatibus, corumquae. Et facilla borupti netus quibusanis aute pra volent, optati

nime volorio enihit omnimi, totam dolorum demquisci dolorep erenimus, consed quatur? Dam, veribus et quatiore, sendaes plabo. Nam fugia nem la paritioribus que aut que dit volut quamus ulliquo dit aut aut remqui que sequam, aut

Animal Print is a disgusting trend that needs to die a sad and lonely death along with Pleather and Britney Spears


Reality TV fosters new meaning MTV TRICKS VIEWERS INTO BELIEVING REALITY TV IS REAL By KINSEY SEACORD My fellow peers, you have been jipped. For years now MTV has been host to one of the most fake shows that has ever aired on television, Jersey Shore. Sadly, America has chosen to take the bait the larger than life cast has offered. Jersey Shore has taken over the nation, yet what these pseudo fistpumping Italians have yet to mention, is that their program is about as authentic as they are New Jersey-an’s. Do not get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy seeing drunk 20-year-olds as much as the next person, but what is unnerving is that some viewers actually believe that this form of entertainment is true to reality. It is sad that America has forgotten that reality TV is merely a projection of ridiculous situations life throws at people. This MTV series is meant to entertain and make trashy people feel better about themselves; it is not meant to exhibit reality. Spoiler alert: Jersey

Shore is scripted. The show, now based in Italy, has had numerous European citizens confess the whole show is a sham. From staging fights and rehearsing dialogue, this cast is about as real as JWoww’s chest. The car “accident” caused by cast member Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi was recently outted as scripted by an Italian police officer who reported to the scene in Florence. According to The Daily Beast, he said the car was moving at an extremely low speed and a camera crew just happened to be set up. Not to mention the car she bumped into was her personal police escort, how convenient.

The Daily Beast additionally reported MTV had bought out O’Vesuvio’s pizzeria, the establishment which is currently pretending to employ the cast. The people who are shown as customers are, in truth, extras. Actual customers who are under the age of 30 and who are relatively attractive, are bribed to sign numerous confidentiality agreements in exchange for free pizza. But fear not die-hard fans, there is some truth to this story. Eight people can live together, go out for drinks and party every night with one another. They can also get in fights regularly and suffer from alcohol addictions. But

this is not called Jersey Shore, this is the Animal House Fraternity. Some of the situations on this show could happen in real life. For this reason it is labeled reality TV. Again, do not confuse this for Jersey Shore being real, these actors are merely portraying what would happen if eight trashy guidos intoxicated themselves every night. Ponder this for a second, say the cast did not earn their $100k an episode and a camera crew did not stalk their every move. This would leave eight raging alcoholics earning minimum wage who somehow are able to afford bachelor pads with jacuzzis. This situation would never be applicable in today’s economy. The Jersey Shore cast only glamorizes certain parts of life. MTV sweeps the boring technicalities, like payroll and taxes, under the rug. This fabricated show is plaguing our generation into thinking people really do live like this. In addition, these actors are convincing Europeans that all Americans are either steroid using idiots or that they all need to be immediately sent to rehab. So the next time raunchy guidettes pop up on the screen, know that it is alright to indulge in this show, as long as a sense of reality is kept.

We Asked What do students know and think about Jersey Shore and its cast 38% of students think the cast is too old. 77% of students think the cast are bad role models. 44% of students believe Jersey Shore is not scripted. 154 polled, Sept. 23

No more pants on the ground SAGGING VIOLATES STudENT COdE Of CONduCT

I hate the law because it was a waste of time passing [it] when that time could have been used for something more important - taj johnson, junior

page 6

By AUSTIN HALL A wise man once said, “Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, lookin’ like a fool with your pants on the ground.” That man was Larry Platt, who addressed the issue on one of America’s top TV shows, American Idol, and it later became an Internet sensation, bringing light to this nationwide epidemic. Florida House of Representatives listened and added sagging as a violation of the code of conduct. Sagging is when one’s pants “sag” below the buttocks and display Superman boxers for all to see. The term “underwear” describes what is worn “under” clothes, not showcased for the world to see. Sagging has been known to directly correlate with a person’s level, or lack of swag. The definition of swag is to cause to sway, sink or sag. So theoretically, the more one’s pants sag, the higher the level of “swag” he possesses. In 2005, Senator Gary Siplin introduced this idea in hope of making it against the law to wear saggy pants. He wanted to criminalise it making it a second-degree misdemeanor that

would result in a fine up to $50 and 10 days in jail. Siplin got sagging in the code of conduct but did not get it passed as a law outside of school. Florida House of Representatives passed an act, not a law, relating to the code of conduct, adding “sagging” to the list of dress code violations. It states, while a student is on the grounds of a public school, during a regular school day, if clothing is worn that exposes underwear or body parts in an indecent or vulgar manner, the student is subject to disciplinary actions. For the first offense, a warning is issued and then the principal will call the student’s parent or guardian. For the second offense, the student is ineligible to participate in any extracurricular activities for no more than five days and the principal will meet with the student’s parents. For the third or subsequent offense, the student will receive in-school suspension for no more than three days and is suspended from any extracurricular activities for no more than 30 days. These consequences are brilliant ideas, while the student is on school grounds during school hours. Outside of school, students can wear whatever they want; it would be unfair if it was enforced outside of school, and

October 7, 2011


would be a violation of the constitution. America’s students are entitled to freedom of expression. Siplin views this as a “pro-jobs legislation.” Sagging is unprofessional. No one wants to hire someone who walks in wearing pants down to his ankles and a giant shiny belt buckle. School is a place for learning and growth. Everyone who comes to school should look respectable. Wearing a belt will silence people

like Larry Platt, who will have nothing to complain about. Wearing one’s pants around the ankles is impractical. Wearing a belt is easier than hiking them up every 10 steps, it is more of a burden than a fashion statement. That would be like buying a bike that has only the back tire, having to do a wheelie wherever one goes. So put on a belt because the majority of the population does not care who one’s favorite superhero is.

Opinions, page 7, Oct. 7, 2011


Despite losses, boys keep positive attitude golfers worK to Keep focused


LINe IT Up. On Wednesday, Sept. 7, Junior Tyler Stokes practices before a dual match against Bishop Moore and Lake Nona. “I haven’t stopped because it’s fun. It’s rewarding to see my improvement,” Stokes said. Stokes shot a 51.

By RUBeN cARRILLO It is a hot September day and there is no one in sight, just the boys and their clubs. They have arrived an hour and a half early to warm up and get the juices flowing. They do not care what they are going to do when they get home. They are in the moment, ready to tee off, ready to start the wonderful, but occasionally aggravating game of golf. The boys felt the aggravation of the game with a few close losses, like to Hagerty by one stroke, 194-193; and by three to Lake Nona, 171-174. The boys current record is 12-3, but they are remaining positive. “We have a very difficult schedule this season, so that is about right where this team should be at this point in the season,” coach Todd Gregory said. Like every team they have advantages and disadvantages. Sophomore Clinton Nickerson is confident in the ability to get on the green in a few strokes; junior Thomas Green thinks the team’s advantage is they can hit the ball far;

and coach Todd Gregory believes the strength is that the team consists primarily of first year players. Gregory said with everyone being new they have a desire to play and be a part of the matches and district tournament. Nickerson believes the team’s three disadvantages are their short game, letting other things besides golf get into their heads, and that nobody on the team has a good day on the same day - all of which are items they are working to improve. Joshua Maldonado, the sole freshman on the team, is playing well for his first season and is considered the rookie of the team. One of the leaders is senior Kyle Leveille who, coach Todd Gregory said, plays his best when it counts. In the dual matches on Sept. 14 and Sept. 15, Leveille shot a 39. Even though the team lost three of those four matches, Leveille worked to show his teammates that consistency matters and that they need to keep their head in the game. To prepare for all matches, “we focus on our game and goals and

we don’t worry about the other teams. Golf is a unique team sport because the other teams can’t play defense against us, so we can only focus on how we play,” Coach Gregory said. The annual rival game against the Edgewater Eagles is Oct. 10, at the Country Club of Orlando at 8 a.m. Winter Park will also play in this match.

Favorite courses

The golf team discloses their favorite courses

1. “country club of Orlando because it’s always in really good shape and everyone there shows a lot of class,” senior Kyle Leveille said. 2. “I like North Shore because the people who own the course are very welcoming,” junior Thomas green said.

First year bowlers pull their weight with the seniors gone underclassmen step up By AUSTIN HALL Both bowling teams suffered tremendous losses when last years seniors graduated. The girls team alone lost five players, which is more than half of this year’s team. This gives the opportunity for younger bowlers to put themselves out there. “We have a lot of new blood on both teams, but I am happy with the progress,” bowling coach Daniel Tringali said. The boys bowling team had their first try-out before school started and the team did not muster up the minimum 10 boys that Tringali wanted. The second try-out during the first week of school garnered 10 bowlers on the boys team, and eight bowlers on the girls team. The boys bowling team holds a 3-4 season record beating Lake Nona, East River and Oak Ridge, all by at least 171 pins, but losing to Timber Creek, University and Winter Park. First year bowlers like juniors Hunter Monn and Stephanie Spence do not feel the pressure, but senior Ashley Cassidy feels differently. This is Cassidy’s first year on the school

bowling team but not her first year bowling in competitions. Cassidy has been bowling since she was 5-years-old and has been competing in scholarship leagues up until this year, earning money towards her college fund. Cassidy is currently leading the girls team with a 153.5 pin average. “The only thing going through my mind [when I release the ball] is ‘Am I going to get a strike?’,” Cassidy said. The girls bowling team also holds a 3-3 record losing to University, Winter Park and Oak Ridge. “[Winning] makes me feel accomplished,” Spence said. This is Spence’s first year on the team and she has the second best pin average on the girls’ team at 107.7. Even with the huge loss of players, both bowling teams are learning and with new talent comes progress and potential. Among those new players are more experienced players who help and support those in need. At practice no good deed goes unsung. The amount of chemistry the bowlers share can be clearly seen by the showers of high fives and cheers after every bowl no matter what the score is, creating an atmosphere comparable to that of a family outing. This sets the bowling team apart from other sports teams.

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page 22

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October 7, 2011


TASTINg SUcceSS. Senior Nicholas Konowal rolls the ball down the lane. “Getting a strike is like finding a pot of gold,” Konowal said. With a total pin average of 171.8, Konowal has the highest average on the boys bowling team.


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Sports, page 22, Oct. 7, 2011


How to successfully avoid a dating disaster

He & She SAID MEN SHOULD BE OLDFASHIONED , TREAT GIRLS WITH COURTESY By KINSEY SEACORD Meeting a girl’s first date expectations is no easy task. It takes a true gentleman to uphold the standards of a first date. While it can be argued this generation is more apt to treat males and females the same, chivalrous manners are timeless. A first date is always make or break for a couple, so choosing the right location is key. Girls expect to be taken somewhere nice where a conversation can be held to further reveal compatibility. In a survey, half the singles prefer a casual dinner for the first date; less than 1 percent chose the traditional movie theater stand-by. During a movie, one simply sits there and watches a screen. There is no engaging interaction between the couple. A guy must choose a location that is quiet and intimate. For the best results, gents should take their gals to a nice restaurant, like Carrabba’s. Another expectation which should never go out of style is for the man to pay for the first date. According to, 68 percent of men thought the man should pay the bill. This number is too low, men should pay 100 percent of the time. This gesture is not cheesy, it is polite. Going dutch, or splitting the check, is for when the couple is more acquainted or going steady. Another common courtesy is for men to hold doors open for women and pull their chairs out when being seated.

Your Thoughts How should your date act on a first date?

page 14

These acts are rooted in tradition and guys who do not do this for their dates are tacky. The way a male acts on the date is the highest expectation that girls have. Ladies are looking for men who are confident in their skin. A girl’s date should make her laugh and make sure she is having a good time. Boys should not pressure girls into awkward situations, but should keep the mood light. Holding hands is a superb initiative to show interest while not getting too heavy. According to, 73 percent girls said they would hold hands on the first date. Sadly, this generation of males has lost its sense of etiquette. No more classy compliments are given and eye contact is as rare as a “good hair day” for Donald Trump. To make the night a success, males must focus on the girl they are with. Phones should be put away, and guys need to be courteous and complimentary since their date made an effort to be there and look attractive. To pull off a flawless date, conversation is a must. It is up to the man, since he has asked a lady to accompany him, to make sure that communication is continuous. It is imperative males make sure they are not simply firing questions as if in an interview. Girls expect their date to be interested in their lives, but not nosey. One must also make sure the conversation is free flowing and does not turn into a speech. No woman likes to listen to an egotistical man boast about his life for an entire evening. There must be a perfect balance between communication and questions. If a guy is not willing to act in this way, then he does not deserve to take a girl out. So gentlemen date the way it should be done.

The first date should be like a fairytale. The guy should be the perfect gentleman. - victoria murray, senior

GIRLS SHOULD SHOOT FOR MOTHER’S STAMP OF APPROVAL By AUSTIN HALL One never gets a second chance at a first impression, it’s cliché but true. Men are fairly simple creatures, but are not oblivious to the little things. How a girl acts or dresses reveals much more about her than she thinks. What to wear should depend upon the type of date. Wear something like a simple dress that looks nice, but is not too flashy. Clothes with a lot of different colors and shapes can distract a guy from conversation. His attention could stick on the complications of the dress instead of the conversation currently in progress. Aim to be the girl that a guy would bring home to mom, not a girl “The Situation” would take back to his apartment. There is such a thing as too much skin, and if that line is crossed then guys will think that their date is promiscuous and loose interest. From there on out a girl can become less of girlfriend material and more of a story to tell the guys later on in the evening. Avoid overdoing anything; unless looking like a single mom that just stepped off the Rock of Love bus is one’s style, stray from putting on too much make up. If too much is used, makeup becomes an obstacle to hide behind instead of a tool to enhance beauty. Having confidence goes a long way. Even faking confidence is better than being insecure. Guys do not want to listen to their date constantly complain about how they think their dog is ignoring them, when it

The guy should not be boring. He needs to make sure there are no awkward moments. - kikey miranda, sophomore

November 4, 2011

really does not matter. There needs to be a balance, from the way each party presents itself to conversation involvement. Do not leave the conversation entirely on the man’s shoulders. Men are territorial by nature, so it does not take much to make a guy get defensive. Boys are not always the best at keeping their attention off other females, but both parties keeping their attention on each other allows for chemistry to flow uninterrupted. Make sure to be engaged and avoid all conversation enders. If the guy asks a question and the response he gets is “I don’t know,” awkward silence is inevitable. Ask him the question and think of an answer while he says what he thinks. That question was likely asked for a reason. Talk about each others’ views without making it an argument. This can also erect the opposite problem. The sound of one’s own voice can be intoxicating but do not overwhelm him with more information than he needs. Conversations are a two way street, so be sure not to control the conversation, but to invite a response so the conversation flows back and forth between each person. Until the two change their relationship status to “in a relationship” on Facebook, and the honeymoon phase is over, it is the man’s responsibility to pay for dinner. There will be the occasional date that will ask for two checks, so always bring an emergency stash just in case the guy is too cheap for manners. Too much good of a good thing can be a bad thing, so do not go overboard. It is always better to play it safe and highlight one’s strengths than to try and mask any flaws that guys normally would not notice.

The first date is to get to know each other so I expect her to be interesting.

[On a first date] I expect her to not nag all the time.

- paul nguyen, junior

- kerry alce, freshman

Features, page 14, Nov. 4, 2011


Steer clear of a Christmas catastrophe

He & She SAID TURN HIS “I DO NOT KNOW” INTO A PRESENT By KINSEY SEACORD As the season of giving approaches, there are always confused females who raid stores frantically looking for the perfect present to give a significant other. Nothing is more agitating than the typical “I don’t know, get me whatever” response. This leaves ladies in a state of anxiety over what is a good item purchase. Buying a gift is all about how long the couple has been together. If one has been dating a guy for a year, a cup of hot cocoa and a holiday card will not suffice. For a couple currently blossoming, gifts can be a head scratcher. For the one to two month period, girls are still getting to know their guy and what he likes. The gift should say “I care about you enough to know what you spend your time doing, but we have not been dating long enough for me to spend my whole paycheck on you.” One gift that is always applicable and inexpensive is food. Every man loves to eat

and at this time of year, food can be pimped out to look festive and seasonal. Another spectacular gift is cologne. Ladies, it tells the significant other that the holidays are meant for snuggling, and it is unacceptable to smell like sweaty Santa at the mall. Ralph Lauren Polo Black Stocking Stuffer can be purchased at Macy’s for $35. Couples who have been dating for five to six months must put thought into gifts. Since this guy has stuck around for so long, he should be rewarded. Men can always use fashion advice, so purchasing a few tee shirts is a great way to welcome the holidays. For a more reusable gift, buy a video game. Since the majority of teenage boys have better relationships with their Xbox 360 than with their girlfriends, one cannot go wrong with the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 game for $56.95 at Walmart. If a guy has stayed in a relationship for a year, cash needs to be spent. Buying a Nixon watch at Nordstrom for $60 tells a man that their lady still likes him after all this time. So whether your relationship is just a spark or a blaze, do not commit arson and have the holidays go up in flames.

DIg INTO THE MIND, NOT THE WALLET, FOR A gIFT By AUSTIN HALL Gifts are a wonderful way to show how much one cares about his significant other, or how long he waited before scrambling into every store in the mall searching for the perfect gift for that one special person. There are two equations when it comes to buying a gift for the majority of females, excluding the occasional gold digger: thought is equal to or greater than the total number of zeroes on the price tag. If one keeps that in mind, then any gift out there will be the perfect gift. The less thought invested, the more money will be spent. The other equation should only be utilized in case of emergencies, or if creativity is not a trait that comes natural to the gift giver. As thought decreases, the total number of zeroes on the price tag should go up. If the relationship is nearing the one year mark, a good gift would be one of many Tiffany necklaces that can be found for $125 and up. If the relationship is younger, then

take her out to a nice dinner. Taking her back to the first date could be a good way to keep the relationship youthful. These two equations should be constantly referenced when looking for a gift. If anyone is to fall into the category of the second equation, the amount spent should vary depending on how long the couple has been dating. The longer the two have been dating, the higher the price of the gift. These prices could be cut by more than half if one invested time into a thoughtful gift. Happy wife, happy life. Even though marriage is not in the picture, the concept still applies. If the gift she receives is not up to her expectations, it will take a lot of sucking up and better gifts in the future to get out of jail. Try bouncing ideas off a friend who is also a girl to get the female perspective on any gift idea that pops into one’s brain. If a female or a friend of the gift receiver is not a possibility, find a friend who has a girlfriend and has experience with giving gifts. Thought will always be superior to price. In any gift-giving situation, putting thought and care into a gift will reign supreme without making one’s wallet hurt.


expires 2/29/2012

December 14, 2011

page 15

Features, page 15, Dec. 16, 2011

campus and local



“I got a furry towel that left fur on me.” - ronisha wiggans, junior

We asked 10 students to answer “What is the worst gift you have ever received?” in 10 words.

“One time I got a knitted sweater from my grandmother.” - hope garcia-chavez, sophomore

“One time I got a flash drive in my stocking.” - giusseppe theodoredis, junior

“When I was seven my aunt, “My grandmother got me a silver pine cone for Christmas.” got me pipe cleaners.” - catherine horgan, junior - savannah varvel, sophomore

“One Christmas I got underwear and socks from my aunt.” - abdiel gonzalez, freshman

Element High School MIDWEEK | Grades 9-12 Wednesdays 7-8:30pm

“I once got a sketch book, but I don’t draw.” - rachael galatowitsch, freshman

“I got a pink sewing set for “I got a house phone shaped like Christmas last year.” a cell phone.” - randall glasgow, sophomore - joseph hairston, senior

“My sister once got me an empty card for Christmas.” - andres penagos, senior

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All students welcome!

Inflatable, laser tag, dodgeball, basketball, karaoke, Wii, Xbox, Pizza, Foosball and more. Save the date: PIME SUMMER CAMP - July 16-20 Discovery Church 4400 South Orange Ave Orlando, FL 32806

December 14, 2011

page 7

Campus and Local, page 7, Dec. 16, 2011


Teaching styles create classroom controversy

He & She SAID UNPROFESSIONALISM LEADS TO PROBLEMS By KINSEY SEACORD Nothing is more annoying than an unprofessional teacher. If one is paid to instruct students about a specific curriculum, then off topic personal problems should never be discussed. While it can be argued that sharing stories with students allows a teacher-student connection to form, there is a fine line between what is appropriate and what is not. One thing that should never happen in a classroom is an instructor who talks about family confrontations, financial issues or arguments he is having with co-workers. Discussing one’s problems should be between a therapist and a client, not a teacher and a student. Nowadays some teachers should be put on verbal leashes. For a schooling environment to be successful, students must be immersed in conversations relevant to what they are learning. If a teacher has a personal story that will help students better understand a subject, then it is welcome. Whining and off topic rants should be left to dissatisfied housewives. It can also be argued when teachers share personal stories about their experiences, it aids students in formulating the solutions to their own problems. Aside from the fact that discussing intimate dilemmas should not happen at school, it can also affect students’ capabilities of expressing themselves. According to Courtney Cazden, Professor of Education Emerita at the Harvard Graduate School of Education,

Your Thoughts Should teachers discuss their lives in class?

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“In a setting where [teachers] hope there can be important growth in children’s use of language for learning and for life, teachers talk too much, and the words in the air are more often [theirs] than [the children’s].” If teachers focus on their views and how they handle situations, students are not growing independent in thought and critical thinking abilities. Not only do improper teaching styles shadow educators in an unprofessional light, but they also affect teachers’ ability to govern a class. There is a hierarchy of respect in the schooling system; that teachers are above their pupils. At times, students forget their advisers are not their peers. Once respect is lost, the classroom is transformed into the Land of the Wild Things and attempting to discipline out-of-line kids is a joke. It is understandable some teachers think being “buddy buddy” with students will help them excel, but in reality it is robbing them of a fundamental lesson: not everyone is on the same level. Kids are here to learn, not make friends with elders. Instructors who converse a rhapsody of complaints always forget that those listening are adolescets with their own problems; in short, no one cares. Teachers never take into account their class might be uncomfortable with their speech. Some students may be sensitive to topics that a teacher jokes about. Getting fired because of insensitivity is pathetic. Teaching is a prestigious job. One has the ability to shape generations and open doors of opportunity. To do the job right, a level of professionalism must be maintained. Certain teachers need to get it together.

TEACHERS JUMP-START THE LEARNING ENGINE By AUSTIN HALL The student-teacher relationship is like motor oil to an engine. Quality motor oil acts as a catalyst, allowing the motor to run smoothly. Personal stories can act as a learning lubricant; making learning a smoother, simpler task for the student. When a teacher tells students about his or her personal life, it makes that teacher seem a little more human. To students, the thought of any teacher having a life outside of school is a very difficult concept to grasp. Most students are confused to see a teacher outside of school. It is as if teachers’ brains have evolved and they have now learned to dress like adults, disguising themselves as everyday civilians. Teachers are not wild animals that can only exist in captivity; most have lives that take place outside of school. Teachers can share personal stories of how they grew up or stories of how they messed up as teenagers to try and prevent students from making that mistake. By doing so, it gives off a feeling of compassion. It shows that the teacher cares enough about students to share such a story. It can also serve as a mental break for students to give their brains a rest before diving back into the task at hand. It helps if the story relates to what is being taught. Stories can be utilized as tools to help students retain information that can later be used in the students’ daily lives. According to Edward Roy Krishnan, a Psychology and Education teacher at Wells International School, teaching at the Prom Phong, Thong

I think it is acceptable. Teachers are older and they know more about life, and they can guide us.

No, because certain things that teachers say, students don’t need to know.

- ariana vargas, junior

- stacy jean, sophomore

February 10, 2012

Lor, and On-nut Campuses, personal stories bridge the mental and emotional gaps between the teacher and the students, making learning a more engaging experience. According to the National Council of Teachers of English, teachers who tell personal stories about their past or present lives model for students how to recall sensory detail. If a story is rehearsed by a teacher and told correctly, it can introduce students to the techniques of eye contact, dramatic placement of characters within a scene, and the use of character voices. These skills can transfer into a students’ writing. Teachers should try to follow some basic guidelines that will ensure that the story has substance and appeal and will not be immediately followed by an awkward silence. Obviously teachers should avoid dwelling into the “too personal,” and stray away from stories that will evoke negative emotions that should be left out of the classroom, such as sad stories that will make a student upset or angry. Any story that took place in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom. Teachers should avoid bragging to students, and avoid topics that draw sympathy from them. Even made up stories that are conjured to help students remember a specific aspect of the subject may be one thing the student needed to plant whatever is being taught in that student’s mind. The more interesting a story is, the easier it is to recall the main idea. Students tell teachers stories about their lives everyday. So, teachers talking about their personal lives should be viewed as attempting to grab the class’s attention and to connect with them, not to try and attract sympathy or praise from the students.

Teachers try to keep emotions out of teaching, but you can’t connect with teacher[s] unless you see they are human. - easah rahman, senior

No, because school is for education, not for teachers to share their life story.

- echeverry santiago, freshman

Features, page 10, Feb. 10, 2012

Resercation Conversation, Online Feb. 10, 2012


DREAM Act provokes controversy By AUSTIN HALL and KARINA FLORES The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors’s (DREAM Act) goal is to provide affordable higher education to undocumented youth currently living in the United States. The federal version of this bill does not require universities or colleges to offer in-state tuition prices while the state version does. Rather than paying out-of-state tuition, eligible students will be able to pay in-state tuition, which is three times less, therefore three times more affordable. Before receiving this exemption, students must have been 15-years-old or younger when they came to the United States, lived in the U.S. for at least five years before the enactment of the law, earned a high school diploma or GED and proven to be of good moral character with no criminal record. With requirements met, eligible students would have six years to earn permanent residency status if they complete two years of college or complete two years of military service. The state bill was denied in Florida and in Arizona, but passed in every other state, where the federal bill was denied by Congress. This bill will not be brought to Congress for discussion until 2013, making it a controversial issue in the 2012 elections.


million undocumented immigrant youth currently live in the United States


thousand immigrant students graduate U.S. high schools each year.

Straddling the border 5 of injustice By AUSTIN HALL The Florida DREAM Act is just another way for America to give away money that we do not have. America is currently $15.4 trillion in debt and that number is constantly rising. This Act provides illegal immigrants with the opportunity to pay in-state tuition for college, instead of paying out-of-state tuition rates, or enlist in the military and get put on a fast track to citizenship, after five years of illegally living in America. This bill is like ants to honey. It promotes immigrating to the U.S. According to the Department of Homeland Security, in 2010, there were 10.8 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. If this bill passes, that number would likely skyrocket. The yearly annual flow of illegal immigrants has been dropping since 2000. Nothing will stop people who are thinking about migrating illegally to the U.S. if the DREAM Act passes. Bright House Networks does not give discounted cable to people who have been stealing their neighbor’s cable. So, America should not give in-state tuition to illegal immigrants who have been living in our country for five years. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, America will lose $6.2 billion a year to the DREAM Act. Illegal immigrants are draining America’s resources. If an illegal immigrant, who is living in America, gets a finger cut off and has to be taken to a hospital, the hospital is required to treat the person, even if the person cannot afford it, the person will walk

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out with a bandaged up hand without having to pay a single cent. So taxpayers pay for that person’s hospital trip. America provides enough of these public services for its citizens, not for these illegal immigrants. When people who are getting married send out invitations, they expect to receive an RSVP back so they know how much food to buy. They do not buy extra food for uninvited wedding crashers. The theory behind the DREAM Act is kids who came to the country illegally will go to college, get a higher education and become a functional member of society by getting a job and reinvesting into our country. The problem is not immigrants going to college, it is the part about these students getting jobs. With unemployment at an all time high, there are not enough jobs to go around. Until the economy turns around, we will lose money and as a result, a higher unemployment rate. This Act is unfair to the people who became legal citizens the right way, because these people did not get a chance to receive in-state tuition before they moved to America. It is not always the child’s fault that they are here illegally, but their parents should have thought ahead before they decided to cheat the American government. The DREAM Act is only a valid idea if increased debt, drained resources and a higher rate of illegal immigration are appealing side effects. The Florida DREAM Act was not passed in 2012, but it will rear its ugly head again in January of 2013. So vote no to keep America out of debt.

Minimum number of years eligible students have to live in the U.S. before enactment of law


Number of states have implemented versions of the DREAM Act


The maximum age eligible children must have been when they were brought to the United States


Years in college or military completed before receiving permanent residence

March 16, 2012

Let DREAM come true By KARINA FLORES Joy, excitement and relief can describe the feelings of thousands of students who graduate each year, but those that are here unlawfully cannot say the same. They are left with the feeling of uncertainty, not knowing what to expect for their futures. Approximately 1.5 million undocumented immigrant youths currently living in the United States are left without affordable education after high school, drastically limiting their success. The Florida DREAM Act should be enacted so that innocent and deserving students can pursue an affordable education and citizenship. According to a study by the Urban Institute, 65,000 undocumented students graduate from U.S. high schools each year. About 5,000 of these students graduate in Florida, and only about 5 percent go on to get a college education. Risking deportation for a better life, parents brought their children illegally, but without an opportunity at higher education, these children will be considered inefficient employees, forced to fall prey to a cycle of poverty. The astoundingly low percentage of undocumented students pursuing a higher education is due to the sole fact that they cannot afford it. Currently, legislation states that unlawful or undocumented youths are required to pay out-of-state tuition in the state of their recent residence, which is three times more than in-state tuition. The DREAM Act is a proposed legislation tailored to provide a path to legal residency for undocumented immigrant students who, to no fault of their own, were brought illegally into the country and received primary and secondary education in the U.S. Those opposed to the bill assert it will reward illegal activity of immigrants through citizens’ tax money. In one way or another, parents of these children pay taxes through sales taxes everyday. The proposed law is not without its conditions. Only after meeting the requirements specified in the introduction and completing two years of higher education or two years of military service will the student have six years to earn permanent residency status. These are attainable goals that require diligence and determination, qualities valued in citizens. The DREAM Act will not grant citizenship to anyone and everyone, but provide a pathway to those who deserve a chance to reach their full potential in society. Therefore, only those who

fulfill the requirements provided by the bill will be deemed qualified for citizenship, adding an educated and skilled asset to communities and the United States as a whole. The aforementioned requirements needed to qualify for the DREAM Act not only help those who reap these benefits, but also the citizens in their surrounding communities, since students who would benefit under the DREAM Act have been raised and educated in the U.S. and local taxpayers have already invested in the education of these children in elementary and secondary school. With advanced college degrees, U.S. taxpayers will see a return on their investment. Furthermore, the economy can benefit from an increase in educated immigrants with acquired skills, ultimately creating jobs and generating revenue. According to a December 2011 study from the American Enterprise Institute and the Partnership For New American Economy, every 100 foreign-born workers with degrees are associated with 262 jobs for native-born workers. Today’s global economy requires an educated and skilled workforce capable of acquiring, creating and distributing knowledge. Passage of the DREAM Act will create a group of talented, multi-lingual and multi-cultural workers who will help America compete in the global market. Unfortunately, the similar Florida DREAM Act, consisting of two proposals, was unable to gain ample support, as of Feb. 16, when it was voted down 4-3 in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Florida DREAM Act can ensure affordable opportunities to students who would become an advantage to our country. It is only viable to pass legislation that allows competent and deserving individuals to fulfill their DREAMs.

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Opinion, page 6, Mar. 16, 2012


Relationships undergo a software update

He & She SAID TECHNOLOGY IS SLOWLY KILLING COUPLES By KINSEY SEACORD A relationship is like a plant. Once the seed is cultivated, it takes nurturing and attention to grow. One way to nip the bud is to let technology take root in the relationship. While cell phones and the Internet do have a place, the dangers of excessive use are too prominent to ignore. Face-to-face contact is being slaughtered by technology. Nothing is making couples more awkward in person than when all of their communication is behind the security of a screen. Technology can be a useful tool for long distance relationships, but quality inperson time together is imperative. Being able to articulate oneself around a significant other takes time and effort. When people speak in person, emotions can be detected from their tone; digital words are flat and detached. While it can be argued that texting allows couples to have constant contact and get to know each other quicker, there is no substitute for human interaction. Getting to know someone through texting or social networking robs the couple of simple moments. The moment where she laughs at his stupid joke, or the time he smiles just because she is with him. Technological barriers keep one from experiencing these. Also, persistent connection can become annoying and does not allow the couple to have space. No one enjoys being smothered. A fantastic habit, that will ensure one’s feelings are communicated, is writing love letters. Putting pen to paper

Your Thoughts Is technology ruining couples?

demands time and thought. It is a sentimental and old-fashioned keepsake. According to a survey by The Telegraph, 70 percent of women would rather receive a love letter than some form of digital communication from a significant other. Misunderstandings through the digital world are more frequent than not. Comical connotations can often be misconstrued and the true meaning of one’s words can be lost. Couples fighting via texting are doomed to fail. According to John Suler in Cyber Psychology and Behavior, people say and do things in cyberspace they would not ordinarily say or do in the face-to-face world. This means fights will be more heated, words will be more cruel and anger will be more explosive. Social networking sites are breeding grounds for misunderstandings. Cyber words often cause confusion in their meaning. People obsess over documenting their relationship and making everything public. Connections require intimacy, not publicity. The biggest danger technology imposes is superficial distractions. The virtual world is full of things to browse through, but one should not be looking when spending time with his partner. For a relationship to thrive, a couple’s full attentions should be focused on each other. Nothing will get one dumped faster than whipping out a phone during a date and rudely disconnecting with the world around him. When one is too busy to notice his significant other is desperate for attention, it sends a clear message: “technology is more important than you.” So put the phone down and start experiencing a real relationship.

I think it damages [relationships] because communication isn’t face-to-face. - kahlila nesbeth, freshman

CONNECTING IS SO EASY, IT HERTZ By AUSTIN HALL The Internet and other technologies have built themselves a terrible reputation. A reputation where mothers must fear for their children’s lives or their credit cards, where crazy girlfriends constantly call to find out what their boyfriends are doing. Whether it is apparent or not, technology has made communication easier in every way. Before cell phones and email, people could not simply text one another to reschedule a date, or call to say they were running late. They had to show up late, and risk getting chewed out, or not show up at all. Cell phones can keep two people who are on opposite sides of the country in touch without having to wait to get home to call and hope the other person is near their phone. Cell phones are meant to be taken wherever the owner goes. Using cell phones is easier than writing a letter and awaiting delivery. Smartphones can basically live one’s life for him. Finding somewhere to go for dinner or calling someone to give directions has never been easier. Most smartphones come with a multi-tasking feature, so now one can do both simultaneously. With unlimited text or calling, which most everyone has nowadays, two people are never more than a few touches of a keypad away. Getting to know someone can be done in a million different ways. Texting makes communication between two people impossibly easy. Just shoot that person a text and get a simple response back fast.

I don’t think so. People can stay more connected. Texts and Facebook are good. - thi nguyen, senior

March 16, 2012

Texting has whittled communication down to its simplest form. This allows conversation between two people in a relationship to be simple and convenient. People say technology has lowered the social skills of youth, but this is a choice made by the individual because anyone with a webcam can Skype other people to have face-to-face conversations. Apple developed Facetime, a program similar to Skype that allows people to communicate face-to-face on any generation 4 or higher iPhone, iPod touch or any iPad 2 with an Internet connection. Even though webcams lack certain aspects of conversation like body language or the setting affecting the mood, it still enables two people to talk and see each other while talking. There are an abundance of dating websites to choose from. According to New York Daily News, 21 percent of Americans use online dating services, which drastically raises the variety of people to choose from. There are dating websites for specific groups of people, like Christians or men looking for women from the former Soviet Union. ChristianMingle and AnastasiaInternational are websites that filter out people who don’t meet a certain criteria that someone is not looking for. Years of time and money have been spent to create and improve these technological advancements. A life without all these helpful tools of communication makes most people shudder and some pre-teenage girls cry, but all of these technologies have been created, not to encourage social awkwardness, but to make lives easier. When used properly technology can help bring people together when they are far apart.

I think it ruins communication because they talk all day long, ruining face-to-face conversation. - alan kominowski, junior

Yes because it can make someone’s private business public.

- jaquan gray, sophomore

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Features, page 16, Mar. 16, 2012


Determining when to rent a moving truck

He & She SAID MOVING OUT TO A NEW PERSPECTIVE By KINSEY SEACORD Young adults are much like baby birds. There comes a time to leave the nest, and much like birds, there are a few that feel not quite ready to fly; in which case, they should be pushed. Moving out after graduating high school is detrimental to the growth of an individual. While continuing to live at home does have financial benefits, the missed opportunity of spreading one’s wings without any parental influence outweighs the money issue. Self dependence cannot fully be attained while living at home. The emotional attachment created between child and parent needs to be altered. It is healthy to move out and be put into an unfamiliar environment. There will be situations in which one will be thrust out of his comfort zone. Moving out teaches one to adapt to new situations and embrace all of the opportunities presented. If one continues living with his parents after high school moving out later on is difficult. A study conducted by the Pew Research Center reports that 40 percent of 2008 graduates are still living at home with their parents, and 42 percent of 2006 graduates are also still living at home. To avoid emotional instability when parentals finally mandate a move, be proactive and fly the coop. If one is in need of money, take a loan, swing a scholarship or dare it be said, get a job. The issue of money is for whiners and slackers. No one enjoys a moocher - parents included. College is a time to be

Your Thoughts Should students move out after high school?

broke and learn how to manage on a tight financial budget. When one moves out, he takes on new responsibilities, such as food plans and paying bills. Moving out is the first taste one has of financial independence. Parents will not always be there to help out with the bills, so beginning to rely on oneself as early as possible sets the right financial track. Additionally living at home puts one at a social disadvantage. “A common time for people from healthier families to move out is upon graduating high-school and moving away to live at college,” according to Lisa Warren in “When Should Kids Move Out of Their Parents’ House.” Whether one is attending college or starting a job, moving out is essential. Breaking the social norm can leave students ostracized. For those who have seen “Failure To Launch,” unless one is as attractive as Matthew McConaughey, there is no excuse to be the loser living at home. Moving out begins the transition from a dependent to a blossoming adult butterfly. “Living at home for too long into adulthood delays the maturation process and holds you back from embracing adulthood,” Steve Pavlina, self-help author and motivational speaker, said. To fully express one’s individuality free from the fear of parental repercussions, one must seek his own abode. Parents should shift from the hound dog of order breathing down their child’s neck, to the guiding mentor. Staying at home after high school is a mistake. The benefits of moving out clearly outweigh the convenience of staying home. It is time to spread one’s wings and fly into the next chapter of life.

It depends on what [the students] are going to do for college and their financial situation.

- kirstie friend, senior

PREMATURE FLIGHT WILL BACKFIRE By AUSTIN HALL Cutting the cord and leaving the nest is never easy, nor is it necessary. There is not a rule against staying home right after graduating high school. Unless one’s parents are kicking him out, staying home for college makes the most sense. Moving out means one will have to fend for himself, and no one can survive without food. Since parents usually do all the grocery shopping, by moving out now one must spend money on his own food. According to, the average price of a dormitory for one year of college is $7,500-$9,000 a year. That is $30,000-$36,000 for four years of college, and that number will rise even more, or even double, if one is planning on getting a masters or doctorate degree. Most students have to take out loans for things like books, room and board, tuition, and meal plans. According to a New York Times Article, Burden of college loans on graduates grows, the average student leaves college with $24,000 in school loans. A big chunk of that can be eliminated by taking out room and board and meal plans. Unless one has been saving for college for a while or gets a full ride scholarship, financially, staying at home makes more sense. Most parents will either let one stay at home rent-free or have their child pay rent. Either way, it is cheaper than any dormitory. By staying home, remembering to buy groceries will not be a worry until after

I think [students] should because it shows that they are independent.

- leslie irizarry, sophomore

college graduation. Everything that has been supplied since birth is still available. Parents have supplied the simple things like medicine, soap and toilet paper for the household, there is no need to buy those bare necessities. This goes hand in hand with familiarity. There will be no adjusting to a new setting or way of life, no awkward first couple weeks of living with complete strangers and no chance of coming down with the dreaded illness that affects every budding adult: home sickness. Homesickness is defined as the distress and functional impairment caused by an actual or anticipated separation from home and attachment objects such as parents. This temporary ailment is caused by the falling sensation that comes with jumping from the safety of the nest of childhood. A study conducted by the Educated Resources Information Center, found that out of 304 freshman polled, 68.8 percent of freshman admitted to feeling homesick. Two thirds of those students experienced homesickness for a week, where 18 percent of those students felt it for up to eight weeks. Living at home can give the child time to adjust to being an adult without having to dive into growing up, especially on a college student’s budget. The odds of a freshman in college being able to financially support himself is highly unlikely without the help of one’s parents. Once one has graduated, he will have the chance to jump straight into working a consistent, full-time job. Moving out of the house when going to college is a bad idea. Moving out only leads to poverty, disorientation and crying at night. Being in debt and distressed is not the best way to start out one’s adult life.

No not immediately. I think they should get used to college first.

No, because they need to learn how to live by themselves first.

- cristian drayton, junior

- minh nguyen, freshman

4524 Hoffner Avenue (407) 240-2524

May 11, 2012

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Features, page 7, May 11, 2012


Local venues offer wide variety venue size does not damper quality

A positive atmosphere and people who are there for the music not the open bar [make a good venue] - cathryn pierson sophomore

By AUSTIN HALL Venues are unique in their own way. The sights, the smells and the sound of a venue can remain in the archives of one’s memory for the rest of time. The standards for what makes a good venue vary from person to person. Three important standards are overall size, experience and sound quality. Overall experience can range from what services are offered, to how comfortable a venue is, to how the place is managed and how employees treat their customers. A company should pride themselves on the quality of their customer service. Bigger does not always mean better regarding sound quality. Larger venues offer a theatrical sound that is popular with concert halls. That is popular because it sounds spectacular, but is not always more aesthetically pleasing than a compact more, in-your-face, type of sound that small venues provide. These standards are what make a great venue.


SOUND CHECK. Power pop band HelloGoodbye warms up before their show at The Social.

BackBooth proves size doesn’t always matter BackBooth is a small venue located downtown at 37 W. Pine St. that ensures a good view of the performer from anywhere in the room. BackBooth has a maximum capacity of 350 people, which is a fraction of the maximum of House of Blues. One might have elbow room in House of Blues, in a venue as small as BackBooth,

every spot on the floor is a good spot. Unlike House of Blues, BackBooth does not serve food inside the venue and has a limited sitting area. Unless one can get into the VIP section, which is just a small balcony with a couple of booth-style seats; the only places to sit are at the few stools at the bar, or two rows of bar stools in the back of the venue. The upside of BackBooth is its size, but that also comes with negatives. Although one is never too far from whoever is performing, the other people watching get a little too close. For some, it can be an invasion of privacy. For others, if one throws all shame out the window and goes with the flow, it is just part of the experience. While BackBooth may not have anywhere to eat inside, it is downtown location is close to many eateries like Pancheros and Tijuana Flats. Small venues like this are great for upcoming artists. These types of venues tend to host local artists trying to make it big in the music industry. Before You Exit started out playing small venues like BackBooth; now they have been on tour with bands like All Time Low and have written with the lead singer of Fall Out Boy and solo artist, Patrick Stump. There are only two posted events coming up. On May 12, at 8 p.m. RUG is having a CD release party featuring Heckfire and RJ Harmon and Co. for all ages with tickets at $5. On June 6, at 7 p.m. Ceremony and Screaming Females will be playing an all ages show; tickets can be bought for $10 at

The Social shows true colors in sound quality The Social, much like BackBooth, is a very small venue in downtown Orlando. It’s size comes with advantages and disadvantages. The standing area is

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May 11, 2012

longer than it is deep compared to BackBooth. It also does not serve food. The Social’s maximum capacity is similar to BackBooth’s. The general admission floor takes up most of the space. There is limited seating at the bar. The sound from inside the venue is unique. It is much different compared to a larger venue like House of Blues, but is beautifully crisp. In a larger venue there is a reverberation off the towering theatrical walls that every town-hall-type venue contains. But in a venue like The Social or BackBooth, the sound has a sort of concentrated feel to it. A sort of sound that has time to bounce around in one’s head and stay for quite a while. Tickets for upcoming shows can be bought at An upcoming event to consider is Julian Marley, son to reggae artist Bob Marley, will perform at The Social on May 23, at 8 p.m. General admission tickets cost $20 at The Social’s website with a $6.75 service fee. On June 4, Two Door Cinema Club will be playing at 8:00 p.m. General admission tickets cost $29.84 after taxes.

House of Blues lives up to it’s name House of Blues is a giant in comparison to other local venues. With its two story structure, House of Blues can fit up to 2,100 people. The standing area in front of the stage is bigger than BackBooth or The Social but is small enough to where one does not get too far from the stage. Unlike the other two venues, House of Blues has seats that surround the general admission area, and the second floor balcony has seats right above the seats on the bottom floor. Adam Sliger, a freshman in college, was in the band 7 Months Later that recently parted ways. Sliger and 7 Months Later performed at local venues like the House of Blues, Hard Rock Live, The Social, BackBooth and some not-so-local venues in different cities. “My favorite venue is certainly House of Blues. Everyone there is a professional, and the stage is massive. Also, the backstage area is an awesome place to prepare for a show,” Sliger said. House of Blues has one advantage over the others: it owns a restaurant right next to the venue. One can get food before and after a show without having to travel too far. Jane’s Addiction will be performing on May 25. Pre-sale tickets cost $59.50, but on the night of the show, tickets are bumped up to $62.50. On May 27, The Used is playing at 6:30. Pre-sale tickets cost $29 and $31 at the door.

Entertainment, page 24, May 11, 2012

year in review Page Compiled By AUSTIN HALL

1. Brave Aid profits benefit local Foundation As each seat in the auditorium fills up, more and more money is put toward a good cause. Brave Aid is a school sponsored talent show that provides an opportunity for students to showcase their talents in front of a filled auditorium. All proceeds went to the Always Wear Your Seatbelt Foundation. Tickets were $7 in advance and $10 at the door. “It was a great way to get the club’s name out and raise money for the scholarships that the foundation gives out,” sophomore Christopher Caplan said. The Always Wear Your Seatbelt Foundation was created by Eddie Culberhouse’s mother, Lorisse Garcia, and Laura Grant’s mother, Wendy Grant, after their deaths in a car accident. This foundation helps to raise awareness about the importance of wearing one’s seatbelt when riding in a motor vehicle. Sophomore president Madison Nagle and sophomore vice president Christopher Caplan started the The Always Wear Your Seatbelt Club to raise awareness on campus. At Brave Aid, 22 acts performed. The acts ranged from solo singing acts, to Orange Swag which is a rap duo, to the Bollywood Club. The Bollywood Club performs traditional style Middle Eastern dancing. “It just goes to show that we have a lot of supporters in our community,” Caplan said.

It Is amazing that so many people were willing to come out and support such a worthy cause. - madison nagle, sophomore


3. February blood drive breaks two records

The third blood drive on Feb. 6, broke the record for the most pints drawn in one day with 196 pints, and broke the record for the largest number of pints Boone has drawn in a school year with 610 pints.


FACELESS. At Brave Aid, senior Tyler Collick plays the ukulele. “It is actually really exciting playing at Brave Aid because you cannot see [the crowd’s] faces or their expressions so you don’t have any worries about what they are thinking,” Collick said. Collick performed twice in one night at Brave Aid, he played with senior Lindsay Phelps, and played guitar with, senior Geoffrey Kirchoff, who played the drums.

4. Senior semi truck shows spirit Decorated in a carnival theme, seniors ride on their float to show school spirit. The homecoming parade and Braves Brawl served as a pep rally to pump up the school for the homecoming game against East River.

2. ‘Dracula’ keeps the blood pumping


DON’T CHOKE. In Dracula, Norbert Briggs (Clark Thornton) chokes Robert Renfield (played by Tyler Conrady) , as Van Helsing (played by Jackson Upperco) looks on in shock. “My favorite part about playing [Van Helsing] was the feeling of accomplishment. It was a difficult role to play,” Upperco said. Oct. 28 - Guinness Book of World Records declares Samuel L. Jackson highest grossing actor of all time.

Oct. 27 - Boone beats East River 4225 in 60th annual homecoming game.

The drama department performed Bram Stoker’s Dracula from Oct. 20-22. In Dracula, Abram Van Helsing, played by senior Jackson Upperco, and his confidants make it their mission to hunt down and kill the King of Vampires himself, Count Dracula. Dracula, played by junior Caleb Roche, uses his supernatural powers in an attempt to evade his pursuers. Senior Angel Lozada played Jonathan Harker, a lawyer who joins Van Helsing to slay Count Dracula. “My favorite scene would have to be Harker’s Recollection because of all the lighting affects, the haze, and the aspect of going back to the past made it real to me,” Lozada said.

Nov. 4 - Central Florida Educators Federal Credit Union holds official Grand Opening for Boone branch.


5. Boone band plays holiday concert The Sound of the Braves played a holiday themed concert on Dec. 8, at 7 p.m. There were three concert ensembles, three percussion ensembles and one jazz ensemble. All seven ensembles played 11 songs total.

Nov. 12 - International Association of Athletics names Usain Bolt World Athlete of the year.

Nov. 5 - Former Penn State assistant coach Jerry Sandusky’s’ trial begins based on sexual abuse charges.

Nov. 18 - Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 premieres, making $280 million in the box office.

May 11, 2012

[The winter] concert was very festive. Everyone loves this concert the most and it is usually the most popular. - drake wornick, junior

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Year in Review, page 3, May 11, 2012

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.