Stephanie Garcia 2012 Portfolio

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Stephanie Garcia 2012 Portfolio

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w Business Elements

Stephanie Garcia HI-LIGHTS NEWSPAPER Index Editor/Staff Writer

William R. Boone High School, 2012

Stephanie Garcia HI-LIGHTS NEWSPAPER Index Editor/Staff Writer

William R. Boone High School, 2012

Stephanie Garcia HI-LIGHTS NEWSPAPER Index Editor/Staff Writer

William R. Boone High School, 2012

Stephanie Garcia HI-LIGHTS NEWSPAPER Index Editor/Staff Writer

William R. Boone High School, 2012

Stephanie Garcia HI-LIGHTS NEWSPAPER Index Editor/Staff Writer

William R. Boone High School, 2012

William R. Boone High School, 2012

Stephanie Garcia HI-LIGHTS NEWSPAPER Index Editor/Staff Writer

William R. Boone High School, 2012

Stephanie Garcia HI-LIGHTS NEWSPAPER Index Editor/Staff Writer

William R. Boone High School, 2012

Stephanie Garcia HI-LIGHTS NEWSPAPER Index Editor/Staff Writer

William R. Boone High School, 2012

4431 Yachtmans Court Orlando, Florida 32812 407-371-8503

4431 Yachtmans Court Orlando, Florida 32812 407-371-8503

4431 Yachtmans Court Orlando, Florida 32812 407-371-8503

4431 Yachtmans Court Orlando, Florida 32812 407-371-8503

4431 Yachtmans Court Orlando, Florida 32812 407-371-8503

4431 Yachtmans Court Orlando, Florida 32812 407-371-8503

William R. Boone High School, 2012

Stephanie Garcia HI-LIGHTS NEWSPAPER Index Editor/Staff Writer

4431 Yachtmans Court Orlando, Florida 32812 407-371-8503

4431 Yachtmans Court Orlando, Florida 32812 407-371-8503

4431 Yachtmans Court Orlando, Florida 32812 407-371-8503

Stephanie Garcia HI-LIGHTS NEWSPAPER Index Editor/Staff Writer

4431 Yachtmans Court Orlando, Florida 32812 407-371-8503

Stephanie Garcia

4431 Yachtmans Court Orlando, Florida 32812 407-371-8503  May 14, 2012 Melanie Weitzner Production Manager The Sandspur 1000 Holt Ave. – 2742 Winter Park, FL 32789 Dear Ms. Weitzner: Currently, The Sandspur is selecting able staffers for various editor positions in preparation for the coming academic year. Perhaps, The Sandspur is recruiting the strength of someone who can contribute creative ideas to the forefront, work independently, and comprehend the importance of teamwork. If these are the qualifications, then please accept the accompanying resume for your review and consideration for the design editor position in which these talents and varied abilities will be an asset to the publication. As a current staff writer and index editor of my high school newspaper, Hi-Lights, I effectively wrote and reviewed stories, assisted in the design of various news articles, and aided my fellow colleagues in their story development. With a distinct knowledge of writing and design, I am capable of working with other staffers on diverse material and contributing to the success of the overall paper. As an organized and efficient individual, I display a passionate work ethic to produce the best publication possible. On a more personal level, I enjoy incorporating students of different mediums into the publication to not only increase readership but diversify the target audience. As a good listener and quick learner, I would be an ideal candidate for the design editor position. This leadership opportunity will widen my knowledge of a profession I aspire to pursue in the future. Although the succeeding document deeply illustrates my background, I feel the resume would not do as much justice without scheduling a personal interview. I am available at your earliest convenience and would appreciate the opportunity to meet you in person. Thank you for your review and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Respectfully yours,

Stephanie Garcia Enclosed resume

Stephanie Garcia

4431 Yachtmans Court Orlando, Florida 32812 407-371-8503 OBJECTIVE To acquire a design and staff position on your worthy publication, The Sandspur. EDUCATION Completed four years at William R. Boone High School Graduation date: June 2, 2012 G.P.A 3.6; Top 11% of class EXPERIENCE Newspaper Index Editor, William R. Boone High School •August 2010-Present: Experience developing news articles, being a team player, taking pictures, operating InDesign, Photoshop, and working independently Spanish Honors Society Secretary, William R. Boone High School •August 2011-Present: Experience organizing club events, keeping track of group member’s points, and leading a volunteering committee that decorates the teacher’s lounge in the foreign language department Student Mentor, Passport Charter School •January 2010-August 2011: Tutored students from first to third grade with various homework assignments, communicate well with kids and professionals in a working environment VOLUNTEER WORK Project Xmas, 2009; Green Up Boone, 2009-2011; Summer School Counselor, 2010-2011; Shirt Off Your Back Fundraiser, 2010-2011; Spanish Tutor, 2010-2011; American Cancer Society Relay For Life, (committee member) 2010-2012; High School Writing Center Tutor 2010-2012, Environmental Club: Recycling Committee Member, 2011-2012 RELEVANT HIGH SCHOOL STUDIES Journalism I, II, III; English Honors I; English Honors Gifted II; AP Language and Composition; AP English Literature and Composition; Spanish I, II, III HONORS, AWARDS, AND MEMBERSHIPS • Newspaper: Index Editor/Staff Writer • Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica: Secretary/Head of the Teacher Workroom Committee • National Scholastic Press Association: Journalism Honor Roll 2012 • Florida Scholastic Press Association: All Florida Award 2011 State recognition of outstanding achievements in journalism • Quill & Scroll: International Journalism Honors Society Award of honor in recognition of outstanding and distinctive service on a school publication • National Honor Society November 2011- Present: A high school recognition program that honors students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character REFERENCES • Renee Burke, Master Journalism Educator of William R. Boone High School, 407-443-8451 • Susanne Armentrout, Administrative Assistant of Passport Charter School, 407-658-9900 • Jordon Winbush, Store Manager of Jason’s Deli, 407-425-3562

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the World




4 Personal Essay w

L q I^ To Travel




cf o What I like most about journalism is how broad the field is; there are so many areas to dabble in. After touring studio sets during the New York trip, I saw other sides to journalism like television production that I now consider as possible career paths. During the conference at Columbia, I enjoyed meeting instructors who weren’t just writers or designers and seeing former Boone staffers who are successful in the profession. My start in journalism began my sophomore year in J1. To succeed, I have learned how to manage my time efficiently and how to receive constructive criticism gracefully. I have contributed to journalism by producing high quality work and always aiming to improve myself further. Next year, I will be attending Rollins. I plan on designing for The Sandspur and taking part in internships to gain professional experience within the field. Career wise, I am undecided between print and broadcast journalism.

Par Rom Madr Amste Lond is^ e^ id^ rdam^ on^ Dublin^




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the World






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Self-Analtyical Essay

cf o In the area of production skills, I have improved tremendously. Since it is my second year on staff, I have a better idea of what is expected and can now manage my time more wisely. Also, after attending camp over the summer and taking part in the New York trip, I now have an appreciation for the design process and enthusiasm to explore other areas within the journalism field. During the first deadline, it was a challenge having to edit my story and then check other pages at the same time. This year, I have a bigger role in the paper and therefore, I feel more responsible during deadlines. Being a first time editor, I am more productive on work days and try harder to remain focused on my work. In the beginning of the school year, I realized how vital teamwork is and that everyone needs to be productive for the paper to come together. The first deadlines were stressful, and it was scary that we almost trashed our first issue. Though it took the staff a while to get accustomed to the routine, I think as a whole we have improved. As deadlines progressed, it was wonderful to see that a majority of stories were turned in on time and that we actually went to press on schedule. This year, everyone on newspaper genuinely likes each other, and I feel much closer with this staff than I did my junior year. With advertising, I did not improve as much; unfortunately, my previous client backed out of purchasing advertisements in the paper. Though I did sell ads, I sold more the previous year and didn’t reach the goal of $400. In regards to ethics and dedication, I put more time and effort into each deadline and wanted to improve with every story and design. This year, I’m able to keep a level head when feeling overwhelmed. Additionally, I learned the importance of working as a team. An issue is not the product of one person; everyone is responsible if deadlines aren’t met or if staffers aren’t on point. From all the lessons I have learned, professionalism stands out among the rest. I can apply this invaluable skill to any working environment. Currently, I am working at Jason’s Deli and during my interviews, I felt at ease. On newspaper, I’m constantly within an environment where I have to converse with strangers or interview adult figures on campus. Furthermore, my employers were impressed by my resume, because I came thoroughly prepared and presented myself in a mature manner.

Par Rom Madr Amste e i s ^ id^ rdam ^ Lond ^ on^ Dublin^




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the World




4 Ref lection 1 w

L q I^ To Travel




cf o One of my goals in the beginning of the year was to write a story on world news. During the final deadline, I got my chance. For year in review, I wrote a series of articles on national and global events like the Penn State sex scandal and conclusion of the war in Iraq. The most difficult aspect of covering these stories was the research behind it; I was unfamiliar with certain events like the university scandals and government overthrow in Libya. During the last deadline, I learned how vital fact checking and researching is in creating a credible story. In addition, I enjoyed producing an entire spread. I had more freedom in regards to picking graphics and writing stories. Through edits, the stories weren’t altered that much, a majority of the edits dealt with style and crediting sources. From the final product, I am very proud of the writing, especially the article on the revolutions in the Middle East. All of the stories felt like mature subjects, and I am happy with the final result.

Par Rom Madr Amste e i s ^ id^ rdam ^ Lond ^ on^ Dublin^




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4 Rough draft w

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4 Final draft w

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the World




4 Ref lection 2 w

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cf o The story that I feel could use improvement is “Brazil offers inhabitants a playful oasis.” I would make minor adjustments in the areas of design and content. In matters of design, I would have preferred my initial outline used in the first edits for the final product. I learned a lot about cultural holidays and regional cuisine native to Brazil, and the initial infographics would have showcased that. The story’s angle focused on two brothers who lived in Sao Paulo for two years. In matters of content, I would have gone more in-depth about family life, instead of focusing on national traditions and celebrations. I feel the story needed more examples of the cultural differences between life in the states and Latin America. I enjoyed writing a story on culture and covering a subject that I knew very little of. Since I didn’t have prior knowledge on Brazilian culture, I learned the importance of following up with interviews to ensure my facts were credible. I do not think the final product is bad. The story is well written; I just feel that there is always room for improvement.

Par Rom Madr Amste e i s ^ id^ rdam ^ Lond ^ on^ Dublin^




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the World




4 Rough draft w

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4 Final draft w

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the World




4 Ref lection 3 w

L q I^ To Travel




cf o 1. When I covered boy’s soccer, a majority of usable pictures came from the moments leading up to the game. Using rule of thirds, the picture captures an athlete prepping for a match in a very reserved way; I’m attracted to the action shot, because the player seems both confident and comfortable as the game approaches. 2012 Original Pics>boysvarsitysoccer 11/15 garcia>IMG_5487.JPG 2-3. Tattoos are extremely expressive, and these two photos speak volumes about the subjects’ personalities. In both portraits, the striking tattoos serve as the center of visual interest. I’m attracted to the images, because I know the sentimental meanings behind the tattoos. When viewing the pictures, there is a sense of mystery and intrigue; anyone can draw their own conclusions or try to pin point what the tattoos symbolize. 2012 Original Pics>artfestival 3/08_steph> IMG_0334.JPG, 2012 Original Pics>artfestival 3/08_steph> IMG_0398.JPG

Par Rom Madr Amste Lond is^ e^ id^ rdam^ on^ Dublin^




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the World




4 Ref lection 4 w

L q I^ To Travel




cf o In regards to commitment, I learned last year that to meet deadlines and keep stress at a minimum, I have to remain productive and on top of my work. This year, whenever I had spare time in the morning or during lunch, I used that free time to my advantage and stay focused towards meeting deadlines. Furthermore, I have lent a helping hand to anyone that needed assistance, such as doing interviews for Lia during a free period or showing Ruben how to improve his story. Being an editor this year, I have a bigger role in the paper and therefore more responsibilities. During deadlines, I stayed on task and submitted assignments early, which allowed me to dedicate my time towards grading stories. By meeting all of my deadlines and remaining productive, especially during work days, I have been an asset to this year’s staff.

Par Rom Madr Amste e i s ^ id^ rdam ^ Lond ^ on^ Dublin^



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the World




4 Ref lection 5 w

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cf o The last deadline was by far the hardest. Being a senior this year, there was a lot going on during the months of April and May such as adjusting to a new job, studying for AP Exams, and making final preparations for college. I was overwhelmed, because the final issue is the most stressful and biggest deadline; there are numerous stories to grade and last minute details to review before going to press. In my opinion, I handled the workload well; I didn’t have a break down or give up on everything. Compared to last year, I truly feel a bigger sense of confidence. From these stress filled months leading up to graduation, I have learned to remain composed under pressure and to approach every problem by remaining positive and optimistic.

Par Rom Madr Amste Lond is^ e^ id^ rdam^ on^ Dublin^




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the World




4 Ref lection 6 w

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cf o To improve on taking photos, I used my free time after meeting deadlines to familiarize myself with the various camera settings. Practice makes perfect, and I checked out a camera whenever possible, whether it was taking headshots for fellow staffers or volunteering to cover on-campus events. Over time, I learned how to keep subjects in focus and how to capture movement accurately. At the art festival, I had a variety of subjects to cover: students taking part in the sidewalk competition, bystanders admiring artwork, and performers showcasing their talents. I am extremely proud of the photos I took during the festival, particularly the ones of students with tattoos. I played around with the camera and angled the shots in unique ways. The pictures came out wonderfully; I love that the photos are both simple yet expressive.

Par Rom Madr Amste Lond is^ e^ id^ rdam^ on^ Dublin^




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the World




4 Ref lection 7 w

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cf o N37.Typography, “Hollywood’s biggest night honors celebrated films,” p.24, Feb. 10 I am very pleased with the final product of this piece. The page is graphically pleasing and contains personal elements like editor picks for Best Picture and a movie trivia quiz. This piece displays a fresh and innovative way to cover the Oscars and its nominees.

N1.News Writing, “Year in Review: International News,” p.6-7, May 11 This piece is strongly written and highly informative. The spread focuses on various subjects pertaining to global and national events: the impact of Steve Job’s passing, the introduction of a reformed government in Libya. The collection of stories is a good representation of my writing abilities and a piece of work that I remain incredibly proud of.

N13.General Feature, “Muggle Madness: Harry Potter hysteria heightens,” p.24, Oct. 7 I feel the story appeals to both passionate Harry Potter fans and those who merely admire the success of the franchise. I was able to tie in all the different components of the phenomenon: the theme park, the online game, the books, and the movies. Furthermore, I enjoyed designing the page and making it more interactive with the trivia quiz and the infographic on the book sales.




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the World




4 Ref lection 8 w

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cf o This year, I have grown as a writer and surprisingly, as a designer too. In August, I was extremely nervous and anxious, unsure of how this year on staff would unfold. I’m glad to say that I enjoyed every minute of it. Writing multiple stories an issue and tackling editor duties during deadlines, I had an active senior year marked with an increased work load, but I never felt out of my element or unsure of the tasks before me. Looking back on my previous portfolio, I am amazed by how the extent of my writing has improved and how that growth has spilled over into my other classes. Being apart of Newspaper has helped me in formulating ideas in a short time frame and taught me the importance of writing in a clear and concise manner. While newspaper is very much a team effort, certain aspects of being on staff felt more individual. I was able to design my own pages and not rely so heavily on page editors. With this freedom, I branched out of my comfort zone and enjoyed the chance to be more creative. Compared to last year, I am shocked by my new outlook on design, an area that I never imagined to feel comfortable in. This year, design is more exciting to me, because I’m able to produce something that is my creation. It feels very much like writing, in the sense that both mediums are expressive. This time around, I was more confident in my abilities, and as a result, my work is of higher quality. I took chances and wasn’t afraid to make mistakes; I saw every misstep as a new lesson to be learned. With this year’s staff, I just felt a sense of cooperation and that everyone helped one another, whether it was taking headshots for someone during a free period or getting interviews for a fellow staffer to meet deadline. It’s soothing to be in an environment where you can not only grow but feel comfortable as well.

Par Rom Madr Amste Lond is^ e^ id^ rdam^ on^ Dublin^




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w Design 1

William R. Boone High School Student Paper

Friday, November 4, 2011 Volume 60, Issue No.2




A NIGHT TO REMEMBER Prom invites will be distributed Feb. 14 to all juniors and seniors. Prom tickets go on sale March 24-27. Prom is April 26. Location to be announced.

opinion campus & local special sports entertainment features photo essay

For Students, By Students

2000 South Mills Avenue Orlando, Florida 32806

Please see

2 4 6 10 12 13 14

LIFE, page 7

An amazing funny loving headline goes


SOAP AND BUBBLES To kick off the Valentines Day season, local Simoniz car washes and sister brands Sparkling Image, Eager Beaver, and Sonny’s are offering customers holiday savings. Customers visiting any of those locations before Feb. 14 will receive a full service car wash at half price. All offers can be redeemed Feb. 15 through March 31, 2008. photo/CATHERINE PORTER

CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE? On Feb. 12-15, sophomores will partake in FCAT writes.

NOT TOO LATE There is still time to apply for scholarships. Applications and additional information concerning scholarships are available in College and Career.

DONATE TO HELP CENTRAL FLORIDA SPCA Join more than 2,500 animal lovers and their dogs at the 14th Annual Paws in the Park located at Lake Eola. Visit www. to register or locate one of the convenient locations for registrations. To participate one must pledge $25 for adults, and $10 for children.

A NIGHT TO REMEMBER Prom invites will be distributed Feb. 14 to all juniors and seniors. Prom tickets go on sale March 24-27. Prom is April 26. Location to be announced.

SOAP AND BUBBLES To kick off the Valentines Day season, local Simoniz car washes and sister brands Sparkling Image, Eager Beaver, and Sonny’s are offering customers holiday savings. Customers visiting any of those locations before Feb. 14 will receive a full service car wash at half price. All offers can be redeemed Feb. 15 through March 31, 2008.

CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE? On Feb. 12-15, sophomores will partake in FCAT writes.

LEAD IN. I am a present tense sentence telling who and what is happening in the photograph, but I do not begin with a name. “I am an amazing quotable quote,” Burke said. I am a past tense sentence telling something that cannot be seen from the photo, like stats.

subhead goes here explaning what the story is about, give some cool insight, quick facts, preview whatever your hear desires story is about, give some cool insight, quick facts, preview whatever your hear desires By RENEE BURKE Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psureriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis dolobor augait lan henissim acidunt ut dolutet laorercidunt iriure tatum my nos non veliqui scillaorem ing eugiam, sim iure ming et incipissi bla facipit nibh eugiam zzril il utat. Giametummod magnim ad duisim vel ut aut init, veraesequam iurem dolendrero core dolore dio consectet volore facipis accum venim vendit, commolor ipit nos dipit esequip ero dolore vu llan utpatumsan ut alisis

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senior Ashley Reynolds

Animal Print is a disgusting trend that needs to die a sad and lonely death along with Pleather and Britney Spears clothing yeah man yeah to.

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Cool headline here

NOT TOO LATE There is still time to apply for scholarships. Applications and additional information concerning scholarships are available in College and Career.

DONATE TO HELP CENTRAL FLORIDA SPCA Join more than 2,500 animal lovers and their dogs at the 14th Annual Paws in the Park located


More than 35 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolate will be sold for Valentine’s Day.

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LEAD IN. I am a present tense sentence telling who and what is happening in the photograph, but I do not begin with a name. “I am an amazing quotable quote,” Burke said. I am a past tense sentence telling something that cannot be seen from the photo, like stats.

By RENEE BURKE Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis dolobor augait lan henissim acidunt ut dolutet laorercidunt iriure tatummy nos non veliqui scillaorem ing eugiam, sim iure ming et incipissi bla facipit nibh eugiam zzril il utat mmod magnim. Giametummod magnim

ad duisim vel ut aut init, veraesequam iurem dolendrero core dolore dio consectet volore facipis accum venim vendit, commolor ipit nos dipit esequip ero dolore vu llan utpatumsan ut alisis at vel ea consecte magna atie dolutpat. Ut aute dunt veliqui blan utem vendio odit elenibh ercidunt iuscinim ipit velent nonullu ptatueros ate modolorem et, Et dipisl ullum vel ut am illuptatin ute tatet ullaore feum quip ea accum iriure delit nos alit niscilit adio od dolorpero core tate tat, quamcom moluptat, suscillam, commodolore magniamet non vendrer aestissed tat am, con henim ipit, quipit iusto dignim vel iusto etum iustie min Giametummod magnim



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M fec A Fb fhjhusnkwtb f n q J


j t z HA Q q

f n

f n

O 1 nfn h f q H vbjdrty q Dq

L q I^ To Travel the World








w Design 2




MOVIE TITLE GOES HERE: Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis dolorem zzrit alis eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis do consecte dolorem zzrit alis s nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis do consecte dolorem zzrit alis s nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel

1 MOVIE TITLE GOES HERE: Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis

By RENEE BURKE endre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis dolobor augait lan henissim acidunt ut dolutet laorercidunt iriure tatummy nos non veliqui scillaorem ing eugiam, sim iure ming et incipissi bla facipit nibh eugiam zzril il utat. Giametummod magnim ad duisim vel ut aut init, veraesequam iurem dolendrero core dolore dio consectet volore facipis accum venim vendit, commolor ipit nos dipit esequip ero dolore vu llan utpatumsan ut alisis at vel ea consecte magna atie dolutpat. Ut aute dunt veliqui blan utem vendio odit elenibh ercidunt iuscinim ipit velent nonullu ptatueros ate modolorem et, Et dipisl ullum vel ut am illuptatin ute tatet ullaore feum quip ea accum iriure delit nos alit niscilit adio od dolorpero core tate tat, quamcom moluptat, suscillam, commodolore magniamet non vendrer aestissed tat am, con henim ipit, quipit iusto dignim vel iusto etum iustie min od dolorpero core tate tat, quamcom moluptat, suscillam, commodolore magniamet non vendrer aestissed tat am, con henim ipit, quipit iusto dignim vel iusto etum iustie min od dolorpero core tate tat, quamcom moluptat, suscillam, commodolore magniamet non vendrer aestissed tat am, con henim ipit, quipit





F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 7, 2 0 1 2 • H I - L I G H T S



MOVIE TITLE GOES HERE: Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis




MOVIE TITLE GOES HERE: Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis

MOVIE TITLE GOES HERE: Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commm quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit


MOVIE TITLE GOES HERE: Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis nim quisim

MOVIE TITLE GOES HERE: Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quiis um zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis consecte dolorem zzrit alis um zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis um zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis um zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do


MOVIE TITLE GOES HERE: Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis iustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit ali os nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte

MOVIE TITLE GOES HERE: Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat,

6 7

4 MOVIE TITLE GOES HERE: Hendre tat ulla core do dolessissed er illam volendigna consequat, seniam, consecte dit lortinc iduipsum vel in ea feu feugait eugiamet, quisisit dolore commodi psumsan dreriustinci euipsum eugait ut lobortie feugiam commodo consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis do consectet num auguerostie tissed eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis lis eliquisit alit nwos nullaore modo consequ isiscidunt num zzrit nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis nis nim quisim quat, vel do consecte dolorem zzrit alis nis nim quisim


F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 7, 2 0 1 2 • H I - L I G H T S

f c o

M fec A Fb fhjhusnkwtb f n q J


j t z HA Q q

f n

f n

O 1 nfn h f q H vbjdrty q Dq

L q I^ To Travel the World







w Deadline 1

f c o

M fec A Fb fhjhusnkwtb f n q J


j t z HA Q q

f n

f n

O 1 nfn h f q H vbjdrty q Dq

L q I^ To Travel the World








w Deadline 1

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M fec A Fb fhjhusnkwtb f n q J


j t z HA Q q

f n

f n

O 1 nfn h f q H vbjdrty q Dq

L q I^ To Travel the World








w Deadline 2

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M fec A Fb fhjhusnkwtb f n q J


j t z HA Q q

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O 1 nfn h f q H vbjdrty q Dq

L q I^ To Travel the World








w Deadline 3

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M fec A Fb fhjhusnkwtb f n q J


j t z HA Q q

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O 1 nfn h f q H vbjdrty q Dq

L q I^ To Travel the World








w Deadline 4

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M fec A Fb fhjhusnkwtb f n q J


j t z HA Q q

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O 1 nfn h f q H vbjdrty q Dq

L q I^ To Travel the World








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M fec A Fb fhjhusnkwtb f n q J


j t z HA Q q

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O 1 nfn h f q H vbjdrty q Dq

L q I^ To Travel the World








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M fec A Fb fhjhusnkwtb f n q J


j t z HA Q q

f n

f n

O 1 nfn h f q H vbjdrty q Dq

L q I^ To Travel the World








w Deadline 6

deadline 6

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