CEO/Editor Carmen Becerra Allen
News Editor
Contributors México
Photos Miguel Seañez Madrid Heber Nickolath Noel Cruz Julian Ruelas Ricardo Noreña
Contributors E.U.A.
Videos Aldo Chavez Laura Herrera Dagoberto Grajeda Alejandro Balderrama Graphic Designer Guillermo Ceron
International Contributors Spain
Sales Executives
Spanish Proofreading
Administration Heber A. Nikolath
English Proofreading / Traslation
BS Communication
BS Communication Digital Media
Contribuitor of Magazine Advisor of Small Bussines
Repórter Diario de El Paso
Profesor and Researcher
BS Journalism Doctor of Theology
BS Communication
Pedro Molotla Xolalpa Doctorate in Architecture, UNAM Project Coordinator Bar Issak Foundation General coordinator Parque Mexico, A.C. Graduate Professor Architecture UNAM, in Master Monument Restoration Guest Professor of Interior Design Anhuac Sur, University Member of FAMADyC La Salle, University
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