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New 'Integrated Building Systems - Code of Practice' under development
The Fire Protection Association Council has identified that at present there is no specific New Zealand Standard for integrated building systems, therefore a range of practices are utilised within the market.
Where systems integration is not correctly completed, there is a risk to life safety and also a business liability risk.
For example, a sprinkler system may require that mechanical air handling plant be shut down for effective sprinkler system operation. As has already happened in New Zealand, failure to ensure correct system integration can result in the air handIing system blowing heat away from a fire and operating sprinklers that are not above the fire - so they have little/no effect. Too many sprinklers open and there is not enough water to supply them. The sprinkler system is then overwhelmed and the fire is not controlled. Lives of occupants, neighbours and firefighters are put at risk.
The intent of this Code of Practice is to provide guidance for the design, commissioning and routine testing of integrated fire safety systems. This is to be achieved by ensuring that the active interconnections/ interface between the various systems in a building are tested as a whole, not just independently of each other. The focus is on life safety systems, however other systems, whether on a compliance schedule or not, may be included.
To develop a robust Code of Practice the FPA is engaging with other organisations and industries. We thank the following organisations and companies for the development of this Code of Practice, in particular the following individuals:
- Fire Protection Association: Nicky Marshall, Protech Design
- Fire Protection Association: Scott Lawson, Fire Protection Association
- Fire Equipment Manufacturers Association: Rob Fenton, Pertronic Industries
- System Commissioning industry: Carl D’Rose, Pacific Commissioning
- Society of Fire Protection Engineers: Robert Peart, Fire Consultants
- Territorial Authority: Ed Claridge, Auckland Council
- Lift Industry: Aaron Taylor, Kone
- Institute of Fire Engineers: Mark Probert- Southam, Marsh
- NZ Security Association: Doug McCormick, Gallagher
- Insurance Council NZ: Stephen Henkin, Vero
- Fire & Emergency NZ: Frank Fan, FENZ
- IRHACE: Grant Price, Heatwave Mechanical
- Electrical industry: Nick Topp, ECS
- Facilities management industry: Paul Singleton, Precinct
There are also a number of organisations who we have asked, or they have requested, to review this Code prior to final publication. We are pleased to have the support of:
• Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
• Fire & Emergency New Zealand
• Association of Building Compliance
• Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
Robert Peart and myself will be hosting a brief presentation and question session at the FireNZ conference on Friday afternoon so you will have an opportunity to see where we are heading.
I am pleased to be facilitating this project and look forward to receiving your help and support.
Nicky Marshall, FPA council member. info@fpanz.org Fire Protection Association Scott Lawson CEO FPA.