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Hikvision Deep Learning: Securing ATMs 24/7
As the annual spending frenzy accelerates in the lead-up to the festive season, New Zealand’s ATMs will be getting a work out. With thieves focusing their attentions accordingly, Deep Learning provides a security edge.
ATMs have become a cornerstone of day-to-day life for millions, but they can also be vulnerable to attack – often involving ATM users, potentially injuring them and causing trauma. But since ATMs are often situated outside buildings and used at all times of the day and night, securing them is a challenge – and banks are turning to more intelligent solutions.
An outdoor vulnerability
According to the ATM Industry Association (ATMIA), there are an estimated 3.5 million ATMs in the world serving those in need of cash 24/7, 365 days a year. And there’s where the difficulty in securing them lies. To be effective, most ATMs need to be in public areas and open all hours. This, coupled with the fact that they hold hard cash, makes them an attractive target.

Criminals target these machines – or more precisely – the people using them in numerous ways. Distracting customers at ATMs in an attempt to take their cards or cash from them, or to discover their PIN number for use at a later date, for example. They also try to install false card readers that steal customer’s card details for reuse.
So, security precautions for ATMs are an important part of a financial institution’s overall security solution.
Deep Learning technology steps in
Inside an ATM machine, two covert cameras are inserted, one installed on the user, the other on the ATM panel. Deep Learning technology embedded in the ATM security system can detect “abnormalities” in the scene in front of it and trigger alarms in the security center, referring to existing data patterns.

All of these ‘smart’ alarms streamline the security monitoring process, meaning that security personnel can react to real-time scenarios and not waste time on false alarms. The footage can provide evidence for any investigation.
The Hikvision DeepinMind NVR is a deep learning ‘engine’ that takes the information from the camera and analyses it using Deep Learning algorithms. This can also ‘manage’ footage, in conjunction with other NVRs and a video management system, which brings this part of a total solution together with all the other elements, providing a powerful toolset for security and business intelligence.
Securing assets at the extremities of your security solution is a lot easier with Deep Learning technology. Even ATMs outside your building can be safer, avoiding fraud and protecting your customers 24/7.
Hikvision New Zealand Hotline +61 1300 557 450 sales.nz@hikvision.com, www.hikvision.com.au
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