New Zealand Security - April-May 2021

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ASIS NZ Chapter’s Women in Security 2021 In its fourth year, the ASIS NZ Chapter’s Women in Security annual event presented a challenging planning exercise, writes Chapter Chair Ngaire Kelaher, with the result a resounding success. In celebration of International Women’s Day, ASIS New Zealand hosts an annual ASIS NZ Women in Security Special event. This event is to celebrate the women in our industry as well as an opportunity to engage with subject matter experts of their field, to network, and to inspire and motivate! Although this annual fixture highlights female trailblazers within the industry, often from a variety of industry backgrounds, the actual event is for EVERYONE within industry! The event has now run for four years taking place mainly in Auckland (and once in Wellington). Ideally, we would like the event to take place each year in alternating cities, however this isn’t always possible as we rely heavily on people donating and volunteering their time as well as sponsorship. This is important, as we offer the event to all free of charge so that there are no barriers when it comes to attendance. We also live streamed the event (via the ASIS NZ Facebook page) this year in order to make it as accessible as possible. This year proved to be very interesting one to say the least with planning taking place amid COVID alert level changes and uncertainty in the weeks leading up to the event (which included lots of internal venting!)



This resulted in the contact tracking of ticket ‘sales’ to ensure it stayed under one hundred during the level 2 COVID phase), and ensuring tables were in place to control safe social distancing and changing the catering arrangements to prepackaged individual packs – to name a few of the tweaks we made. Then, the return to Level 1 in Auckland just a few hours before the event meant we could socialise a bit more freely during the evening (a great bonus), but it also resulted in a few ‘no shows’ as we were also competing with the America’s Cup. Yes, that’s right, once the level 1 change came into force for Auckland just in time on a Friday night… well, you get the picture. Despite the alert level challenges and everything else – and despite competing with Auckland peak hour traffic – we nevertheless recorded a great turn out. The traffic could not stop our audience, and for that we are eternally grateful. Inspiring speakers But what made the night an absolute success were our fantastic speakers – women that may have security in common but who approach security from extremely different backgrounds. They delivered amazing stories and key messages that both informed and inspired the audience. This is what made the night a success! Our first speaker was Darya Kokovikhina, a Software Engineer

experienced in cyber security and software application architecture. She’s worked in multinational organisations in countries as diverse as New Zealand, Sweden, Malaysia and Central Asia. Darya believes that support, encouragement and the sharing of experience and knowledge can inspire women in tech and cybersecurity. She gave a fantastic presentation titled ‘Women in Tech and Cyber Security: My Journey’. Second speaker Jane McCarroll, Head of Industry and Client Partnerships for the Skills Consulting Group, spoke on ‘Managing the Generational Gap’. It was, basically, an extremely humorous and insightful history of today’s working-age generations from baby boomers through to the school leavers now joining the workforce. Jane described the key traits behind the different generations, and gave extremely helpful tips to communicate effectively across them and to bring out the best in each other. Third speaker Melonie Cole is the Owner of Mindshift, a Kiwi business focused on the people part of cyber security. Melonie drew on her experience in organisational change, compliance, communications, to talk candidly about what triggered her to leave three decades of corporate life behind to start her own cyber security awareness business! The evening’s final speaker, Vanessa Leite, talked ‘Managing

April/May 2021

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Articles inside

Big increase in cyberattacks reported by NZ businesses

pages 46-48

Netsafe sheds light on COVID online harm

page 45

Resolving the security skills shortage

pages 42-44

NZSA CEO’s March Report

pages 38-41

Melonie Cole: Placing people at the centre of security

pages 32-33

ASIS NZ Chapter’s Women in Security 2021

pages 34-35

History of Women in Tech and Cyber Security

pages 30-31

PSPLA clarifies Private investigator confusion

pages 36-37

Managing Cybersecurity threats with Security By Design

pages 28-29

Security’s Role in Business Continuity

page 25

Gallagher security for SMB – App based business security at your fingertips

pages 12-13

Aotea Security’s inaugural Auckland Security Risk Management Seminar

pages 14-15

How correct product selection can turn a good video solution into a perfect one

pages 20-21

The Professional: Ngaire Kelaher

pages 10-11

From the editor

pages 6-7

New Zealand Reassesses Counterterrorism Post-Christchurch

pages 22-24

AX PRO comprehensive wireless alarm solution launched by Hikvision

pages 16-17

Access Control: when optimal security is key

pages 8-9
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