(Hear us Roar)
Hello and welcome to the “The Student Voice” made for students by students (please get in touch if you would like to get involved). Our mission is to keep students up to date on things that affect them and to be a platform for students to voice their concerns, organize events/clubs and celebrate those who make a difference to your time at college.
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Hello and welcome to Borders College and welcome to the BCSA (borders college student association), my name is Chris and I am your Student President. My role at college is to be YOUR ambassador and represent your voice and views across all areas of the college. I will also be active in supporting you in any issues you may have or changes you would like to see made to help you get the most out of your time at college, to achieve this goal I will be looking for YOUR input so please feel free to come and have a chat when you see me or drop me an email at calder@borderscollege.ac.uk.
Thank You
Do you have ideas to make your time at college better? Do you have an idea for an epic event that you would like to see? Is there a club that you would like to get involved in or do you have ideas about how this newsletter should look?
Then get in touch either via email (TheStudentVoice@borderscollege.ac.uk) or drop into the BCSA office (located in the games area by the canteen).
Here are a few points of contact for you if you have any concerns/worries or questions.
Student Advice Centre
Located at main reception they are an excellent first point of contact and will be able to get in touch with whatever department your query relates to.
Your Course Tutor
Your tutor wants you to succeed so if your not sure what's expected of you, need to clarify something that was said or have specific needs talk to your tutor.
BCSA (Borders College Student Association)
We are here to represent you the student and to support you in improving your experience at college so if you encounter something that you feel needs to change let us know and we will work to support you in making that change.
There is a robust calendar of events being run by the Student Support team (with the help and support of the BCSA) and this is where we will promote them and let you know what's coming up next to give you a chance to get involved or offer suggestions.
The first of these will be the “Inclusive college community” that will run throughout September to October, this is to be “A celebration of inclusion, promoting equality & diversity across the college” so if you have any ideas for events or would like to get involved please let us know at the BCSA.
10th September: World Suicide Prevention Day
23rd 29th September: National Inclusion Week
October: Black History Month
10th October: World Mental Health Day
This is where the BCSA and College will keep you up to date on any issues we are dealing with or report back to students with results/outcomes of those issues that go on in the background of college life. Please be aware that not all things will be reported on as there may well be confidentiality or data protection issues involved.
Have something to say, do you want to raise awareness about something or is there something you think other students might find helpful.? Then here is your platform to be heard, for example:-
The Library is a great place to have quite study groups, we can even hire rooms for free (you just need to use your student ID card).
Do you have an idea for a club you would like to get involved in, would you like to get involved in a specific group activity. Then this is where to advertise it to post meeting dates or recruit new members.
D&D Group (2 at present, contact BCSA to sign-up)
Warhammer Club Study Groups
Mature Student Club (come along for a chat and a cuppa, Time and place to be posted soon)
Support Groups
Are just a few , get in touch and let us know your ideas.
Lets celebrate people, is there someone you feel has made a difference for you or others, is there a Star in your midst that just lifts everyone around them or maybe there's someone that goes out of there way to be helpful or supportive! Then let everyone know, it could be a fellow student or a staff member, would you like to see a “Student of the Month” and/or “Staff member of the month” then nominate your Stars and please include a reason why they are stars. Please send your nominations to TheStudentVoice@borderscollege.ac.uk and title your email “Stars”
Here is where the BCSA (Borders College Student Association) will let you know what action we have taken on the issues you have raised or the events You have asked us to hold. This is one of the places that we the BCSA will hold ourselves accountable to YOU, the reason for our existence.
Remember “By Students For Students” so we look forward to hearing YOUR voice and representing YOUR views and concerns across all areas of the college. Thank you.
This section is a place for staff to raise awareness of issues they feel will impact students, or to gauge interest for any projects/events they are planning, or could be used to recruit students for surveys or upcoming projects.
Tuesday 3rd September: “Be Kind To Your Mind” sessions in the “Immersive Classroom”
An introduction to mental health and support activities and coping strategies.
10-10:30 11-11:30 12:30-1 and 1:30 –2 Contact Jo De Luca at student support for more info
This is the place where we will post adverts for services and products for students and also post job opportunities. So to get us started off here are a few posts that we would like to offer and invite applications for:-
Wanted: Class Reps.
Who By: BCSA
We will be looking for class reps across all areas and campuses by the last week in August/ first week in September. These voluntary roles will play a Major part in the student experience, so training will be provided to help you in this role and you will receive full support from the BCSA and it’s officers to help you get the most out of it. The posts will be decided on by each class by the students either by a vote or if the class decides by general acclaim. Please keep an eye on your emails to see when the election begins.
Wanted: Youth Forum Members
Who By: South Of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE)
SOSE is looking to add to its diverse group of young people aged 16 to 25 who live in Dumfries & Galloway or the Scottish Borders. Members must have a permanent address in within the region but could be studying outside the South of Scotland.
Applications to join the Forum are being now being welcomed and will be accepted in written, audio or video formats. The closing date for applications is 30 September 2024. For more information, and to submit your application, go to www.southofscotlandenterprise.com/youthadvisoryforum
Wanted: Jobs and Volunteer Roles
Who By: Various Local Organisations
Keep an eye on our “Jobs and Volunteer” bulletin board in the games area (next to the canteen) for the latest opportunities.