The Outlet Spring Issue

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The Outlet

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Advisor Ms. Dana Volkman Editor in Chief Connor Voss Business Manager Joan Roubian Photo Editors Brittany Bean Web Editors Carissa Kulpa, Taylor Nadler Copy Editor JT Buchheit Staff Writers Colleen Baker Ted Boland Emma Darling Chris Holdmeyer Ben Holtmeyer Julia Leesman Rose Leopold Anastasia Ratcliff Michael Ritter Ashley Roberts Mackenzie Struckhoff Blake Van Leer The Outlet is published quarterly by the students of the Newspaper Journalism class at St. Francis Borgia Regional High School, 1000 Borgia Drive, Washington, MO 63090. The purpose of the newspaper is to provide the school community with information concerning school news and events and to provide practical journalism experience to the students enrolled in the class. The Outlet is a member of the National Scholastic Press Association and Sponsors of School Publications. Editorial Content All editorials, known as columns, receive a byline and are the opinion of that writer. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the newspaper journalism class or the administration at SFBRHS. Any suggestions for guest commentators should be directed toward Connor Voss, Editor in Chief. Advertisement Advertisements are paid for and purchased by companies. They are soliciited by The Outlet staff. Advertisements fund production costs and Web site maintenance. Advertisements vary in prace, depending o nthe size. The Outlet staff can design an ad, if needed. If you would like to advertise in The Outlet, please contact Dana Volkman, adviser.

The Outlet spring 2011


volume 2



issue 4


features 14 Scouts recieve highest honor 15 16 18 19 22 25 26 27 28

Fr. Kevin travels to Holy Land Borgia babies blossom Tunnel vision Putting the “regional� in SFBRHS Spotlighting Mr. Bitzer The Smith Bunch goes to school Teachers aides ease workload E-readers: the generation shift Pay less for the dress (or not)

sports 4 Starry Knights win state title 5 Did the student section go too far? 12 13


Dolan shoots into record books Spring sports profile

news 4 5 5 6 6 8 8 19


Deanery comes together for regional Mass FBLA takes care of business Dinner auction exceeds expectations Record number of skiiers attend annual trip Students duck, cover in earthquake drill Physics students build bridges Borgia to host District Scholar Bowl meet Theatre department to perform Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Senior prom preparations underway

opinion 28 32 34 34 35

Avoiding dress drama Spring fashion Leaping the leap year Springing into allergy season Comeback Cards recharge


just for fun 20 31 36 38 39

A snapshot of Borgia Craving the Hunger Games? Pinteresting D.I.Y. ideas QUIZ: who is your teacher twin? Sports superstitions

The Outlet | 3

Mass Unites Area Schools Chris Holdmeyer

In early February, 1,200 area Catholic school students flocked to Borgia’s gym to hear Archbishop Robert Carlson speak the “Good News.” The planning of this event started all the way back in October, with Moira Vossbrink from the Advancement Office leading the charge. “We had a lot to do with 1,200 area students coming here.” said Vossbrink. “Preparations for Mass this year went perfectly!” Students came from 11 different

elementary schools. Some of those schools included were Holy Rosary, St. Francis Borgia Grade School, Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Gertrude. With all of those students in one place, it was bound to be a challenge to help everyone. Luckily though, Vossbrink had some help. “The student ambassadors were amazing,” said Vossbrink. “They helped by coordinating 1,200 students in a timely manner.” The ambassadors helped out by greeting the area “partner” schools either in Borgia’s parking lot or at the Knights of Columbus parking lot. They lead the schools they greeted to their assigned seats in the gym. It would have been a little crazy if there were 1,000 students just running around causing mayhem. The students also

Dance Wins State Title Julia Leesmann Outlet staff writer

Winning State has become an annual occurrence for the Starry Knights Dance Team. On Feb. 25, the team took home their fourth consecutive State title. The Starry Knights finished off their record-breaking season placing first at State. The Starry Knights competed with two dances at State that they have been warming Borgia’s home court with this basketball season. Their jazz and mix dances took first. The team’s highest score was a 95, which was only five points away from perfect. Winning State is one of the highest achievements the Starry Knights work toward every year. In order to win first place, a team must have the highest combined score overall in their catego-



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All the Kids with the

Having a uniform makes it hard for students to express themselves, but some have found a way around this....through their shoes! Photos By Brittany Bean, Outlet Photo Editor


The Outlet

Outlet staff writer sat with the schools during Mass just in case any problems came about. Unlike last year, Archbishop Carlson was able to join the schools in Mass this year. “Last year, Archbishop Carlson had a hip or knee surgery and he wasn’t able to join us,” said Vossbrink. Borgia was glad to welcome all of the area priests; two of which were Borgia Alumni, Fr. Tim Noelker and Connor Sullivan. After Mass, Borgia was privileged to have Archbishop Carlson, many of the area priests and students from Holy Rosary ate lunch at Borgia. Vossbrink hopes to hold this event in the future, and Borgia is ready for the challenge again, because “practice makes perfect.”

ry. The Starry Knights beat out a total of 13 teams in their category. Winning is no small feat. For seniors Meg Wunderlich, Mary Holtmeier and Melanie Wilmoth, this was their fourth State championship. Having won their freshman, sophomore and junior year, winning senior year was a great way to end the season before leaving for college. “It is kind of awesome. It’s even better that it’s my fourth year in a row because all the hard work paid off,” said Wunderlich. “We practiced all the time. People worked individually and we really bonded well as a team,” said Wunderlich. “Even though we had a new coach (Sherri Roberts), we meshed well with her and she really understood us.” The Starry Knights also competed in smaller competitions throughout the year. The Dance Team is not new to winning State, but winning first with both dances at competition is something they haven’t done. The team eagerly looks for another State title in the future. Senior Starry Knights bring home their fourth consecutive State title after their competition in Kansas City, Mo.

FBLA Club Takes Care Of Business

Dinner Auction Exceeds Expectations

Outlet Editor in Chief

In the hopes of keeping tuition low, the Borgia community celebrated Mardi Gras a little early this year. On Feb. 11, Borgia became a little slice of New Orleans for the 27th Annual Borgia Dinner Auction. “The gym, the lobby, the halls, the bathroom—everything was beautifully decorated,” said Karen Cheng, student volunteer at the auction. “It was above and beyond what I expected.” Not only were the decorations “above and beyond,” so were the night’s profits. “Our goal was to raise $152,000 and we are just over that (bringing in $153,000). Last year we raised about $140,000, so this is a significant increase,” said Eileen Chalk, Director of Advancement. Chalk attributes the major increase in profit to a variety of factors, Including 60 extra guest reservations, lower overall expenses and additional profits in the fantasy auction. In addition to the fantasy auction, guests also participated in silent and oral auctions, which offered over 750 donated items for the evening’s 493 guests to bid on, ranging from a trip to New York City to be in the audience of Saturday Night Live to an eight-week-old puppy. “Miss Sue,” as the Advancement ladies had been calling the puppy up for auction (since she shared a birthday with Sue Michels, Administrative Assistant), answers to “Bailey” now, after Mary Lou Kampschroeder placed the winning bid of $1,700. “We couldn’t believe how generous people were (at the auction),” said NHS President Claire Rembecki. “NHS members worked the coat check, and we received over $350 in tips to contribute to our scholarship fund!” This generosity is at the heart of what makes the auction a yearly success, as guests realize that the dinner auction’s yearly success is at the heart of providing financial aid for Borgia families. “Unlike our other annual fundraisers such as calendars and magazines, which provide funds for the operating budget, the proceeds of the auction are specifically earmarked for tuition assistance,” said Chalk. “Each year, parents apply through the Archdiocese for tuition assistance. Once the need of the family is determined, our auction proceeds are distributed.” However, the evening of community support and generosity would not be possible without the hundreds of hours spent planning, organizing, decorating, cooking and collecting donations. Between the members of the Auction Committee, chaired this year by Scott and Julie Breckenkamp, and students and adults who helped the night run smoothly, the auction was a collaboration of over 320 volunteers, said Chalk. “Every aspect of the auction seemed to go with such ease this year,” she said. “This having been my first year in the role of Director of Advancement, I couldn’t be more pleased!”

Borgia’s Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Club has helped students achieve their goals of becoming successful business leaders for two years. On Feb. 10, Borgia’s FBLA attended a statewide competition in Jefferson City, Mo. “You would be given a situation, and then given so much time to prepare and present your ideas to the judges,” Ryan Brinker , senior, explained. The situation consisted of a hypothetical question about a business who has trouble with their marketing plan. The students have a set period of time to come up with a strong answer of how to fix the problem. Senior officers Brinker, Kelsie Langenberg and Claire Rembecki, placed second in the management decision-making category. Sam Rudloff, senior, along with Reagan Simmons and Dan Sauer, juniors, completed an online quiz, then went to Jefferson City, for a marketing competition, where they earned third place. Senior Danny Smith qualified for the FBLA State Competition after excelling on an online test over sports management. Smith said he joined the club to expand his knowledge in business and to prepare him for college and future plans to assist his father, Dr. Ken Smith, after graduating from either St. Louis University or Illinois College. Currently, FBLA has 14 members who also plan to go into the business field post-high school. Rudloff said he enjoys FBLA because it allows him to “be with a group of people who care about business and coming up with plans like the Turkey Tournament shirts or the Ted Drewes stand (at Borgia Fest).”

Fricke Studio Photo

Connor Voss

Ted Boland Outlet Staff Writer

The Outlet | 5

Earthquake Drill Prepares Students Anastasia Ratcliff Outlet Staff Writer A rumble shook the floors of St. Francis Borgia Regional High School in February as students ducked for safety during an earthquake drill. Mary Ann Pelster’s calculus class tucked and covered as quickly as they could, but still couldn’t avoid all the broken glass. Thankfully, the earthquake drill passed without too many casualties-- minus the jar on Nick Wehner’s desk, which, unfortunately, didn’t make it through the drill. This past February, SFBRHS participated in “The Great Shakeout,” a nationwide event to raise earthquake awareness and safety. “A lot of people don’t consider it a big thing in Washington, Mo.,” shared Principal Brad Heger, “but Missouri is expected to experience shifting of the (tectonic) plates within the next 20 years.” In regards to earthquakes, the Midwest is directly affected by several Seismic Zones. The New Madrid Seismic Zone is the largest and most threatening fault line in the Midwest. An earthquake involving the New Madrid fault could potentially reach as far as Indiana, Mississippi and Tennessee. The Zone is prone to earthquakes, holding the record for four of the largest earthquakes in United States history. From 1811-12, the area experienced a series of severe earthquakes. During this time, magnitude 7.7 earthquakes shook the entire Midwest and rang bells in Pennsylvania. Experts are predicting similar occurrences within the next 20 years. Needless to say, reaction to such a dramatic event needs to be instinctive and organized, even if the apocalyptic earthquake never occurs. The drill held at SFBRHS was a means to raise awareness and promote safety in the event of an earthquake. If an earthquake were to occur, students would drop under their desks and hold onto the chair legs. This “drop and cover” method protects students from potential falling objects. The earthquake drill is just another effort by Borgia to ensure the overall safety of its students. “We’d rather not have to use it,” said Heger. “But it’s a good concept and we wanted to participate in a national event.”

6 | The Outlet

Record Number of Skiers Attend Annual Trip Michael Ritter Outlet Staff Writer Each year, over President’s Day weekend, Borgia students and several chaperons pack up a bus and head up to Wausau, Wis., for the annual Borgia Ski Trip. This year skiers and snowboarders loaded into three buses to accommodate the record number of students. SeventyCameron Stahlman and Robbie nine students attended the weekend ski Vossbrink hit the slopes in trip, along with six chaperons to tame the Wausau, Wisconsin. teenagers. With more people came more injuries. Three Borgia students (two snow boarders and one skier) went to the hospital with injuries due to accidents on the slopes. Seniors Sam Deschenes Blake Anderson, and freshman Jacob Grellner suffered injuries. There were many other bumps and bruises amongst the group, but most skiers said the trip was a success. The long bus ride can be painful for some, but fun for others. “I liked when Mr. Lahay sang ‘Happy Birthday’ for George Washington,” said Taylor Brickey, junior. “We all laughed and he said, ‘He was the father of your country, knuckleheads’.” Once the students arrived at the Days Inn Wausau Friday night, it was off to bed for an early morning wake-up call at 7:30. Students enjoyed a continental breakfast and then it was back up to the room to pile on ski gear and head out to the bus. Students later arrived at the mountain, excited to begin 48-hours of nonstop action. “It was super-duper fun the first day just getting back to skiing,” explained Colten Conroy, junior. “I skied last year and it was good to be back on the slopes.” Sitting in the lodge most of the days was the mastermind of the whole trip, George Wingbermuehle. “Overall, it was a great experience,” said Wingbermuehle. “People thought I was crazy for going on a trip with 80 teenagers, but with a great group of chaperons, the trip was possible.” The ride home was filled with snores and sighs wishing the trip could have lasted a little longer or even a snow day on tuesday to recover from lost sleep. Everyone who went on the trip had one thing in common- they are all excited for next year. “Can’t wait for next year,” said Conroy. “Next year, I will definitely be able to go down the whole mountain backwards.” Chaperons could not be more thrilled with the overall experience of the trip. “The cooperation and behavior of the students this year was phenomenal,” exclaimed Wingbermuehle. “We hope that future skiers and snowboarders that go on the trip can live up to the excellence students this year showed.”

Borgia Brainiacs Compete

Will Host Scholar Bowl District Meet

J.T. Buchheit Outlet Copy Editor “That is correct.” Those are the words that all Scholar Bowl students dream of hearing as a response to their answer at a meet. For four years, Scholar Bowl has been an extracurricular activity open to all students. The tournaments begin with poolplay style matches in the morning, and if your team does well enough, they advance to a seeded tournament style in the afternoon. In a match, four members of each team are given a buzzer, which players can press if they think they know the answer to a question. If their answer is correct, the team gets ten points. However, if it is incorrect, the other team gets a chance to answer it. A wide variety of questions are asked. Both varsity and junior varsity teams traditionally fare quite well at tournaments. Although neither team has come in first place this year, both have finished second and third in multiple tournaments. “I’m happy with the teams’ performance, especially junior varsity,” said

Scholar Bowl coach George McKee. “I think they’ll be contenders at the varsity level. We have a lack of seniors at varsity, which makes them suffer, because there’s some things you only learn in your At their weekly practices, the Scholar senior year.” Bowl team prepares for their District Meet, Although many people attend pracwhich will be held on April 14 at SFBRHS. tices, only a certain number of students are Once at the meet, the captains must take chosen to actually participate in a tournacharge and determine their strategy. ment. “One thing that you should do “The captains and I discuss who is play the best people first. Then maybe we think should attend the meet,” said switch out the people who aren’t doing so McKee. “We try to balance the team with great,” said Alex Venardos, the other varsity each player having different strengths.” captain. For some of the people who make the cut, Whether having finished in first it’s very important to prepare before a or last place, nearly everyone gets a lot of tournament. enjoyment out of Scholar Bowl. “I’ll go to bed early on Friday and “I like just answering the queseat a nutritious breakfast consisting of the tions, because it gets really intense,” said five main food groups,” said junior Brian Bitzer. “Just being there and being ‘in the Bitzer. moment’ is fun.” However, that kind of preparation The Scholar Bowl Team looks isn’t everybody’s cup of tea. forward to participating in the District Meet “I stay up late and play Pokémon with Andrew Beckerman,” junior Dean Wil- on April 14, which will be hosted here at son, one of the varsity captains, commented. Borgia.

Physics Students Build Bridges Ashley Roberts

On Feb. 25, five Borgia seniors and one freshman competed in a bridgebuilding competition at Saint Louis University. The competition entailed building a lightweight bridge out of Balsa wood, which is a thin, soft wood commonly used in construction. Chet Jankowski’s senior physics class participated in the competition for the first time last year, and this year’s class carried on the new tradition. The team consisted of seniors Phil Viviano, Brady Jasper, Nick Wehner, Ryan Glosemeyer, Ana Ratcliff and freshman Josh Nieder. They met in Jankowski’s room on most gold days to

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Outlet staff Writer

create simulations and design Balsa wood bridge models. “It’s kind of been a long process. We’ve been working on this since around Thanksgiving,” said Viviano. The team used a computer program to create virtual simulations of bridge designs. The virtual bridge helped the students see the design more clearly and how much weight the bridge can hold. One team member drew out the bridge design in a one-to-one scale on a large piece of paper. Then the drawing was placed in a wooden holder while the team built the actual bridge right in front of the drawing. A full-

scale model helped the builders see exactly how the bridge is to be constructed. “We’ve experimented with a lot of different types of bridges,” said Viviano. “Our first build went fairly well. We had a few problems.” To tell how efficiently a bridge is built, the team compared the weight of the bridge itself to the amount of weight it can hold. Sometimes the bridge snapped when the team was testing how much weight it will support. If the bridge snaps, they figure out why it snapped and build a better one. Students said they view bridgebuilding as a helpful academic activity as well as an enjoyable team activity. “It opens up a world of opportunities for future careers for me,” said Nieder.

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BORGIA EVALUATES STUDENT SECTION Has the student section gone too far?



When entering the gym for another Friday night basketball game, both schools’ student sections are going back and forth with cheers. At what point do the cheers go too far? Other schools have noted that Borgia’s student section can be “rude” and “malicious.” Is it really meant to be that way? Students, “Superfans” and administrators weigh in on this topic. “I believe that we have pushed our limits, but I don’t believe that we have ever been ‘out of hand,’” said basketball “Superfan” Alex Bohle, senior. “Everything we do is in good fun, although some may not interpret it that way.” The student section at Borgia has never been known to stay quiet. With cheers like “Winning team, losing team” to the famous, “I believe that we will win,” seniors find the cheers from YouTube and use their own creativity. “I am all for the enthusiasm,” said Kurt Russell, dean of students. “It is just disappointing that we tend to dwell on the negative. We could be more original than that.” It has been suggested that the student section should focus less on the other team’s misfortune and more on Borgia’s success. According to administration, if students continue to show harsh behavior, consequences will be put into action. It is a possibility that if the rowdiness goes too far, students can be removed from the game. “Kids get caught up in the excitement and are not aware of what they do,” said George Wingbermuehle, president, “However, 10 | The Outlet

I don’t believe that they go into the game with the intent of hurting someone.” Administration does not want to change the eagerness of students during a basketball game. Nevertheless, they plan to not let their guard down when the cheering becomes problematic. They want opposing crowds to see the smart, admirable students that administrators see walking the halls on any normal school day. When it comes to competing against a cross-town rival like Washington, the student section will obviously be more energized than normal, according to Dave Neier, varsity basketball coach. “The schools are close and the students all know each other in some way,” he said. “Whether they went to grade school together or participated in the same sports, the students are all connected.” Another aspect of the student section is a “theme” for every game. Ranging from “White Trash Bash” to “Jersey Shore Night,” the themes are another tradition thought of by the seniors in the student section. As the themes change, the attitudes during games change as well. “We (student section) are an undeniable factor at home games,” said Bohle. “I have been told multiple times by players on the basketball team that they feed off of our energy.”

“We are an undeniable factor at home games”

The Musical:

Behind the Curtains Rose Leopold

January 31 and February 1

February 2

Call Backs


Outlet Staff Writer

This spring, SFBRHS will be marrying off not one, not two, but seven brides in the classic musical, “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.” Running March 29 through April 1, the show will be directed by Tim Buchheit and technically designed by Sarah Serbus. To summarize the musical, Buchheit said, “A guy marries a woman but doesn’t tell her he has six brothers. She sets out to civilize them and they kidnap their girlfriends. Eventually the girls forgive them and marry them.” The play requires a cast of about 40, including the brides, the brothers, the suitors and various townsfolk. Buchheit enthused that he chose this play because of an “abundance of male talent.” “For the first time in a long time we have a lot of good, strong males that I want to feature,” he said. Students are also very excited about the show. Junior Andrew Obermark commented, “This is my favorite classic musical!” Eight weeks of work will go into the show by the cast, crew, The cast rehearses a fight scene for the Spring band and various supporters of the arts. There are ten crews including Musical, “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.” construction, lights, sound, makeup, costumes, house and props. Each crew has anywhere from three to ten people working together to create a masterpiece. The band and the dancing are also a very intricate part of the show. Buchheit said the focus of the show is the dance, much like last year’s musical “Footloose.” “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” will be vocally directed by Connie Reinherdt and Joseph Eckelkamp, a 2011 alumni, will conduct the band. Kelly Stevens will choreograph as she has for many Borgia productions including “Footloose” and “All Shook Up.”

Speech Team Places in Finals Members of the Speech Team recently competed at Saint Louis University on Feb. 12. Christian Sullivan and Wayne Bittick, juniors, both received third place trophies. Sullivan received his award in Humorous/Serious Interpretation while Bittick was awarded for his Radio Broadcasting Speech. Other contestants received Finalist trophies for their speeches. According to members of the team, the meets are not just a “walk in the park” as they were in grade school. A few members from the club noted the differences and the transition into high school speech competitions. “It’s not even close to what it was in grade school,” sophomore Natalie Baker explained. “(Judges) don’t just judge on your performance; they pay specific attention to how you present the

February 3

Cast and Crew Posted

Monday-Thursday 6-9 p.m. and Saturdays 12-3 p.m., February 6 until Showtime

Rehearsal Monday-Thursday 3-6 p.m., February 6 until Showtime

Tech Work Nights Every Tuesday until Showtime

Production Team Meetings March 29, 30, 31 and April 1


Carissa Kulpa, Taylor Nadler Outlet Staff Writers

pieces and your actual talent of giving a speech. It’s not just memorizing lines.” According to members, the amount of contestants makes advancing to the finals a difficult task. The team must perform at three meets and be in the top seven in each to be eligible for finals. Then, to place in the finals, they must be one of the top three finalists in their category. Finalists were juniors Christian Sullivan and Wayne Bittick, and sophomores Natalie Baker, Bridget Smith, Nathan Snodgrass and J.T. Buchheit. “They do a wonderful job even with the subjective events and the difficult judging, said Tim Buchheit, theater director. It is a big accomplishment and a big win to get where they are.” The Outlet 11

Stat Sheet

Dolan Ben Holtmeyer Both varsity teams had incredible seasons. Many people thought the basketball teams wouldn’t be able to put together a good season with the loss of last year’s key seniors. “Someone has to step up and become the leader,” said senior varsity Knight Bryce Dolan. That’s exactly what he did. The varsity Knights finished 20-5 while the Lady Knights finished the regular season 22-3; only eight losses between both teams. To begin the season, the Knights beat McCluer North in the Turkey Tournament winning the home tourney. This said a lot for the team since this was McCluer’s only loss of the entire season. McCluer went on to win the State title in March. Dolan, though, has done more than contribute to the Knights’ successful season. He broke records at a record-pace. On Feb. 3, Dolan reached the 1000-point plateau.

s t o o


Borgia Outlet Staff writer Record Book The last person to achieve that was Tyler nowhere to put up a jaw-dropping 44 points Ressel, a 2010 graduate. in one game. The previous record was 43 “One thousand was important. shared by Alex Moosman, ‘06, and Gary My dad and brother Sean didn’t do it, but Filla, ‘84. Nathan Scheer and Tyler Ressel did, and to “I didn’t think something like that be included was special,” explained Dolan. would happen, and it was a great way to cap Some records Dolan was chasing off the season,” noted Dolan. were owned by his brother Sean, making Neier congratulated Dolan on all of the records even more special. Sean held the his accomplishments as a Varsity Knight. all time three-pointers-made-record since “Bryce is always focused and never con2003 until Feb. 23, when his little brother tent, always trying to get better,” explained Bryce passed him. Neier. “I enjoy Another notable record ed watching Bryce Dolan broke was single more than playing season free throw percentmyself,” explained age. Dolan made 89.2 Sean Dolan. “It percent of his free throws. was fun giving The previous record was him trouble while held by David Politte, ‘90, he was chasing with 87.75. Dolan holds 1000th point game ball the records. It was Adding to the personal with Coach Dave Neier, mom and dad records, is manager Ted special to see my after Vianney game. brother do it.” Boland, who managed his Dolan 100th win on the same ended his high school career with 238 three- night Bryce broke the all-time three-pointpointers, beating his brother’s record by six ers-made record. baskets. Bryce also passed Sean in single “Ted’s been there for everything season three-pointers. Sean had 94, while and being with all my classmates and getBryce finished with 98, one away from the ting them pumped before each game makes all-time single season three-pointers record everything really fun,” said Dolan. of 99 held by Adam Fisher, Class of ‘99. The Knights finished the regular “You could tell Bryce was a threeseason with a battle against nationallypoint-shooter early on when Sheer and ranked Vianney and crushing Whitfield and Ressel were on the team,” said coach Dave Lutheran South. Neier. “They gave him openings to grow as LeBron James had 52 points in player and leader.” one game in high school for his single game Bryce later added to an already rehigh. Dolan was eight points away from cord-breaking high school basketball career. LeBron’s high school record. He caught fire in a game against Dolan not only shot his way into Lutheran South on Feb. 14, breaking an the record book, but swished his way in as untouchable record. Dolan came out of he broke three school records.

Record Timeline Nov. 23: Season Begins Borgia Wins 55-45 Against Beaumont 12 | The Outlet

Feb. 3: 1000 points reached Against Vianney


Feb. 14: Breaks single game record with 44 points

Feb. 14: Regular season ends. Dolan finishes with 89.2% free throw percentage to break record.

Feb. 14: Ted Boland reaches 100th win managed.

Feb. 23: Passes brother with 233rd 3-pointer. Feb. 29: Season ends at sectionals against Helias.

Getting to Know Borgia Spring Athletes Cameron Stahlman Q:

emma darling Outlet staff Writerr

What is your most treasured possession?


A: My first hole-in-one ball. important thing in sports. If you could go anywhere in the world, where Q: would it be? Q: What is your favorite movie? A: Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia. A: Caddyshack.

MQ: ary Catherine Cook What is your most treasured possession?

A: Q: If you could go anywhere in the world, where

The baby pictures I have of my godsons and my growing collection of Blink 182 CDs. would it be?

Girls Soccer A:


Mitchell Hammack baseball


Q: Michael Jordan, because he was the most consistent A: and I was always taught that consistency is the most Who is your favorite professional athlete and why?

Q: What is your most treasured possession? A: My signed Stan Musial jersey. Q: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? A: Probably Italy because I love pizza!

Kristen Roach

Q: What is your most treasured possession? A: My car because it gets me places. Q: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? A: Anywhere with a nice warm sandy beach.

Ryan Maune Q:

What is your most treasured possession?

A: My Michael Jordan jersey. Q: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? A: Hawaii.

boys volleyball

Who is your favorite professional athlete Q: and why? Any player from the Spanish National team. They A: are incredibly talented and have the best passing skills in the game.

Q: What is your favorite movie? A: Hot Rod is my all-time favorite movie! Q: Who is you favorite professional athlete and why?


The Cardinals’ left-handed pitcher Jaime Garcia because he is a pitcher that I look up to as a lefty myself.

Q: What is your favorite movie? A: Step Brothers! Who is your favorite professional athlete Q: and why? A: Jeremy Lin because he is pretty good but he isn’t

one of the top-rated players. He isn’t usually thought of first, and he hasn’t been pro that long.

Q: What is your favorite movie? A: All of the Harry Potter movies. Who is your favorite professional athlete Q: and why? A: Vince Carter because he is one of the best role

models a kid can learn from, and he went to UNC.

Q: What is your favorite movie? A: Coach Carter. The Outlet | 13

Eagle Sightings At borgia: Scouts attain highest award Connor Voss Outlet Editor in Chief

his project in approximately six months. After this, the only things left to complete were paperwork and a meeting with the Eagle Those familiar with the process of becoming an Eagle Scout Board of Review, both to verify Meyer not only completed Scout know it’s more than just sticking a bumper sticker on the all of the requirements, but completed them himself. car— it’s the culmination of months of hard work and years of Scouts must finish all requirements before their eighteenth dedication. A handful of Borgia boys have put in the hard work to birthday— a guideline that recently-named receive the highest honor Scouts has to offer. Eagle Scout, Robert Roloff, barely met. “The process actually starts when you Roloff also serves as the Washington troop’s become a Boy Scout in about fifth grade,” said Senior Patrol Leader, the highest position of junior George Meyer. “You start out as a ‘Tentroop leadership and a position to which his derfoot,’ then you work your way up through peers elected him. the ranks to become an Eagle Scout— if you “I started my project on Oct. 29, and I last that long.” had until Jan. 25,” said Roloff, senior. “Ev Scouts must achieve six ranks before erything was on a crunch.” they can begin the work required to become an On a suggestion from the father of a Eagle Scout. Each rank requires a set number fellow Eagle Scout, Roloff spruced up an of community service hours, number of nights Augusta Bottoms shooting range. His work spent camping and merit badges completed, included landscaping and building four To fulfill his project requirement, which encompass everything from lifesaving to eight-foot picnic tables. Luke Schriewer, junior, is building physical fitness to leatherworking, said Meyer. Roloff completed his project in both re Once Scouts attain the “Life” rank, shelves and hurdle racks for the cord time and the nick of time— only three they are eligible to begin work toward the Borgia sports teams, which will weeks before his eighteenth birthday. “Eagle” rank. Meyer began actively pursuing be located in the shed by “Becoming an Eagle Scout was a ton the final rank in eighth grade, considerably the football field. of work, but it gives you a great sense of earlier than most Scouts. accomplishment,” Roloff said. “It’s also a “Getting to be an Eagle Scout is a lot great thing to put on a resume, and it makes trickier than any of the other ranks. You have you eligible for a ton of scholarships.” to complete a significant project for a not-for Meyer agreed that Scouts has enhanced profit organization,” he said. “I wanted to get it his life. done before high school because I knew that if I “Boy Scouts in general has made my life waited, it would be a lot harder because I would a lot more interesting,” he said. “I’ve had be in other activities. It’s not something you can the opportunity to travel around the country get done in one summer.” on various camping trips, to places like New Scouts are responsible for coming up Mexico and North Dakota.” with a project idea approved by the troop board, Roloff and Meyer stressed the importhe Eagle Scout board and the organization it tance of dedication as a Scout. will benefit. “Most Boy Scouts don’t become an “Your project has to be worthwhile,” Eagle Scout because it takes so much work. Meyer said. “They won’t let you just build a When I became a Boy Scout, there were 30coat rack or something.” something guys in the troop,” Roloff said. For Meyer’s project, he built a sign “Now there are maybe 16. Dedication is a and weatherproof storage compartments (see major factor.” photo) for Exceptional Equestrians (EE), an or Currently, several dedicated Borgia stuganization for which he regularly volunteered. dents are pursuing the title of Eagle Scout, Junior George Meyer’s “The first step was asking for donaincluding sophomores Chris Holdmeyer, tions,” he said. “Jim Peter’s Sign donated the Eagle Scout project included Blake Van Leer, and juniors Kelly Mauntel signboard itself, and Hillermann’s Nursery gave building an informational board and Luke Scriewer (see top photo for details me a good discount on plants and stones for for Exceptional Equestrians. of Schriewer’s project). landscaping,” Meyer said. “EE also let me use Freshman Ben Meyer, sophomore Austin some of their big equipment, like a post-hole Gildehaus and seniors Dylan Gildehaus and Adam Schmitt have digger. It was very nice of all of them.” already earned the Eagle rank. With the help of his family and troop, Meyer completed 14 | The Outlet

Schmittgens Brings Theology Lesson to Life Borgia Chaplain takes a 2-week, international trek. Joan Roubian

Outlet Business Manager

While his “beloved sophomores” were learning about the Holy Spirit in the classroom, Fr. Kevin Schmittgens was halfway across the Atlantic Ocean, headed toward the Holy Land. For close to two weeks at the beginning of February, Schmittgens, along with a group of 34 other priests explored Israel and Rome, Italy. “A classmate of mine from St. Joseph’s of Clayton was leading the tour,” he said. “He was talking about it, and I decided that I should do it.” The group landed in Tel Aviv, Israel on Jan. 30. From there they drove to various places including Cana, Nazareth, Capernaum, Mt. Tabor and Judea. The group took part in various activities at each location, ranging from reading the Gospel of Luke at the Grotto of the Annunciation to walking the way of the cross (Via Dolorosa) to celebrating Mass at the traditional site of the tomb of Jesus. “I read the Gospel of the Annunciation (while at the Church of the Annunciation),” said Schmittgens. “To think that I was in the place where it actually happened was overpowering.” While at the Dead Sea, Schmittgens and four of his classmates were presented, and followed through, with an unusual dare. “I was dared to swim in the Dead Sea,” he said. “It was cold and windy, but I went ahead and did it. Only four out of the 34 of us did it.” Schmittgens, who has been teaching and preaching about these places for years, said that having a spatial understanding of how far everything is from each other really makes everything very believable. He also said that it was “neat” to see how someone could walk from Galilee to Judea. “To me, actually seeing all the places I teach about was a really great experience,” Schmittgens said. “Seeing the desert made me change my opinion on John the Baptist-- it’s a rough place!” On Feb. 7, the group boarded another airplane and headed over to Rome, Italy. There Schmittgens saw “amazing” art and revisited the Sistine Chapel. “We went there (the Sistine Chapel) 22 years ago, but I

didn’t see the final judgment--one wall of the Chapel--because it was being cleaned. I got to see it this time,” he said. “I did do one bad thing, though: I took an illegal picture in the Chapel.” For the group, Mass was a daily routine. They celebrated together for a total of 11 Masses, each with a theme relevant to the place in which they celebrated. Schmittgens, as pictured below, was given the opportunity to preside over Mass at both the Church of the Annunciation in Capernaum in Israel and also the Borghese (Borgia) Chapel at St. Mary Major in Rome. “Just our group celebrated together, but sometimes people would sneak in and celebrate with us,” he said. “The whole experience made our group very close.” On Sunday, Feb. 5, while Americans rooted on Eli Manning and Tom Brady in Superbowl XLVI, Schmittgens and his group were crowded around the television at 1:30 a.m. trying to continue the American football tradition. “The Superbowl was fun, but there was one thing that was really strange,” Schmittgens said. “There were no commercials!” Other than watching the Superbowl in Rome, the group attended an audience with Pope Benedict XVI. Every Wednesday morning, when the Pope is in residence at the Vatican, he holds an audience. These give a variety of visitors, often times people who have waited their whole lives to be in the presence of the Pope, an opportunity to see and hear him. Several people translated what the Pope said into languages such as English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. Schmittgens joked that when their language was finally announced, the English-speaking people in the audience all gave a big “hey!” Schmittgens, although he is not a big souvenir person, did leave his trip with a few treasures. “Mostly I just brought home a lot of pictures,” he said. “But other than that, I bought an Arab headdress, some rosaries for my RCIA people and also some Holy Land playing cards.” Schmittgens, however, actually left his own souvenir in Rome. “It was a trip of the lifetime,” he said. “I threw my coin into the Trevy fountain in Italy, so maybe I’ll get to go back someday.” The Outlet | 15

Borgia Babies Blossom

Anastasia Ratcliff Outlet Staff Writer

Little sprouts have been springing up in the family gardens of Borgia faculty members. This year was a fruitful one for teachers Nicole Addison, Robert Struckhoff and counselor John Wunderlich, all of whom welcomed a new baby into their lives. Bode (Bo-Dee) Ellis Addison was the first of the new babies to arrive. After nine months of pregnancy and 25 hours of labor, chemistry teacher Nicole Addison and husband Greg welcomed their new addition into the family this summer. Bode Ellis is the Addisons’ first child. “We named him Bode because it’s such a unique name; I don’t know any Bode’s,” said Mrs. Addison. “His middle name comes from the library at Mizzou (Ellis Library), which is one of my favorite places, and from my cousin (Ella Neier).” Since his birth, the Addisons have had their hands full with their baby. “Our entire lives revolve around him,” remarked Mrs. Addison. “No sleep!” She shared that Bode has an adorable smile and that she is hopeful for more children in the future. Case Struckhoff was able to herald in the new year with his family. On Dec. 29, 2011, biology and A&P teacher Rob Struckhoff and wife Angela were blessed with their third child. Struckhoff knows first-hand how demanding babies can be. “Changing diapers is the worst, and unstoppable crying,” he said. “No, the worst is whenever you change a dirty diaper and they’re STILL crying!” Struckhoff comments on his new child with humor and love, sharing how his favorite moments with Case are spent “holding and cuddling him while he sleeps.” While baby Case is a welcomed-addition to the family, Struckhoff said their family is probably finished growing. “We were planning on only two (children),” said Struckhoff. “But we’re very happy to have him and I hope he grows up healthy.”



16 The Outlet


Grandbabies! Dr. Heger, prinicpal, welcomed a new grandbaby Jan. 22, 2012 at exactly 9:01 pm. “Henry Heger Smith is my third grandchild,” he said. “I have another granddaughter who’s four-and-a-half, and an almost one-year-old grandson.” With all these children to pay attention to to one might wonder how Heger handles it all. “All my grandchildren have been very well-tempered,” shared Heger. “I tell (my daughters) that it’s God’s way of tricking them into having another one.”

Principles of Technology teacher Ray Meyer has his hands full with four young grandchildren. He has a set of two-year-old twins, Raymond and Joseph; a two-year-old Guidance Couselor John Wunderlich and granddaughter, Nola; and a one-year-old granddaughter wife Casey had reasons to be thankful this past Thanksgiving. Owen Richard Wunderlich arrived named Zoe. “Grandkids are just fun,” Nov. 15, 2011. shared Meyer. “The boys like Wunderlich beams when asked about his to play in the barn and all of baby. them love to ride around on the “The best thing is just to see him grow every tractor. ” day,” shared Wunderlich. “He’s a really good baby.” In the future, Wunderlich hopes to expand his family to include two or three children. “We hope to have a girl,” said Wunderlich. “But I think three’s going to be the limit.” Borgia welcomes its tiny newest additions and wishes them all the best in the future.

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Tunne isioN lv

Borgia Students Explore Beneath Washington Michael Ritter Outlet Staff Writer Spelunking is the exploration of caves and underground systems. With the lack of caves in Washington, a couple of Borgia students found a way to twist on the hobby. Spelunking is now a new way to get from Dairy Queen to Subway a little faster. The art of “urban spelunking,” or “tunneling” as the inventors like to call it, is a hobby that started with a couple of friends and has now spread to other adventure-seekers looking to do something fun on a summer afternoon or a Friday night. The “caves” are actually storm water drainage tunnels, most of the time connecting two creeks or other bodies of water together. The hobby was started by two sophomores, Zac Schweissguth and Sam Conway. “We were walking along the creek near our houses,” said Schweissguth, “and a cold breeze came by and we wondered where it came from. We followed the draft to a huge tunnel nearby.” They traveled deep into the tunnel and they ended up in a creek near Subway. In addition, with the Subway tunnel, others include the riverfront tunnel, Dairy Delight tunnel and the largest in size, the Phoenix Park tunnel. “We would journey through the tunnels around town almost every day during the summer,” said sophomore Parker DuMontier. “Without having cars last summer, it was a great way to just hang out.” One of the best days of tunneling was the day the group found an unexpected “tunneler” under Washington. “We found a turtle in the tunnel one afternoon,” explained Schweissguth. “We kept him and he become known as our tunneling pet.” The activity has caught on with other Borgia students. Luke Eagan, freshman, picked up the hobby this summer. “My friends and I were in a tunnel,” said Eagan, “and we

lifted up a manhole, and we were in the middle of some guy’s yard while he was outside. We got out of there pretty quick.” Usually a tunnel is pretty dark and gloomy, but sometimes you get a piece of beautiful artwork. In most of the tunnels around town explorers can find graffiti, sometimes obscene, but some appear to be as if you are walking through a museum. A favorite piece lies in the depths of the Phoenix Center park, where a local graffiti artist painted a memorial to Borgia students Ella Neier and Eliot McDonald. Creators Conway and Schweissguth say that if you are looking for a way fun thing to do on a Friday night in a Washington, tunneling is the way to go. This craze among teenagers is a fad that hopefully will not fade like the light at the end of the tunnel.

“Without having cars last summer, it was a great way to just hang out.”Parker DuMontier


Jonah Leykam and Zac Schweissguth, sophomores, relax after a long journey underneath the town.

PUTTING THE “REGIONAL” IN SFBRHS Connor Voss Outlet Editor in Chief Emily Price, sophomore Hometown: Stanton (Sullivan School District) Commute: 40+ minutes Ride to school: “I typically ride the bus, which isn’t too much fun. I mean, it’s good in the mornings for doing some quick homework or studying, or even occasionally taking a nap, but it’s a long, bumpy ride. And the bus doesn’t smell too great. Especially when it’s hot out because the air conditioner barely works. Mr. Lahay picks up in Stanton at 7:00 a.m. and we’re usually to school by 7:50 a.m. After Stanton, we stop at St. Clare school in St. Clair and at IC in Union.” Biggest hassle about living far away? “Doing things for school and with friends. I don’t have my license yet, so my mom or dad always has to come and get me in Washington, which is no fun for them or me. And when my friends text me and ask me to come see a movie or hang out in Washington, I can’t be there soon and I probably can’t stay long.” Why Borgia? “I like the academics at Borgia. My parents wanted me to be challenged academically. And most of my friends were going here so it’s a win-win… I am glad I go to Borgia. I don’t mind the travel that much because I’ve gotten used to it by now.”

Thirty percent of Borgia students live outside the Washington School District. Nine percent live more than thirty minutes away from school. Meet Emily Price, Carrie Leach, Emmy Fry and Luke Geatley. For these students, getting to school each morning takes over 40 minutes— and that’s when traffic’s good. From academics to family ties to the community atmosphere, find out what makes Borgia worth the drive for these out-oftowners.

Carrie Leach, sophomore Hometown: Wildwood (Eureka School District) Commute: 40-ish minutes Ride to school: Carpool with Aubrey Fulton, senior Biggest hassle of living far away? “Just getting rides home. Also gas is expensive; not that I drive yet, but that’s gonna be a problem.” Why Borgia? “Both my sisters went to Borgia, and when I shadowed there, I liked it a lot. Also, my mom’s side of the family lives in Washington and goes to Borgia.”

Emmy Fry, sophomore Hometown: “I live on the border of Gerald and Rosebud, Mo.” (Owensville School District) Commute: 40 minutes Ride to school: “We drive ourselves to school—no bus, no carpool.” Biggest hassle of living far away? “Yikes. Plenty to choose from. The biggest is probably continuously planning our schedule around school events, especially sports. Getting to school before meetings (is difficult), and even late meetings are often an inconvenience. I’m not as involved as I would like because of the distance.” Why Borgia? “My older siblings and cousins attended Borgia, but that definitely wasn’t the reason I decided to come here. Borgia has such an inviting community. I love it here.”

Luke Geatley, junior Hometown: Cedar Hill (would have otherwise gone to Northwest High School in House Springs, Mo.) Commute: About 50 minutes Ride to school: “I have a car now, so I drive myself to school. Before that, my mom drove me to the grade school I went to in Pacific, and the bus would drive me to school from there.” Biggest hassle of living far away? Having to wake up really early, as well as the cost of gas. Why Borgia? “I had heard awesome things about (Borgia), and all of my friends were going there. Now, I am glad I came to Borgia, even though it requires a lot of travel, because everybody is nice and the teachers are great.”

The Outlet | 19


BLUE DAY: 11:30 a.m.

BIO LAB: M r. Un ne rst all’s cla ss watch es a mo vie ab ou t DNA. (Unnerst all wo rk s on his iPad an d st uden ts gig gle wh en a sh irt les s ma n jog s in th e mo vie .)

MAIN OFF ICE: Eliz abe th Gubbels disc usse s a sch olarship wit h Dr. Heger. Mrs. Feldman n prin ts some pap ers. Nat han Sieb ert ask s Mrs. Feldman n an inau dible que stio n.


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MEDIA CENTER (left)- Jennifer Struckhoff knocks out some homework.

20 | The Outlet


Caite Bright, Joe Rhyne and Kayla Ham work on a Catholic Schools’ Week Scavenger Hunt.

GLOBAL STUDIES I: (right) Birthday girl Emily Buhr wears a party hat in Mr. Kroeker’s class while other students present research on the chapter they’re studying.


Dean Lockhart (left) practices his typing in P.o.T. class.

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GU IDANCE OFFICE (le ft): M r. Wun de rlich wo rk s in t his offic e wh ile ot he rs ea lun ch . SECOND FLOOR HALL:



De an Russe ll (le ft) patro ls th e ha lls . Bren da n Kle ek am p (no t pic tu red) ret rie ve s his A&P bo ok from his backpack to stu dy for a tes t. The Outlet | 21

spotlighting Mr. Bitzer Ben Holtmeyer

Outlet Staff writer

“That’s A Go, Have A Good Show!” Above are the words every video student hears right before the Knightly News Live (KNL) goes on air. These are the words Video Productions teacher Joe Bitzer says when it’s “showtime” on KNL. KNL was a daily show that started out with one barelyfunctioning camera in a janitor’s closet on the second floor. The show has been going strong for about 12 years and has been under Bitzer’s reign for about 10 of them. “I’ve never been in charge, though; I hold the frame and the students paint the picture,” explained Bitzer. Bitzer originally came to Borgia as an English teacher. “President George Wingbermuehle showed me the janitor’s closet/TV studio and asked, ‘What could you do with this?’ I said I can make something happen,” he said. Now, the broadcast is complemented by a full studio, four cameras, Apple computers, a soundboard, mics, graphics, green screen technology and much more. Some successful careers have stemmed from the show, including that of Chris Voss,

who works as a production assistant for Saturday Night Live and NBC; Nathan Obermark, who is the news director at KLPW; and Greg Schmittle, who just finished a piece called “Sweetie Pie” for Oprah’s “O” Network. The list of successes goes on. Bitzer’s day begins before KNL at 4:30 every morning with meditation and prayer time until 5:30 a.m. After that is the normal morning routine. Bitzer’s first Mountain Dew is snapped open at 7:35 a.m. He currently is down to just two Mountain Dews a day, which is way less than his high of nine. “I couldn’t stop shaking,” Bitzer said. “Nine is too many.” On top of his full time teaching career at Borgia, he has lectured for Webster University and St. Louis Community College - Meramec about motion picture production management and acting for the camera. He also works professionally in the St. Louis freelance market and has just finished working on a series of commercials for Fontbonne University in St. Louis and Mercy Healthcare. Bitzer serves as the assistant

director on most of his video shoots. The assistant director works with Above: KNL students run studio on all cylinders, talent, crew video students from all grade levels produce a and most live daily show without teacher assistance. importantly, Below: Mr. Bitzer enjoys double the Dew. works on using time efficiently with the resources on-hand. Bitzer explained that he’ll most likely be remembered for working with Nelly, a well-known rapper from St. Louis. Nelly’s hit music videos, “Country Grammar,” “Air Forces Ones” and “Midwest Swing” are among the videos Bitzer played a major part in producing. However, Bitzer prefers life well-lived doesn’t allow for to work on short films or films spare time; time is a commodity. with first-time directors. I do, though, enjoy fishing with “I get to make their views no hook and hunting without a and ideas reality. I love it,” he gun. If you sit in the woods long noted. enough, animals will walk to Bitzer spends his spare time you!” at his country house during the Bitzer also teaches Business winter, which is a slow season Law, Personal Finance, Marketfor freelance production. Bitzer ing at SFBRHS and is the Fine loves hiking and being in the Arts dean. He is also the club woods. moderator of FBLA (Future However, he remarked, “A Business Leaders of America).

The Closet Story - Bitzer Locked in School For Weekend?! “That’s the rumor going around,” said Bitzer. Bitzer stresses that the truth be told. He went searching in the boys’ dressing room in the theater for a fireplace mantel in January to improve a set in the Knightly News Studio. Little did he know, the lock jammed on the door, which was his only exit. It was a Friday. “I did not want to be locked in here for an entire weekend and, everyone has asked this, NO I DIDN’T HAVE MY CELL PHONE,” he explained. His first plan was to take out the door pins. “All I had to work with was a wig, paper hat and a sweater,” he said. His second plan was to stack furniture to get into ceiling and crawl over. The problem was, a concrete wall stood in his way. “The third time is the charm,” noted Bitzer. He used his bare hands and punched a hole in the drywall and escaped through the girls’ dressing room. “Mr. Buchheit wants to make a movie out of the ordeal,” said Bitzer. “I can’t wait!” 22 | The Outlet

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The Smith Bunch Goes to School Ted Boland Outlet Staff Writer

Usually with more kids come more expenses. However, there is a Borgia family that is an exception to this rule. This exception goes by the name of the Smith family: Danny, senior; Ray, junior; Amanda, sophomore; and Charlie, freshman. With a child in every grade in high school now, Dr. Ken and Jane Smith’s family is unique to say the least. “All the Smiths were unique in their own way, and what a joy to have taught all four of them,” said Mike Kroeker, teacher. “Amanda was obviously the odd-one-out, as she was the only one to ever follow the dress code.” Sending a child to Borgia is difficult, but the Smiths thought all about that 18 years ago. “I just had four kids as quick as possible so I could get cheaper tuition,” joked Jane Smith, their mother. “There’s no way Jane foresaw where her kids were going to school,” Ray responded to Jane’s quote. “It was a coincidence and definitely not planned out.” While having four children in four years sounds hectic, it comes easy on the wallet when sending them to Borgia. The


25 | The Outlet

policy at Borgia is the first student is full price, the second is half price and the third and fourth are free. “It’s pretty awesome that I go to school for free,” said Charlie, the youngest of the Smith bunch attending SFBRHS. Ray said that his favorite part of school was “being able to go to school for half price.” He also likes going to school

“All the Smiths were unique in their own way, and what a joy to have taught all four of them.” -Mike Kroeker with Charlie and Amanda. The mornings are the most difficult part in the Smith household. “Danny is usually mad, Ray is late, and with Amanda it’s a tossup between the two,” said Charlie. Danny, Ray and Charlie all played football together. “They’re smart football players,” Bill Stevinson explained, who coached all three of them in freshman football, “but



they’re all individuals, Danny and Ray especially; Charlie is a mix of the two.” All three boys enjoyed playing football and playing with their fellow brethren made it that much better. “It was a good time,” all three agreed. The Smiths help one another with their homework considering that between all four, they have taken almost every test, quiz and written every paper assigned at Borgia. “It’s cool having a sibling in every grade,” Danny, the oldest of the Smith family, explained. “Every announcement affects someone.” Having a sibling in every grade isn’t always easy though. “It becomes pretty difficult when trying to find a ride for everyone,” Danny said. Amanda doesn’t worry about rides. “I’m always guaranteed a ride,” Amanda said. “Danny or Ray has to give me a ride.” Most students have had them in class or possibly even detention with one of them-- The Smiths.



Teachers Aides Ease Workload Although b e i n g a t e a c h e r ’s a i d e m a y s e e m l i ke a w alk in the park for some, to others it is more like a trip to Heaven. Colleen Baker outlet staff writer Many seniors at Borgia jump at the opportunity to be a Teacher’s Aide. Most of these students enroll in the course to either take a breather during the school day, or to ward off symptoms of “senioritis.” What these students do not realize is that being a Teacher’s Aide, or “TA” for short, is more than an “easy A”. Every gold day, Senior Kaitlyn Brehe starts off her morning by heading to the Advancement Department. After walking in the door, she greets the staff as she makes her way into her small office, which is just past Mrs. Chalk’s. As she sets down her backpack and sits at her desk, she prepares for her first period - Teacher’s Aide. On a typical day, Brehe spends most of her time inside the office, entering information from Borgia’s calendar drive into a computer. “There are about 5,500 calendars to enter in.” Brehe noted. “It can get nerve-wracking, but it’s nice to know I can help.” Between typing in calendar sales, the advancement staff keeps Brehe on her toes. “Being a TA taught me that they (teachers) really have a lot to do and they could always use an extra pair of hands to do anything around the office,” said Brehe. “Every day is different; they always have stuff to do no matter what.” Advancement is always hard at work doing fundraisers and raising as much money as possible to help around the school. As a result, there are many errands to be completed around the office. Brehe helps out as much as she can. The dedication to her workcomes from her respect to the staff and from her enjoyment of working in the office. Some of her favorite parts of first period are her many trips to “Heaven.” “I always make an excuse to go up to Heaven,” she said, “I always enjoy a trip up there.” Heaven’s location and Senior Kimberly Patke works purpose is a closely kept her magic, filing in the secret and an inside joke 26 The Outlet

guidance office.

Sue Michels, Administrative Assistant, smiles with her TA, senior Kaitlyn Brehe. in the department. “We like to think that we are her favorite department,” laughed Administrative Assistant Sue Michels. Even though there are many perks and many friends to be made, there is one task that Brehe wishes that she could do more often as a Teacher’s Aide. “Occasionally I get jealous because other teacher’s assistants get to interrupt class,” Brehe joked. Senior Kimberly Patke works as an aide in the guidence office and has many opportunities to interrupt. “I wish I didn’t have to disrupt class.” said Patke “It’s embarrassing when I can’t pronounce someone’s name right or if the teachers in the middle of a lecture.” Although Patke frequently brings students down to guidence, the majority of her work is in the office itself. Typically, her day consists of making copies for scholarships and organizing papers for the counselors. Fellow Teacher’s Aide Ellie Brink works in the math department, and has much experience with the copy machine. With the many worksheets and tests that need to be printed, Brink has little time to do much else. “It [TA] teaches you all the ins and outs of an office,” said Brink, “and you definitely learn how to use a copier.” Many agree that without the help of the teacher’s assistants, Borgia would not run as smoothly as it does today, but the faculty are not the only ones to benefit from Teachers’ Aides. Students are given a chance to learn helpful skills for the future as well as dedicate time to give back to the school. The lessons seniors learn during this “class” are helpful tools that they will be able to apply to their adult lives.


The Generation


J.T. Buchheit


outlet copy editor

lectronic books have outsold regular books since early 2011. These books, also known as “eReaders” have been around since 1998, but never took off until the Amazon “Kindle” was introduced in late-2007, and instantly became a hit for consumers. The Kindle has received rave reviews from children and adults alike. “I like my Kindle a lot,” said Krista Hellebusch, administrative assistant. “I’ve had it for about a year, and it’s great.” Many people agree that the best attribute of eReaders is convenience. A reader doesn’t have to spend so much time searching for a local bookstore. “I have a wide assortment of books on my Kindle,” said Hellebusch. “Cookbooks, history books, games and a quote-a-day calendar are just a few things I have on it.” Electronic books have also been lauded for their physical characteristics. “They’re lighter and easier to hold than regular books,” said sophomore Janie Arand. “And they don’t give off glare. I didn’t read that much until I got a Kindle, but now it’s a lot more fun.” The Kindle is not the only eReader to hit the market. Among others are the Barnes & Noble “Nook,” introduced in November 2009, and the Borders “Kobo,” which was released in May of 2010. “I really like mine,” said sophomore Elizabeth King, who owns a Nook. “I got it so I wouldn’t have to keep so many books (onhand) and take up so much space.” Overall, Kindles have received mostly positive reviews. However, many agree that there are minor issues that could be changed. “I wish I could get on the Internet better,” stated Hellebusch.

“It’s an earlier version, and it likes to freeze up. I also wish it was waterproof, because I like taking books to the pool.” Nooks also have been given fairly positive ratings, but they’re not perfect. “Even though my Nook is pretty fast, sometimes it takes a while to start up,” said King. The introductory price of Kindles were $399, but have since dropped to around $80. The price of electronic books fluctuate, with some prices higher than those of paperback books, and some being much lower. Different variations of eReaders have now appeared as options on iPads, letting an even larger amount of people find an alternative to books. Although there has been some slight criticism about eReaders, there is almost no doubt that they are here to stay. Paper and hardback book sales appear to be falling by the wayside. But it may not necessarily be a bad thing. Electronic books have increased the amount of readers around the world. Fifty-three percent of people who bought eReaders said they read more than they did six months ago. “If an eReader makes students more interested in reading, then I’m all for replacing books,” said Tim Buchheit, theatre teacher. Although many believe that traditional books are on the way out, it is thought by some that eReaders are positively affecting the world, and although it could take some getting used to, eReaders could signify the beginning of a new habit.

“They’re lighter and easier to hold than regular books.”

-Janie Arand

Fifty people were asked if they would rather read from a “real” book or an eReader. 46 percent said they would read an eReader and 54 percent said they would read a book.



“If an eReader makes students more interested in reading, then I’m all for replacing books.” -Tim Buchheit The Outlet | 27

Borgia Prom Plans Made Borgia’s Senior Prom will be held in the Borgia Gym on April 21, 2012 at 7pm. The Borgia gym will be converted from its typical state into a high-flying circus themed arena. This year’s prom will include a cotton candy machine and snow cones. The night will begin with an introduction of all students and their parents, followed by the coronation of Prom King and Queen, and then a dance for the seniors with their parents. After all the formalities, the parents will Anastasia Ratcliff be escorted from the gymnasium and the animals (seniors) will be set free to act like wild Outlet Staff Writer glamorous beasts. Each senior will have the opportunity to submit one song to be played at prom. The evening will conclude at around 11pm.

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Prom is a ceremonial rite of passage for high school seniors, particularly girls. The women-folk begin prowling for a dress starting as early as freshman year, and the closer the actual date approaches, the more vicious the hunt becomes.

Girls rip through miles of fabric and sacrifice hundreds of hours to Internet browsing. Then, it happens. The perfect dress emerges from the herd of glitter, sequins, and lace. Girls do everything short of selling their souls to be able to wear that one dress which will transform them from Plain Jane into Cinderella.

Unfortunately, other Amazonian women are out there in hot pursuit of the same fabulous garment. The fight for a prom dress can turn even the classiest of ladies into bloodthirsty savages. The reasoning behind this rash brutality is as primal as cavemen. Instinctively, girls do not want other girls to look or feel good about themselves if they are wearing the same dress. Perhaps it’s a stretch, but real Darwinism can be witnessed firsthand when it comes to a prom dress brawl: survival of the fittest, which includes Facebook claims and group divisions. But is all this drama worth it? Ladies, is it really worth testing friendships over a dress that you will wear one night? Every girl deserves to feel like a princess, especially on prom night. Why should that feeling be compromised because of a mass of sparkles and satin? The important thing about prom is to be happy and make positive memories that will last a lifetime. Certainly, no girl wants to look back at photos and regret how they treated another over a dress; and in the same regards, no girl wants to feel robbed of her prom because she couldn’t get the gown she wanted. 28 | The Outlet

for the Dress (...or not)

Prom. The lights. The music. The dancing. Many expect it to be a night to exceed all nights. But for some girls, the biggest part of prom comes before the dance. For other girls, the biggest part of prom is the dress. But is it really worth hundreds of

Since I was a freshman I've been looking up dream prom dresses.

dollars? Many guys agree that girls pay too much for prom attire. “I don’t get it,” said senior Joe Enger. “Guys don’t care so much (about the dress).” Senior Ryan Maune agreed. “It’s a waste of money if you’re only going to wear it one time,” he said. However, many girls seem to have accepted that expensive is simply the way prom is. “I don’t think guys realize how much a typical prom for a girl costs. A dress under $275 is a miracle because that’s just how much things cost!” said senior, Katelyn Schwoeppe.

Outlet Staff Writer

Pay Less

Rose Leopold

Cinderella had a magical fairy godmother to "bibbidty-boppody -boop" her into a glamorous princess. Senior Girls at SFBRHS have to take more "dress-tic" measures...

Many senior girls have been looking for their prom dresses since early January, but some have been searching even longer. “Since I was a freshman I’ve been looking up dream prom dresses,” said senior, Deanna Westhoff. Although many girls set out with high hopes of buying a more inexpensive dress, their hopes are quickly let down. Westhoff wanted to spend “anywhere from $100-$200, but when looking up dresses, a lot of them were a lot more expensive.” Brittany Bean will have a very special and inexpensive prom dress. “I bought a dress for my boyfriend’s prom last year, so this year I’m making my own with my grandma. She’s wanted to help me do this since I was little,” said Bean. However, some girls like to go all-out when buying their prom night attire. “Girls like to spend between $200 and $400,” said Alex Dorton. “We don’t feel guilty about it.” Although some seniors want to buy pricier dresses, not all parents are willing to pay for them. Anastasia Ratcliff added, “My dress is more on the expensive side, so I’m working for my parents to pay it off.” There are many options for girls when looking into prom attire. Whether big or small, expensive or thrifty, princess or sleek, pick an immaculate dress and have fun. Be a dancing queen. The Outlet | 29

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aving t Hunger Games?

“Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your faMackenzie Struckhoff vor.”Effie Trinket Outlet Staff Writer

Now that the Twilight Saga is coming to an end, readers are trying to find a new, fictional world that they can now fantasize about while reading. What may this world be, and who is the mastermind behind it? Suzanne Collins, author of the Hunger Games Trilogy, has created a new set of books that have people going bananas. The Hunger Games are about a girl named Katniss who gets picked for the “Hunger Games,” which is a challenge for a group of people who will fight to their death. The books cover Katniss’s experience with the games. Just a typical channel surf! That was all that was needed for Collins to be inspired and write a trilogy of award-winning books. Collins saw a reality show with people fighting and then saw another channel showing an invasion on Iraq. After time flew by, Collins began to see the two mixing in her head, and the now popular trilogy was born. Little did she know, this channel surfing inspiration would sell more than 26 million copies and be translated into 26 different languages. Borgia students are starting to find interest in this new trilogy. Even one of the faculty members was eager to rave about the books. “(The Hunger Games) are very good books that have a little bit of everything.” said Andrew Eggert, English teacher. Junior Alexa Struckhoff is in the process of reading the new trilogy. “When I read the books, it’s as if a movie is playing, and when I have to put the book down I’m just pressing pause,” she said. Luckily, for the fans of the novels, Collins teamed up with director Gary Ross and The Outlet: Who is your favorite decided to make her books into movies. character and why? Students have been counting down the days to the opening night of the movie, and their Clara Blatt: “Gale, because he’s energy has made others wonder: What is so special about these books? brave and sticks up for what he This thought made students want to read the trilogy and has made reading the books a thinks is right, even if it is kinda growing trend. crazy and gets him into a lot of “There are a lot more surprises in it,” said senior Jessica Diermann, a Hunger Games fan. trouble.” “In a lot of books you can kind of predict what’s going to happen halfway through, but you can’t Chelsea Brooks: “Rue, because she with this one.” was tiny but she lasted longer then Clara Blatt, sophomore, agreed. a lot of people. And she can jump “Most books aren’t set in the future and this one is, so it’s cool to imagine a world actu- through trees.” ally like that,” she said. Andrew Eggert: “Katniss, because Freshman Jack DeLine recommends the books to other students. she is very brave and courageous. “They (the books) are very interesting,” said DeLine. He then finished off by saying the She steps up and does a lot for her books are so good that once you start reading, you are immediately drawn. family.” Another freshman, Chelsea Brooks, recommends the story because it “is a page-turner Jack DeLine: “Peeta, because he is and very exciting!” a hero and I can see myself being him if there was a play based on the books.”

A Hunger Games Side Dish

SAVE THE DATE March 23, 2012

Reserve your tickets at your local movie theatre!

The Outlet: If you could choose, which District would you live in and why? Brooks: “Ten, because they have all the meat.” Eggert: “Twelve, because I like everything Katniss was able to do. I like that they were able to get outside their district and go on adventures.” DeLine: “Four, because that one has fishing and water and I like that stuff.” The Outlet | 31

SPRING INTO FASHION Julia Leesmann Outlet Staff Writer

With the winter season finally melting away, it’s time to prep for the new spring fashion line. Let’s start with those closets. Most of you probably have adjusted your closets for the winter season by moving all of your summer and spring items to the back in order to make those stretchy holiday pants and assortment of sweaters more accessible. It’s the perfect time to rearrange. This process will ultimately lead to a reinvented wardrobe. By re-organizing for the new season, you will find your closet is already equipped with the new season’s finest. Get the new looks without the hectic-season-shopping-mob. Best of all - do this all without spending a dime! Update your wardrobe. Do this without breaking the bank by adding fun accents to pieces you already own! If the after-effect of spring cleaning is a pile of unwanted clothing, don’t worry. There are many accessories you can make with these extra materials. Before giving your clothes away, make new styles out of your old ones. Below are some ideas recently inspired by Bazaar, Seventeen and Teen Vogue to help. If even after that you are still left with unwanted clothes, take a look at the web’s most popular sites such as “Etsy” and “Pinterest.” Theses sites offer fun ideas that will help you get rid of your extra threads. Some include how to make old into cute and trendy. SEASON Trends are short-lived; don’t spend your savings trying to fit them. Being trendy is not copying what you see in magazines, but using the runway styles as inspiration. Anyone in the fashion industry will say the same. Create your one-of-a-kind look. Find the balance between what is new to the season and what is “you.” Style is an expression of yourself; do NOT stress over trying to dress like the model in the magazine. Instead, find what you like and don’t like, then mix and match to create a look that’s unique and customized for you. Get this spring’s look. The color scale of the season ranges from fluorescent blocked colors, floral prints, and the award winning pastels. However, the most popular color this season is mint green. As far as trendy styles go, there are multiple choices: boho, preppy, edgy, floral and the ever-timeless, “pretty in pink.” Accomplish these


trendy styles with accessories you already own. Don’t move all your sweaters to the back of the closet just yet. It comes as no surprise that sweaters are still a huge part of spring’s fashion line. That sequined holiday sweater is perfect for this new look. Pair it with a graphic tee to mix fun and casual. Any bright sweaters you own are great too. Pair them with other bright colors. Part of this look is the carefree color theme. Not everything has to match. Switch things up. Instead of wearing a cardigan with your floral dress, wear a casual loose-fitting solid color sweater over top. Now, if you’re someone who loves the preppy look, this is for you. Use your sweaters that have prints on them. Mixing prints is a catchy trend. Layer a printed collared shirt under a printed sweater. If sweaters aren’t your favorite item and you have a sporty look, try out these tricks. Use an oversized jersey with a pair of bold-graphic or printed skinny jeans. This look will play up your silhouette and is something fun to try. Not your style? Try layering an old cropped hoodie with a floaty-lace blouse. This was most recently seen on Emma Roberts in Seventeen. “Pretty in pink” more your style? Then floral dresses and skirts are the way to go. While playing up the floral scene, try some boho-earthy sandals to finish the look. Need some new spring dresses? Instead of buying a new dress, layer a skirt over top of a dress you already own. Then accessorize with a cute belt to complete this trendy style. It gives your dress a totally different look. Last but not least, for those spring days that are a bit windy or chilly, try belting a lightweight jacket with any of your special looks to add a fun flair to an everyday staple. Jackets and belts are a great way to add a pop of color to a more neutral outfit. Think green. The biggest trend seen in all of these magazines is a cool mint green elegantly worked into every outfit and high waisted shorts. Believe it or not, they are new craze. Now that the closet is ready for the new season, have fun creating your own style. Remember, trends are only cheat sheets. They should not be followed exactly. Style is an art, not something you can copy. Adding your own personal flair to every outfit is what makes you the new trend. Do this by incorporating pieces you already own. Most of all, have fun creating your new wardrobe!

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The Outlet is award winning! On March 12, the Sponsors of School Publications of Greater St. Louis awarded The Outlet a superior overall rating.

The Input

Photos by Brittany Bean, Outlet Photo Editor

Outlet members sound off

My Age According To Leap Year Blake van Leer Outlet Staff Writer Every time you meet someone new, a lot of questions are tossed around. Well, with me, there is always one answer that forces everyone to give me a strange look. When someone asks when my birthday is, it is always fun to give the answer. My birthday is Feb. 29. Yes, the Leap Year birthday. I only know of one other person that was born on the same day and at the same place as I was. I have also had some problems with entering my birthday into computers. At first the insurance company put my birthday as Feb. 28. I have had computers tell me that it is an invalid date. If you have never heard of Leap Year, that’s OK; you aren’t the only one. I have had many people ask about what Leap Year means. Leap Year means Feb. 29 exists only every four years. If that’s hard to remember, then it’s the year of the Presidential Election and the Olympics. It is always the day that messes up the calendar by moving everything back one day. For most people, it’s not that hard for them to grasp the idea that it only comes every four years. This also means that I only get a “real” birthday every four years. Instead of saying I am turning 16, I can say that I will technically be four years old. Every time I see a sign that says “Six and under are free,” I wonder

if I apply as well. I have always wanted to try it out and see if I can pass for free. There are many different questions that you face when you are a “Leap Year Kid.” In the end, I really love having a Leap Day birthday. Most of the time people say “that stinks” or “must stink to be you.” In the end it is pretty awesome. I can mess with people when it comes to how old I am. I can also tell them that I don’t have a birthday every year. When I do this, I can confuse people very easily. I think it is awesome to have this birthday because it is only on rare occasions that kids are born on this day. When it comes to celebrating my unique birthday, it goes without saying that I do it differently than most people. Since February usually has 28 days, I have to celebrate differently. During the years that I don’t have a “birthday,” I celebrate on Feb. 28 and March 1. I do this because, if you do the math, you can see that 28+1=29. It makes perfect sense! On the years that I actually have a birthday I usually have a big party. When I have these big parties I usually help the community and have collected stuffed animals for DFS (Division of Family Services), ambulance, police, and fire departments. I have also collected care packages for the troops. I do this instead of asking for gifts. No matter what anyone says, I love my Leap Year Birthday!

Spring Into Allergy Season Michael Ritter

34 | The Outlet

Outlet Staff Writer

Spring has always been the time for flowers blooming and cool breezes, while playing a game of catch in the backyard. The smell of freshness soothes the nostrils; but for some people that freshness is overpowered by the smell of flowers reproducing. (No, don’t worry-- I’m not going to get into that whole fiasco; this isn’t a PG-13 rated column.) Flowers reproduce by spreading pollen through the spring air by the wind, animals and rain. That powdery, yellow substance that stains over outdoor furniture and car windows is responsible for many headaches, runny noses and countless trips to the doctor for many allergy-stricken people.

Ever since I was little, I have never really gotten to enjoy the spring season due to allergies. One day in sixth grade, my mother had enough of the perennial visits to the pediatrician and decided to take me to an allergist. The doctor ran some tests, and the results were not too fantastic. The results of my allergy test said that I was allergic to around 52 allergens. Luckily, none of them were foods or medications. Stuff like animals, trees, and grasses scattered the list. I am always going to have to deal with animals, but the trees and grasses were only seasonal allergies. Pollen and ragweed were two of the worst on the list, along with cats, which I have never been very fond of anyway. Of course the best season of them all- springwas the growing season for these enemies of mine. The best solution to cope with the problem was to get allergy shots, once a week for two years, then twice a week for a year, and the final two years once every month. I can now say I am now “sober” from allergy shots. After five years, I am cured of some sorts. During the time of my shots, spring was a constant struggle to enjoy the outdoors. Chronic headaches were a struggle at every outdoor event I attended. Nose sprays, pills, syrups and even vapor rubs couldn’t stop the eternal enemy from striking down immune system defenses and taking me as a seasonal prisoner. Spring 2012 is going to be a special one for me. This will be my first spring without having to constantly deal with the problem. My parents will probably have a hard time calling me in at dusk to go to bed. WARNING - to teachers who have the privilege of teaching the fine student who wrote this article: I will probably ask every day to have class outside. I intend to enjoy this spring as much as possible. Lots of after-school trips to the Riverfront Trail to ride bikes, many drives to Sonic and maybe even some weekend camping trips. For all of the allergy victims out there, I send my blessing. The spring is a war time for you and I wish the best during your battles against the Axis of Evil: pollen, ragweed and those darn cats.

comeback cards recharged for baseball season

Ben Holtmeyer

Outlet Staff Writer

“No Pujols, Tony La Russa or Dave Duncan? Oh my gosh, the Cardinals aren’t going to be nearly as good!” I can’t tell you how wrong that statement is. Others say, “Don’t they have that attractive guy David Freese?” It’s not my place to argue that subject, but to get on topic, the Cardinals are recharged. The “comeback” Cardinals made another comeback. The Cardinals continue to impress me. They continue to do the impossible and come back. Like Fox Sportscaster Joe Buck said, “They just won’t go away.” The team came back from the loss of Pujols. The front office could have faced a LeBron James II pandemic, but you know what - Cardinal fans put their foot down and sided with an organization that has brought the love of baseball, the nation’s pastime to a whole new level. The Cardinals signed Cardinal killer Carlos Beltran. Back in 2005 when the Cards battled the Astros for a World Series, Beltran had over a .400 batting average and matched every stat Albert Pujols put up. Heck, Beltran was so hot he golfed a pitch in the dirt for a 420 ft. bomb in that series. I'll never forget that. This guy is incredible. He has over a .300 batting average at Busch Stadium. Also, the Cardinals’ Adam Wainwright returns this year. If you hadn’t noticed, we won the World Series without our best pitcher. Who says we can’t do it without our best hitter this time around? We signed Beltran, whose stats have the potential to match Pujols’s. For the record, Pujols batted .299 this year, while Beltran batted .300-- just saying. Allen Craig also will see more at-bats to let his power come through, and Matt Holliday will see a longer season as well. I don’t think he could be on the disabled list more than he was last year. Hate to do this to all you David Freese lovers, but this season we need him to hit more than 10 homers. All of you “lovers” never said a word about him in the regular season. He’ll appreciate you even more if you’ll stick with him through thick and thin -- the regular season. Additionally, speedster Rafael Furcal comes back for a whole year. Ryan “The Riot” Theriot sure caused some riot at shortstop last year. Could he have committed any more errors there last year? Probably, and I’m glad I didn’t get to see them. Not only will the bullpen be good for the whole year, but the team is younger and new faces will get their shot at stardom this year. The Cardinals are recharged. There’s definitely no need for the Energizer Bunny-- whoops, I mean the Energizer Squirrel on the team this year! Can I hear a 12 in 12? Too bad Pujols won’t get to be a part of it! Who’s going to beat us in the lousy National League Central Division this year? Will it be the Prince-less Brewers? Can the Cubs, Astros or Pirates do it? OK, I’m sorry I included those teams. If you say the Reds, then maybe you’re right. Right now the division is basically two teams. As Joe Buck said after David Freese’s game six walk-off home run, “We’ll see you tomorrow night.” There’d better be a sportscaster saying that after every game this year; these Cardinals will be ready to play a “hard nine.”

The Outlet | 35

y ourself di o t

emma darling Outlet staff Writer

Newspaper Nails What you need: -light-colored nail polish -clear nail polish -10 strips of newspaper -rubbing alcohol

Steps: 1.)Paint your nails with the light color of your choice. Wait until they dry completely. 2.)Soak each finger for 5 seconds in the alcohol until the nail is wet. 3.)Press the newspaper firmly on your finger for 20-30 sec. 4.)Wait a few minutes before applying the clear coat.

Pinterestin g!

Pinterest has provided many people with the opportunity to get their creativity flowing. With ideas from pinterest, you can try some of these "do it yourself" projects and have the chance to let out your own creative side

Steps: 1.)Heat oven to 350F. In large bowl, beat butter, sugars, vanilla and eggs with electric mixer on medium speed or with spoon until light and fluffy. Mix in flour, baking soda and salt. Mix in chocolate chips and pecans. 2.)Measure dough using a medium cookie scoop (about 1.5 tablespoons) Roll into a ball and then flatten in the palms of your hands. 3.)Place a frozen Rolo in the centers of the flattened dough balls and form dough back into a ball around the Rolo. 4.)Place Rolo stuffed dough balls into the freezer for 15-20 minutes before baking. 5.)On cookie sheet lined with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat, place dough balls 2 inches apart. 6.)Bake 11 to 13 minutes or until light brown (centers will be soft). Cool 2 minutes; remove from cookie sheet to cooling rack.

Rolo Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookie

What you need: -1 1/2 cups unsalted butter; softened -1 cup granulated sugar -1 cup packed brown sugar -1 tablespoon vanilla -2 eggs -3 3/4 cup all-purpose flour -2 teaspoons baking soda -1 teaspoon kosher salt -2 cups semisweet chocolate chips -3/4 cup chopped pecans, optional -50 Rolos; frozen at least 2 hours

36 | The Outlet

Frame Organizer What you need: -designed paper -frameset -dry erase markers

Steps: 1.)Get any designed or colorful paper of your choice. (Scrapbook paper works best.) 2.)Get a frameset that would normally hold pictures. 3.)Cut paper to fit inside the frame and design it however you like. 4.)Use dry erase markers for memos and reminders.

Molten Chocolate Lava Cake Homemade Playdough What you need: -1/2 cup whipping cream -1 cup semisweet chocolate chips -1 box devil's food cake mix -Water, butter and eggs (called for on cake mix box) -Powdered sugar, if desired -Raspberries or sliced strawberries, if desired

Steps: 1.)In a small microwaveable bowl, microwave whipping cream and chocolate chips uncovered on High 30 to 60 seconds; stir until smooth. Refrigerate about 1 hour, stirring occasionally until thick. 2.)Heat oven to 350F (or 325F for dark or nonstick pans). Place paper baking cup in each of 18 large (2 3/4x1 1/4-inch) muffin cups. Make cake mix as directed on box, using water, butter and eggs. Place 1/4 cup batter in each muffin cup. Spoon 1 tablespoon cold chocolate mixture on top of batter in center of each cup. 3.)Bake 18 to 20 minutes or until top springs back when lightly touched. Cool 1 minute; carefully remove from muffin cups to cooling racks. Cool 5 minutes before serving. 4.)To serve, remove paper baking cup from each warm cupcake; place on individual dessert plate. Sprinkle each with powdered sugar; garnish with raspberries. To serve leftover cupcakes, rewarm by removing paper baking cups and microwaving on plate uncovered on High 10 to 15 seconds.

What you need: -1 cup flour -1/2 cup of water -1/2 cup salt -3 TBS oil -1 package of Kool-Aid (use the color of your choice)

Steps: 1.)Mix all ingredients together and cook over medium heat for a few minutes until dough forms the consistency you want. 2.)Remove from heat and cool. 3.)Keep in air-tight container, Refrigerate until used.

Sharpie Tye-Dye T-shirt What you need: -Pre-washed white or light-colored t-shirt (cotton takes color great) -Rubbing Alcohol -Liquid dropper -Small plastic cup -Rubber bands -Variety of colored sharpies (try to stay away from the dark colors like black and brown.) 1.)Choose a spot on the T-shirt to start. Put your cup in right side up and secure a rubber band around the cup rim holding the shirt tightly in place. 2.)Pick your colors and create a small design in the center of the stretched circle. Keep the designs around the size of a quarter because the alcohol will make the colors spread out a lot. Remember that complementary colors turn brown when they are mixed together 3.)Put a couple more dots and lines of color on the outer edges of the circle and add alcohol drops to them just before removing the rubber band. 4.)Blow on the area to speed the drying and make the colors mix and bleed together in an irregular circle design. The Outlet | 37

Finding Your Teacher Twin

15 26 37 48 Who is your inspiration? A. Coach DeGreeff B. Saint Martha C. Senor Chip Thompson D. My grandma E. My father


38 | The Outlet

What is your favorite animal? A. Lion B. Cow C. Dog D. Fish E. Polar Bear


William Stevison

Mostly E's:

Patty Russel

Mostly C's:

Manuella Schmitt

Barbara Steffens


Mostly D's:


Mostly B's:

A. Coach B. Priest C. Radio Moderator D. Accountant E. Teacher

What is your favorite sport? A. Basketball B. Hockey C. Skiing D. Golf E. Football

Dave Neier

What is your dream job?


Mostly A's:


What song best describes you? A. "One Shining Moment" by Luther Vandross B. "Dancing Queen" by Abba C. "Romeo and Juliet" by Dire Straits D. "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" by Pat Benatar E. "Easy Come Easy Go" by George Strait


What is your favorite color? A. Gold B. Red C. Purple D. Pink E. Blue


If you answered


What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? A. Caramel Praline Crunch B. Cherry Garcia C. Pistachio D. Chocolate E. Ted Drewes Heath Concrete


If you could be on any game show what would it be? A. Wheel of Fortune B. The Biggest Loser C. Survivor D. Price is Right E. Jeopardy

emma darling Outlet staff Writer

High school students don't realize how similar they are to their teachers they see every day. Take this quiz to figure out what common interestests you might share with a teacher.

S N O I T I T S R E P U S S SPORT michael Superstitions are rituals that players do before or during games to give themselves a menritter, tal edge or a bit of good luck. For example, Wade Outlet Staff Boggs, of the Boston Red Sox in the 1980s, would writer eat some sort of chicken before each game he played. During his 11 years in Boston he batted .346, which he attributed to his chicken diet. John Baumstark eats a Jimmy John’s sandwich before every pregame.

Emily Sisco “My shirt that I wear under my jersey has to match my headband.”

Coach Gildehaus

Evan Zeitzmann

“I have to wear the same clothes all season long. Gosh doggit, if I make the mistake of wearing shorts the first game, then I’m stuck with shorts all the way till we are playing in November.”

“The morning of each game day, I wake up, go straight to my mirror and look at myself, visualizing making an interception or a game-winning tackle.” Bryce Dolan has to make sure both of his shoelaces are tied “equally tight.”

Grant Eckelkamp “I like to read a little bit of the Bible before games. Get on God’s good side before starting.”

Girls’ Golf Team Elizabeth Gubbels “Before every event I cheer at, I drink a Sundrop.”

“It started freshman year when Whitney Swartz would bring nuts on the bus to golf tournaments as a snack. As the years went along, it’ became our good luck charm for Whitney to have her nuts.” The Outlet | 39

Students Say

“ iLi ke iPads”

Mackenzie struckhoff outlet staff writer Apples have taken on a new meaning for students at St. Francis Borgia Regional High School. First they were just a choice in the lunch line, but soon they will be a mandatory tool. Students have heard rumors about the change, but last semester, administrators made it official. Freshman Trey Johnson, along with many other students, received an iPad for his present from “St. Nick.” Johnson believes that it is helpful because everything is more accessible. He was very happy when he heard the news about the requirement. “It’s all at my fingertips,” Johnson said. “It (the iPad becoming mandatory) gave me an excuse to get one and my parents couldn’t say no.” Another freshman, Ryan Reuwer,

finds the iPad a lot slimmer and more convient compared to his old laptop. “A lot of the time, it is faster,” he said. Holly Swartz, freshman, had mixed emotions about the iPads being mandatory. “I was shocked at first,” said Swartz, “becuase they said it would be a year or two before we would officially have to get them.” Although she was shocked, Swartz said the iPad gives students more resources for help. Bethany Haskins, sophomore, is excited for the change. “I think it’s a good idea,” she noted. Other sophomores agreed. “I give (the iPad) two thumbs up,”

said Calvin Korba. Some students are new to this source of technology. Sophomore Kevin Birk said, “It will be a learning experience.” Junior Dean Wilson believes that the iPad is revolutionary. “People learn the best when they are excited about learning,” Wilson noted. “I feel the iPad is going to bring excitement into the classroom.“ Taylor Mentz, junior, thinks that although she will only have it for one year, she will find it useful for college. Jamie Monroe, junior, agreed and said that the iPad will “spice things up a bit!”

They Also Go

APE for A

One of the best extras iPads offer are the applications, more commonly known as “apps,” that owners can purchase or download for free. Students and teachers alike have been experimenting with the apps and discovering some cool ones students may be interested in trying. “Temple Run” is a popular app students are going on about. iPad owners are able to race down ancient temple walls and cliffs to collect coins. Some unknown apps are definitely catching students’ attention, too -- like Pinterest. Pinterest is a photo website that offers people to search the web and find unique, interesting little ideas that are inspirational and easy to do. Students can simply “pin” it on their own personal wall and allow people that follow them to see what interests them.

S For music apps, Pandora is a popular and free app that students are beginning to get insterested in. When students are stuck trying to find music they like, they go through a lot of work just to see if the song is worth their $1.29 on iTunes. Pandora is an Internet radio that finds music that matches anyone’s style-for free. Students search the artist, click “play” on the song to listen to, and then a playlist full of the artist that was searched for and other artists that have their style plays. Students will discover many more apps next year, when iPads cover desks in SFBRHS classes.

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