Architecture Portfolio 2018

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Architecture Portfolio

Borna Moinpour



Bachelor of Architecture

Azad University of Tehran Central Branch, Tehran, Iran

Borna Moinpour


May 11th, 1996

8028 Calvert Circle 94582 San Ramon, CA


DYBAN interna�onal, Tehran, Iran (Under supervision of Darab Diba) 2018




Conceptual Design and Presentaion in Architecture at Khatam University, Tehran, Iran

+1 (916) 477-3979


Interdiciplinary conceptual art workshop at Akasi magazine, Tehran, Iran (Under supervision of Esha Sadr)



Iran Na�onal Pavilion Rewind Play Fast Forward ١٥th Interna�onal Architecture Exhibi�on la Biennale di Venezia

bornamnpr borna moinpour

Junior Architect & Animator


Freelance Photographer Shahrat Magazine, Tehran, Iran

REFERENCES Darab Diba Architect, Managing director at DYBAN Interna�onal Architecture and Design Consultants, Tehran, Iran

Parisa Alimohammadi Architect, Managing director at Daya Studio, Tehran, Iran

SKILLS & INTERESTS -Architecture design -Anima�on -Film making -Concept design

-Art history -Photography -Pain�ng -Singing










Ms Office





from Neighbors project

DESIGN STUDIOS 1. Mirdamad Startup Accelerator - Thesis Professor: Darab Diba 2. A Social-housing Project - Design studio V Professor: Parisa Alimohammadi Design Team: Borna Moinpour, Sana Rastegar, Ghazal Mavahebi, Farzaneh Mardani 3. Buster Keaton’s Cinema Complex - Design studio III Professor: Darab Diba, Raham Ahmadian Design Team: Borna Moinpour & Bahar Khosravi 4. Punak Student Center - Design studio IV Professor: Juinet Rostami

COMPETITIONS COHEXISTENCE, The platform of floating ideas BaBH San Francisco Competition (Arquidias) Design Team: Borna Moinpour, Koosha Asadollahi, Parto Jahangiri

PERSONAL PROJECTS Neighbors (Video Art & Photography) TADAEX festival nominee

from Neighbors project

“Most people gaze neither into the past nor the future; They explore neither truth nor lies.

They gaze at the television.”


I was born and raised in Tehran, Iran. A city in which a deep longing for socializing is still detectable underneath the veil of ongoing oppressions. With only a few usable public spaces, people rather spend their time socializing on social media in their solitude; in their isolated cells of hopelessness. After traveling the world, I realized that this solitude is not limited to Tehran, but it exists at almost every other city that I visited. After four years of studying architecture at the university, I believe that architecture might be the solution to this loneliness. I’ve generally conceived my designs around the idea of social spaces where people can get out of their “grayness” and experience a more colorful life helping each other.

“Scan” or “Click” to watch the animation

M i r d a m a d


S t a r t u p

With the ever-growing number of startup companies, designing accelerators is an essential assignment. Placed at one of the most critical junctions of Tehran (Valiasr, among the most important commercial streets of Tehran and Mirdamad, the business district of the city), this startup accelerator is designed to help the starters grow their businesses into successful companies by providing them with flexible and creative workspaces. It is intended to be a controlled chaos; a city inside the city; a public space incorporating a series of interconnected terraces.

A c c e l e r a t o r

Each floor has a covered part as a formal work environment, which is then uncovered on the terraces, creating open and social workspaces to pop the bubble of introverted performance. The public can experience the building on three levels – The street yard, Entertainment level, and the roof-top open-air atrium. The street yard is a huge private yard placed two levels below the street, used for gathering, socializing and dining. In the end, the building is simply covered with a perforated façade, letting in natural light while keeping users’ privacy.

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The main concept that formed the design of the building came from a famous collaborative thinking strategy called “Divergent and Convergent thinking strategies” Divergent thinking typically occurs in a spontaneous, free-flowing manner, where many creative ideas are generated and evaluate Multiple possible solutions are explored in a short amount of time, and unexpected connections are drawn. After the process of divergent thinking has been completed, ideas and information are organized and structured using convergent thinking to decision making strategies are used leading to a single-best, or most often correct answer. The building is divided into 3 … parts; Startups; where divergent thinking is used, Entrepreneurs; where convergent thinking is used, and the Heart (think-tanks) which connects the first two parts together. Think-Tanks are startups’ beating heart thus the central part- the heart- of the building is designated to them; Designed as a heartshaped monumental element, the think-tank contains of three levels of creative spaces and connects the startups to the entrepreneurs in two levels. While the presence of … people is also considered in designing the building, an Entertainment part was also added to the program.

Three main concrete cores have been used as structural element, vertical access and sanitary. The Heart is self-supporting and connected to three levels via bridges. The dominant vertical access is provided via six elevators moving from parking up to the roof-top.

Ground Floor Plan

I created an event for my thesis defense session called “This is not a thesis defense” - as “This is not a pipe” by Rene Magritte- and posted the event’s poster on Instagram. Over sixty people attended the event including the university’s dean of architecture. That was the first time that students socialized in the corridors opening to the defense classroom, turning it into a hangout space. The presentation consisted of two animations, plus booklets introducing the project and a live-render walking tour of the project.

Through my work, I always have sought to regard presentation not as a minor task, but a fundamental component. This is especially noticeable in this project, as it was my last for the bachelor’s. Relocating our university campus from the city center to a lifeless new neighborhood had a profound effect on how they experienced their architectural education. Nobody had yet felt comfortable with the new building; a keen sense of “greyness” had filled the atmosphere.



“Scan” or “Click” to watch the animation

S o c i a l - h o u s i n g

P r o j e c t

Considering today’s approach in the architecture of a city like Tehran, with few public spaces and a sense of isolation in the peoples’ social lives, this social housing project is designed in ways to bring people out of their loneliness and help them experience more communications. The modular and stair-shaped design is inspired from Iran’s old villages like Masouleh which helps providing a communicative society.Units with ranches in their balconies are varied from 50 Sqm. To 500 Sqm.Due to lack of public spaces around the considered site, restaurants, shops and galleries are included in this complex.

C o n c e p t

D e s i g n

P r o c e s s

The growth of the vegetation brings privacy to newly added units.

M a i n

E l e m e n t

The columns used in the public areas are covered with a digital platform capable of transfering data such as alerts and even memories.

Communication Jane used to live here

The water tank is full

let’s welcome Jones family everyone!

Today’s weather is rainy

Comunity garden

Water storage tanks collecting rain water

Digital columns

Green module

1. Restaurant

2. Shops

4. Lobby

5. Conference hall

3. Gallery


5 2 2 1



Model made with plexiglass


B u s t e r K e a t o n ’ s C i n e m a C o m p l e x

“Scan” or “Click” to watch the animation

Simple, Innovative, picture-perfect! With vertically striped iron profiles covering the simple cubic mass, the 6 story cinema complex is designed as an art center focused on cinema. The design is based on Buster Keaton’s ideas of acting, story-telling and his own personality. Making eye-catching frames by utilizing the architectural elements in order to resemble the feeling of being in a film studio was one of the main concerns of this project. The complex and yet simple circulation on the inside, brings a sense of creativity and joy, making eyes move around and see new details each time. A 30 meters long ramp connects the entrance level to the second basement (where the over-sized exhibitions can be held) while an opening has been made by cutting the other floors to the top. Different types of movie theatres are created for this complex, from a large IMAX theatre and medium studios to family theatres or small individual sofa-cinemas! Also, an open-air theatre is placed on the top north of the building where small concerts and movie projections take place.

Designing Process

Conceptual Diagrams

1st Floor

Circulation Diagram

3rd Floor

Structure Diagram

P u n a k


S t u d e n t

C e n t e r

The aim of this project was to design a student center behind our university building in an abandoned plot. The student center is designed from 6 meters below the street level due to the height difference and there are paths taken into consideration for connecting the streets surrounding the center. The 6 buildings seem trying to grow out of the ground expressing the struggle that the students bear to achieve success these days in our university.

Dining & Enterntainment Restaurant Resting area Entertainment facilities

Main building Library Working space Studying area Media wall Dormitory

Galery Exhibition area Work-share area Gift shop

Accelerator Working area Conference hall

Theatre & open air theatre on roof

Administrations Working area Conference hall Dining area

UP -9.98






















CO We are surrounded by an ocean of floating ideas; ideas that might seem unachievable individually, but can become a reality once they have been developed in a group. San Francisco, a city with many start-ups growing every day, has the opportunity to make new successful enterprises and that’s conceivable by creating a dynamic platform for them to meet-up. “COHEXISTENCE” is a dynamic media center designed for people to gather and share their ideas together while it helps them free their minds, relaxing near the bay, watching the ocean. cohexistence is divided by 3 zones (Entertainment, Media & Knowledge) and is facilitated with a café, a library, a knowledge exchange area and an open air theatre with a water jet cinema screen. With its modular design, Cohexistence can be easily extended when needed. On the other hand, the modular design is very economical while the parts can be produced and get connected easily. Modules are varied from the big hexagon shaped cores that create the cafe and the library, to small triangles for stairs and to lozenge shaped idea tubes that float and can displace on water. Idea tubes are situated on the east side of the project where people can either ride them around individually or connect them via magnet and communicate in a larger clone. The tubes are made by recycled plastic and empowered via fluctuation of waves in energy absorbing units. BaBH San Francisco Competition Team Members: Koosha Mirasadollahi, Parto Jahani

N e i g h b o r s 15 min

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