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Have You Heard?
by BornFree
Thanks to your generosity, our 2022 Year of the Lion was a smash, raising nearly £420,000 for lion care and conservation. This includes £62,000 from our recent Saving Lions Together appeal, plus a further £101,900 from lion adoptions over the year. Visit bornfree.org.uk/blog for the full story.
The People Have Spoken
An independent poll, commissioned by Born Free, revealed at least 75% of the British public want the next UK government to phase out large animals in zoos (such as giraffes, elephants and lions), to tighten rules on exotic pets, help end cruel overseas activities and more. Read our full UK Manifesto Survey Report at bornfree.org.uk/publications

Killing For Kicks
With thousands of you taking a stand to support our campaign, UK MPs have voted to ban the import of elephants, lions, giraffes and other endangered animals’ body parts. The House of Lords will now rule on the Bill that would stop British hunters bringing sickening ‘trophies’ back to the UK and Born Free will do all we can to ensure it passes into law.

Every Cub Counts
Fantastic news from our homeland of Meru National Park in Kenya, where Elsa the lioness was returned to the wild. We named Elsa’s Pride in her honour so, imagine our joy when we recently spotted six new cubs. Kenya reports a 25% lion increase to over 2,500, since 2010 – the year our lion conservation work began there. With innovations including hundreds of reinforced bomas (livestock enclosures), flashing lights and eyes painted on cows, no wonder lions are on the up! See bornfree.org.uk to find out more.

Kenya has announced a 66% increase in black and white rhinos to 1,739 since 2014 – the year we began to support rhino conservation in the country. “Meru National Park is a vibrant and important breeding ground, home to 123 of these rare rhinos, which is 7% of Kenya’s total,” explains Newton Simiyu, Head of Saving Meru’s Giants. “We help Kenya Wildlife Service’s brave rangers keep them safe.”

One year on, the four servals, the lion youngster Simba and the four Lions of Lockdown are flourishing in their various sanctuary homes, thanks to you. Each rescued from the cruel wild pet trade or life in a circus, this time last year you changed their worlds and ‘took them home’. Visit bornfree.org.uk for full updates and to read the latest on our beautiful tiger Sandro, rescued TWO years ago.
Stop Online Abuse
It’s horrific but, images and videos showing deliberate cruelty to wild animals are easily accessible on social media, with little or no regulation. Born Free is calling on the UK Government to include animals in its proposed Online Safety Bill but, we need your support. Please write to the Secretary of State – visit our site to find out more.

Congrats to our dynamic London Marathon Run Wild squad for completing the world’s most famous road race and raising £30,000+ for wildlife, this April. See bornfree.org.uk for the full story of our 22 heroes and email info@bornfree.org.uk to run or help at next April’s race.

Innovative And Humane
Supporters, industry professionals and press joined Born Free and a panel of experts, both in person and online, to discuss a future Beyond Trophy Hunting, at London’s Royal Geographical Society, last December.

“If we are courageous, we can develop alternatives that deliver for people, conservation and nature,” said Will Travers. Visit bornfree.org.uk/trophy-hunting to watch a recording of the event and see Upcoming Events below.

Orphans In Need
From ten new brown bear orphans in Russia, to hedgehogs, badgers and foxes rescued in the UK, every animal deserves a life free from harm. With your support, the baby bears are now undergoing expert care to prepare for release, while we have donated funds and equipment to an astounding 38 UK-based rescue centres. Visit our website to find out more.

Upcoming Events 2023
We look forward to seeing you soon!
• Born Free Champions Lecture, inaugural event – in person or online, Wed 31st May, Hambros Bank, London (see page 15)
• Beyond... annual discussion, November, Royal Geographical Society, London Find out more at bornfree.org.uk/events
As Born Free’s Head of Conservation, as a nature lover, a mother and aunt, and as someone living on this earth, with your support I will do everything I can to help curb climate change and safeguard our futures.

A global average temperature increase of 1.5°C* is likely locked in. As carbon emissions continue to rise, it may be just a matter of time before we reach 2°C (more like 7°C on land). Breaching 2°C could set us on an inescapable path towards tipping points in key global systems, like Arctic melt and Amazon rainforest ‘savannisation’. These runaway processes can lead to feedback loops, vicious circles compounding all climate-related impacts, and ultimately rendering vast swathes of the world’s land –where billions of people currently live – uninhabitable.
Conservation is key
A global assessment of the state of nature, published in 2022**, revealed wildlife has declined by an average 69% since 1970. Today, one million species are threatened with extinction. This is shocking but, does not consider the rapidly escalating effects of climate change which above 2°C, may become the greatest threat to biodiversity. Animals which can, may move to higher, cooler altitudes as a temporary adaptation to dangerous levels of heat – known as the ‘escalatorto-extinction’. Ultimately, the impact on wildlife could be catastrophic, with significant extinctions probable in the majority of ecosystems.
The climate crisis cannot be unmeshed from the biodiversity crisis – the causes and impacts are interlinked. So, fortunately, are the solutions.