3 minute read
Big Bone 1%er-”So Here’s The Deal


So it’s safe to assume that anyone reading this is probably just as biased as I am when it comes to this motorcycle stuff. We like the look of the bikes. We like the loud noise that they make. Hell, some of us even like the smell of the Damned exhaust. There’s also a ton of different bikes that people ride. Did you ever wonder what started this whole International two wheeled obsession?
And the other thing is there are many different types of people that ride motorcycles. I mean some folks are the socalled Weekend Warriors that take the bike out of the garage every once in awhile. Then you got those folks that go through withdrawals as if they were trying to kick heroin if they go too long without riding. You have your club members like the Hog Riders and other riding clubs. Then needless to say you have those hardcore tattooed serious looking biker types that remind you of every episode of Sons of Anarchy that you may have ever seen. Ever wonder about those folks? Well me neither but since I am basically a Walkin’ Talkin’ Biker Historian Encyclopedia, I’m going to tell you all about it. Now just so we are clear AN ENCYCLOPEDIA is a book that you can read that tells you all kinds of different stuff on lots of different subjects. A BOOK is this thing with paper in it that people have words written that you can read, this came out before Google. GOOGLE is something that kids used to cheat on test in school but let’s not get off the subject here...
So here’s the deal... About 5,000 years ago the coolest people at the time, mostly African Warriors; used to ride around on chariots pulled by horses. We’re talkin’ about a nice chassis, two wheels, great rims and some horsepower with some great Weaponry thrown in just to make sure you could get the job done. This Chariot stuff went on for about 4,000 more years until some of these Africans archers and nomadic Asian Warriors started mounting their steeds and riding horseback. This horseback riding trend spread throughout the world and became rather commonplace all the way to the early 1900s. By the time WWI got started the horses were freaking over it! The horses all went on strike and quit. So America was forced to invent the Harley-Davidson for its military. Our American Service men started digging the two wheel therapy and never looked back. Following WWI we had Americans fighting in WWII, Korea, Vietnam and most recently the ongoing conflicts throughout the Middle East. The thing about war all of these wars is that it produces thousands of broken men that didn’t exactly fit in anymore. +++Broken, damaged, Misfits trying to find a home. So if you are a Marines, Soldier, Sailor or Airmen returning to the United States how do you find the camaraderie of your Brothers that you found during wartime? These Misfits somehow found each other and bonded over their Love for the motorcycles that they often used or saw in use during their time in the service. Forming the first motorcycle clubs was a rather natural progression for these men. Now we had a Home made up of like minded, motorcycle enthusiast and Brothers in Arms.
I am Big Bone 1%er. I am a Marine. a Biker, a 1%er, a Outcast, a misfit, a Father, a Brother and now I am a contributor to Born to Ride TV /Magazine / Radio that has found a place to fit in. Mine is just one of the many stories of how this particular Biker came to be. So I’ll be sharing my two cents worth every now and again. Got something to say to Big Bone 1%er? Let Us Know Your Thoughts: info@BornToRide.com “I am Big Bone 1%er. I am a Marine. I am a biker, an Outcast, a misfit, a father, brother and now I am a contributor to Born To Ride”
Big Bone 1%er BTR 28 | BORNTORIDE.COM