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Letterfly Book Review
In case you haven’t seen the memo, ‘lifted trucks are the new black’. Long gone are the days that pick ups were only thought to be driven by farm hands, cowboys and construction workers. Lifted Trucks are as mainstream and American as ‘baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and chevrolet’ and we know just the man to help you get that ‘oh so perfect’ ride height for your cargo crawler. Meet Jeremy Breher of Fidelis Automotive. Jeremy Braer has the confidence and the skill set to get things done quickly, effectively and correctly when it comes to not only lifting trucks, but with almost all things automotive. This is a mindset he brought with him after he served from 2007 to 2011 w the U.S. Marine Corps. After serving his tour of duty in Afghanistan, he came to a crossroads in life - Should he stay in the Marine Corps, or as another option, go back to school, get his degree and reenlist as an officer? He came to the conclusion that he could accomplish more for himself, and his country, by going back to school. Being the go getter that Jeremy is, while attending school in 2012, he started Fidelity Automotive Services of Tampa. Through 2015 Jeremy ’burned the candle at both ends’ by attending school and running a business. His business became so successful that he decided to not reenlist and pursue a full time career in the automotive industry. In 2017, Jeremy started Fidelis Automotive in the heart of Brandon, Florida and he hasn’t looked back.
In the time span between 2017 and 2021 Jeremy and his capable crew at Fidelis Automotive have garnered quite a reputation for getting things done,quickly and correctly. They are able to tackle just about any issue from wheels to wiring on any make and model of vehicle, foriegn and domestic. In the last couple years though, Fidelis Automotive has become the ‘go to place’ to get that pick up truck lifted to just about any height, in any manner that suits your particular taste. His specialized team has been in the ‘lifting’ game for many years. They are known to be the best in the business, and though it’s not about ‘speed’, they can typically get the job done in half the time of their competitors. Just as he once was as a Marine, Jeremy takes pride in himself, his team, his business and has the confidence in getting the mission done correctly for his client and customers.


: Hurled Through HavoC
Speedy: Hurled Through Havoc
by Dave Letterfly Knoderer
Reviewed by Rabia Tanveer
Speedy: Hurled Through Havoc by Dave
“Letterfly” Knoderer is the author’s story of leaving everything behind in pursuit of passion and dreams. Not many dare to chase after their dreams and passions,
but this author did. Dave grew up in a normal family with not much, but enough to live a satisfying life. However, he always craved more.
From a very early age, Dave was obsessed with circus and art and he developed a passion for art early on. So, with the help of the most important people in his life, Dave packed his bags and started his journey toward his dreams. Becoming a successful artist was no joke, and Dave faced some immense challenges that almost broke him during some parts of his life. However, he powered through them to reach his dreams with great personal pride.
The whole focus of this book is the pursuit of passion. While chasing happiness, finding family, love, and facing hardships, are an all-important part of our lives, it would all be for nothing if we didn’t have a goal. Dave “Letterfly” Knoderer had that goal, and he went after it with single-mindedness. The narrative is simple and easy to follow, perhaps because of the author’s similar approach to life. However, don’t take the simplicity of the narrative as the only selling point of this book. The author teaches some valuable life lessons with his simple, yet very encouraging story.
It takes a lot of courage to leave comfort and safety behind, but it takes even more courage to keep following a dream when you don’t even have enough money to live on. The firstperson narrative style made this story personal. It felt like I was listening to the author talk about his life. Encouraging and uplifting!
Speedy: Hurled Through Havoc would be a great book to share with people who feel unsure about their future and who might need a little help to keep their chin up.
— Rabia Tanveer
This on the road memoire reveals the surprise twists and turns of an interesting life that ultimately led to love. As the future without the circus unfolded, the author evolved into the premier producer of airbrushed murals, gold leaf monograms and delicate hand-painted inscriptions on motorhomes using the skills learned on the show business trail.
Today, “Letterfly” is a renowned motorcycle pinstripe artist, speaker, and spiritual seeker in the modern world of gigabytes, impulsive distractions, and emerging societal insanity.

What if the road is just a portal through which a young creative mind finds his true-life purpose? What makes a young man abandon everything to head out on the highway? Using the road as a metaphor, the author reveals reflections, discoveries, and notions of an interesting life that took off like a rocket when he followed that inner urging and hit the road. — Born To Ride