7 minute read
Christian Motorcycle Association


Happy love bug season, my BTR friends. It’s a good time to be sportin’ a windscreen. If you ride the kind of scoot that’s too cool for one, then you should be wearing a mask or full face helmet. It will keep you from having those pesky, mating, flying insects between your teeth, or worse, up your nose. Also consider yourself lucky riding in Florida ‘cuz from Georgia northward, they’ve got to put up with bigger swarms of cicadas, Japanese beetles, and other flying June bugs. All of which aren’t very tasty and can really sting when hitting you in the head, chest and neck at 50+ mph. Mike breaks in, “Yeah, Spyke. I remember the good ol’ days. Back when the Fat Bird was just a dream in an artists’ mind and you were just learning how to ride. I would cruise around on a Fat Boy with you on my shoulder and me with only sunglasses on. By the end of the ride, I was scraping bugs from my teeth and forehead, then wiping off your beak and chest feathers. Now the third genration scoot or Fat Bird 3 sits in the garage waiting patiently for me to heal. Unlike you, who is very impatient and has been out riding with several friends, I refuse to ride bitch behind anybody who will have you on their shoulder. I guess I’m just too hardcore old school. But, maybe someday…” I cackle, “Yeah, Mike, your 1980s mindset is ancient history. You need to break out of that mold. I will give you credit; you do still get me in the wind. Sometimes on four wheels, sometimes just where the sand meets the surf. But in any case, you’re not keeping me cooped up at home watching you do laps in the pool rehabbing that leg or worse yet, making me stare at a mirror and say, ‘hello’ and ‘pretty bird.’” Mike babbles, “No, Spyke, a part of my therapy is being part of the waves and pushing parts in the sand. I find pleasure in getting your wings on the water as well as above it and you really seem to be enjoying yourself. Of course it’s never all fun and games. Sometimes a flock of seagulls show up and think that you’re invading their territory. They like to fly just overhead and cackle at you. Every now and then one
swoops in for a closer scare. But I watch you just turn and squawk back, telling them who’s boss. Then there are the Ken and Karen types who try lecturing me. They think I’m doing you harm by making you fly over the gulf or enjoy your boogie board in the surf.”
I squawk, “Dude, I really do love it and savor watching you and Cherry stick up for me, brushing them off like love bugs. There is that 1%er out there who doesn’t realize that I’m just a human trapped in a bird’s body, trying to enjoy life, getting a nut and making people smile as best as I can whether it be in the surf or on the scoot.”

“Speaking of old school and making people smile,” Spyke goes on, “Ron just sent me mail by pigeon carrier saying that I’m going to be the Grand Marshal of Rob and your biker rodeo games at the Great American Motofest on Saturday July 24th in Plant City. I remember back in the day riding to the Easyriders Rodeos up north where you would participate in the barrel racing, sled pull and slow race. For the Motofest, Rob’s adding mini-bike races, weenie bite, balloon toss, and outhouse drag racing. It’s going to be old school shenanigans meets new school BTR event and I get to oversee it.” “I’m looking forward to plopping my feathered ass on some friends’ shoulders and taking laps around the track,” Spyke fluffs up his feathers with pride. “For a few, it’ll be 15 minutes of fame and glory while cohorts snap Kodak moments and capture memories that will last a lifetime.”
Mike babbles, “Yes, it’s always a memorable phenomenon when we show up. I look forward to making your fans smile, even if they can’t take you for a ride with just a picture or two. Right now though, it’s time to get my knees under the keys, your wings on the windowsill of the truck and its wheels rolling down the road. Surf’s up, my little buddy, and the beach is calling us.”

In spite of what you many think, Hwy 44 in Citrus County near Crystal River, Florida, has not in recent years become an unsanctioned race track. When I was working I used to travel Hwy 44 twice a day and more often on weekends. When my wife and I first noticed the change in how many people were proclaiming themselves as the “King of the Road,” we were shocked. I’ve seen NASCAR races where the drivers were safer and more considerate of others. As unnerving as this situation is, it is vastly multiplied when you are on a bike. One maneuver made in the chaos, and usually without using a turn signal, is when someone makes a right hand turn from the left hand lane. It has been mind-numbing to see this happen during heavy traffic, and without regard to how many lanes of bumper-to-bumper cars are present. Another favorite challenge is when you stop at a light, sitting on a full dressed hog with multiple extra lights. The monster truck that just pulled in behind you, almost touching the bike’s running lights, is so close you can see the truck’s nuts and bolts under the truck’s carriage. If you try rolling forward a few feet to get some space, the person behind you pulls right back almost on top of your ride. The last problem occurs when traffic is staggered, or when a bike ride of fifteen to twenty riders is in formation, and along comes someone who just can’t be patient or safe. That rider is splitting lanes, with mere inches to spare, and manages not to hit a car or another bike, causing a number of drivers to slam on their brakes to avoid having an accident. Unfortunately, such rude riding reflects on all bikers, it gives all of us a bad name. Yes, I know what your initial reaction might be, and it isn’t always pretty. I’ve been there, I’ve blocked lane splitters just to force them to slow down, but that is wrong. You may find yourself thinking negative thoughts and letting a stranger control your attitude as they carry on down the road. Here’s a thought, forgive them. It is harder to do than you think, but you regain control over your day. So just ease off the throttle and let that dangerous hotrodder disappear into the sunset. In the Bible, in Luke 23:34 it says, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.” The religious leaders and soldiers of that day had no concept of what they were doing, but Jesus forgave them anyway. When we see in the Bible that Jesus took on our sin and forgave us, and even forgave those actively persecuting Him, they didn’t know what they were doing Just like the dangerous riders in traffic on Highway 44, they had no realistic concept of the harm they create. Forgive them anyway! If you need forgiveness and hope, ask Jesus, He’ll forgive you anyway.