3 minute read
Rome Bike Fest
A Biker Helping Bikers
I’m gonna continue the story from last month’s issue about Chris and Tracy. The stories you are gonna read today and in future issues are true and only the names were changed to protect the innocent just like that TV show Dragnet from the late 1960’s.
As we learned last month, Tracy discovered she could maximize her social security benefits and receive and extra 21,600 per year FROM MY FREE ADVICE. This extra income is of course used to take additional motorcycle trips.
On one such trip, they headed north, riding in Northern Georgia through the Blue Ridge Mountains. They met JD and Sara in a restaurant. The two couples had much in common since they both rode in on motorcycles. Chris and Tracy were headed to the famous Tail of the Dragon in Deals Gap, North Carolina. JD and Sara said they had been there before, and you need to be careful of THE SEQUENCE OF TURNS. There are 318 turns, to be exact.
Chris and Tracy laughed and told them I had been talking to them about the SEQUENCE OF RETURNS in their retirement plan and how important it is to have your retirement money in safe money accounts, not the Wall Street casino.
JD and Sara wanted an explanation of that since they were living off retirement from a 401k plan. So, they shared the story of another couple Bill and Jill who both retired with the exact same amount of money.
Bill retired in 1996. Jill retired three years later in 1999. Both withdrew the same amount per year, increasing it by 3% each year to account for inflation. When Bill retired, he had four years of market growth prior to a Bear Market. Jill only had one year of retirement prior to the Bear Market. Although they had both saved the same amount and had a common strategy, their different SEQUENCE OF RETURNS had a dramatic impact on their retirement savings.
In fact, at the end of 20 years, Bill had almost twice as much money in his account and Jill was almost all out of money. This example is using the S&P 500*Index annual returns from 1996 to 2020. TIMING IS EVERYTHING. Market volatility may pose major challenges when withdrawing money from retirement assets. Withdrawals during market downturns in retirement could create a domino effect with no time to recoup those losses.
Trying to understand all retirement roadblocks out there can be very confusing. Kinda like learning to speak Mandarin Chinese. This is why calling my office to schedule a 15-minute phone call on this or other insurance and financial subjects is so critical!
As you know, bikers are a very charitable people, giving back to the community in many meaningful ways. I’m of course a fellow biker as well, and that is why with the help of many generous people, we are offering The Mission: ONE Million books absolutely free to Born To Ride readers.
Myself and other financial experts, have watched too many people’s lives crash because they were not financially
prepared. Go to my website now www.healthinsurance65.com or call 833-467-2865 and get your Mission One Million book now. The book is for anyone wanting to get out of debt, build wealth, and create financial independence. The book retails for $24.95 but I bought your copy for you. That’s right, the book is FREE to Born To Ride readers. Bikers helping bikers, that’s what it’s all about!