4 minute read
Nefarious James
It’s hard to believe that we are already in the year 2023. Seems like 2022 was just a blur. Now that we’re starting off our new year, I try to look forward to it with a positive outlook. That statement alone is very difficult for me to look at and not laugh at myself. But we must look at the future in a positive light with hope and understanding. I’m guessing the understanding part comes in by coming to the realization that we need to look more carefully when we decide on the leadership of our government, and in the choices and decisions that we make in our daily lives. I know this past year has been rough for a lot of us, and many have struggled just to get by. We are a direct result of our environment and those we choose to surround ourselves with. I believe one of the secrets to success are to surround yourself with genuinely good and positive influences. I’m saying the real deal types not the ones that spend their efforts telling you how good they are. It’s a quality over quantity type of thing. Would you rather have one really good road trip or six crappy ones? I’ll take the good one please. Don’t be influenced by all the negativity of others. Odds are that those type of people get off on watching others fail just to try to convince themselves they are better than someone else. Only you can control if you’re going to be happy or not. Now I realize some of you will say, “Nefarious, I try to be happy but all this s**t keeps putting me down.” I get it. It can be just as simple as changing where you go, who you hang out with or just how you look at things. Been there, done that. Making those changes can be very difficult and also be lonely. You may even feel isolated. Well, I’m going to tell you, there are thousands of others out there that have taken the steps to improve their position. Keep some of these things in mind when you get frustrated with your routine. “My job sucks.” Does it? You may love the work you do and feel pride in your accomplishments. Maybe it’s just a crappy boss that’s botherin’ you. Another saying goes, “there is no such thing as a sh*tty job, just sh*tty management.” There’s a lot of validity in that. “I can’t seem to find someone to spend my time with and enjoy my life.” Where did you meet them? What do you really know about them? Hard to believe this but I met my soulmate by accident and after two weeks of dating, and married her. We lasted 24 years together. I, of course, screwed that up and I own my part in it but the thing I realize now is just don’t look for that person. If it’s meant to be it will happen. You also have to love yourself before you can love anyone else. Adding someone to your life in hopes that it will fix your problems is a short-term solution. There’s more to life than your job. I like to try and refer to, “Play when you can, work when you have to.” It could save your sanity. Could be as easy as getting on your bike and getting out into the fresh air. Treat others how you want to be treated. It may not be returned to you by others, but there’s no need to drag yourself down to a lower level.
“But Nefarious, I had a loss of someone very close to me. I feel lost.” Anyone that has followed me for any time knows I’ve been through this myself. Turned my world upside down. I hate to say this but regardless of what people may say, you won’t get over it. It may even haunt you. It’s up to you to learn how to process that loss and find a way to accept it. I watched an interview of Keanu Reeves and the host asked him, “What do you think happens when you die?” His response was spot on. Keanu responded, “I believe after you die, the ones that loved you will miss you.” I couldn’t have said that any better than that. It’s a fact.
Always think about how you respond to things and act when responding to them before doing so. You know, the look before you leap angle. Remember, you can never completely erase something you’ve said or done. Sometimes nothing said is a more powerful response than any words can express. Stupid is as stupid does. Selfexplanatory. And one last bit going into the new year. There is a difference between an accident and an incident. Drinking and riding can lead to an incident. You don’t accidentally drink, then ride. Remember that.
Use your brains. They can make you happy. In a time when smart phones get smarter and the ones using them get dumber, we should try and put that in perspective. Don’t be lazy. Think for yourself. Think of your legacy and plant the seeds for the next generation. Humanity may be counting on you. That’s a hell of a thought, isn’t it? Ride safe and be responsible. Own your own actions and be proud. Keep your word and be careful who you give it to. Once it’s broken, it’s almost impossible to repair. It’s the only true thing you have that can’t be taken away. Only you can give it to someone of your own free will. I wish all of you a safe, happy, and prosperous year to come. See you out there.