2 minute read

Have you ever said “if only”?
“If only I had done this”, “if only I had said that”, “if only I had gone this way or left earlier”. We all make mistakes, and sometimes those mistakes result in consequences. Whether on the motorcycle or in our home life, we look back and think about how the past could have been different. It is easy to question those “if only” moments and play out a new path in our mind.
I recently had an “if only” moment: I was in a bike crash with a car. I was in heavy traffic, following a little too closely to the car in front of me, when they spiked their brakes. Although I walked away with only a broken rib and damage to the front end of my bike, I keep replaying the entire scenario in my mind wondering “if only”. I know I have to get back on the bike and I know these thoughts can take away my peace. So, what can help me move past these “if only” thoughts?
There was a song written in 1897 you may recognize and remember the melody to:

When upon life billows you are tempest tossed,
When you are discouraged thinking all is lost.
Count your many blessings every doubt will fly, And you will be singing as the days go by.
Count your blessings, name them one by one.
Count your blessings, see what God has done.
Do you see where our focus should be in troubled times? In the Bible it says: 1Th 5:18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
It is easy to forget to focus on the good things in the midst of our “if only” moments. I, for one, am thankful for the many blessings that came from the bike accident. You see, we are free to choose how we react to each circumstance in our life. Our choice to react positively and give God thanks in our circumstances will allow each of us to learn, mature, and grow from them. Our CMA biker community is a group full of people who want to encourage you through these moments, so let us surround ourselves with people who will help us count our blessings.
Teach’s Takeaway,
- God is good and He is your answer.
- When you can be thankful, the problems will grow smaller.
- Our focus on God’s blessings will get us through the “if only” moments we face.
- Try naming your blessings one by one; it will help you see them more clearly.
As I count my many blessings during this time, I regain the peace that was lost. I am still working though the consequences of what happened but am thankful for the lessons I am learning in the process. Ride on.
Fellow Soldier in Christ, Wayne (Teach) Masiker Christian Motorcyclists Association wayne.masiker@att.net