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I ease into the right lane and pass through the entrance at the gates. I have been here many times. It’s very familiar to me. One day it may be the only proof that I was ever on this earth and existed at all. I may just be a cloud of dust thrown to the wind to no longer have a presence at all.
I put the kickstand down, shut off my sled, throw my leg over, and search for what I was looking for. I have passed too many familiar names along my journey, many familiar to me.
Everything looks the same as the last time I was here except for the memories of others left behind. I finally find what I am looking for. My mind is set on why I had come here. I look down before me and gaze upon the grave markers of my grandparents, Mac and Olga. Both answered the call of service when the freedom bell rang, and the world once more went to war. I look around at the thousands of markers around me of those that answered the call to service for this great nation.
I feel great pride and deep sadness at the same time. Great pride for those who stood to defend freedom and help develop and protect a great nation. The vast number of those no longer with us who rest before me is a testament to the selflessness and patriotism of our citizens. They took their oath, pledged their allegiance, and did what was needed when it needed to be done. Not just one generation lies within these grounds, but many all around this nation. Some baring the same family name. Men and women who gave everything and others that gave it all. Sadly, their numbers increase every day. I’ve carried many caskets in my life for those of them who were forgotten by many. But not by all. There are many others that have done the same as I. I am grateful to those being carried and those doing the carrying and standing for them. As I look at their markers, I can’t help but feel them glaring at me. while leaving a decorated Marine to rot in a foreign prison. We send pallets of cash to one of our biggest enemies without the approval of the American people, and no one is held accountable. Our borders are being invaded, and the rule of law and sovereignty of the United States is at risk. The dollar is collapsing; other countries laugh at us internationally, and criminals run rampant. There are plenty of programs for illegals while veterans are homeless. A country that will have a gay pride week, black history month, etc., but our veterans only get one day. We live in a time when being a hero is if you come out of the closet, and it’s celebrated. Meanwhile, the heroes before me and the others still with us go unremembered.
Demanding to know what’s becoming of our great nation. Demanding to know why I, and many like me, have allowed this. Once, we had great strength and took care of each other. When countries were overrun by communism and corruption or threatened by tyrants, they looked at America as a beacon of hope that if they persevered, their country could be as great as America.
I feel their gaze, and they ask me, “Did we die for nothing? Did we give everything, including our lives, for this?” To have our country torn to bits and have hundreds of years and thousands of lives sacrificed for what we see now?
I know how I feel. I’m f**king outraged. Start holding those accountable. Actions speak louder than just words. Enough is enough. Don’t turn your back on all these veterans. (Past, present, and future). It’s up to us, America. It’s obvious that we face the greatest enemy we have ever faced. The enemy within.
We exist in a time when we negotiate with terrorists and arm our enemies. We trade a criminal anti-American basketball player for an international arms dealer
And veterans, along with active service, remember your oath. Enemies, both foreign and DOMESTIC. I hope the America they all dreamed of survives.
— Nefarious James American Patriot