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Fill a box with special things to make someone's day

A cardboard box looks very unassuming but filled with special goodies it can make anyoneʼs day.

projects and styling CARIN SMITH photos ED OʼRILEY



Kids are very resilient and brave, but no one likes a stay in hospital, especially if your mom and dad canʼt be with you. Here are a few things you can include in your donation box for a child in need in hospital:

3 A soft blanket that gives them something safe and comforting to cling to. 3 A stuffed toy, something to snuggle up with when they feel vulnerable and alone. 3 Things to draw or colour with. Keep them occupied and distracted by appealing to their creative side. 3 Games to play with other kids in the ward. 3 Things to build. 3 Books to read. 3 Snacks to eat. 3 Colouring-in books. 3 Bubbles (make sure these are non-toxic).

IDEA: Transform a plain cardboard box into a house by cutting two house shapes from cardboard according to the size of the box. Glue one to the front of the box and the other to the back. Fold a piece of cardboard in the shape of a roof and glue it to the top of the house. Paint the front and back with chalkboard paint, and your box becomes part of the entertainment and an extra thing for the child to draw on.


For whatever reason a woman (or teenage girl) needs help, she will appreciate a gift box like this. Here are a few suggestions for things you can pack in the box:

3 Make-up and make-up brushes: It might seem frivolous but itʼs a nice spoil and she might need make-up when she goes for a job interview. 3 Bras and panties. 3 Toiletries (haircare products, shower gel or soap, deodorant, body lotion) 3 Nail file. 3 Tissues. 3 Wet wipes. 3 Feminine hygiene products. 3 Slippers. 3 Facecloth. 3 Comb. 3 Fragrant candle. 3 Journal or notebook and pen.

IDEA: Turn your box into a personalised mobile dressing table by adding a mirror to the inside of the lid.


When gathering items for the less fortunate, think of things that wonʼt perish easily, are prepacked, and can have multiple uses.

3 Sugar, coffee, tea, coffee creamer. 3 Toiletries: toothpaste, pack of toothbrushes, soap and a container, cloth, small towel, deodorant, shampoo, comb, wet wipes. 3 Rice, flour, maize meal, pasta. 3 Snacks like nuts and raisins. 3 Easy-open canned goods. 3 Candles, matches, batteries. 3 Resealable plastic bags to keep things fresh in. 3 Socks. 3 Gift card for a grocery store. 3 First aid kit with plasters and antiseptic cream.

IDEA: Package your items in a reusable cardboard box or in a watertight plastic container with a lid.

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